blob: 7e0345d22f2dc20fef3f32ee7a6430b5e2836535 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This build definition exists in order to define an allow-list of users of
# the nix third-party crate. Currently and for the foreseeable future, the
# allow-list is limited to the fuchsia_nix in-tree crate, which selectively
# reexports (and provides test coverage for) those nix interfaces which:
# * have a concrete fuchsia use-case
# * have been shown to work on fuchsia
# In-tree users of the nix crate must do so indirectly through re-exported
# interfaces in fuchsia_nix. fuchsia_nix exists so that nix interfaces can be
# vetted as appropriate to Fuchsia OS principles, and validated as working on
# Fuchsia. For example, we do not want nix interfaces to POSIX signals to be
# available in-tree because signals do not exist on Fuchsia.
# TODO( move this to GN config for visibility under
# cfg(fuchsia)
if (is_fuchsia) {
rust_library("nix") {
visibility = [ "//src/lib/fuchsia_nix:*" ]
# The contents of this build defintion are copied from the
# //third_party/rust_crates/ definition which is generated by
# cargo-gnaw from //third_party/rust_crates/Cargo.toml.
# Until is resolved, this definition must be updated
# manually as follows:
# 1. Increment the nix version number in
# //third_party/rust_crates/Cargo.toml.
# 2. Run `fx update-rustc-third-party`.
# 3. Copy below this comment the contents of the generated
# `rust_library("nix-v*")` definition found in
# //third_party/rust_crates/
# 4. Run `fx build`.
# 5. If GN asks for an explicit `sources` value, copy the GN generated value
# into the definition.
crate_name = "nix"
crate_root = "//third_party/rust_crates/vendor/nix/src/"
output_name = "nix-212f6cb0e58efa58"
configs -= [ "//build/config/rust:2018_idioms" ]
deps = []
deps += [ "../..:bitflags" ]
deps += [ "../..:cfg-if" ]
deps += [ "../..:libc" ]
rustenv = []
rustflags = [
sources = [