blob: 0830b7909bfcd4b9efda2dd9759f4cd197f3193a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
lib_deps = [
test_deps = [
lib_sources = [
rustc_library("fuchsia-pkg") {
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
deps = lib_deps
sources = lib_sources
if (is_fuchsia) {
fuchsia_package("package_for_archive") {
testonly = true
deps = [
fuchsia_package_archive("test_package_archive") {
testonly = true
package = ":package_for_archive"
resource("dup1") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "duplicate-blob.txt" ]
outputs = [ "data/dup1" ]
resource("dup2") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "duplicate-blob.txt" ]
outputs = [ "data/dup2" ]
rustc_test("lib_test") {
edition = "2021"
output_name = "fuchsia_pkg_lib_test"
deps = lib_deps + test_deps
sources = lib_sources
fuchsia_component("test-component") {
component_name = "fuchsia-pkg-lib-test"
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [
manifest = "meta/fuchsia-pkg-tests.cml"
fuchsia_test_package("fuchsia-pkg-tests") {
test_components = [ ":test-component" ]
if (is_host) {
# manually get path to output, dep'ing on the archive through the host toolchain causes a cycle
_archive_out_dir = get_label_info(":test_package_archive($default_toolchain)",
_test_package_archive_path = "$_archive_out_dir/package_for_archive.far"
config("archived_package_path_config") {
rustenv = [ "TEST_PACKAGE_ARCHIVE=" +
rebase_path(_test_package_archive_path, "src") ]
rustc_test("lib_test") {
edition = "2021"
output_name = "fuchsia_pkg_lib_test"
deps =
lib_deps + test_deps + [ ":test_package_archive($default_toolchain)" ]
inputs = [ _test_package_archive_path ]
sources = lib_sources
configs += [
# The archive file is referenced from the source dir *to* the
# output dir, which means the output dir leaks into the command.
# This command will only succeed with a matching output dir,
# so we must disable working-dir canonicalization.
disable_clippy = true # TODO( clippy needs env vars
group("tests") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [