blob: f236824a10d627a5e86f6ca2b6325c97b1cad510 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "msd_vsl_device.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include "instructions.h"
#include "magma_util/macros.h"
#include "magma_vendor_queries.h"
#include "msd.h"
#include "platform_barriers.h"
#include "platform_logger.h"
#include "platform_mmio.h"
#include "platform_thread.h"
#include "registers.h"
static constexpr uint32_t kInterruptIndex = 0;
MsdVslDevice::~MsdVslDevice() {
stop_interrupt_thread_ = true;
if (interrupt_) {
if (interrupt_thread_.joinable()) {
DLOG("Joined interrupt thread");
std::unique_ptr<MsdVslDevice> MsdVslDevice::Create(void* device_handle) {
auto device = std::make_unique<MsdVslDevice>();
if (!device->Init(device_handle))
return DRETP(nullptr, "Failed to initialize device");
return device;
bool MsdVslDevice::Init(void* device_handle) {
platform_device_ = magma::PlatformDevice::Create(device_handle);
if (!platform_device_)
return DRETF(false, "Failed to create platform device");
std::unique_ptr<magma::PlatformMmio> mmio =
platform_device_->CpuMapMmio(0, magma::PlatformMmio::CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE);
if (!mmio)
return DRETF(false, "failed to map registers");
register_io_ = std::make_unique<magma::RegisterIo>(std::move(mmio));
device_id_ = registers::ChipId::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get()).chip_id().get();
DLOG("Detected vsl chip id 0x%x", device_id_);
if (device_id_ != 0x7000 && device_id_ != 0x8000)
return DRETF(false, "Unspported gpu model 0x%x\n", device_id_);
gpu_features_ = std::make_unique<GpuFeatures>(register_io_.get());
DLOG("gpu features: 0x%x minor features 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n",
gpu_features_->features().reg_value(), gpu_features_->minor_features(0),
gpu_features_->minor_features(1), gpu_features_->minor_features(2),
gpu_features_->minor_features(3), gpu_features_->minor_features(4),
DLOG("halti5: %d mmu: %d", gpu_features_->halti5(), gpu_features_->has_mmu());
"stream count %u register_max %u thread_count %u vertex_cache_size %u shader_core_count "
"%u pixel_pipes %u vertex_output_buffer_size %u\n",
gpu_features_->stream_count(), gpu_features_->register_max(), gpu_features_->thread_count(),
gpu_features_->vertex_cache_size(), gpu_features_->shader_core_count(),
gpu_features_->pixel_pipes(), gpu_features_->vertex_output_buffer_size());
DLOG("instruction count %u buffer_size %u num_constants %u varyings_count %u\n",
gpu_features_->instruction_count(), gpu_features_->buffer_size(),
gpu_features_->num_constants(), gpu_features_->varyings_count());
if (!gpu_features_->features().pipe_3d().get())
return DRETF(false, "Gpu has no 3d pipe: features 0x%x\n",
bus_mapper_ = magma::PlatformBusMapper::Create(platform_device_->GetBusTransactionInitiator());
if (!bus_mapper_)
return DRETF(false, "failed to create bus mapper");
page_table_arrays_ = PageTableArrays::Create(bus_mapper_.get());
if (!page_table_arrays_)
return DRETF(false, "failed to create page table arrays");
// TODO(fxb/43043): Implement and test ringbuffer wrapping.
