blob: a7efa6d7f489ca5e18000947625caf1e4cee495a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.device.manager/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.development/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/ddk/device.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <memory>
#include <variant>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include "src/devices/bin/driver_manager/composite_device.h"
#include "src/devices/bin/driver_manager/inspect.h"
#include "src/devices/bin/driver_manager/metadata.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/vmo_file.h"
namespace fio = fuchsia_io;
class Coordinator;
class DriverHost;
struct Devnode;
class InitTask;
class RemoveTask;
class SuspendTask;
class ResumeTask;
class UnbindTask;
struct UnbindTaskOpts;
// clang-format off
// This device is never destroyed
#define DEV_CTX_IMMORTAL static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kImmortal)
// This device requires that children are created in a
// new driver_host attached to a proxy device
#define DEV_CTX_MUST_ISOLATE static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kMustIsolate)
// This device may be bound multiple times
#define DEV_CTX_MULTI_BIND static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kMultiBind)
// This device is bound and not eligible for binding
// again until unbound. Not allowed on MULTI_BIND ctx.
#define DEV_CTX_BOUND static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kBound)
// Device has been remove()'d
#define DEV_CTX_DEAD static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kDead)
// This device is a fragment of a composite device and
// can be part of multiple composite devices.
#define DEV_CTX_ALLOW_MULTI_COMPOSITE static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kAllowMultiComposite)
// Device is a proxy -- its "parent" is the device it's
// a proxy to.
#define DEV_CTX_PROXY static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kProxy)
// Device is not visible in devfs or bindable.
// Devices may be created in this state, but may not
// return to this state once made visible.
#define DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kInvisible)
// Device should not go through auto-bind process
#define DEV_CTX_SKIP_AUTOBIND static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kSkipAutobind)
// Device is a bus device.
#define DEV_CTX_BUS_DEVICE static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_driver_development::DeviceFlags::kBusDevice)
// clang-format on
// Tags used for container membership identification
namespace internal {
struct DeviceChildListTag {};
struct DeviceDriverHostListTag {};
struct DeviceAllDevicesListTag {};
} // namespace internal
class Device
: public fbl::RefCounted<Device>,
public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_device_manager::Coordinator>,
public fbl::ContainableBaseClasses<
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedListable<Device*, internal::DeviceChildListTag>,
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedListable<Device*, internal::DeviceDriverHostListTag>,
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedListable<fbl::RefPtr<Device>, internal::DeviceAllDevicesListTag>> {
using ChildListTag = internal::DeviceChildListTag;
using DriverHostListTag = internal::DeviceDriverHostListTag;
using AllDevicesListTag = internal::DeviceAllDevicesListTag;
void AddDevice(AddDeviceRequestView request, AddDeviceCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void ScheduleRemove(ScheduleRemoveRequestView request,
ScheduleRemoveCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void AddCompositeDevice(AddCompositeDeviceRequestView request,
AddCompositeDeviceCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void AddDeviceGroup(AddDeviceGroupRequestView request,
AddDeviceGroupCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void BindDevice(BindDeviceRequestView request, BindDeviceCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void GetTopologicalPath(GetTopologicalPathRequestView request,
GetTopologicalPathCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void LoadFirmware(LoadFirmwareRequestView request,
LoadFirmwareCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void GetMetadata(GetMetadataRequestView request, GetMetadataCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void GetMetadataSize(GetMetadataSizeRequestView request,
GetMetadataSizeCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void AddMetadata(AddMetadataRequestView request, AddMetadataCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
void ScheduleUnbindChildren(ScheduleUnbindChildrenRequestView request,
ScheduleUnbindChildrenCompleter::Sync& _completer) override;
// This iterator provides access to a list of devices that does not provide
// mechanisms for mutating that list. With this, a user can get mutable
// access to a device in the list. This is achieved by making the linked
// list iterator opaque. It is not safe to modify the underlying list while
// this iterator is in use.
template <typename ChildIterType, typename FragmentIterType, typename DeviceType>
class ChildListIterator {
ChildListIterator() : state_(Done{}) {}
explicit ChildListIterator(DeviceType* device)
: state_(device->children_.begin()), device_(device) {
ChildListIterator operator++(int) {
auto other = *this;
return other;
bool operator==(const ChildListIterator& other) const { return state_ == other.state_; }
bool operator!=(const ChildListIterator& other) const { return !(state_ == other.state_); }
// The iterator implementation for the child list. This is the source of truth
// for what devices are children of the device.
