blob: 47bd689f4068268d322632fd7cd46ba344b2b594 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{get_missing_blobs, write_blob, TestEnv},
blobfs_ramdisk::{BlobfsRamdisk, Ramdisk},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_paver as paver,
fidl_fuchsia_pkg::{BlobInfo, NeededBlobsMarker, PackageCacheProxy},
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, OnSignals},
fuchsia_pkg_testing::{Package, PackageBuilder, SystemImageBuilder},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, Status},
mock_paver::{hooks as mphooks, MockPaverServiceBuilder, PaverEvent},
std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap},
// TODO( Deduplicate this function.
async fn do_fetch(package_cache: &PackageCacheProxy, pkg: &Package) {
let mut meta_blob_info =
BlobInfo { blob_id: BlobId::from(*pkg.meta_far_merkle_root()).into(), length: 0 };
let (needed_blobs, needed_blobs_server_end) =
let (dir, dir_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fio::DirectoryMarker>().unwrap();
let get_fut = package_cache
.get(&mut meta_blob_info, needed_blobs_server_end, Some(dir_server_end))
.map_ok(|res| res.map_err(Status::from_raw));
let (meta_far, contents) = pkg.contents();
let mut contents = contents
.map(|blob| (BlobId::from(blob.merkle), blob.contents))
.collect::<HashMap<_, Vec<u8>>>();
let (meta_blob, meta_blob_server_end) =
let res = needed_blobs.open_meta_blob(meta_blob_server_end).await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = write_blob(&meta_far.contents, meta_blob).await.unwrap();
let missing_blobs = get_missing_blobs(&needed_blobs).await;
for mut blob in missing_blobs {
let buf = contents.remove(&blob.blob_id.into()).unwrap();
let (content_blob, content_blob_server_end) =
.open_blob(&mut blob.blob_id, content_blob_server_end)
let () = write_blob(&buf, content_blob).await.unwrap();
let () = get_fut.await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = pkg.verify_contents(&dir).await.unwrap();
async fn gc_error_pending_commit() {
let (throttle_hook, throttler) = mphooks::throttle();
let system_image_package = SystemImageBuilder::new().build().await;
let env = TestEnv::builder()
.insert_hook(mphooks::config_status(|_| Ok(paver::ConfigurationStatus::Pending))),
// Allow the paver to emit enough events to unblock the CommitStatusProvider FIDL server, but
// few enough to guarantee the commit is still pending.
let () = throttler.emit_next_paver_events(&[
PaverEvent::QueryConfigurationStatus { configuration: paver::Configuration::A },
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Err(ErrorCode::PendingCommit)));
// When the commit completes, GC should unblock as well.
let () = throttler.emit_next_paver_events(&[
PaverEvent::SetConfigurationHealthy { configuration: paver::Configuration::A },
PaverEvent::SetConfigurationUnbootable { configuration: paver::Configuration::B },
let event_pair =
assert_eq!(OnSignals::new(&event_pair, zx::Signals::USER_0).await, Ok(zx::Signals::USER_0));
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
/// Sets up the test environment and writes the packages out to base.
async fn setup_test_env(
blobfs: Option<BlobfsRamdisk>,
static_packages: &[&Package],
) -> (TestEnv, Package) {
let blobfs = match blobfs {
Some(fs) => fs,
None => BlobfsRamdisk::start().unwrap(),
let system_image_package =
for pkg in static_packages {
let env = TestEnv::builder()
.blobfs_and_system_image_hash(blobfs, Some(*system_image_package.meta_far_merkle_root()))
(env, system_image_package)
/// Assert that performing a GC does nothing on a blobfs that only includes the system image and
/// static packages.
async fn gc_noop_system_image() {
let static_package = PackageBuilder::new("static-package")
.add_resource_at("resource", &[][..])
let (env, _) = setup_test_env(None, &[&static_package]).await;
let original_blobs = env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get an initial list of blobs");
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get new blobs"), original_blobs);
/// Assert that any blobs protected by the dynamic index are ineligible for garbage collection.
