blob: b045b397e9a6fa96925d996f82978f20aabddcf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019 The proptest developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::{fmt, iter};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
use core::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
use crate::std_facade::{Box, Arc, Vec, BTreeMap, String};
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use std::fs;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use std::env;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use rusty_fork;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use tempfile;
use crate::test_runner::rng::TestRng;
use crate::test_runner::errors::*;
use crate::test_runner::config::*;
use crate::test_runner::reason::*;
use crate::test_runner::result_cache::*;
use crate::test_runner::failure_persistence::PersistedSeed;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
use crate::test_runner::replay;
use crate::strategy::*;
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
const ENV_FORK_FILE: &'static str = "_PROPTEST_FORKFILE";
const ALWAYS: u32 = 0;
const SHOW_FALURES: u32 = 1;
const TRACE: u32 = 2;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
macro_rules! verbose_message {
($runner:expr, $level:expr, $fmt:tt $($arg:tt)*) => { {
if $runner.config.verbose >= $level {
eprintln!(concat!("proptest: ", $fmt) $($arg)*);
} }
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
macro_rules! verbose_message {
($runner:expr, $level:expr, $fmt:tt $($arg:tt)*) => {
let _ = $level;
type RejectionDetail = BTreeMap<Reason, u32>;
/// State used when running a proptest test.
pub struct TestRunner {
config: Config,
successes: u32,
local_rejects: u32,
global_rejects: u32,
rng: TestRng,
flat_map_regens: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
local_reject_detail: RejectionDetail,
global_reject_detail: RejectionDetail,
impl fmt::Debug for TestRunner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("config", &self.config)
.field("successes", &self.successes)
.field("local_rejects", &self.local_rejects)
.field("global_rejects", &self.global_rejects)
.field("rng", &"<TestRng>")
.field("flat_map_regens", &self.flat_map_regens)
.field("local_reject_detail", &self.local_reject_detail)
.field("global_reject_detail", &self.global_reject_detail)
impl fmt::Display for TestRunner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\tsuccesses: {}\n\
\tlocal rejects: {}\n",
self.successes, self.local_rejects)?;
for (whence, count) in &self.local_reject_detail {
writeln!(f, "\t\t{} times at {}", count, whence)?;
writeln!(f, "\tglobal rejects: {}", self.global_rejects)?;
for (whence, count) in &self.global_reject_detail {
writeln!(f, "\t\t{} times at {}", count, whence)?;
/// Equivalent to: `TestRunner::new(Config::default())`.
impl Default for TestRunner {
fn default() -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
struct ForkOutput {
file: Option<fs::File>,
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
impl ForkOutput {
fn append(&mut self, result: &TestCaseResult) {
if let Some(ref mut file) = self.file {
replay::append(file, result)
.expect("Failed to append to replay file");
fn ping(&mut self) {
if let Some(ref mut file) = self.file {
.expect("Failed to append to replay file");
fn terminate(&mut self) {
if let Some(ref mut file) = self.file {
.expect("Failed to append to replay file");
fn empty() -> Self {
ForkOutput { file: None }
fn is_in_fork(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(not(feature = "fork"))]
struct ForkOutput;
#[cfg(not(feature = "fork"))]
impl ForkOutput {
fn append(&mut self, _result: &TestCaseResult) { }
fn ping(&mut self) { }
fn terminate(&mut self) { }
fn empty() -> Self { ForkOutput }
fn is_in_fork(&self) -> bool { false }
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
fn call_test<V, F, R>
(_runner: &mut TestRunner,
case: V, test: &F, replay: &mut R,
result_cache: &mut dyn ResultCache, _: &mut ForkOutput) -> TestCaseResult
V: fmt::Debug,
F: Fn(V) -> TestCaseResult,
R: Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
if let Some(result) = {
return result;
let cache_key = result_cache.key(&ResultCacheKey::new(&case));
if let Some(result) = result_cache.get(cache_key) {
return result.clone();
let result = test(case);
result_cache.put(cache_key, &result);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn call_test<V, F, R>
(runner: &mut TestRunner,
case: V, test: &F, replay: &mut R,
result_cache: &mut dyn ResultCache, fork_output: &mut ForkOutput)
-> TestCaseResult
V: fmt::Debug,
F: Fn(V) -> TestCaseResult,
R: Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
use std::time;
let timeout = runner.config.timeout();
if let Some(result) = {
return result;
// Now that we're about to start a new test (as far as the replay system is
// concerned), ping the replay file so the parent process can determine
// that we made it this far.;
verbose_message!(runner, TRACE, "Next test input: {:?}", case);
let cache_key = result_cache.key(&ResultCacheKey::new(&case));
if let Some(result) = result_cache.get(cache_key) {
verbose_message!(runner, TRACE, "Test input hit cache, skipping execution");
return result.clone();
let time_start = time::Instant::now();
let mut result = unwrap_or!(
panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| test(case))),
what => Err(TestCaseError::Fail(
what.downcast::<&'static str>().map(|s| (*s).into())
.or_else(|what| what.downcast::<String>().map(|b| (*b).into()))
.or_else(|what| what.downcast::<Box<str>>().map(|b| (*b).into()))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "<unknown panic value>".into()))));
// If there is a timeout and we exceeded it, fail the test here so we get
// consistent behaviour. (The parent process cannot precisely time the test
// cases itself.)