ChildListIterator& operator++() {
[this](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ChildIterType> || std::is_same_v<T, FragmentIterType>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Done>) {
state_ = Done{};
return *this;
DeviceType& operator*() const {
return std::visit(
[](auto&& arg) -> DeviceType& {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ChildIterType>) {
return *arg;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FragmentIterType>) {
return *(arg->composite()->device());
} else {
// Advance the iterator to the next valid state or reach the done state.
// This is used to handle advancement between the different state variants.
void SkipInvalidStates() {
bool more = true;
while (more) {
more = std::visit(
[this](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, ChildIterType>) {
// Check if there are any more children in the list. If
// there are, we're in a valid state and can stop.
// Otherwise, advance to the next variant and check if
// it's a valid state.
if (arg != device_->children_.end()) {
return false;
// If there are no more children and this is a fragment device,
// find children of the fragment device by looking at its parent's
// fragment list.
if (device_->libname() == device_->coordinator->GetFragmentDriverUrl()) {
if (device_->parent_) {
state_ = FragmentIterType{device_->parent()->fragments_.begin()};
return true;
state_ = Done{};
return false;
// Some composite devices are added directly as fragments without
// a proxy fragment device. These don't appear in the children list.
state_ = FragmentIterType{device_->fragments_.begin()};
return true;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, FragmentIterType>) {
if (device_->libname() == device_->coordinator->GetFragmentDriverUrl()) {
// This device is an internal fragment device.
if (arg == device_->parent()->fragments_.end()) {
state_ = Done{};
return false;
// Skip composite devices that aren't yet bound.
if (arg->composite()->device() == nullptr) {
state_ = FragmentIterType{++arg};
return true;
// Skip any fragments that aren't bound to this fragment device.
if (arg->fragment_device().get() != device_) {
state_ = FragmentIterType{++arg};
return true;
return false;
// Check for composite devices that don't have proxy fragment devices.
if (arg == device_->fragments_.end()) {
state_ = Done{};
return false;
// Skip composite devices that aren't yet bound.
if (arg->composite()->device() == nullptr) {
state_ = FragmentIterType{++arg};
return true;
// Skip fragments that have a fragment device.
if (arg->fragment_device() != nullptr) {
state_ = FragmentIterType{++arg};
return true;
return false;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Done>) {
return false;
struct Done {
bool operator==(Done) const { return true; }
std::variant<ChildIterType, FragmentIterType, Done> state_;
DeviceType* device_;
// This class exists to allow consumers of the Device class to write
// for (auto& child : dev->children())
// and get mutable access to the children without getting mutable access to
// the list.
template <typename DeviceType, typename IterType>
class ChildListIteratorFactory {
explicit ChildListIteratorFactory(DeviceType* device) : device_(device) {}
IterType begin() const { return IterType(device_); }
IterType end() const { return IterType(); }
bool is_empty() const { return begin() == end(); }
DeviceType* device_;
Device(Coordinator* coord, fbl::String name, fbl::String libname, fbl::String args,
fbl::RefPtr<Device> parent, uint32_t protocol_id, zx::vmo inspect,
zx::channel client_remote, fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> outgoing_dir);
// Create a new device with the given parameters. This sets up its
// relationship with its parent and driver_host and adds its RPC channel to the
// coordinator's async loop. This does not add the device to the
// coordinator's devices_ list, or trigger publishing
static zx_status_t Create(
Coordinator* coordinator, const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& parent, fbl::String name,
fbl::String driver_path, fbl::String args, uint32_t protocol_id,
fbl::Array<zx_device_prop_t> props, fbl::Array<StrProperty> str_props,
fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_device_manager::Coordinator> coordinator_request,
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController> device_controller,
bool want_init_task, bool skip_autobind, zx::vmo inspect, zx::channel client_remote,
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> outgoing_dir, fbl::RefPtr<Device>* device);
static zx_status_t CreateComposite(
Coordinator* coordinator, fbl::RefPtr<DriverHost> driver_host,
const CompositeDevice& composite,
fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_device_manager::Coordinator> coordinator_request,
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController> device_controller,
fbl::RefPtr<Device>* device);
zx_status_t CreateProxy();
zx_status_t CreateNewProxy();
static void Bind(fbl::RefPtr<Device> dev, async_dispatcher_t*,
// We do not want to expose the list itself for mutation, even if the
// children are allowed to be mutated. We manage this by making the
// iterator opaque.
