blob: a07635783cf60c55a2436a4bbd4a02bf36200382 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Library for filesystem management in rust.
//! This library is analogous to the fs-management library in zircon. It provides support for
//! formatting, mounting, unmounting, and fsck-ing. It is implemented in a similar way to the C++
//! version - it uses the blobfs command line tool present in the base image. In order to use this
//! library inside of a sandbox, the following must be added to the relevant component manifest
//! file -
//! ```
//! "sandbox": {
//! "services": [
//! "fuchsia.process.Launcher",
//! "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry"
//! ]
//! }
//! ```
//! and the projects file must contain
//! ```
//! package("foo") {
//! deps = [
//! "//src/storage/bin/blobfs",
//! "//src/storage/bin/minfs",
//! ...
//! ]
//! binaries = [
//! { name = "blobfs" },
//! { name = "minfs" },
//! ...
//! ]
//! ...
//! }
//! ```
//! for components v1. For components v2, add `/svc/fuchsia.process.Launcher` to `use` and add the
//! binaries as dependencies to your component.
//! This library currently doesn't work outside of a component (the filesystem utility binary paths
//! are hard-coded strings).
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fdio::{spawn_etc, Namespace, SpawnAction, SpawnOptions},
DirectoryAdminSynchronousProxy, FilesystemInfo, NodeSynchronousProxy,
fuchsia_runtime::{HandleInfo, HandleType},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef, Task},
fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status,
/// Stores state of the mounted filesystem instance
struct FSInstance {
process: zx::Process,
mount_point: String,
impl FSInstance {
/// Mount the filesystem partition that exists on the provided block device, allowing it to
/// receive requests on the root channel. In order to be mounted in the traditional sense, the
/// client side of the provided root channel needs to be bound to a path in a namespace
/// somewhere.
fn mount(
block_device: zx::Channel,
args: Vec<&CStr>,
mount_point: &str,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (node, server_end) =
let node = NodeSynchronousProxy::new(node.into_channel());
let actions = vec![
// root handle is passed in as a PA_USER0 handle at argument 0
SpawnAction::add_handle(HandleInfo::new(HandleType::User0, 0), server_end.into()),
// device handle is passed in as a PA_USER0 handle at argument 1
SpawnAction::add_handle(HandleInfo::new(HandleType::User0, 1), block_device.into()),
let process = launch_process(&args, actions)?;
// Wait until the filesystem is ready to take incoming requests. We want
// mount errors to show before we bind to the namespace.
let _: fidl_fuchsia_io::NodeInfo =
node.describe(zx::Time::INFINITE).context("failed to mount")?;
let namespace = Namespace::installed().context("failed to get installed namespace")?;
.bind(mount_point, node.into_channel())
.context("failed to bind client channel into default namespace")?;
Ok(Self { process, mount_point: mount_point.to_string() })
/// Unmount the filesystem partition. The partition must already be mounted.
fn unmount(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (client_chan, server_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let namespace = Namespace::installed().context("failed to get installed namespace")?;
.connect(&self.mount_point, OPEN_RIGHT_ADMIN, server_chan)
.context("failed to connect to filesystem")?;
let proxy = DirectoryAdminSynchronousProxy::new(client_chan);
proxy.unmount(zx::Time::INFINITE).context("failed to unmount")?;
.context("failed to unbind filesystem from default namespace")
/// Get `FileSystemInfo` struct from which one can find out things like
/// free space, used space, block size, etc.
