blob: 861416bb13126f77e10dded0bb3cd0d83e148e79 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Interfaces for interacting with different types of TUF repositories.
use crate::crypto::{self, HashAlgorithm, HashValue};
use crate::interchange::DataInterchange;
use crate::metadata::{
Metadata, MetadataPath, MetadataVersion, RawSignedMetadata, TargetDescription, TargetPath,
use crate::util::SafeAsyncRead;
use crate::{Error, Result};
use futures_io::AsyncRead;
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use futures_util::io::AsyncReadExt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
mod file_system;
pub use self::file_system::{
FileSystemBatchUpdate, FileSystemRepository, FileSystemRepositoryBuilder,
#[cfg(any(feature = "hyper_013", feature = "hyper_014"))]
mod http;
#[cfg(any(feature = "hyper_013", feature = "hyper_014"))]
pub use self::http::{HttpRepository, HttpRepositoryBuilder};
mod ephemeral;
pub use self::ephemeral::{EphemeralBatchUpdate, EphemeralRepository};
mod error_repo;
pub(crate) use self::error_repo::ErrorRepository;
mod track_repo;
pub(crate) use self::track_repo::{Track, TrackRepository};
/// A readable TUF repository.
pub trait RepositoryProvider<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
/// Fetch signed metadata identified by `meta_path`, `version`, and
/// [`D::extension()`][extension].
/// Implementations may ignore `max_length` and `hash_data` as [`Client`][Client] will verify
/// these constraints itself. However, it may be more efficient for an implementation to detect
/// invalid metadata and fail the fetch operation before streaming all of the bytes of the
/// metadata.
/// [extension]: crate::interchange::DataInterchange::extension
/// [Client]: crate::client::Client
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>>;
/// Fetch the given target.
/// Implementations may ignore the `length` and `hashes` fields in `target_description` as
/// [`Client`][Client] will verify these constraints itself. However, it may be more efficient
/// for an implementation to detect invalid targets and fail the fetch operation before
/// streaming all of the bytes.
/// [Client]: crate::client::Client
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>>;
/// Test helper to help read a metadata file from a repository into a string.
pub(crate) async fn fetch_metadata_to_string<D, R>(
repo: &R,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> Result<String>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
R: RepositoryProvider<D>,
let mut reader = repo.fetch_metadata(meta_path, version).await?;
let mut buf = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
/// Test helper to help read a target file from a repository into a string.
pub(crate) async fn fetch_target_to_string<D, R>(
repo: &R,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> Result<String>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
R: RepositoryProvider<D>,
let mut reader = repo.fetch_target(target_path).await?;
let mut buf = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
/// A writable TUF repository. Most implementors of this trait should also implement
/// `RepositoryProvider`.
pub trait RepositoryStorage<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
/// Store the provided `metadata` in a location identified by `meta_path`, `version`, and
/// [`D::extension()`][extension], overwriting any existing metadata at that location.
/// [extension]: crate::interchange::DataInterchange::extension
fn store_metadata<'a>(
&'a mut self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
metadata: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>>;
/// Store the provided `target` in a location identified by `target_path`, overwriting any
/// existing target at that location.
fn store_target<'a>(
&'a mut self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
target: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>>;
/// A subtrait of both RepositoryStorage and RepositoryProvider. This is useful to create
/// trait objects that implement both traits.
pub trait RepositoryStorageProvider<D>: RepositoryStorage<D> + RepositoryProvider<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
impl<D, T> RepositoryStorageProvider<D> for T
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
T: RepositoryStorage<D> + RepositoryProvider<D>,
impl<T, D> RepositoryProvider<D> for &T
T: RepositoryProvider<D>,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<T, D> RepositoryProvider<D> for &mut T
T: RepositoryProvider<D>,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<T, D> RepositoryStorage<D> for &mut T
T: RepositoryStorage<D>,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn store_metadata<'a>(
&'a mut self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
metadata: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_metadata(meta_path, version, metadata)
fn store_target<'a>(
&'a mut self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
target: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_target(target_path, target)
impl<T, D> RepositoryStorage<D> for Box<T>
T: RepositoryStorage<D> + ?Sized,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn store_metadata<'a>(
&'a mut self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
metadata: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_metadata(meta_path, version, metadata)
fn store_target<'a>(
&'a mut self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
target: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_target(target_path, target)
impl<T, D> RepositoryProvider<D> for Box<T>
T: RepositoryProvider<D> + ?Sized,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<D, T> RepositoryProvider<D> for Arc<T>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
T: RepositoryProvider<D> + ?Sized,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<D> RepositoryProvider<D> for &dyn RepositoryProvider<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<D> RepositoryProvider<D> for &mut dyn RepositoryProvider<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn fetch_metadata<'a>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
(**self).fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
fn fetch_target<'a>(
&'a self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a>>> {
impl<D> RepositoryStorage<D> for &mut dyn RepositoryStorage<D>
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
fn store_metadata<'a>(
&'a mut self,
meta_path: &MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
metadata: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_metadata(meta_path, version, metadata)
fn store_target<'a>(
&'a mut self,
target_path: &TargetPath,
target: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<()>> {
(**self).store_target(target_path, target)
/// A wrapper around an implementation of [`RepositoryProvider`] and/or [`RepositoryStorage`] tied
/// to a specific [`DataInterchange`](crate::interchange::DataInterchange) that will enforce
/// provided length limits and hash checks.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Repository<R, D> {
repository: R,
_interchange: PhantomData<D>,
impl<R, D> Repository<R, D> {
/// Creates a new [`Repository`] wrapping `repository`.
