blob: 327384a843f67ee0c608dc4ae898e6f929548de3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2018 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a translation of the FFTPACK cfft functions by
// Paul N Swarztrauber, placed in the public domain at
package fftpack
import (
// Cffti initializes the array work which is used in both Cfftf
// and Cfftb. the prime factorization of n together with a
// tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and
// stored in work.
// input parameter
// n The length of the sequence to be transformed.
// Output parameters:
// work A work array which must be dimensioned at least 4*n.
// the same work array can be used for both Cfftf and Cfftb
// as long as n remains unchanged. Different work arrays
// are required for different values of n. The contents of
// work must not be changed between calls of Cfftf or Cfftb.
// ifac A work array containing the factors of n. ifac must have
// length 15.
func Cffti(n int, work []float64, ifac []int) {
if len(work) < 4*n {
panic("fourier: short work")
if len(ifac) < 15 {
panic("fourier: short ifac")
if n == 1 {
cffti1(n, work[2*n:4*n], ifac[:15])
func cffti1(n int, wa []float64, ifac []int) {
ntryh := [4]int{3, 4, 2, 5}
nl := n
nf := 0
for j, ntry := 0, 0; ; j++ {
if j < 4 {
ntry = ntryh[j]
} else {
ntry += 2
for {
if nl%ntry != 0 {
continue outer
ifac[nf+2] = ntry
nl /= ntry
if ntry == 2 && nf != 1 {
for i := 1; i < nf; i++ {
ib := nf - i + 1
ifac[ib+1] = ifac[ib]
ifac[2] = 2
if nl == 1 {
break outer
ifac[0] = n
ifac[1] = nf
argh := 2 * math.Pi / float64(n)
i := 1
l1 := 1
for k1 := 0; k1 < nf; k1++ {
ip := ifac[k1+2]
ld := 0
l2 := l1 * ip
ido := n / l2
idot := 2*ido + 2
for j := 0; j < ip-1; j++ {
i1 := i
wa[i-1] = 1
wa[i] = 0
ld += l1
var fi float64
argld := float64(ld) * argh
for ii := 3; ii < idot; ii += 2 {
i += 2
arg := fi * argld
wa[i-1] = math.Cos(arg)
wa[i] = math.Sin(arg)
if ip > 5 {
wa[i1-1] = wa[i-1]
wa[i1] = wa[i]
l1 = l2
// Cfftf computes the forward complex Discrete Fourier transform
// (the Fourier analysis). Equivalently, Cfftf computes the
// Fourier coefficients of a complex periodic sequence. The
// transform is defined below at output parameter c.
// Input parameters:
// n The length of the array c to be transformed. The method
// is most efficient when n is a product of small primes.
// n may change so long as different work arrays are provided.
// c A complex array of length n which contains the sequence
// to be transformed.
// work A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4*n.
// in the program that calls Cfftf. The work array must be
// initialized by calling subroutine Cffti(n,work,ifac) and a
// different work array must be used for each different
// value of n. This initialization does not have to be
// repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent
// transforms can be obtained faster than the first.
// the same work array can be used by Cfftf and Cfftb.
// ifac A work array containing the factors of n. ifac must have
// length of at least 15.
// Output parameters:
// c for j=0, ..., n-1
// c[j]=the sum from k=0, ..., n-1 of
// c[k]*exp(-i*j*k*2*pi/n)
// where i=sqrt(-1)
// This transform is unnormalized since a call of Cfftf
// followed by a call of Cfftb will multiply the input
// sequence by n.
// The n elements of c are represented in n pairs of real
// values in r where c[j] = r[j*2]+r[j*2+1]i.
// work Contains results which must not be destroyed between
// calls of Cfftf or Cfftb.