const uint32_t kRingbufferSize = magma::page_size();
auto buffer = MsdVslBuffer::Create(kRingbufferSize, "ring-buffer");
ringbuffer_ = std::make_unique<Ringbuffer>(std::move(buffer), 0 /* start_offset */);
if (!HardwareInit()) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to initialize hardware");
interrupt_thread_ = std::thread([this] { this->InterruptThreadLoop(); });
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::HardwareInit() {
interrupt_ = platform_device_->RegisterInterrupt(kInterruptIndex);
if (!interrupt_) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to register interrupt");
auto reg = registers::IrqEnable::Get().FromValue(~0);
auto reg = registers::SecureAhbControl::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get());
page_table_slot_allocator_ = std::make_unique<PageTableSlotAllocator>(page_table_arrays_->size());
return true;
void MsdVslDevice::DisableInterrupts() {
if (!register_io_) {
DLOG("Register io was not initialized, skipping disabling interrupts");
auto reg = registers::IrqEnable::Get().FromValue(0);
int MsdVslDevice::InterruptThreadLoop() {
magma::PlatformThreadHelper::SetCurrentThreadName("VSL InterruptThread");
DLOG("VSL Interrupt thread started");
std::unique_ptr<magma::PlatformHandle> profile = platform_device_->GetSchedulerProfile(
magma::PlatformDevice::kPriorityHigher, "msd-vsl-gc/vsl-interrupt-thread");
if (!profile) {
return DRETF(0, "Failed to get higher priority");
if (!magma::PlatformThreadHelper::SetProfile(profile.get())) {
return DRETF(0, "Failed to set priority");
while (!stop_interrupt_thread_) {
if (stop_interrupt_thread_) {
auto irq_status = registers::IrqAck::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get());
auto mmu_exception = irq_status.mmu_exception().get();
auto bus_error = irq_status.bus_error().get();
auto value = irq_status.value().get();
if (mmu_exception) {
DMESSAGE("Interrupt thread received mmu_exception");
if (bus_error) {
DMESSAGE("Interrupt thread received bus error");
// Check which bits are set and complete the corresponding event.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kNumEvents; i++) {
if (value & (1 << i)) {
// TODO(fxb/43235): this should be processed on the driver device thread once it exists.
if (!CompleteInterruptEvent(i)) {
DLOG("Failed to complete event %u\n", i);
DLOG("VSL Interrupt thread exiting");
return 0;
bool MsdVslDevice::AllocInterruptEvent(uint32_t* out_event_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(events_mutex_);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumEvents; i++) {
if (!events_[i].allocated) {
events_[i].allocated = true;
*out_event_id = i;
return true;
return DRETF(false, "No events are currently available");
bool MsdVslDevice::FreeInterruptEvent(uint32_t event_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(events_mutex_);
if (event_id >= kNumEvents) {
return DRETF(false, "Invalid event id %u", event_id);
if (!events_[event_id].allocated) {
return DRETF(false, "Event id %u was not allocated", event_id);
events_[event_id] = {};
return true;
// Writes an event into the end of the ringbuffer.
bool MsdVslDevice::WriteInterruptEvent(uint32_t event_id,
std::shared_ptr<magma::PlatformSemaphore> signal) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(events_mutex_);
if (event_id >= kNumEvents) {
return DRETF(false, "Invalid event id %u", event_id);
if (!events_[event_id].allocated) {
return DRETF(false, "Event id %u was not allocated", event_id);
if (events_[event_id].submitted) {
return DRETF(false, "Event id %u was already submitted", event_id);
events_[event_id].submitted = true;
events_[event_id].signal = signal;
MiEvent::write(ringbuffer_.get(), event_id);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::CompleteInterruptEvent(uint32_t event_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(events_mutex_);
if (event_id >= kNumEvents) {
return DRETF(false, "Invalid event id %u", event_id);
if (!events_[event_id].allocated || !events_[event_id].submitted) {
return DRETF(false, "Cannot complete event %u, allocated %u submitted %u",
event_id, events_[event_id].allocated, events_[event_id].submitted);
if (events_[event_id].signal) {
events_[event_id].submitted = false;
events_[event_id].signal = nullptr;
return true;
void MsdVslDevice::Reset() {
DLOG("Reset start");
auto clock_control = registers::ClockControl::Get().FromValue(0);
auto reg = registers::SecureAhbControl::Get().FromValue(0);
clock_control = registers::ClockControl::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get());
if (!IsIdle() || !clock_control.idle_3d().get()) {
MAGMA_LOG(WARNING, "Gpu reset: failed to idle");
DLOG("Reset complete");
bool MsdVslDevice::IsIdle() {
return registers::IdleState::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get()).IsIdle();
bool MsdVslDevice::StopRingbuffer() {
if (IsIdle()) {
return true;
// Overwrite the last WAIT with an END.
uint32_t prev_wait_link = ringbuffer_->SubtractOffset(kWaitLinkDwords * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!ringbuffer_->Overwrite32(prev_wait_link, MiEnd::kCommandType)) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to overwrite WAIT in ringbuffer");
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::WaitUntilIdle(uint32_t timeout_ms) {
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (!IsIdle() && std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start)
.count() < timeout_ms) {
return IsIdle();
bool MsdVslDevice::LoadInitialAddressSpace(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> address_space,
uint32_t address_space_index) {
// Check if we have already configured an address space and enabled the MMU.
