blob: f53b3b38621849f1bc4f246a99f26268e5676061 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Contains errors raised by Honeydew."""
import logging
_LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HoneydewError(Exception):
"""Base exception for Honeydew module.
More specific exceptions will be created by inheriting from this exception.
def __init__(self, msg: str | Exception) -> None:
"""Inits HoneydewError with 'msg' (an error message string).
msg: an error message string or an Exception instance.
Note: Additionally, logs 'msg' to debug log level file.
_LOGGER.debug(repr(self), exc_info=True)
class TransportError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception for errors raised by Honeydew transports."""
class HttpRequestError(TransportError):
"""Exception for errors raised by HTTP requests running on host machine."""
class Sl4fError(TransportError):
"""Exception for errors raised by SL4F requests."""
class SSHCommandError(TransportError):
"""Exception for errors raised by SSH commands running on host machine."""
class FfxCommandError(TransportError):
"""Exception for errors raised by ffx commands running on host machine."""
class FuchsiaControllerError(TransportError):
"""Exception for errors raised by Fuchsia Controller requests."""
class FastbootCommandError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception for errors raised by Fastboot commands."""
class TransportConnectionError(HoneydewError):
"""Raised when transport's check_connection fails."""
class Sl4fConnectionError(TransportConnectionError):
"""Raised when FFX transport's check_connection fails."""
class SshConnectionError(TransportConnectionError):
"""Raised when SSH transport's check_connection fails."""
class FfxConnectionError(TransportConnectionError):
"""Raised when FFX transport's check_connection fails."""
class FuchsiaControllerConnectionError(TransportConnectionError):
"""Raised when Fuchsia-Controller transport's check_connection fails."""
class FastbootConnectionError(TransportConnectionError):
"""Raised when Fastboot transport's check_connection fails."""
class FfxConfigError(HoneydewError):
"""Raised by ffx.FfxConfig class."""
class HoneydewTimeoutError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception for timeout based raised by Honeydew."""
class FfxTimeoutError(HoneydewTimeoutError):
"""Exception for timeout based errors raised by ffx commands running on host machine."""
class HoneydewRtcError(HoneydewError):
"""Raised by rtc.Rtc class."""
class HoneydewDataResourceError(HoneydewError):
"""Raised when Honeydew fails to fetch its data resources."""
class FuchsiaStateError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception for state errors."""
class FuchsiaDeviceError(HoneydewError):
"""Base exception for errors raised by fuchsia device."""
class SessionError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception for errors raised by Session."""
class DeviceNotConnectedError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception to be raised when device is not connected to host."""
class SystemPowerStateControllerError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception to be raised by SystemPowerStateController affordance."""
class NotSupportedError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception to be raised if an operation is not yet supported by
underlying Fuchsia platform."""
class StarnixError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception to be raised if a starnix operation fails."""
class UserInputError(HoneydewError):
"""Exception to be raised by UserInput"""