blob: 8435527795ecd7a046c935afd1279f91e8042d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !noasm,!gccgo,!safe
package f64
// Ger performs the rank-one operation
// A += alpha * x * yᵀ
// where A is an m×n dense matrix, x and y are vectors, and alpha is a scalar.
func Ger(m, n uintptr, alpha float64, x []float64, incX uintptr, y []float64, incY uintptr, a []float64, lda uintptr)
// GemvN computes
// y = alpha * A * x + beta * y
// where A is an m×n dense matrix, x and y are vectors, and alpha and beta are scalars.
func GemvN(m, n uintptr, alpha float64, a []float64, lda uintptr, x []float64, incX uintptr, beta float64, y []float64, incY uintptr)
// GemvT computes
// y = alpha * Aᵀ * x + beta * y
// where A is an m×n dense matrix, x and y are vectors, and alpha and beta are scalars.
func GemvT(m, n uintptr, alpha float64, a []float64, lda uintptr, x []float64, incX uintptr, beta float64, y []float64, incY uintptr)