if (page_table_arrays_->IsEnabled(register_io())) {
return DRETF(false, "MMU already enabled");
static constexpr uint32_t kPageCount = 1;
std::unique_ptr<magma::PlatformBuffer> buffer =
magma::PlatformBuffer::Create(PAGE_SIZE * kPageCount, "address space config");
if (!buffer) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to create buffer");
auto bus_mapping = GetBusMapper()->MapPageRangeBus(buffer.get(), 0, kPageCount);
if (!bus_mapping) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to create bus mapping");
uint32_t* cmd_ptr;
if (!buffer->MapCpu(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&cmd_ptr))) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to map command buffer");
BufferWriter buf_writer(cmd_ptr, buffer->size(), 0);
auto reg = registers::MmuPageTableArrayConfig::Get().addr();
MiLoadState::write(&buf_writer, reg, address_space_index);
if (!buffer->UnmapCpu()) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to unmap cpu");
if (!buffer->CleanCache(0, PAGE_SIZE * kPageCount, false)) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to clean buffer cache");
auto res = SubmitCommandBufferNoMmu(bus_mapping->Get()[0], buf_writer.bytes_written());
if (!res) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to submit command buffer");
constexpr uint32_t kTimeoutMs = 100;
if (!WaitUntilIdle(kTimeoutMs)) {
return DRETF(false, "failed to wait for device to be idle");
page_table_arrays_->Enable(register_io(), true);
DLOG("Address space loaded, index %u", address_space_index);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::SubmitCommandBufferNoMmu(uint64_t bus_addr, uint32_t length,
uint16_t* prefetch_out) {
if (bus_addr & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ul)
return DRETF(false, "Can't submit address > 32 bits without mmu: 0x%08lx", bus_addr);
uint32_t prefetch = magma::round_up(length, sizeof(uint64_t)) / sizeof(uint64_t);
if (prefetch & 0xFFFF0000)
return DRETF(false, "Can't submit length %u (prefetch 0x%x)", length, prefetch);
prefetch &= 0xFFFF;
if (prefetch_out) {
*prefetch_out = prefetch;
DLOG("Submitting buffer at bus addr 0x%lx", bus_addr);
auto reg_cmd_addr = registers::FetchEngineCommandAddress::Get().FromValue(0);
reg_cmd_addr.addr().set(bus_addr & 0xFFFFFFFF);
auto reg_cmd_ctrl = registers::FetchEngineCommandControl::Get().FromValue(0);
auto reg_sec_cmd_ctrl = registers::SecureCommandControl::Get().FromValue(0);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::StartRingbuffer(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> address_space) {
if (!IsIdle()) {
return true; // Already running and looping on WAIT-LINK.
bool res = ringbuffer_->Map(address_space);
if (!res) {
return DRETF(res, "Could not map ringbuffer");
uint64_t rb_gpu_addr;
res = ringbuffer_->GetGpuAddress(&rb_gpu_addr);
if (!res) {
return DRETF(res, "Could not get ringbuffer gpu address");
const uint16_t kRbPrefetch = 2;
// Write the initial WAIT-LINK to the ringbuffer. The LINK points back to the WAIT,
// and will keep looping until the WAIT is replaced with a LINK on command buffer submission.
uint32_t wait_gpu_addr = rb_gpu_addr + ringbuffer_->tail();
MiLink::write(ringbuffer_.get(), kRbPrefetch, wait_gpu_addr);
auto reg_cmd_addr = registers::FetchEngineCommandAddress::Get().FromValue(0);
auto reg_cmd_ctrl = registers::FetchEngineCommandControl::Get().FromValue(0);
auto reg_sec_cmd_ctrl = registers::SecureCommandControl::Get().FromValue(0);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::AddRingbufferWaitLink() {
uint64_t rb_gpu_addr;
bool res = ringbuffer_->GetGpuAddress(&rb_gpu_addr);
if (!res) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to get ringbuffer gpu address");
uint32_t wait_gpu_addr = rb_gpu_addr + ringbuffer_->tail();
MiLink::write(ringbuffer_.get(), 2 /* prefetch */, wait_gpu_addr);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::LinkRingbuffer(uint32_t wait_link_offset, uint32_t gpu_addr,
uint32_t dest_prefetch) {
// We can assume the instruction was written as 8 contiguous bytes.
DASSERT(ringbuffer_->IsOffsetPopulated(wait_link_offset + sizeof(uint32_t)));
// Replace the penultimate WAIT (before the newly added one) with a LINK to the command buffer.
