blob: 8f38d4b674790006ff216a09321eb681f0cbc268 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2018 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a translation of the FFTPACK sint functions by
// Paul N Swarztrauber, placed in the public domain at
package fftpack
import "math"
// Sinti initializes the array work which is used in subroutine Sint.
// The prime factorization of n together with a tabulation of the
// trigonometric functions are computed and stored in work.
// Input parameter
// n The length of the sequence to be transformed. The method
// is most efficient when n+1 is a product of small primes.
// Output parameter
// work A work array with at least ceil(2.5*n) locations.
// Different work arrays are required for different values
// of n. The contents of work must not be changed between
// calls of Sint.
// ifac An integer work array of length at least 15.
func Sinti(n int, work []float64, ifac []int) {
if len(work) < 5*(n+1)/2 {
panic("fourier: short work")
if len(ifac) < 15 {
panic("fourier: short ifac")
if n <= 1 {
dt := math.Pi / float64(n+1)
for k := 0; k < n/2; k++ {
work[k] = 2 * math.Sin(float64(k+1)*dt)
Rffti(n+1, work[n/2:], ifac)
// Sint computes the Discrete Fourier Sine Transform of an odd
// sequence x(i). The transform is defined below at output parameter x.
// Sint is the unnormalized inverse of itself since a call of Sint
// followed by another call of Sint will multiply the input sequence
// x by 2*(n+1).
// The array work which is used by subroutine Sint must be
// initialized by calling subroutine Sinti(n,work).
// Input parameters
// n The length of the sequence to be transformed. The method
// is most efficient when n+1 is the product of small primes.
// x An array which contains the sequence to be transformed.
// work A work array with dimension at least ceil(2.5*n)
// in the program that calls Sint. The work array must be
// initialized by calling subroutine Sinti(n,work) and a
// different work array must be used for each different
// value of n. This initialization does not have to be
// repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent
// transforms can be obtained faster than the first.
// ifac An integer work array of length at least 15.
// Output parameters
// x for i=1,...,n
// x(i)= the sum from k=1 to k=n
// 2*x(k)*sin(k*i*pi/(n+1))
// A call of Sint followed by another call of
// Sint will multiply the sequence x by 2*(n+1).
// Hence Sint is the unnormalized inverse
// of itself.
// work Contains initialization calculations which must not be
// destroyed between calls of Sint.
// ifac Contains initialization calculations which must not be
// destroyed between calls of Sint.
func Sint(n int, x, work []float64, ifac []int) {
if len(x) < n {
panic("fourier: short sequence")
if len(work) < 5*(n+1)/2 {
panic("fourier: short work")
if len(ifac) < 15 {
panic("fourier: short ifac")
if n == 0 {
sint1(n, x, work, work[n/2:], work[n/2+n+1:], ifac)
func sint1(n int, war, was, xh, x []float64, ifac []int) {
const sqrt3 = 1.73205080756888
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
xh[i] = war[i]
war[i] = x[i]
switch n {
case 1:
xh[0] *= 2
case 2:
xh[0], xh[1] = sqrt3*(xh[0]+xh[1]), sqrt3*(xh[0]-xh[1])
x[0] = 0
for k := 0; k < n/2; k++ {
kc := n - k - 1
t1 := xh[k] - xh[kc]
t2 := was[k] * (xh[k] + xh[kc])
x[k+1] = t1 + t2
x[kc+1] = t2 - t1
if n%2 != 0 {
x[n/2+1] = 4 * xh[n/2]
rfftf1(n+1, x, xh, war, ifac)
xh[0] = 0.5 * x[0]
for i := 2; i < n; i += 2 {
xh[i-1] = -x[i]
xh[i] = xh[i-2] + x[i-1]
if n%2 == 0 {
xh[n-1] = -x[n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x[i] = war[i]
war[i] = xh[i]