blob: e87521a2dd70dd9590e3c4d256d790971bf4645f [file] [log] [blame]
// In-memory structures of records in the LSM tree.
use crate::lsm_tree::OrdLowerBound;
use crate::lsm_tree::{Item, ItemRef};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::ops::Range;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ExtentKey {
pub attribute_id: u64,
pub range: std::ops::Range<u64>,
impl ExtentKey {
pub fn new(attribute_id: u64, range: std::ops::Range<u64>) -> Self {
ExtentKey { attribute_id, range }
pub fn overlap(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> Option<Range<u64>> {
if self.attribute_id != other.attribute_id
|| self.range.end <= other.range.start
|| self.range.start >= other.range.end
} else {
Some(max(self.range.start, other.range.start)..min(self.range.end, other.range.end))
pub fn lower_bound(&self) -> Self {
ExtentKey { attribute_id: self.attribute_id, range: 0..self.range.start + 1 }
// The normal comparison uses the end of the range before the start of the range. This makes
// searching for records easier because it's easy to find K.. (where K is the key you are searching
// for), but it's harder (with BTreeMap at least) to find the key immediately preceding K that then
// extends to the end i.e. K-1.. OrdLowerBound orders by the start of an extent.
impl Ord for ExtentKey {
fn cmp(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// The comparison uses the end of the range so that we can more easily do queries.
// TODO(csuter): Expand on this.
impl PartialOrd for ExtentKey {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl OrdLowerBound for ExtentKey {
// Orders by the start of the range rather than the end.
fn cmp_lower_bound(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
return self
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ExtentValue {
pub device_offset: u64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ObjectKeyData {
Attribute { attribute_id: u64 },
Child { name: String }, // Should this be a string or array of bytes?
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct ObjectKey {
pub object_id: u64,
pub data: ObjectKeyData,
impl ObjectKey {
pub fn object(object_id: u64) -> ObjectKey {
ObjectKey { object_id: object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Object }
pub fn attribute(object_id: u64, attribute_id: u64) -> ObjectKey {
ObjectKey { object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Attribute { attribute_id } }
pub fn extent(object_id: u64, extent_key: ExtentKey) -> ObjectKey {
ObjectKey { object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Extent(extent_key) }
pub fn child(object_id: u64, name: &str) -> ObjectKey {
ObjectKey { object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Child { name: name.to_owned() } }
// Returns the lower bound for a key.
pub fn lower_bound(&self) -> ObjectKey {
if let ObjectKey { object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Extent(e) } = self {
ObjectKey::extent(*object_id, e.lower_bound())
} else {
impl OrdLowerBound for ObjectKey {
fn cmp_lower_bound(&self, other: &ObjectKey) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
self.object_id.cmp(&other.object_id).then_with(|| match (&, & {
(ObjectKeyData::Extent(ref left_extent), ObjectKeyData::Extent(ref right_extent)) => {
_ =>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ObjectType {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ObjectValue {
Object { object_type: ObjectType },
Attribute { size: u64 },
Child { object_id: u64, object_type: ObjectType },
impl ObjectValue {
pub fn object(object_type: ObjectType) -> ObjectValue {
ObjectValue::Object { object_type }
pub fn attribute(size: u64) -> ObjectValue {
ObjectValue::Attribute { size }
pub fn extent(device_offset: u64) -> ObjectValue {
ObjectValue::Extent(ExtentValue { device_offset })
pub fn child(object_id: u64, object_type: ObjectType) -> ObjectValue {
ObjectValue::Child { object_id, object_type }
pub type ObjectItem = Item<ObjectKey, ObjectValue>;
pub fn decode_extent(
item: ItemRef<'_, ObjectKey, ObjectValue>,
) -> Option<(u64, &ExtentKey, &ExtentValue)> {
match item {
ItemRef {
key: ObjectKey { object_id, data: ObjectKeyData::Extent(ref extent_key) },
value: ObjectValue::Extent(ref extent_value),
} => Some((*object_id, extent_key, extent_value)),
_ => None,
// TODO: need validation after deserialization.