using NonConstChildListIterator = ChildListIterator<
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<Device*, ChildListTag>::iterator,
using ConstChildListIterator = ChildListIterator<
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<Device*, ChildListTag>::const_iterator,
const Device>;
using NonConstFragmentListIterator =
using NonConstChildListIteratorFactory =
ChildListIteratorFactory<Device, NonConstChildListIterator>;
using ConstChildListIteratorFactory =
ChildListIteratorFactory<const Device, ConstChildListIterator>;
NonConstChildListIteratorFactory children() { return NonConstChildListIteratorFactory(this); }
ConstChildListIteratorFactory children() const { return ConstChildListIteratorFactory(this); }
// Signal that this device is ready for bind to happen. This should happen
// either immediately after the device is created, if it's created visible,
// or after it becomes visible.
zx_status_t SignalReadyForBind(zx::duration delay = zx::sec(0));
using InitCompletion = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>;
// Issue an Init request to this device. When the response comes in, the
// given completion will be invoked.
void SendInit(InitCompletion completion);
using SuspendCompletion = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>;
// Issue a Suspend request to this device. When the response comes in, the
// given completion will be invoked.
void SendSuspend(uint32_t flags, SuspendCompletion completion);
using ResumeCompletion = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>;
// Issue a Resume request to this device. When the response comes in, the
// given completion will be invoked.
void SendResume(uint32_t target_system_state, ResumeCompletion completion);
using UnbindCompletion = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>;
using RemoveCompletion = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>;
// Issue an Unbind request to this device, which will run the unbind hook.
// When the response comes in, the given completion will be invoked.
// If successful, returns ZX_OK and takes ownership of |completion|.
void SendUnbind(UnbindCompletion& completion);
// Issue a CompleteRemove request to this device.
// When the response comes in, the given completion will be invoked.
// If successful, returns ZX_OK and takes ownership of |completion|.
void SendCompleteRemove(RemoveCompletion& completion);
// Break the relationship between this device object and its parent
void DetachFromParent();
// Sets the properties of this device.
zx_status_t SetProps(fbl::Array<const zx_device_prop_t> props);
const fbl::Array<const zx_device_prop_t>& props() const { return props_; }
const fbl::Array<const StrProperty>& str_props() const { return str_props_; }
zx_status_t SetStrProps(fbl::Array<const StrProperty> str_props);
const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& parent() { return parent_; }
fbl::RefPtr<const Device> parent() const { return parent_; }
const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& proxy() { return proxy_; }
fbl::RefPtr<const Device> proxy() const { return proxy_; }
const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& new_proxy() { return new_proxy_; }
fbl::RefPtr<const Device> new_proxy() const { return new_proxy_; }
uint32_t protocol_id() const { return protocol_id_; }
DeviceInspect& inspect() { return *inspect_; }
bool is_bindable() const {
return !(flags & (DEV_CTX_BOUND | DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) && (state_ != Device::State::kDead);
bool should_skip_autobind() const { return flags & DEV_CTX_SKIP_AUTOBIND; }
bool is_visible() const { return !(flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE); }
bool is_composite_bindable() const {
return false;
if ((flags & DEV_CTX_BOUND) && !(flags & DEV_CTX_ALLOW_MULTI_COMPOSITE)) {
return false;
return true;
void push_fragment(CompositeDeviceFragment* fragment) { fragments_.push_back(fragment); }
bool is_fragments_empty() { return fragments_.is_empty(); }
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<CompositeDeviceFragment*, CompositeDeviceFragment::DeviceListTag>&
fragments() {
return fragments_;
// If the device was created as a composite, this returns its description.
CompositeDevice* composite() const {
auto val = std::get_if<CompositeDevice*>(&composite_);
return val ? *val : nullptr;
void set_composite(CompositeDevice* composite) {
composite_ = composite;
bool is_composite() const { return composite() != nullptr; }
void disassociate_from_composite() { composite_ = UnassociatedWithComposite{}; }
void set_host(fbl::RefPtr<DriverHost> host);
const fbl::RefPtr<DriverHost>& host() const { return host_; }
fbl::RefPtr<DriverHost>& host() { return host_; }
void set_local_id(uint64_t local_id) {
local_id_ = local_id;
uint64_t local_id() const { return local_id_; }
const fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<Metadata>>& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
void AddMetadata(std::unique_ptr<Metadata> md) { metadata_.push_front(std::move(md)); }
// Creates the init task for the device.
void CreateInitTask();
// Returns the in-progress init task if it exists, nullptr otherwise.
fbl::RefPtr<InitTask> GetActiveInit() { return active_init_; }
// Run the completion for the outstanding init, if any.
zx_status_t CompleteInit(zx_status_t status);
// Returns the in-progress suspend task if it exists, nullptr otherwise.
fbl::RefPtr<SuspendTask> GetActiveSuspend() { return active_suspend_; }
// Creates a new suspend task if necessary and returns a reference to it.