/// Furthermore, ensure that an incomplete package does not lose blobs, and that the previous
/// packages' blobs survive until the new package is entirely written.
async fn gc_dynamic_index_protected() {
let (env, sysimg_pkg) = setup_test_env(None, &[]).await;
let pkg = PackageBuilder::new("gc_dynamic_index_protected_pkg_cache")
.add_resource_at("bin/x", "bin-x-version-1".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("data/unchanging", "unchanging-content".as_bytes())
do_fetch(&env.proxies.package_cache, &pkg).await;
// Ensure that the just-fetched blobs are not reaped by a GC cycle.
let mut test_blobs = env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get an initial list of blobs");
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get new blobs"), test_blobs);
// Fetch an updated package, skipping both its content blobs to guarantee that there are
// missing blobs. This helps us ensure that the meta.far is not lost.
let pkgprime = PackageBuilder::new("gc_dynamic_index_protected_pkg_cache")
.add_resource_at("bin/x", "bin-x-version-2".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("bin/y", "bin-y-version-1".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("data/unchanging", "unchanging-content".as_bytes())
// We can't call do_fetch here because the NeededBlobs protocol can be "canceled". This means
// that if the channel is closed before the protocol is completed, the blobs mentioned in the
// meta.far are no longer protected by the dynamic index.
// That's WAI, but complicating the do_fetch interface further isn't worth it.
// Here, we persist the meta.far
let mut meta_blob_info =
BlobInfo { blob_id: BlobId::from(*pkgprime.meta_far_merkle_root()).into(), length: 0 };
let package_cache = &env.proxies.package_cache;
let (needed_blobs, needed_blobs_server_end) =
let (dir, dir_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fio::DirectoryMarker>().unwrap();
let get_fut = package_cache
.get(&mut meta_blob_info, needed_blobs_server_end, Some(dir_server_end))
.map_ok(|res| res.map_err(Status::from_raw));
let (meta_far, contents) = pkgprime.contents();
let mut contents = contents
.map(|blob| (BlobId::from(blob.merkle), blob.contents))
.collect::<HashMap<_, Vec<u8>>>();
let (meta_blob, meta_blob_server_end) =
let res = needed_blobs.open_meta_blob(meta_blob_server_end).await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = write_blob(&meta_far.contents, meta_blob).await.unwrap();
// Ensure that the new meta.far is persisted despite having missing blobs, and the "old" blobs
// are not removed.
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get new blobs"), test_blobs);
// Fully fetch pkgprime, and ensure that blobs from the old package are not persisted past GC.
let missing_blobs = get_missing_blobs(&needed_blobs).await;
for mut blob in missing_blobs {
let buf = contents.remove(&blob.blob_id.into()).unwrap();
let (content_blob, content_blob_server_end) =
.open_blob(&mut blob.blob_id, content_blob_server_end)
let () = write_blob(&buf, content_blob).await.unwrap();
// Run a GC to try to reap blobs protected by meta far.
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
let () = get_fut.await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = pkgprime.verify_contents(&dir).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
// At this point, we expect blobfs to only contain the blobs from the system image package and
// from pkgprime.
let expected_blobs = sysimg_pkg
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("all blobs"), expected_blobs);
/// Test that a blobfs with blobs not belonging to a known package will lose those blobs on GC.
async fn gc_random_blobs() {
let static_package = PackageBuilder::new("static-package")
.add_resource_at("resource", &[][..])
let blobfs = BlobfsRamdisk::builder()
.with_blob(b"blobby mcblobberson".to_vec())
.expect("blobfs creation to succeed with stray blob");
let gced_blob = blobfs
.expect("to find initial blob")
.expect("to get initial blob");
let (env, _) = setup_test_env(Some(blobfs), &[&static_package]).await;
let mut original_blobs = env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get an initial list of blobs");
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to read current blobfs state"), original_blobs);
/// Effectively the same as gc_dynamic_index_protected, except that the updated package also
/// existed as a static package as well.
async fn gc_updated_static_package() {
let static_package = PackageBuilder::new("gc_updated_static_package_pkg_cache")
.add_resource_at("bin/x", "bin-x-version-0".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("data/unchanging", "unchanging-content".as_bytes())
let (env, _) = setup_test_env(None, &[&static_package]).await;
let initial_blobs = env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get initial blob list");
let pkg = PackageBuilder::new("gc_updated_static_package_pkg_cache")
.add_resource_at("bin/x", "bin-x-version-1".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("data/unchanging", "unchanging-content".as_bytes())
do_fetch(&env.proxies.package_cache, &pkg).await;
// Ensure that the just-fetched blobs are not reaped by a GC cycle.
let mut test_blobs = env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get an initial list of blobs");
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get new blobs"), test_blobs);
let pkgprime = PackageBuilder::new("gc_updated_static_package_pkg_cache")
.add_resource_at("bin/x", "bin-x-version-2".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("bin/y", "bin-y-version-1".as_bytes())
.add_resource_at("data/unchanging", "unchanging-content".as_bytes())
// We can't call do_fetch here because the NeededBlobs protocol can be "canceled". This means
// that if the channel is closed before the protocol is completed, the blobs mentioned in the
// meta.far are no longer protected by the dynamic index.
