blob: dcadee349266c858bd61dd021a1bda925ee2c08d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
completion::Completer, error::ReadlineError, highlight::Highlighter, hint::Hinter, Helper,
borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed, Owned},
use crate::State;
/// Macro to generate a command enum and its impl.
macro_rules! gen_commands {
($name:ident {
$($variant:ident = ($val:expr, [$($arg:expr),*], $help:expr)),*,
}) => {
/// Enum of all possible commands
pub enum $name {
impl $name {
/// Returns a list of the string representations of all variants
pub fn variants() -> Vec<String> {
let mut variants = Vec::new();
pub fn arguments(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$name::$variant => concat!($("<", $arg, "> ",)*)
/// Help string for a given variant. The format is "command <arg>.. -- help message"
pub fn cmd_help(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$name::$variant => concat!($val, " ", $("<", $arg, "> ",)* "-- ", $help)
/// Multiline help string for `$name` including usage of all variants.
pub fn help_msg() -> &'static str {
concat!("Commands:\n", $(
"\t", $val, " ", $("<", $arg, "> ",)* "-- ", $help, "\n"
impl fmt::Display for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
$($name::$variant => write!(f, $val)),* ,
impl FromStr for $name {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<$name, ()> {
match s {
$($val => Ok($name::$variant)),* ,
_ => Err(()),
// `Cmd` is the declarative specification of all commands that bt-cli accepts.
gen_commands! {
Cmd {
Connect = ("connect", ["id|addr"], "connect to a remote device"),
ActiveAdapter = ("adapter", [], "Show the Active Adapter"),
SetActiveAdapter = ("set-adapter", ["id"], "Set the Active Adapter"),
SetAdapterName = ("set-local-name", ["name"], "Set the name of the Active Adapter"),
SetAdapterDeviceClass = ("set-device-class", ["Major Class", "Minor Class", "Service Classes..."], "Set the device class of the Active Adapter"),
GetAdapters = ("list-adapters", [], "Show all known bluetooth adapters"),
GetDevices = ("list-devices", [], "Show all known remote devices"),
GetDevice = ("device", ["id|addr"], "Show details for a known remote device"),
StartDiscovery = ("start-discovery", [], "Start Discovery"),
StopDiscovery = ("stop-discovery", [], "Stop Discovery"),
Discoverable = ("discoverable", [], "Set this device to be discoverable"),
NotDiscoverable = ("not-discoverable", [], "Revoke device discoverability"),
Help = ("help", [], "This message"),
Exit = ("exit", [], "Close REPL"),
Quit = ("quit", [], "Close REPL"),
/// CmdHelper provides completion, hints, and highlighting for bt-cli
pub struct CmdHelper {
state: Arc<Mutex<State>>,
impl CmdHelper {
pub fn new(state: Arc<Mutex<State>>) -> CmdHelper {
CmdHelper { state }
impl Completer for CmdHelper {
type Candidate = String;
// TODO(belgum): complete arguments for commands. Should be generalized to use the information
// given by the Cmd enum with a closure for extracting a list from state.
// Complete command variants
fn complete(&self, line: &str, _pos: usize) -> Result<(usize, Vec<String>), ReadlineError> {
let components: Vec<_> = line.trim_start().split_whitespace().collect();
// Check whether we have entered a command and either whitespace or a partial argument.
// If yes, complete arguments; if no, complete commands
let should_complete_arguments = (components.len() == 1 && line.ends_with(" "))
|| (components.len() == 2 && !line.ends_with(" "));
if should_complete_arguments {
let command = components[0].trim();
let partial_argument = components.get(1).unwrap_or(&"");
let devices = &self.state.lock().devices;
let mut candidates = vec![];
if command == "connect" || command == "device" {
// connect and device have 'id|addr' arguments
// can match against remote device identifier or address
for device in devices.values() {
for key in &[&device.0.identifier, &device.0.address] {
if key.starts_with(partial_argument) {
candidates.push(format!("{} {}", command, key));
Ok((0, candidates))
} else {
let mut variants = Vec::new();
for variant in Cmd::variants() {
if variant.starts_with(line) {
Ok((0, variants))
impl Hinter for CmdHelper {
/// CmdHelper provides hints for commands with arguments
fn hint(&self, line: &str, _pos: usize) -> Option<String> {
let needs_space = !line.ends_with(" ");
.map(|cmd| {
format!("{}{}", if needs_space { " " } else { "" }, cmd.arguments().to_string(),)
impl Highlighter for CmdHelper {
/// CmdHelper provides highlights for commands with hints
fn highlight_hint<'h>(&self, hint: &'h str) -> Cow<'h, str> {
if hint.trim().is_empty() {
} else {
Owned(format!("\x1b[90m{}\x1b[0m", hint))
/// CmdHelper can be used as an `Editor` helper for entering input commands
impl Helper for CmdHelper {}
/// Represents either continuation or breaking out of a read-evaluate-print loop.
pub enum ReplControl {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
fn test_gen_commands_macro() {
assert_eq!(Cmd::GetDevice.arguments(), "<id|addr> ");
fn test_completer() {
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State { devices: HashMap::new() }));
let cmdhelper = CmdHelper::new(state);
assert!(cmdhelper.complete("he", 0).unwrap().1.contains(&"help".to_string()));
assert!(cmdhelper.complete("dis", 0).unwrap().1.contains(&"discoverable".to_string()));
assert!(cmdhelper.complete("set-", 0).unwrap().1.contains(&"set-local-name".to_string()));