if timeout > 0 && result.is_ok() {
let elapsed = time_start.elapsed();
let elapsed_millis = elapsed.as_secs() as u32 * 1000 +
elapsed.subsec_nanos() / 1_000_000;
if elapsed_millis > timeout {
result = Err(TestCaseError::fail(
format!("Timeout of {} ms exceeded: test took {} ms",
timeout, elapsed_millis)));
result_cache.put(cache_key, &result);
match result {
Ok(()) => verbose_message!(runner, TRACE, "Test case passed"),
Err(TestCaseError::Reject(ref reason)) => verbose_message!(
runner, SHOW_FALURES, "Test case rejected: {}", reason),
Err(TestCaseError::Fail(ref reason)) => verbose_message!(
runner, SHOW_FALURES, "Test case failed: {}", reason),
type TestRunResult<S> = Result<(), TestError<<S as Strategy>::Value>>;
impl TestRunner {
/// Create a fresh `TestRunner` with the given configuration.
/// The runner will use an RNG with a generated seed and the default
/// algorithm.
/// In `no_std` environments, every `TestRunner` will use the same
/// hard-coded seed. This seed is not contractually guaranteed and may be
/// changed between releases without notice.
pub fn new(config: Config) -> Self {
let algorithm = config.rng_algorithm;
TestRunner::new_with_rng(config, TestRng::default_rng(algorithm))
/// Create a fresh `TestRunner` with the standard deterministic RNG.
/// This is sugar for the following:
/// ```rust
/// # use proptest::test_runner::*;
/// let config = Config::default();
/// let algorithm = config.rng_algorithm;
/// TestRunner::new_with_rng(
/// config,
/// TestRng::deterministic_rng(algorithm));
/// ```
/// Refer to `TestRng::deterministic_rng()` for more information on the
/// properties of the RNG used here.
pub fn deterministic() -> Self {
let config = Config::default();
let algorithm = config.rng_algorithm;
config, TestRng::deterministic_rng(algorithm))
/// Create a fresh `TestRunner` with the given configuration and RNG.
pub fn new_with_rng(config: Config, rng: TestRng) -> Self {
TestRunner {
config: config,
successes: 0,
local_rejects: 0,
global_rejects: 0,
rng: rng,
flat_map_regens: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)),
local_reject_detail: BTreeMap::new(),
global_reject_detail: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Create a fresh `TestRunner` with the same config and global counters as
/// this one, but with local state reset and an independent `Rng` (but
/// deterministic).
pub(crate) fn partial_clone(&mut self) -> Self {
TestRunner {
config: self.config.clone(),
successes: 0,
local_rejects: 0,
global_rejects: 0,
rng: self.new_rng(),
flat_map_regens: Arc::clone(&self.flat_map_regens),
local_reject_detail: BTreeMap::new(),
global_reject_detail: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Returns the RNG for this test run.
pub fn rng(&mut self) -> &mut TestRng {
&mut self.rng
/// Create a new, independent but deterministic RNG from the RNG in this
/// runner.
pub fn new_rng(&mut self) -> TestRng {
/// Returns the configuration of this runner.
pub fn config(&self) -> &Config {
/// Run test cases against `f`, choosing inputs via `strategy`.
/// If any failure cases occur, try to find a minimal failure case and
/// report that. If invoking `f` panics, the panic is turned into a
/// `TestCaseError::Fail`.
/// If failure persistence is enabled, all persisted failing cases are
/// tested first. If a later non-persisted case fails, its seed is
/// persisted before returning failure.
/// Returns success or failure indicating why the test as a whole failed.