// We will first modify the second dword which specifies the address,
// as the hardware may be executing at the address of the current WAIT.
ringbuffer_->Overwrite32(wait_link_offset + sizeof(uint32_t), gpu_addr);
ringbuffer_->Overwrite32(wait_link_offset, MiLink::kCommandType | dest_prefetch);
return true;
bool MsdVslDevice::WriteLinkCommand(magma::PlatformBuffer* buf, uint32_t length,
uint16_t link_prefetch, uint32_t link_addr) {
// Check if we have enough space for the LINK command.
uint32_t link_instr_size = kInstructionDwords * sizeof(uint32_t);
if (buf->size() < length + link_instr_size) {
return DRETF(false, "Buffer does not have %d free bytes for ringbuffer LINK", link_instr_size);
uint32_t* buf_cpu_addr;
bool res = buf->MapCpu(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&buf_cpu_addr));
if (!res) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to map command buffer");
BufferWriter buf_writer(buf_cpu_addr, buf->size(), length);
MiLink::write(&buf_writer, link_prefetch, link_addr);
if (!buf->UnmapCpu()) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to unmap command buffer");
return true;
// When submitting a command buffer, we modify the following:
// 1) add a LINK from the command buffer to the end of the ringbuffer
// 2) add an EVENT and WAIT-LINK pair to the end of the ringbuffer
// 3) modify the penultimate WAIT in the ringbuffer to LINK to the command buffer
bool MsdVslDevice::SubmitCommandBuffer(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> address_space,
uint32_t address_space_index,
magma::PlatformBuffer* buf, uint32_t gpu_addr,
uint32_t length, uint32_t event_id,
std::shared_ptr<magma::PlatformSemaphore> signal,
uint16_t* prefetch_out) {
// Check if we have loaded an address space and enabled the MMU.
if (!page_table_arrays_->IsEnabled(register_io())) {
if (!LoadInitialAddressSpace(address_space, address_space_index)) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to load initial address space");
// Check if we have started the ringbuffer WAIT-LINK loop.
if (IsIdle()) {
if (!StartRingbuffer(address_space)) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to start ringbuffer");
// Check if we need to switch address spaces.
auto mapped_address_space = ringbuffer_->GetMappedAddressSpace().lock();
// TODO(fxb/43718): support switching address spaces.
// We will need to keep the previous address space alive until the switch is completed
// by the hardware.
if (!mapped_address_space || (mapped_address_space.get() != address_space.get())) {
return DRETF(false, "Switching ringbuffer contexts not yet supported");
uint64_t rb_gpu_addr;
bool res = ringbuffer_->GetGpuAddress(&rb_gpu_addr);
if (!res) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to get ringbuffer gpu address");
length = magma::round_up(length, sizeof(uint64_t));
// Number of new commands to be added to the ringbuffer - EVENT WAIT LINK.
const uint16_t kRbPrefetch = 3;
uint32_t prev_wait_link = ringbuffer_->SubtractOffset(kWaitLinkDwords * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (buf) {
// Write a LINK at the end of the command buffer that links back to the ringbuffer.
if (!WriteLinkCommand(buf, length, kRbPrefetch,
static_cast<uint32_t>(rb_gpu_addr + ringbuffer_->tail()))) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to write LINK from command buffer to ringbuffer");
// Increment the command buffer length to account for the LINK command size.
length += (kInstructionDwords * sizeof(uint32_t));
} else {
// If there is no command buffer, we link directly to the new ringbuffer commands.
gpu_addr = rb_gpu_addr + ringbuffer_->tail();
length = kRbPrefetch * sizeof(uint64_t);
uint32_t prefetch = magma::round_up(length, sizeof(uint64_t)) / sizeof(uint64_t);
if (prefetch & 0xFFFF0000)
return DRETF(false, "Can't submit length %u (prefetch 0x%x)", length, prefetch);
*prefetch_out = prefetch & 0xFFFF;
// Write the new commands to the end of the ringbuffer.