// ifac Contains results which must not be destroyed between
// calls of Cfftf or Cfftb.
func Cfftf(n int, r, work []float64, ifac []int) {
if len(r) < 2*n {
panic("fourier: short sequence")
if len(work) < 4*n {
panic("fourier: short work")
if len(ifac) < 15 {
panic("fourier: short ifac")
if n == 1 {
cfft1(n, r[:2*n], work[:2*n], work[2*n:4*n], ifac[:15], -1)
// Cfftb computes the backward complex Discrete Fourier Transform
// (the Fourier synthesis). Equivalently, Cfftf computes the computes
// a complex periodic sequence from its Fourier coefficients. The
// transform is defined below at output parameter c.
// Input parameters:
// n The length of the array c to be transformed. The method
// is most efficient when n is a product of small primes.
// n may change so long as different work arrays are provided.
// c A complex array of length n which contains the sequence
// to be transformed.
// work A real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4*n.
// in the program that calls Cfftb. The work array must be
// initialized by calling subroutine Cffti(n,work,ifac) and a
// different work array must be used for each different
// value of n. This initialization does not have to be
// repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent
// transforms can be obtained faster than the first.
// The same work array can be used by Cfftf and Cfftb.
// ifac A work array containing the factors of n. ifac must have
// length of at least 15.
// Output parameters:
// c for j=0, ..., n-1
// c[j]=the sum from k=0, ..., n-1 of
// c[k]*exp(i*j*k*2*pi/n)
// where i=sqrt(-1)
// This transform is unnormalized since a call of Cfftf
// followed by a call of Cfftb will multiply the input
// sequence by n.
// The n elements of c are represented in n pairs of real
// values in r where c[j] = r[j*2]+r[j*2+1]i.
// work Contains results which must not be destroyed between
// calls of Cfftf or Cfftb.
// ifac Contains results which must not be destroyed between
// calls of Cfftf or Cfftb.
func Cfftb(n int, c, work []float64, ifac []int) {
if len(c) < 2*n {
panic("fourier: short sequence")
if len(work) < 4*n {
panic("fourier: short work")
if len(ifac) < 15 {
panic("fourier: short ifac")
if n == 1 {
cfft1(n, c[:2*n], work[:2*n], work[2*n:4*n], ifac[:15], 1)
// cfft1 implements cfftf1 and cfftb1 depending on sign.
func cfft1(n int, c, ch, wa []float64, ifac []int, sign float64) {
nf := ifac[1]
na := false
l1 := 1
iw := 0
for k1 := 1; k1 <= nf; k1++ {
ip := ifac[k1+1]
l2 := ip * l1
ido := n / l2
idot := 2 * ido
idl1 := idot * l1
switch ip {
case 4:
ix2 := iw + idot
ix3 := ix2 + idot
if na {
pass4(idot, l1, ch, c, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], wa[ix3:], sign)
} else {
pass4(idot, l1, c, ch, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], wa[ix3:], sign)
na = !na
case 2:
if na {
pass2(idot, l1, ch, c, wa[iw:], sign)
} else {
pass2(idot, l1, c, ch, wa[iw:], sign)
na = !na
case 3:
ix2 := iw + idot
if na {
pass3(idot, l1, ch, c, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], sign)
} else {
pass3(idot, l1, c, ch, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], sign)
na = !na
case 5:
ix2 := iw + idot
ix3 := ix2 + idot
ix4 := ix3 + idot
if na {
pass5(idot, l1, ch, c, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], wa[ix3:], wa[ix4:], sign)
} else {
pass5(idot, l1, c, ch, wa[iw:], wa[ix2:], wa[ix3:], wa[ix4:], sign)
na = !na
var nac bool
if na {
nac = pass(idot, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa[iw:], sign)
} else {
nac = pass(idot, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa[iw:], sign)
if nac {
na = !na
l1 = l2
iw += (ip - 1) * idot
if na {
for i := 0; i < 2*n; i++ {
c[i] = ch[i]
// pass2 implements passf2 and passb2 depending on sign.