fn query_filesystem(&self) -> Result<Box<FilesystemInfo>, Error> {
let (client_chan, server_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let namespace = Namespace::installed().context("failed to get installed namespace")?;
.connect(&self.mount_point, OPEN_RIGHT_ADMIN, server_chan)
.context("failed to connect to filesystem")?;
let proxy = DirectoryAdminSynchronousProxy::new(client_chan);
let (status, result) = proxy
.context("failed to query filesystem info")?;
zx_status::Status::ok(status).context("failed to query filesystem info")?;
result.ok_or(format_err!("querying filesystem info got empty result"))
/// Terminate the filesystem process and force unmount the mount point
fn kill(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let namespace = Namespace::installed().context("failed to get installed namespace")?;
.context("failed to unbind filesystem from default namespace")?;
self.process.kill().context("Could not kill filesystem process")
fn launch_process(args: &[&CStr], mut actions: Vec<SpawnAction<'_>>) -> Result<zx::Process, Error> {
let options = SpawnOptions::CLONE_ALL;
let process = match spawn_etc(
&mut actions,
) {
Ok(process) => process,
Err((status, message)) => {
return Err(format_err!(
"failed to spawn process. launched with: {:?}, status: {}, message: {}",
fn run_command_and_wait_for_clean_exit(
args: Vec<&CStr>,
block_device: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let actions = vec![
// device handle is passed in as a PA_USER0 handle at argument 1
SpawnAction::add_handle(HandleInfo::new(HandleType::User0, 1), block_device.into()),
let process = launch_process(&args, actions)?;
let _signals = process
.wait_handle(zx::Signals::PROCESS_TERMINATED, zx::Time::INFINITE)
.context(format!("failed to wait for process to complete"))?;
let info ="failed to get process info")?;
if !zx::ProcessInfoFlags::from_bits(info.flags).unwrap().contains(zx::ProcessInfoFlags::EXITED)
|| info.return_code != 0
return Err(format_err!("process returned non-zero exit code ({})", info.return_code));
/// Describes the configuration for a particular native filesystem.
pub trait FSConfig {
/// Path to the filesystem binary
fn binary_path(&self) -> &CStr;
/// Arguments passed to the binary for all subcommands
fn generic_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr>;
/// Arguments passed to the binary for formatting
fn format_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr>;
/// Arguments passed to the binary for mounting
fn mount_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr>;
/// Manages a block device for filesystem operations
pub struct Filesystem<FSC: FSConfig> {
device: NodeSynchronousProxy,
config: FSC,
instance: Option<FSInstance>,
impl<FSC: FSConfig> Filesystem<FSC> {
/// Manage a filesystem on a device at the given path. The device is not formatted, mounted, or
/// modified at this point.
pub fn from_path(device_path: &str, config: FSC) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (client_end, server_end) = zx::Channel::create()?;
fdio::service_connect(device_path, server_end)
.context("could not connect to block device")?;
Self::from_channel(client_end, config)
/// Manage a filesystem on a device at the given channel. The device is not formatted, mounted,
/// or modified at this point.
pub fn from_channel(client_end: zx::Channel, config: FSC) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let device = NodeSynchronousProxy::new(client_end);
Ok(Self { device, config, instance: None })
/// Returns a channel to the block device.
fn get_channel(&mut self) -> Result<zx::Channel, Error> {
let (channel, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let () =
self.device.clone(CLONE_FLAG_SAME_RIGHTS, fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd::new(server))?;
/// Mount the provided block device and bind it to the provided mount_point in the default
/// namespace. The filesystem can't already be mounted, and the mount will fail if the provided
/// mount path doesn't already exist. The path is relative to the root of the default namespace,
/// and can't contain any '.' or '..' entries.
pub fn mount(&mut self, mount_point: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.instance.is_some() {
return Err(format_err!("cannot mount. filesystem is already mounted"));
let block_device = self.get_channel()?;
let mut args = vec![self.config.binary_path(), cstr!("mount")];
args.append(&mut self.config.generic_args());
args.append(&mut self.config.mount_args());
self.instance = Some(FSInstance::mount(block_device, args, mount_point)?);
/// Format the associated device with a fresh filesystem. It must not be mounted.
pub fn format(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.instance.is_some() {
return Err(format_err!("cannot format! filesystem is mounted"));
let block_device = self.get_channel()?;
let mut args = vec![self.config.binary_path(), cstr!("mkfs")];
args.append(&mut self.config.generic_args());
args.append(&mut self.config.format_args());
run_command_and_wait_for_clean_exit(args, block_device).context("failed to format device")
/// Run fsck on the filesystem partition. Returns Ok(()) if fsck succeeds, or the associated
/// error if it doesn't. Will fail if run on a mounted partition.