// If one is already in-progress, a reference to it is returned instead
fbl::RefPtr<SuspendTask> RequestSuspendTask(uint32_t suspend_flags);
fbl::RefPtr<ResumeTask> GetActiveResume() { return active_resume_; }
void SetActiveResume(fbl::RefPtr<ResumeTask> resume_task) { active_resume_ = resume_task; }
// Request Resume task
fbl::RefPtr<ResumeTask> RequestResumeTask(uint32_t system_resume_state);
// Run the completion for the outstanding suspend, if any. This method is
// only exposed currently because RemoveDevice is on Coordinator instead of
// Device.
void CompleteSuspend(zx_status_t status);
// Run the completion for the outstanding resume, if any.
void CompleteResume(zx_status_t status);
// Creates the unbind and remove tasks for the device if they do not already exist.
// |opts| is used to configure the unbind task.
void CreateUnbindRemoveTasks(UnbindTaskOpts opts);
// Returns the in-progress unbind task if it exists, nullptr otherwise.
// Unbind tasks are used to facilitate |Unbind| requests.
fbl::RefPtr<UnbindTask> GetActiveUnbind() { return active_unbind_; }
// Returns the in-progress remove task if it exists, nullptr otherwise.
// Remove tasks are used to facilitate |CompleteRemove| requests.
fbl::RefPtr<RemoveTask> GetActiveRemove() { return active_remove_; }
// Run the completion for the outstanding unbind, if any.
zx_status_t CompleteUnbind(zx_status_t status = ZX_OK);
// Run the completion for the outstanding remove, if any.
zx_status_t CompleteRemove(zx_status_t status = ZX_OK);
// Drops the reference to the task.
// This should be called if the device will not send an init, suspend, unbind or remove request.
void DropInitTask() { active_init_ = nullptr; }
void DropSuspendTask() { active_suspend_ = nullptr; }
void DropUnbindTask() { active_unbind_ = nullptr; }
void DropRemoveTask() { active_remove_ = nullptr; }
zx::channel take_client_remote() { return std::move(client_remote_); }
bool has_outgoing_directory() { return outgoing_dir_.is_valid(); }
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> take_outgoing_dir() { return std::move(outgoing_dir_); }
const fbl::String& name() const { return name_; }
const fbl::String& libname() const { return libname_; }
const fbl::String& args() const { return args_; }
Coordinator* coordinator;
uint32_t flags = 0;
// The backoff between each driver retry. This grows exponentially.
zx::duration backoff = zx::msec(250);
// The number of retries left for the driver.
uint32_t retries = 4;
Devnode* self = nullptr;
Devnode* link = nullptr;
Devnode* devnode() { return self; }
const fbl::String& link_name() const { return link_name_; }
void set_link_name(fbl::String link_name) { link_name_ = std::move(link_name); }
fbl::RefPtr<fs::VmoFile>& inspect_file() { return inspect_file_; }
// TODO(teisenbe): We probably want more states.
#define STATE_VALUES(macro) \
macro(kActive) \
macro(kInitializing) /* The driver_host is in the process of running the device init hook.*/ \
macro(kSuspending) /* The driver_host is in the process of suspending the device.*/ \
macro(kSuspended) \
macro(kResuming) /* The driver_host is in the process of resuming the device.*/ \
macro(kResumed) /* Resume is complete. Will be marked active, after all children resume.*/ \
macro( \
kUnbinding) /* The driver_host is in the process of unbinding and removing the device.*/ \
macro(kDead) /* The device has been remove()'d*/
#define MAKE_ENUM_VALUE(state) state,
enum class State { STATE_VALUES(MAKE_ENUM_VALUE) };
#define MAKE_SWITCH_STATEMENT(state) \
case State::state: \
return #state;
static std::string StateToString(State state) {
void set_state(Device::State state) {
state_ = state;
if (state == Device::State::kDead) {
if (std::optional binding = std::exchange(coordinator_binding_, std::nullopt);
binding.has_value()) {
State state() const { return state_; }
void inc_num_removal_attempts() { num_removal_attempts_++; }
size_t num_removal_attempts() const { return num_removal_attempts_; }
void InitializeInspectValues();
void clear_active_resume() { active_resume_ = nullptr; }
const fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController>& device_controller()
const {
return device_controller_;
fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController>& device_controller() {
return device_controller_;
const std::optional<fidl::ServerBindingRef<fuchsia_device_manager::Coordinator>>&
coordinator_binding() const {
return coordinator_binding_;
const fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController> ConnectDeviceController(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
auto endpoints = fidl::CreateEndpoints<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController>();
device_controller_.Bind(std::move(endpoints->client), dispatcher);
return std::move(endpoints->server);
bool DriverLivesInSystemStorage() const;
// Returns true if this device already has a driver bound.