// That's WAI, but complicating the do_fetch interface further isn't worth it.
// Here, we persist the meta.far
let mut meta_blob_info =
BlobInfo { blob_id: BlobId::from(*pkgprime.meta_far_merkle_root()).into(), length: 0 };
let package_cache = &env.proxies.package_cache;
let (needed_blobs, needed_blobs_server_end) =
let (dir, dir_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fio::DirectoryMarker>().unwrap();
let get_fut = package_cache
.get(&mut meta_blob_info, needed_blobs_server_end, Some(dir_server_end))
.map_ok(|res| res.map_err(Status::from_raw));
let (meta_far, contents) = pkgprime.contents();
let mut contents = contents
.map(|blob| (BlobId::from(blob.merkle), blob.contents))
.collect::<HashMap<_, Vec<u8>>>();
let (meta_blob, meta_blob_server_end) =
let res = needed_blobs.open_meta_blob(meta_blob_server_end).await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = write_blob(&meta_far.contents, meta_blob).await.unwrap();
// Ensure that the new meta.far is persisted despite having missing blobs, and the "old" blobs
// are not removed.
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("to get new blobs"), test_blobs);
// Fully fetch pkgprime, and ensure that blobs from the old package are not persisted past GC.
let missing_blobs = get_missing_blobs(&needed_blobs).await;
for mut blob in missing_blobs {
let buf = contents.remove(&blob.blob_id.into()).unwrap();
let (content_blob, content_blob_server_end) =
.open_blob(&mut blob.blob_id, content_blob_server_end)
let () = write_blob(&buf, content_blob).await.unwrap();
// Run a GC to try to reap blobs protected by meta far.
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
let () = get_fut.await.unwrap().unwrap();
let () = pkgprime.verify_contents(&dir).await.unwrap();
assert_matches!(env.proxies.space_manager.gc().await, Ok(Ok(())));
// At this point, we expect blobfs to only contain the blobs from the system image package and
// from pkgprime.
let expected_blobs =
assert_eq!(env.blobfs.list_blobs().expect("all blobs"), expected_blobs);
async fn blob_write_fails_when_out_of_space() {
let system_image_package = SystemImageBuilder::new().build().await;
// Create a 2MB blobfs (4096 blocks * 512 bytes / block), which is about the minimum size blobfs
// will fit in and still be able to write our small package.
// See for information on the
// blobfs format and metadata overhead.
let very_small_blobfs = Ramdisk::builder()
.expect("made blobfs builder")
.expect("started blobfs");
.write_to_blobfs_dir(&very_small_blobfs.root_dir().expect("wrote system image to blobfs"));
// A very large version of the same package, to put in the repo.
// Critically, this package contains an incompressible 4MB asset in the meta.far,
// which is larger than our blobfs, and attempting to resolve this package will result in
// blobfs returning out of space.
const LARGE_ASSET_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
let mut rng = StdRng::from_seed([0u8; 32]);
let rng = &mut rng as &mut dyn RngCore;
let pkg = PackageBuilder::new("pkg-a")
.add_resource_at("meta/asset", rng.take(LARGE_ASSET_FILE_SIZE))
.expect("build large package");
// The size of the meta far should be the size of our asset, plus three 4k-aligned files:
// - meta/contents
// - meta/fuchsia.abi/abi-revision
// - meta/package
// Content chunks in FARs are 4KiB-aligned, so the most empty FAR we can get is 12KiB:
// meta/package at one alignment boundary, meta/fuchsia.abi/abi-revision at the next alignment
// boundary, and meta/contents is empty.
// This FAR should be 12KiB + the size of our asset file.
LARGE_ASSET_FILE_SIZE + 4096 + 4096 + 4096
let env = TestEnv::builder()
let mut meta_blob_info =
BlobInfo { blob_id: BlobId::from(*pkg.meta_far_merkle_root()).into(), length: 0 };
let (needed_blobs, needed_blobs_server_end) =
let (_dir, dir_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<fio::DirectoryMarker>().unwrap();
let _get_fut = env
.get(&mut meta_blob_info, needed_blobs_server_end, Some(dir_server_end))
.map_ok(|res| res.map_err(Status::from_raw));
let (meta_blob, meta_blob_server_end) =
let res = needed_blobs.open_meta_blob(meta_blob_server_end).await.unwrap().unwrap();
let (meta_far, _contents) = pkg.contents();
assert_eq!(write_blob(&meta_far.contents, meta_blob).await, Err(Status::NO_SPACE));