blob: c1a57a4e62a8615bf6ce7fd995b4770f526e99d8 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::plumbing::*;
use super::*;
use super::private::Try;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
impl<U, I, ID, F> TryFold<I, U, ID, F>
I: ParallelIterator,
F: Fn(U::Ok, I::Item) -> U + Sync + Send,
ID: Fn() -> U::Ok + Sync + Send,
U: Try + Send,
pub(super) fn new(base: I, identity: ID, fold_op: F) -> Self {
TryFold {
marker: PhantomData,
/// `TryFold` is an iterator that applies a function over an iterator producing a single value.
/// This struct is created by the [`try_fold()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]
/// [`try_fold()`]: trait.ParallelIterator.html#method.try_fold
/// [`ParallelIterator`]: trait.ParallelIterator.html
#[must_use = "iterator adaptors are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
pub struct TryFold<I, U, ID, F> {
base: I,
identity: ID,
fold_op: F,
marker: PhantomData<U>,
impl<U, I: ParallelIterator + Debug, ID, F> Debug for TryFold<I, U, ID, F> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("TryFold").field("base", &self.base).finish()
impl<U, I, ID, F> ParallelIterator for TryFold<I, U, ID, F>
I: ParallelIterator,
F: Fn(U::Ok, I::Item) -> U + Sync + Send,
ID: Fn() -> U::Ok + Sync + Send,
U: Try + Send,
type Item = U;
fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
C: UnindexedConsumer<Self::Item>,
let consumer1 = TryFoldConsumer {
base: consumer,
identity: &self.identity,
fold_op: &self.fold_op,
marker: PhantomData,
struct TryFoldConsumer<'c, U, C, ID, F> {
base: C,
identity: &'c ID,
fold_op: &'c F,
marker: PhantomData<U>,
impl<'r, U, T, C, ID, F> Consumer<T> for TryFoldConsumer<'r, U, C, ID, F>
C: Consumer<U>,
F: Fn(U::Ok, T) -> U + Sync,
ID: Fn() -> U::Ok + Sync,
U: Try + Send,
type Folder = TryFoldFolder<'r, C::Folder, U, F>;
type Reducer = C::Reducer;
type Result = C::Result;
fn split_at(self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self, Self::Reducer) {
let (left, right, reducer) = self.base.split_at(index);
TryFoldConsumer { base: left, ..self },
TryFoldConsumer {
base: right,
fn into_folder(self) -> Self::Folder {
TryFoldFolder {
base: self.base.into_folder(),
result: Ok((self.identity)()),
fold_op: self.fold_op,
fn full(&self) -> bool {
impl<'r, U, T, C, ID, F> UnindexedConsumer<T> for TryFoldConsumer<'r, U, C, ID, F>
C: UnindexedConsumer<U>,
F: Fn(U::Ok, T) -> U + Sync,
ID: Fn() -> U::Ok + Sync,
U: Try + Send,
fn split_off_left(&self) -> Self {
TryFoldConsumer {
base: self.base.split_off_left(),
fn to_reducer(&self) -> Self::Reducer {
struct TryFoldFolder<'r, C, U: Try, F> {
base: C,
fold_op: &'r F,
result: Result<U::Ok, U::Error>,
impl<'r, C, U, F, T> Folder<T> for TryFoldFolder<'r, C, U, F>
C: Folder<U>,
F: Fn(U::Ok, T) -> U + Sync,
U: Try,
type Result = C::Result;
fn consume(mut self, item: T) -> Self {
let fold_op = self.fold_op;
if let Ok(acc) = self.result {
self.result = fold_op(acc, item).into_result();
fn complete(self) -> C::Result {
let item = match self.result {
Ok(ok) => U::from_ok(ok),
Err(error) => U::from_error(error),
fn full(&self) -> bool {
self.result.is_err() || self.base.full()
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
impl<U, I, F> TryFoldWith<I, U, F>
I: ParallelIterator,
F: Fn(U::Ok, I::Item) -> U + Sync,
U: Try + Send,
U::Ok: Clone + Send,
pub(super) fn new(base: I, item: U::Ok, fold_op: F) -> Self {
TryFoldWith {
/// `TryFoldWith` is an iterator that applies a function over an iterator producing a single value.
/// This struct is created by the [`try_fold_with()`] method on [`ParallelIterator`]
/// [`try_fold_with()`]: trait.ParallelIterator.html#method.try_fold_with
/// [`ParallelIterator`]: trait.ParallelIterator.html
#[must_use = "iterator adaptors are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
pub struct TryFoldWith<I, U: Try, F> {
base: I,
item: U::Ok,
fold_op: F,
impl<I: ParallelIterator + Debug, U: Try, F> Debug for TryFoldWith<I, U, F>
U::Ok: Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("base", &self.base)
.field("item", &self.item)
impl<U, I, F> ParallelIterator for TryFoldWith<I, U, F>
I: ParallelIterator,
F: Fn(U::Ok, I::Item) -> U + Sync + Send,
U: Try + Send,
U::Ok: Clone + Send,
type Item = U;
fn drive_unindexed<C>(self, consumer: C) -> C::Result
C: UnindexedConsumer<Self::Item>,
let consumer1 = TryFoldWithConsumer {
base: consumer,
item: self.item,
fold_op: &self.fold_op,
struct TryFoldWithConsumer<'c, C, U: Try, F> {
base: C,
item: U::Ok,
fold_op: &'c F,
impl<'r, U, T, C, F> Consumer<T> for TryFoldWithConsumer<'r, C, U, F>
C: Consumer<U>,
F: Fn(U::Ok, T) -> U + Sync,
U: Try + Send,
U::Ok: Clone + Send,
type Folder = TryFoldFolder<'r, C::Folder, U, F>;
type Reducer = C::Reducer;
type Result = C::Result;
fn split_at(self, index: usize) -> (Self, Self, Self::Reducer) {
let (left, right, reducer) = self.base.split_at(index);
TryFoldWithConsumer {
base: left,
item: self.item.clone(),
TryFoldWithConsumer {
base: right,
fn into_folder(self) -> Self::Folder {
TryFoldFolder {
base: self.base.into_folder(),
result: Ok(self.item),
fold_op: self.fold_op,
fn full(&self) -> bool {
impl<'r, U, T, C, F> UnindexedConsumer<T> for TryFoldWithConsumer<'r, C, U, F>
C: UnindexedConsumer<U>,
F: Fn(U::Ok, T) -> U + Sync,
U: Try + Send,
U::Ok: Clone + Send,
fn split_off_left(&self) -> Self {
TryFoldWithConsumer {
base: self.base.split_off_left(),
item: self.item.clone(),
fn to_reducer(&self) -> Self::Reducer {