blob: 444f8c043f35f0c73e76590102d6f4a807734df6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/transport.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap.h"
namespace bt {
namespace data {
// Represents the task domain that implements the host subsystem's data plane.
// This domain owns its own thread on which data-path tasks are dispatched.
// Protocols implemented here are:
// a. L2CAP and SCO.
// b. RFCOMM.
// c. Data sockets that bridge out-of-process users to above protocols.
// Interactions between the data domain and other library threads is performed
// primarily via message passing.
class Domain : public fbl::RefCounted<Domain> {
// Constructs an uninitialized data domain that can be used in production.
// This spawns a thread on which data-domain tasks will be scheduled.
static fbl::RefPtr<Domain> Create(fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> hci,
std::string thread_name);
// Constructs an instance using the given |dispatcher| instead of spawning a
// thread. This is intended for unit tests.
static fbl::RefPtr<Domain> CreateWithDispatcher(
fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> hci, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// These send an Initialize/ShutDown message to the data task runner. It is
// safe for the caller to drop its Domain reference after ShutDown is called.
// Operations on an uninitialized or shut-down Domain have no effect.
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
virtual void ShutDown() = 0;
// Registers an ACL connection with the L2CAP layer. L2CAP channels can be
// opened on the logical link represented by |handle| after a call to this
// method.
// |link_error_callback| will be used to notify when a channel signals a link
// error. It will be posted onto |dispatcher|.
// |security_callback| will be used to request an upgrade to the link security
// level. This can be triggered by dynamic L2CAP channel creation or by a
// service-level client via Channel::UpgradeSecurity().
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
virtual void AddACLConnection(
hci::ConnectionHandle handle, hci::Connection::Role role,
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_callback,
l2cap::SecurityUpgradeCallback security_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Registers an LE connection with the L2CAP layer. L2CAP channels can be
// opened on the logical link represented by |handle| after a call to this
// method.
// |conn_param_callback| will be used to notify the caller if new connection
// parameters were accepted from the remote end of the link.
// |link_error_callback| will be used to notify when a channel signals a link
// error.
// |security_callback| will be used to request an upgrade to the link security
// level. This can be triggered by dynamic L2CAP channel creation or by a
// service-level client via Channel::UpgradeSecurity().
// Upon successful registration of the link, |channel_callback| will be called
// with the ATT and SMP fixed channels.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
virtual void AddLEConnection(
hci::ConnectionHandle handle, hci::Connection::Role role,
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_callback,
l2cap::LEConnectionParameterUpdateCallback conn_param_callback,
l2cap::LEFixedChannelsCallback channel_callback,
l2cap::SecurityUpgradeCallback security_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Removes a previously registered connection. All corresponding Channels will
// be closed and all incoming data packets on this link will be dropped.
// NOTE: It is recommended that a link entry be removed AFTER the controller
// sends a HCI Disconnection Complete Event for the corresponding logical
// link. This is to prevent incorrectly buffering data if the controller has
// more packets to send after removing the link entry.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
virtual void RemoveConnection(hci::ConnectionHandle handle) = 0;
// Assigns the security level of a logical link. Has no effect if |handle| has
// not been previously registered or the link is closed.
virtual void AssignLinkSecurityProperties(
hci::ConnectionHandle handle, sm::SecurityProperties security) = 0;
// Open an outbound dynamic channel against a peer's Protocol/Service
// Multiplexing (PSM) code |psm| on a link identified by |handle|.
// |cb| will be called on |dispatcher| with the channel created to the remote,
// or nullptr if the channel creation resulted in an error.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
virtual void OpenL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm,
l2cap::ChannelCallback cb,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Open an outbound dynamic channel against a peer's Protocol/Service
// Multiplexing (PSM) code |psm| on a link identified by |handle|.
// |cb| will be called on |dispatcher| with a zx::socket corresponding to the
// channel created to the remote or ZX_INVALID_HANDLE if the channel creation
// resulted in an error.
// Regardless of success, |link_handle| will be the same as the initial
// |handle| argument.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
using SocketCallback =
fit::function<void(zx::socket, hci::ConnectionHandle link_handle)>;
virtual void OpenL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm,
SocketCallback socket_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Registers a handler for peer-initiated dynamic channel requests that have
// the Protocol/Service Multiplexing (PSM) code |psm|.
// |cb| will be called on |dispatcher| with the channel created by each
// inbound connection request received. Handlers must be unregistered before
// they are replaced.
// Returns false if |psm| is invalid or already has a handler registered.
// Inbound connection requests with a PSM that has no registered handler will
// be rejected.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
// TODO(xow): NET-1084 Pass in required channel configurations. Call signature
// will likely change.
// TODO(xow): Dynamic PSMs may need their routing space (ACL or LE) identified
virtual void RegisterService(l2cap::PSM psm, l2cap::ChannelCallback callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Similar to RegisterService, but instead of providing a l2cap::Channel,
// provides a zx::socket which can be used to communicate on the channel.
// The underlying l2cap::Channel is activated; the socket provided will
// receive any data sent to the channel and any data sent to the socket
// will be sent as if sent by l2cap::Channel::Send.
// |link_handle| disambiguates which remote device initiated the channel.
// TODO(armansito): Return the socket in a data structure that contains
// additional meta-data about the connection, such as its link type and
// channel configuration parameters (see NET-1084 and TODOs for
// RegisterService above.
virtual void RegisterService(l2cap::PSM psm, SocketCallback socket_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) = 0;
// Removes the handler for inbound channel requests for the previously-
// registered service identified by |psm|. This only prevents new inbound
// channels from being opened but does not close already-open channels.
// Has no effect if this Domain is uninitialized or shut down.
virtual void UnregisterService(l2cap::PSM psm) = 0;
friend class fbl::RefPtr<Domain>;
Domain() = default;
virtual ~Domain() = default;
} // namespace data
} // namespace bt