blob: 5d633d00b68cafb49ee27d85146c127265235a93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "accessor.h"
#include "address_space.h"
#include "dlog.h"
#include "instruction_writer.h"
#include "macros.h"
class TestRingbuffer;
namespace magma {
// Template class containing a ringbuffer of instructions, which can be mapped
// onto both the CPU and GPU.
template <typename GpuMapping>
class Ringbuffer : public InstructionWriter {
Ringbuffer(std::unique_ptr<typename GpuMapping::BufferType>&& buffer, uint32_t start_offset);
uint64_t size() { return size_; }
uint32_t tail() { return tail_; }
uint32_t head() { return head_; }
void update_head(uint32_t head) {
DASSERT((head & (sizeof(*vaddr_) - 1)) == 0);
DASSERT(head < size_);
DLOG("updating head 0x%x", head);
head_ = head;
void Write32(uint32_t value) override;
bool HasSpace(uint32_t bytes);
// Maps to both CPU and GPU.
bool Map(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace<GpuMapping>> address_space);
bool Unmap();
bool GetGpuAddress(uint64_t* addr_out);
std::weak_ptr<AddressSpace<GpuMapping>> GetMappedAddressSpace() const {
return gpu_mapping_ ?
gpu_mapping_->address_space() :
uint32_t* vaddr() { return vaddr_; }
void update_tail(uint32_t tail) {
DASSERT((tail & (sizeof(*vaddr_) - 1)) == 0);
DASSERT(tail < size_);
DLOG("updating tail 0x%x", tail);
tail_ = tail;
std::shared_ptr<typename GpuMapping::BufferType> buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<GpuMapping> gpu_mapping_;
uint64_t size_;
uint32_t head_;
uint32_t tail_;
uint32_t* vaddr_{}; // mapped virtual address
friend class ::TestRingbuffer;
template <typename GpuMapping>
Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::Ringbuffer(std::unique_ptr<typename GpuMapping::BufferType>&& buffer,
uint32_t start_offset)
: buffer_(std::move(buffer)) {
size_ = BufferAccessor<typename GpuMapping::BufferType>::platform_buffer(buffer_.get())->size();
DASSERT(size_ > start_offset);
tail_ = start_offset;
head_ = tail_;
template <typename GpuMapping>
void Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::Write32(uint32_t value) {
// Note vaddr_ is an array of 32-bit=4 byte values
vaddr_[tail_ >> 2] = value;
tail_ += sizeof(value);
if (tail_ >= size_) {
DLOG("ringbuffer tail wrapped");
tail_ = 0;
DASSERT(tail_ != head_);
template <typename GpuMapping>
bool Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::HasSpace(uint32_t bytes) {
// Can't fill completely such that tail_ == head_
int32_t space = head_ - tail_ - sizeof(uint32_t);
if (space <= 0)
space += size_;
bool ret = static_cast<uint32_t>(space) >= bytes;
return DRETF(ret, "Insufficient space: bytes 0x%x space 0x%x", bytes, space);
template <typename GpuMapping>
bool Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::Map(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace<GpuMapping>> address_space) {
gpu_mapping_ = AddressSpace<GpuMapping>::MapBufferGpu(address_space, buffer_);
if (!gpu_mapping_)
return DRETF(false, "MapBufferGpu failed");
void* addr;
if (!BufferAccessor<typename GpuMapping::BufferType>::platform_buffer(buffer_.get())
->MapCpu(&addr)) {
gpu_mapping_ = nullptr;
return DRETF(false, "MapCpu failed");
vaddr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(addr);
return true;
template <typename GpuMapping>
bool Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::Unmap() {
if (!buffer_->platform_buffer()->UnmapCpu())
return DRETF(false, "UnmapCpu failed");
return true;
template <typename GpuMapping>
bool Ringbuffer<GpuMapping>::GetGpuAddress(uint64_t* addr_out) {
if (!gpu_mapping_)
return DRETF(false, "Not mapped");
*addr_out = gpu_mapping_->gpu_addr();
return true;
} // namespace magma