func pass2(ido, l1 int, cc, ch, wa1 []float64, sign float64) {
cc3 := newThreeArray(ido, 2, l1, cc)
ch3 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, 2, ch)
if ido <= 2 {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k)+cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k))
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 1, cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k)-cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k))
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 1; i < ido; i += 2 {
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k)+cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k))
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) - cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 1, complex(wa1[i-1], sign*wa1[i])*t2)
// pass3 implements passf3 and passb3 depending on sign.
func pass3(ido, l1 int, cc, ch, wa1, wa2 []float64, sign float64) {
const (
taur = -0.5
taui = 0.866025403784439 // sqrt(3)/2
cc3 := newThreeArray(ido, 3, l1, cc)
ch3 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, 3, ch)
if ido == 2 {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k)+t2)
c2 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k) + scale(taur, t2)
c3 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign*taui, cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k)-cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k))))
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 1, c2-c3)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 2, c2+c3)
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 1; i < ido; i += 2 {
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k)+t2)
c2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) + scale(taur, t2)
c3 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign*taui, cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k)-cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k))))
d2 := c2 - c3
d3 := c2 + c3
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 1, complex(wa1[i-1], sign*wa1[i])*d2)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 2, complex(wa2[i-1], sign*wa2[i])*d3)
// pass4 implements passf4 and passb4 depending on sign.
func pass4(ido, l1 int, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3 []float64, sign float64) {
cc3 := newThreeArray(ido, 4, l1, cc)
ch3 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, 4, ch)
if ido == 2 {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
t1 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k) - cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k)
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k) + cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k)
t3 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(0, 3, k)
t4 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, cc3.atCmplx(0, 3, k)-cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k))))
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 0, t2+t3)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 1, t1+t4)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 2, t2-t3)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 3, t1-t4)
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 1; i < ido; i += 2 {
t1 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) - cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k)
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) + cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k)
t3 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 3, k)
t4 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 3, k)-cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k))))
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 0, t2+t3)
c2 := t1 + t4
c3 := t2 - t3
c4 := t1 - t4
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 1, complex(wa1[i-1], sign*wa1[i])*c2)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 2, complex(wa2[i-1], sign*wa2[i])*c3)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 3, complex(wa3[i-1], sign*wa3[i])*c4)
// pass5 implements passf5 and passb5 depending on sign.
func pass5(ido, l1 int, cc, ch, wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4 []float64, sign float64) {
const (
tr11 = 0.309016994374947
ti11 = 0.951056516295154
tr12 = -0.809016994374947
ti12 = 0.587785252292473
cc3 := newThreeArray(ido, 5, l1, cc)
ch3 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, 5, ch)
if ido == 2 {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(0, 4, k)
t3 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k) + cc3.atCmplx(0, 3, k)
t4 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 2, k) - cc3.atCmplx(0, 3, k)
t5 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 1, k) - cc3.atCmplx(0, 4, k)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k)+t2+t3)
c2 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k) + scale(tr11, t2) + scale(tr12, t3)
c3 := cc3.atCmplx(0, 0, k) + scale(tr12, t2) + scale(tr11, t3)
c4 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, scale(ti12, t5)-scale(ti11, t4))))
c5 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, scale(ti11, t5)+scale(ti12, t4))))
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 1, c2-c5)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 2, c3-c4)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 3, c3+c4)
ch3.setCmplx(0, k, 4, c2+c5)
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 1; i < ido; i += 2 {
t2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k) + cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 4, k)
t3 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k) + cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 3, k)
t4 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 2, k) - cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 3, k)
t5 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 1, k) - cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 4, k)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 0, cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k)+t2+t3)
c2 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) + scale(tr11, t2) + scale(tr12, t3)
c3 := cc3.atCmplx(i-1, 0, k) + scale(tr12, t2) + scale(tr11, t3)
c4 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, scale(ti12, t5)-scale(ti11, t4))))
c5 := cmplx.Conj(swap(scale(sign, scale(ti11, t5)+scale(ti12, t4))))
d2 := c2 - c5
d3 := c3 - c4
d4 := c3 + c4
d5 := c2 + c5
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 1, complex(wa1[i-1], sign*wa1[i])*d2)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 2, complex(wa2[i-1], sign*wa2[i])*d3)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 3, complex(wa3[i-1], sign*wa3[i])*d4)
ch3.setCmplx(i-1, k, 4, complex(wa4[i-1], sign*wa4[i])*d5)
// pass implements passf and passb depending on sign.