// Add an EVENT to the end to the ringbuffer.
if (!WriteInterruptEvent(event_id, signal)) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to write interrupt event %u\n", event_id);
// Add a new WAIT-LINK to the end of the ringbuffer.
if (!AddRingbufferWaitLink()) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to add WAIT-LINK to ringbuffer");
DLOG("Submitting buffer at gpu addr 0x%x", gpu_addr);
if (!LinkRingbuffer(prev_wait_link, gpu_addr, *prefetch_out)) {
return DRETF(false, "Failed to link ringbuffer");
return true;
std::unique_ptr<MsdVslConnection> MsdVslDevice::Open(msd_client_id_t client_id) {
uint32_t page_table_array_slot;
if (!page_table_slot_allocator_->Alloc(&page_table_array_slot))
return DRETP(nullptr, "couldn't allocate page table slot");
auto address_space = AddressSpace::Create(this);
if (!address_space)
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to create address space");
page_table_arrays_->AssignAddressSpace(page_table_array_slot, address_space.get());
return std::make_unique<MsdVslConnection>(this, page_table_array_slot, std::move(address_space),
magma_status_t MsdVslDevice::ChipIdentity(magma_vsl_gc_chip_identity* out_identity) {
if (device_id() != 0x8000) {
// TODO(fxb/37962): Read hardcoded values from features database instead.
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, "unhandled device id 0x%x", device_id());
memset(out_identity, 0, sizeof(*out_identity));
out_identity->chip_model = device_id();
out_identity->chip_revision =
out_identity->chip_date =
out_identity->stream_count = gpu_features_->stream_count();
out_identity->pixel_pipes = gpu_features_->pixel_pipes();
out_identity->resolve_pipes = 0x0;
out_identity->instruction_count = gpu_features_->instruction_count();
out_identity->num_constants = gpu_features_->num_constants();
out_identity->varyings_count = gpu_features_->varyings_count();
out_identity->gpu_core_count = 0x1;
out_identity->product_id =
out_identity->chip_flags = 0x4;
out_identity->eco_id = registers::EcoId::Get().ReadFrom(register_io_.get()).eco_id().get();
out_identity->customer_id =
magma_status_t MsdVslDevice::ChipOption(magma_vsl_gc_chip_option* out_option) {
if (device_id() != 0x8000) {
// TODO(fxb/37962): Read hardcoded values from features database instead.
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, "unhandled device id 0x%x", device_id());
memset(out_option, 0, sizeof(*out_option));
out_option->gpu_profiler = false;
out_option->allow_fast_clear = false;
out_option->power_management = false;
out_option->enable_mmu = true;
out_option->compression = kVslGcCompressionOptionNone;
out_option->usc_l1_cache_ratio = 0;
out_option->secure_mode = kVslGcSecureModeNormal;
msd_connection_t* msd_device_open(msd_device_t* device, msd_client_id_t client_id) {
auto connection = MsdVslDevice::cast(device)->Open(client_id);
if (!connection)
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to create connection");
return new MsdVslAbiConnection(std::move(connection));
void msd_device_destroy(msd_device_t* device) { delete MsdVslDevice::cast(device); }
magma_status_t msd_device_query(msd_device_t* device, uint64_t id, uint64_t* value_out) {
switch (id) {
*value_out = 0x10001;
*value_out = MsdVslDevice::cast(device)->device_id();
*value_out = 0;
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, "unhandled id %" PRIu64, id);
static magma_status_t DataToBuffer(const char* name, void* data, uint64_t size,
uint32_t* buffer_out) {
std::unique_ptr<magma::PlatformBuffer> buffer = magma::PlatformBuffer::Create(size, name);
if (!buffer) {
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to allocate buffer");
if (!buffer->Write(data, 0, size)) {
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to write result to buffer");
if (!buffer->duplicate_handle(buffer_out)) {
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to duplicate handle");
magma_status_t msd_device_query_returns_buffer(msd_device_t* device, uint64_t id,
uint32_t* buffer_out) {
switch (id) {
case kMsdVslVendorQueryChipIdentity: {
magma_vsl_gc_chip_identity result;
magma_status_t status = MsdVslDevice::cast(device)->ChipIdentity(&result);
if (status != MAGMA_STATUS_OK) {
return status;
return DataToBuffer("chip_identity", &result, sizeof(result), buffer_out);
case kMsdVslVendorQueryChipOption: {
magma_vsl_gc_chip_option result;
magma_status_t status = MsdVslDevice::cast(device)->ChipOption(&result);
if (status != MAGMA_STATUS_OK) {
return status;
return DataToBuffer("chip_option", &result, sizeof(result), buffer_out);
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, "unhandled id %" PRIu64, id);
void msd_device_dump_status(msd_device_t* device, uint32_t dump_type) {}