pub fn fsck(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.instance.is_some() {
return Err(format_err!("cannot fsck! filesystem is mounted"));
let block_device = self.get_channel()?;
let mut args = vec![self.config.binary_path(), cstr!("fsck")];
args.append(&mut self.config.generic_args());
run_command_and_wait_for_clean_exit(args, block_device).context("failed to fsck device")
/// Unmount the filesystem partition. The partition must already be mounted.
pub fn unmount(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(instance) = self.instance.take() {
} else {
Err(format_err!("cannot unmount. filesystem is not mounted"))
/// Get `FileSystemInfo` struct from which one can find out things like
/// free space, used space, block size, etc.
pub fn query_filesystem(&self) -> Result<Box<FilesystemInfo>, Error> {
if let Some(instance) = &self.instance {
} else {
Err(format_err!("cannot query filesystem. filesystem is not mounted"))
/// Terminate the filesystem process and force unmount the mount point
pub fn kill(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(instance) = self.instance.take() {
} else {
Err(format_err!("cannot kill. filesystem is not mounted"))
impl<FSC: FSConfig> Drop for Filesystem<FSC> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.instance.is_some() {
// Unmount if possible.
let _ = self.unmount();
/// Layout of blobs in blobfs
pub enum BlobLayout {
/// Merkle tree is stored in a separate block. This is deprecated and used only on Astro
/// devices (it takes more space).
/// Merkle tree is appended to the last block of data
/// Compression used for blobs in blobfs
pub enum BlobCompression {
/// Eviction policy used for blobs in blobfs
pub enum BlobEvictionPolicy {
/// Blobfs Filesystem Configuration
/// If fields are None or false, they will not be set in arguments.
pub struct Blobfs {
pub verbose: bool,
pub readonly: bool,
pub metrics: bool,
pub blob_deprecated_padded_format: bool,
pub blob_compression: Option<BlobCompression>,
pub blob_eviction_policy: Option<BlobEvictionPolicy>,
impl Blobfs {
/// Manages a block device at a given path using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn new(path: &str) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_path(path, Self::default())
/// Manages a block device at a given channel using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn from_channel(channel: zx::Channel) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_channel(channel, Self::default())
impl FSConfig for Blobfs {
fn binary_path(&self) -> &CStr {
fn generic_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.verbose {
fn format_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.blob_deprecated_padded_format {
fn mount_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.readonly {
if self.metrics {
if let Some(compression) = &self.blob_compression {
args.push(match compression {
BlobCompression::ZSTD => cstr!("ZSTD"),
BlobCompression::ZSTDSeekable => cstr!("ZSTD_SEEKABLE"),
BlobCompression::ZSTDChunked => cstr!("ZSTD_CHUNKED"),
BlobCompression::Uncompressed => cstr!("UNCOMPRESSED"),
if let Some(eviction_policy) = &self.blob_eviction_policy {
args.push(match eviction_policy {
BlobEvictionPolicy::NeverEvict => cstr!("NEVER_EVICT"),
BlobEvictionPolicy::EvictImmediately => cstr!("EVICT_IMMEDIATELY"),
/// Minfs Filesystem Configuration
/// If fields are None or false, they will not be set in arguments.
pub struct Minfs {
// TODO(xbhatnag): Add support for fvm_data_slices
pub verbose: bool,
pub readonly: bool,
pub metrics: bool,
pub fsck_after_every_transaction: bool,
impl Minfs {
/// Manages a block device at a given path using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn new(path: &str) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_path(path, Self::default())
/// Manages a block device at a given channel using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn from_channel(channel: zx::Channel) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_channel(channel, Self::default())
impl FSConfig for Minfs {
fn binary_path(&self) -> &CStr {
fn generic_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.verbose {
fn format_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
fn mount_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.readonly {
if self.metrics {
if self.fsck_after_every_transaction {
/// Factoryfs Filesystem Configuration
/// If fields are None or false, they will not be set in arguments.
