blob: 05879b651663bfa21f31bfd59068163a0b706630 [file] [log] [blame]
# We try to support some older versions of rustc. However, the support is
# tiered a bit. Our dev-dependencies do *not* guarantee that old minimal
# version. So we don't do tests on the older ones. Also, the
# signal-hook-registry supports older rustc than we signal-hook.
set -ex
rm -f Cargo.lock
cargo build --all --exclude signal-hook-async-std --exclude signal-hook-tokio
if [ "$RUST_VERSION" = 1.36.0 ] ; then
if [ "$OS" = "windows-latest" ] || [ "$RUST_VERSION" = 1.40.0 ]; then
# The async support crates rely on the iterator module
# which isn't available for windows. So exclude them
# from the build.
# Also, some dependencies of the runtimes don't like 1.40.
EXCLUDE_FROM_BUILD="--exclude signal-hook-mio --exclude signal-hook-tokio --exclude signal-hook-async-std"
export RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings"
cargo test --all --all-features $EXCLUDE_FROM_BUILD
cargo test --all $EXCLUDE_FROM_BUILD