pub(crate) fn new(repository: R) -> Self {
Self {
_interchange: PhantomData,
/// Perform a sanity check that `M`, `Role`, and `MetadataPath` all describe the same entity.
fn check<M>(meta_path: &MetadataPath) -> Result<()>
M: Metadata,
if !M::ROLE.fuzzy_matches_path(meta_path) {
return Err(Error::IllegalArgument(format!(
"Role {} does not match path {:?}",
pub(crate) fn into_inner(self) -> R {
pub(crate) fn as_inner(&self) -> &R {
pub(crate) fn as_inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R {
&mut self.repository
impl<R, D> Repository<R, D>
R: RepositoryProvider<D>,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
/// Fetch metadata identified by `meta_path`, `version`, and [`D::extension()`][extension].
/// If `max_length` is provided, this method will return an error if the metadata exceeds
/// `max_length` bytes. If `hash_data` is provided, this method will return and error if the
/// hashed bytes of the metadata do not match `hash_data`.
/// [extension]: crate::interchange::DataInterchange::extension
pub(crate) async fn fetch_metadata<'a, M>(
&'a self,
meta_path: &'a MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
max_length: Option<usize>,
hashes: Vec<(&'static HashAlgorithm, HashValue)>,
) -> Result<RawSignedMetadata<D, M>>
M: Metadata,
// Fetch the metadata, verifying max_length and hashes (if provided), as
// the repository implementation should only be trusted to use those as
// hints to fail early.
let mut reader = self
.fetch_metadata(meta_path, version)
.check_length_and_hash(max_length.unwrap_or(::std::usize::MAX) as u64, hashes)?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await?;
/// Fetch the target identified by `target_path` through the returned `AsyncRead`, verifying
/// that the target matches the preferred hash specified in `target_description` and that it is
/// the expected length. Such verification errors will be provided by a read failure on the
/// provided `AsyncRead`.
/// It is **critical** that none of the bytes from the returned `AsyncRead` are used until it
/// has been fully consumed as the data is untrusted.
pub(crate) async fn fetch_target(
consistent_snapshot: bool,
target_path: &TargetPath,
target_description: TargetDescription,
) -> Result<impl AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + '_> {
// 5.7.3:
// [...] download the target (up to the number of bytes specified in the targets metadata),
// and verify that its hashes match the targets metadata.
let length = target_description.length();
let hashes = crypto::retain_supported_hashes(target_description.hashes());
if hashes.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::NoSupportedHashAlgorithm);
// 5.7.3:
// [...] If consistent snapshots are not used (see § 6.2 Consistent snapshots), then the
// filename used to download the target file is of the fixed form FILENAME.EXT (e.g.,
// foobar.tar.gz). Otherwise, the filename is of the form HASH.FILENAME.EXT [...]
let target = if consistent_snapshot {
let mut hashes = hashes.iter();
loop {
if let Some((_, hash)) = {
let target_path = target_path.with_hash_prefix(hash)?;
match self.repository.fetch_target(&target_path).await {
Ok(target) => break target,
Err(Error::NotFound) => {}
Err(err) => return Err(err),
} else {
return Err(Error::NotFound);
} else {
target.check_length_and_hash(length, hashes)
impl<R, D> Repository<R, D>
R: RepositoryStorage<D>,
D: DataInterchange + Sync,
/// Store the provided `metadata` in a location identified by `meta_path`, `version`, and
/// [`D::extension()`][extension], overwriting any existing metadata at that location.