pub struct Factoryfs {
pub verbose: bool,
pub metrics: bool,
impl Factoryfs {
/// Manages a block device at a given path using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn new(path: &str) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_path(path, Self::default())
/// Manages a block device at a given channel using
/// the default configuration.
pub fn from_channel(channel: zx::Channel) -> Result<Filesystem<Self>, Error> {
Filesystem::from_channel(channel, Self::default())
impl FSConfig for Factoryfs {
fn binary_path(&self) -> &CStr {
fn generic_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.verbose {
fn format_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
fn mount_args(&self) -> Vec<&CStr> {
let mut args = vec![];
if self.metrics {
mod tests {
use {
super::{BlobCompression, BlobEvictionPolicy, Blobfs, Factoryfs, Filesystem, Minfs},
std::io::{Read, Seek, Write},
fn ramdisk(block_size: u64) -> RamdiskClient {
RamdiskClient::create(block_size, 1 << 16).unwrap()
fn blobfs(ramdisk: &RamdiskClient) -> Filesystem<Blobfs> {
let device =;
fn blobfs_custom_config() {
let block_size = 512;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let device =;
let config = Blobfs {
verbose: true,
metrics: true,
readonly: true,
blob_deprecated_padded_format: false,
blob_compression: Some(BlobCompression::Uncompressed),
blob_eviction_policy: Some(BlobEvictionPolicy::EvictImmediately),
let mut blobfs = Filesystem::from_channel(device, config).unwrap();
blobfs.format().expect("failed to format blobfs");
blobfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck blobfs");
blobfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount blobfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn blobfs_format_fsck_success() {
let block_size = 512;
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut blobfs = blobfs(&ramdisk);
blobfs.format().expect("failed to format blobfs");
blobfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck blobfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn blobfs_format_fsck_error() {
let block_size = 512;
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut blobfs = blobfs(&ramdisk);
blobfs.format().expect("failed to format blobfs");
// force fsck to fail by stomping all over one of blobfs's metadata blocks after formatting
// TODO( corrupt something other than the superblock
let device_channel ="failed to get channel to device");
let mut file = fdio::create_fd::<std::fs::File>(device_channel.into_handle())
.expect("failed to convert to file descriptor");
let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = std::iter::repeat(0xff).take(block_size as usize).collect();
file.write(&mut bytes).expect("failed to write to device");
blobfs.fsck().expect_err("fsck succeeded when it shouldn't have");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn blobfs_format_mount_write_query_remount_read_unmount() {
let block_size = 512;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut blobfs = blobfs(&ramdisk);
blobfs.format().expect("failed to format blobfs");
blobfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount blobfs the first time");
// snapshot of FilesystemInfo
let fs_info1 =
blobfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after first mount");
// pre-generated merkle test fixture data
let merkle = "be901a14ec42ee0a8ee220eb119294cdd40d26d573139ee3d51e4430e7d08c28";
let content = String::from("test content").into_bytes();
let path = format!("{}/{}", mount_point, merkle);
let mut test_file = std::fs::File::create(&path).expect("failed to create test file");
test_file.set_len(content.len() as u64).expect("failed to truncate file");
test_file.write(&content).expect("failed to write to test file");
// check against the snapshot FilesystemInfo
let fs_info2 =
blobfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after write");
fs_info2.used_bytes - fs_info1.used_bytes,
fs_info2.block_size as u64 // assuming content < 8K
blobfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount blobfs the first time");
.expect_err("filesystem query on an unmounted filesystem didn't fail");
blobfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount blobfs the second time");
let mut test_file = std::fs::File::open(&path).expect("failed to open test file");
let mut read_content = Vec::new();
test_file.read_to_end(&mut read_content).expect("failed to read from test file");
assert_eq!(content, read_content);
// once more check against the snapshot FilesystemInfo
let fs_info3 =
blobfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after read");
fs_info3.used_bytes - fs_info1.used_bytes,
fs_info3.block_size as u64 // assuming content < 8K
blobfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount blobfs the second time");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn minfs(ramdisk: &RamdiskClient) -> Filesystem<Minfs> {
let device =;
fn minfs_custom_config() {
let block_size = 512;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let device =;
let config = Minfs {
verbose: true,
metrics: true,
readonly: true,
fsck_after_every_transaction: true,
let mut minfs = Filesystem::from_channel(device, config).unwrap();
minfs.format().expect("failed to format minfs");
minfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck minfs");
minfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount minfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn minfs_format_fsck_success() {
let block_size = 8192;
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut minfs = minfs(&ramdisk);
minfs.format().expect("failed to format minfs");
minfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck minfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn minfs_format_fsck_error() {
let block_size = 8192;
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut minfs = minfs(&ramdisk);
minfs.format().expect("failed to format minfs");
// force fsck to fail by stomping all over one of minfs's metadata blocks after formatting
let device_channel ="failed to get channel to device");
let mut file = fdio::create_fd::<std::fs::File>(device_channel.into_handle())
.expect("failed to convert to file descriptor");
// when minfs isn't on an fvm, the location for it's bitmap offset is the 8th block.
