blob: 47c48c18b7e68c91332e8fcd24b5f33397b33852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.ethertap;
using zx;
using fuchsia.hardware.ethernet;
/// Enables tracing of the ethertap device itself.
const uint32 OPT_TRACE = 0x00000001;
/// Enables tracing of individual packets.
const uint32 OPT_TRACE_PACKETS = 0x00000002;
/// Report EthernetImplSetParam() over EthertapController, and return success from
/// EthernetImplSetParam(). If this option is not set, EthernetImplSetParam() will return
const uint32 OPT_REPORT_PARAM = 0x00000004;
/// Starts ethertap device with link online.
const uint32 OPT_ONLINE = 0x00000008;
/// Maximum MTU supported by ethertap driver.
const uint32 MAX_MTU = 2000;
/// Maximum size of trailing data on params report.
const uint32 MAX_PARAM_DATA = 64;
/// Maximum length of tap device name.
const uint32 MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 30;
/// Configuration of an ethertap device.
struct Config {
/// Ethertap options, a bit mask of OPT_* constants.
uint32 options;
/// Features that will be reported to Ethernet protocol.
uint32 features;
/// Ethertap device mtu. If a value greater than MAX_MTU is provided, creating an ethertap
/// device will fail.
uint32 mtu;
/// MAC address to report.
fuchsia.hardware.ethernet.MacAddress mac;
/// Provides control over the created tap device. The lifetime of the device itself is tied to the
/// channel over which this protocol is served, closing a `TapDevice` channel will trigger the
/// destruction and deallocation of the underlying tap device.
[Layout = "Simple"]
protocol TapDevice {
/// Writes data to the tap device. If device is offline, data will just be discarded.
WriteFrame(vector<uint8>:MAX_MTU data);
/// Triggered when data is sent on this tap device.
// TODO(brunodalbo) consider adding flow control mechanisms for the data passing.
-> OnFrame(vector<uint8>:MAX_MTU data);
/// Sets online status of ethertap device.
SetOnline(bool online);
/// If `OPT_REPORT_PARAM` is set on `options`, calls to EthernetImplcSetParam will be routed to
/// this event, containing the set parameters request arguments.
-> OnReportParams(uint32 param, int32 value, vector<uint8>:MAX_PARAM_DATA? data);
/// Ethertap driver interface.
[Layout = "Simple"]
protocol TapControl {
/// Opens a named device with given `name` and `config`.
/// `name` is only used for debugging purposes.
/// If `config` is not valid or the tap device could not be created, an error status is returned
/// and no `device` is created.
OpenDevice(string:MAX_NAME_LENGTH name, Config config, request<TapDevice> device) -> (zx.status s);