bool IsAlreadyBound() const;
fidl::WireSharedClient<fuchsia_device_manager::DeviceController> device_controller_;
std::optional<fidl::ServerBindingRef<fuchsia_device_manager::Coordinator>> coordinator_binding_;
const fbl::String name_;
const fbl::String libname_;
const fbl::String args_;
fbl::RefPtr<Device> parent_;
const uint32_t protocol_id_;
fbl::RefPtr<Device> proxy_;
fbl::RefPtr<Device> new_proxy_;
fbl::Array<const zx_device_prop_t> props_;
fbl::Array<const StrProperty> str_props_;
async::TaskClosure publish_task_;
// List of all child devices of this device, except for composite devices.
// Composite devices are excluded because their multiple-parent nature
// precludes using the same intrusive nodes as single-parent devices.
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<Device*, ChildListTag> children_;
// Metadata entries associated to this device.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<Metadata>> metadata_;
// list of all fragments that this device bound to.
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<CompositeDeviceFragment*, CompositeDeviceFragment::DeviceListTag>
// - If this device is part of a composite device, this is inhabited by
// CompositeDeviceFragment* and it points to the fragment that matched it.
// Note that this is only set on the device that matched the fragment, not
// the "fragment device" added by the fragment driver.
// - If this device is a composite device, this is inhabited by
// CompositeDevice* and it points to the composite that describes it.
// - Otherwise, it is inhabited by UnassociatedWithComposite
struct UnassociatedWithComposite {};
std::variant<UnassociatedWithComposite, CompositeDevice*> composite_;
fbl::RefPtr<DriverHost> host_;
// The id of this device from the perspective of the driver_host. This can be
// used to communicate with the driver_host about this device.
uint64_t local_id_ = 0;
// The current state of the device
State state_ = State::kActive;
// If an init is in-progress, this task represents it.
fbl::RefPtr<InitTask> active_init_;
// If an init is in-progress, this completion will be invoked when it is
// completed. It will likely mark |active_init_| as completed and clear it.
InitCompletion init_completion_;
// If a suspend is in-progress, this task represents it.
fbl::RefPtr<SuspendTask> active_suspend_;
// If a suspend is in-progress, this completion will be invoked when it is
// completed. It will likely mark |active_suspend_| as completed and clear
// it.
SuspendCompletion suspend_completion_;
// If a resume is in-progress, this task represents it.
fbl::RefPtr<ResumeTask> active_resume_;
// If a Resume is in-progress, this completion will be invoked when it is
// completed.
ResumeCompletion resume_completion_;
// If an unbind is in-progress, this task represents it.
fbl::RefPtr<UnbindTask> active_unbind_;
// If an unbind is in-progress, this completion will be invoked when it is
// completed. It will likely mark |active_unbind_| as completed and clear
// it.
UnbindCompletion unbind_completion_;
// If a remove is in-progress, this task represents it.
fbl::RefPtr<RemoveTask> active_remove_;
// If a remove is in-progress, this completion will be invoked when it is
// completed. It will likely mark |active_remove_| as completed and clear
// it.
RemoveCompletion remove_completion_;
// Name of the inspect vmo file as it appears in diagnostics class directory
fbl::String link_name_;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::VmoFile> inspect_file_;
// For attaching as an open connection to the proxy device,
// or once the device becomes visible.
zx::channel client_remote_;
// Provides incoming directory for the driver which binds to this device.
fidl::ClientEnd<fio::Directory> outgoing_dir_;
// This lets us check for unexpected removals and is for testing use only.
size_t num_removal_attempts_ = 0;
std::optional<DeviceInspect> inspect_;