// TODO( parse the superblock for this offset and the block size.
let bitmap_block_offset = 8;
let bitmap_offset = block_size * bitmap_block_offset;
let mut stomping_bytes: Vec<u8> =
std::iter::repeat(0xff).take(block_size as usize).collect();
let actual_offset ="failed to seek to bitmap");
assert_eq!(actual_offset, bitmap_offset);
file.write(&mut stomping_bytes).expect("failed to write to device");
minfs.fsck().expect_err("fsck succeeded when it shouldn't have");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn minfs_format_mount_write_query_remount_read_unmount() {
let block_size = 8192;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut minfs = minfs(&ramdisk);
minfs.format().expect("failed to format minfs");
minfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount minfs the first time");
// snapshot of FilesystemInfo
let fs_info1 =
minfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after first mount");
let filename = "test_file";
let content = String::from("test content").into_bytes();
let path = format!("{}/{}", mount_point, filename);
let mut test_file = std::fs::File::create(&path).expect("failed to create test file");
test_file.write(&content).expect("failed to write to test file");
// check against the snapshot FilesystemInfo
let fs_info2 =
minfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after write");
fs_info2.used_bytes - fs_info1.used_bytes,
fs_info2.block_size as u64 // assuming content < 8K
minfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount minfs the first time");
.expect_err("filesystem query on an unmounted filesystem didn't fail");
minfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount minfs the second time");
let mut test_file = std::fs::File::open(&path).expect("failed to open test file");
let mut read_content = Vec::new();
test_file.read_to_end(&mut read_content).expect("failed to read from test file");
assert_eq!(content, read_content);
// once more check against the snapshot FilesystemInfo
let fs_info3 =
minfs.query_filesystem().expect("failed to query filesystem info after read");
fs_info3.used_bytes - fs_info1.used_bytes,
fs_info3.block_size as u64 // assuming content < 8K
minfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount minfs the second time");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn factoryfs(ramdisk: &RamdiskClient) -> Filesystem<Factoryfs> {
let device =;
fn factoryfs_custom_config() {
let block_size = 512;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let device =;
let config = Factoryfs { verbose: true, metrics: true };
let mut factoryfs = Filesystem::from_channel(device, config).unwrap();
factoryfs.format().expect("failed to format factoryfs");
factoryfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck factoryfs");
factoryfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount factoryfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn factoryfs_format_fsck_success() {
let block_size = 512;
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut factoryfs = factoryfs(&ramdisk);
factoryfs.format().expect("failed to format factoryfs");
factoryfs.fsck().expect("failed to fsck factoryfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");
fn factoryfs_format_mount_unmount() {
let block_size = 512;
let mount_point = "/test-fs-root";
let ramdisk = ramdisk(block_size);
let mut factoryfs = factoryfs(&ramdisk);
factoryfs.format().expect("failed to format factoryfs");
factoryfs.mount(mount_point).expect("failed to mount factoryfs");
factoryfs.unmount().expect("failed to unmount factoryfs");
ramdisk.destroy().expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");