/// [extension]: crate::interchange::DataInterchange::extension
pub async fn store_metadata<'a, M>(
&'a mut self,
path: &'a MetadataPath,
version: MetadataVersion,
metadata: &'a RawSignedMetadata<D, M>,
) -> Result<()>
M: Metadata + Sync,
.store_metadata(path, version, &mut metadata.as_bytes())
/// Store the provided `target` in a location identified by `target_path`.
pub async fn store_target<'a>(
&'a mut self,
target_path: &'a TargetPath,
target: &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'a),
) -> Result<()> {
self.repository.store_target(target_path, target).await
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::interchange::Json;
use crate::metadata::{MetadataPath, MetadataVersion, RootMetadata, SnapshotMetadata};
use crate::repository::EphemeralRepository;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use futures_executor::block_on;
fn repository_forwards_not_found_error() {
block_on(async {
let repo = Repository::<_, Json>::new(EphemeralRepository::new());
fn repository_rejects_mismatched_path() {
block_on(async {
let mut repo = Repository::<_, Json>::new(EphemeralRepository::new());
let fake_metadata = RawSignedMetadata::<Json, RootMetadata>::new(vec![]);
repo.store_metadata(&MetadataPath::root(), MetadataVersion::None, &fake_metadata)
fn repository_verifies_metadata_hash() {
block_on(async {
let path = MetadataPath::root();
let version = MetadataVersion::None;
let data: &[u8] = b"valid metadata";
let _metadata = RawSignedMetadata::<Json, RootMetadata>::new(data.to_vec());
let data_hash = crypto::calculate_hash(data, &HashAlgorithm::Sha256);
let mut repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
repo.store_metadata(&path, version, &mut &*data)
let client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
vec![(&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, data_hash)],
fn repository_rejects_corrupt_metadata() {
block_on(async {
let path = MetadataPath::root();
let version = MetadataVersion::None;
let data: &[u8] = b"corrupt metadata";
let mut repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
repo.store_metadata(&path, version, &mut &*data)
let client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
vec![(&HashAlgorithm::Sha256, HashValue::new(vec![]))],
fn repository_verifies_metadata_size() {
block_on(async {
let path = MetadataPath::root();
let version = MetadataVersion::None;
let data: &[u8] = b"reasonably sized metadata";
let _metadata = RawSignedMetadata::<Json, RootMetadata>::new(data.to_vec());
let mut repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
repo.store_metadata(&path, version, &mut &*data)
let client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
.fetch_metadata::<RootMetadata>(&path, version, Some(100), vec![])
fn repository_rejects_oversized_metadata() {
block_on(async {
let path = MetadataPath::root();
let version = MetadataVersion::None;
let data: &[u8] = b"very big metadata";
let mut repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
repo.store_metadata(&path, version, &mut &*data)
let client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
.fetch_metadata::<RootMetadata>(&path, version, Some(4), vec![])
fn repository_rejects_corrupt_targets() {
block_on(async {
let repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
let mut client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
let data: &[u8] = b"like tears in the rain";
let target_description =
TargetDescription::from_slice(data, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256]).unwrap();
let path = TargetPath::new("batty").unwrap();
client.store_target(&path, &mut &*data).await.unwrap();
let mut read = client
.fetch_target(false, &path, target_description.clone())
let mut buf = Vec::new();
read.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice(), data);
let bad_data: &[u8] = b"you're in a desert";
client.store_target(&path, &mut &*bad_data).await.unwrap();
let mut read = client
.fetch_target(false, &path, target_description)
assert!(read.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.is_err());
fn repository_takes_trait_objects() {
block_on(async {
let repo: Box<dyn RepositoryStorageProvider<Json>> =
let mut client = Repository::<_, Json>::new(repo);
let data: &[u8] = b"like tears in the rain";
let target_description =
TargetDescription::from_slice(data, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256]).unwrap();
let path = TargetPath::new("batty").unwrap();
client.store_target(&path, &mut &*data).await.unwrap();
let mut read = client
.fetch_target(false, &path, target_description)
let mut buf = Vec::new();
read.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf.as_slice(), data);
fn repository_dyn_impls_repository_traits() {
let mut repo = EphemeralRepository::new();
fn storage<T: RepositoryStorage<Json>>(_t: T) {}
fn provider<T: RepositoryProvider<Json>>(_t: T) {}
provider(&repo as &dyn RepositoryProvider<Json>);
provider(&mut repo as &mut dyn RepositoryProvider<Json>);
storage(&mut repo as &mut dyn RepositoryStorage<Json>);