func pass(ido, ip, l1, idl1 int, cc, c1, c2, ch, ch2, wa []float64, sign float64) (nac bool) {
cc3 := newThreeArray(ido, ip, l1, cc)
c13 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, ip, c1)
ch3 := newThreeArray(ido, l1, ip, ch)
c2m := newTwoArray(idl1, ip, c2)
ch2m := newTwoArray(idl1, ip, ch2)
idot := ido / 2
ipph := (ip + 1) / 2
idp := ip * ido
if ido < l1 {
for j := 1; j < ipph; j++ {
jc := ip - j
for i := 0; i < ido; i++ {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
ch3.set(i, k, j,, j, k), jc, k))
ch3.set(i, k, jc,, j, k), jc, k))
for i := 0; i < ido; i++ {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
ch3.set(i, k, 0,, 0, k))
} else {
for j := 1; j < ipph; j++ {
jc := ip - j
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 0; i < ido; i++ {
ch3.set(i, k, j,, j, k), jc, k))
ch3.set(i, k, jc,, j, k), jc, k))
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
for i := 0; i < ido; i++ {
ch3.set(i, k, 0,, 0, k))
idl := 1 - ido
inc := 0
for l := 1; l < ipph; l++ {
lc := ip - l
idl += ido
for ik := 0; ik < idl1; ik++ {
c2m.set(ik, l,, 0)+wa[idl-1]*, 1))
c2m.set(ik, lc, sign*wa[idl]*, ip-1))
idlj := idl
inc += ido
for j := 2; j < ipph; j++ {
jc := ip - j
idlj += inc
if idlj > idp {
idlj -= idp
war := wa[idlj-1]
wai := wa[idlj]
for ik := 0; ik < idl1; ik++ {
c2m.add(ik, l, war*, j))
c2m.add(ik, lc, sign*wai*, jc))
for j := 1; j < ipph; j++ {
for ik := 0; ik < idl1; ik++ {
ch2m.add(ik, 0,, j))
for j := 1; j < ipph; j++ {
jc := ip - j
for ik := 1; ik < idl1; ik += 2 {
ch2m.setCmplx(ik-1, j, c2m.atCmplx(ik-1, j)-cmplx.Conj(swap(c2m.atCmplx(ik-1, jc))))
ch2m.setCmplx(ik-1, jc, c2m.atCmplx(ik-1, j)+cmplx.Conj(swap(c2m.atCmplx(ik-1, jc))))
if ido == 2 {
return true
for ik := 0; ik < idl1; ik++ {
c2m.set(ik, 0,, 0))
for j := 1; j < ip; j++ {
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
c13.setCmplx(0, k, j, ch3.atCmplx(0, k, j))
if idot > l1 {
idj := 1 - ido
for j := 1; j < ip; j++ {
idj += ido
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
idij := idj
for i := 3; i < ido; i += 2 {
idij += 2
c13.setCmplx(i-1, k, j, complex(wa[idij-1], sign*wa[idij])*ch3.atCmplx(i-1, k, j))
return false
idij := -1
for j := 1; j < ip; j++ {
idij += 2
for i := 3; i < ido; i += 2 {
idij += 2
for k := 0; k < l1; k++ {
c13.setCmplx(i-1, k, j, complex(wa[idij-1], sign*wa[idij])*ch3.atCmplx(i-1, k, j))
return false