pub fn run<S : Strategy>(&mut self, strategy: &S,
test: impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult)
-> TestRunResult<S> {
if self.config.fork() {
self.run_in_fork(strategy, test)
} else {
self.run_in_process(strategy, test)
#[cfg(not(feature = "fork"))]
fn run_in_fork<S : Strategy>
(&mut self, _: &S, _: impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult) -> TestRunResult<S>
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn run_in_fork<S : Strategy>(&mut self, strategy: &S,
test: impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult)
-> TestRunResult<S>
let mut test = Some(test);
let test_name = rusty_fork::fork_test::fix_module_path(
"Must supply test_name when forking enabled"));
let forkfile: RefCell<Option<tempfile::NamedTempFile>> =
let init_forkfile_size = Cell::new(0u64);
let seed = self.rng.new_rng_seed();
let mut replay = replay::Replay { seed, steps: vec![] };
let mut child_count = 0;
let timeout = self.config.timeout();
fn forkfile_size(forkfile: &Option<tempfile::NamedTempFile>)
-> u64 {
0, |ff| ff.as_file().metadata().map(|md| md.len()).unwrap_or(0))
loop {
let (child_error, last_fork_file_len) = rusty_fork::fork(
|cmd| {
let mut forkfile = forkfile.borrow_mut();
if forkfile.is_none() {
*forkfile =
"Failed to create temporary file for fork"));
"Failed to initialise temporary file for fork");
cmd.env(ENV_FORK_FILE, forkfile.as_ref().unwrap().path());
|child, _| await_child(
child, &mut forkfile.borrow_mut().as_mut().unwrap(),
|| match self.run_in_process(strategy, test.take().unwrap()) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) =>
panic!("Test failed normally in child process.\n{}\n{}",
e, self),
.expect("Fork failed");
let parsed = replay::Replay::parse_from(
&mut forkfile.borrow_mut().as_mut().unwrap())
.expect("Failed to re-read fork file");
match parsed {
replay::ReplayFileStatus::InProgress(new_replay) =>
replay = new_replay,
replay::ReplayFileStatus::Terminated(new_replay) => {
replay = new_replay;
replay::ReplayFileStatus::Corrupt =>
panic!("Child process corrupted replay file"),
let curr_forkfile_size = forkfile_size(&forkfile.borrow());
// If the child failed to append *anything* to the forkfile, it
// crashed or timed out before starting even one test case, so
// bail.
if curr_forkfile_size == init_forkfile_size.get() {
return Err(TestError::Abort(
"Child process crashed or timed out before the first test \
started running; giving up.".into()));
// The child only terminates early if it outright crashes or we
// kill it due to timeout, so add a synthetic failure to the
// output. But only do this if the length of the fork file is the
// same as when we last saw it, or if the child was not killed due
// to timeout. (This is because the child could have appended
// something to the file after we gave up waiting for it but before
// we were able to kill it).
if last_fork_file_len.map_or(true, |last_fork_file_len| {
last_fork_file_len == curr_forkfile_size
}) {
let error = Err(child_error.unwrap_or(
TestCaseError::fail("Child process was terminated abruptly \
but with successful status")));
replay::append(forkfile.borrow_mut().as_mut().unwrap(), &error)
.expect("Failed to append to replay file");
// Bail if we've gone through too many processes in case the
// shrinking process itself is crashing.
child_count += 1;
if child_count >= 10000 {
return Err(TestError::Abort(
"Giving up after 10000 child processes crashed".into()));
// Run through the steps in-process (without ever running the actual
// tests) to produce the shrunken value and update the persistence
// file.
strategy, |_| panic!("Ran past the end of the replay"),
replay.steps.into_iter(), ForkOutput::empty())
fn run_in_process<S : Strategy>
(&mut self, strategy: &S, test: impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult)
-> TestRunResult<S>
let (replay_steps, fork_output) = init_replay(&mut self.rng);
strategy, test, replay_steps.into_iter(), fork_output)
fn run_in_process_with_replay<S : Strategy>
(&mut self, strategy: &S,
test: impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult,
mut replay: impl Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
mut fork_output: ForkOutput)
-> TestRunResult<S>
let old_rng = self.rng.clone();
let persisted_failure_seeds: Vec<PersistedSeed> =
.map(|f| f.load_persisted_failures2(self.config.source_file))
let mut result_cache = self.new_cache();
for PersistedSeed(persisted_seed) in persisted_failure_seeds {
self.gen_and_run_case(strategy, &test, &mut replay,
&mut *result_cache, &mut fork_output)?;
self.rng = old_rng;
while self.successes < self.config.cases {
// Generate a new seed and make an RNG from that so that we know
// what seed to persist if this case fails.
let seed = self.rng.gen_get_seed();
let result = self.gen_and_run_case(
strategy, &test, &mut replay, &mut *result_cache, &mut fork_output);
if let Err(TestError::Fail(_, ref value)) = result {
if let Some(ref mut failure_persistence) = self.config.failure_persistence {
let source_file = &self.config.source_file;
// Don't update the persistence file if we're a child
// process. The parent relies on it remaining consistent
// and will take care of updating it itself.
if !fork_output.is_in_fork() {
*source_file, PersistedSeed(seed), value);
if let Err(e) = result {
return Err(e.into());
fn gen_and_run_case<S : Strategy>
(&mut self, strategy: &S,
f: &impl Fn (S::Value) -> TestCaseResult,
replay: &mut impl Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
result_cache: &mut dyn ResultCache,
fork_output: &mut ForkOutput)
-> TestRunResult<S>
let case =
unwrap_or!(strategy.new_tree(self), msg =>
return Err(TestError::Abort(msg)));
if self.run_one_with_replay(case, f, replay, result_cache, fork_output)? {
self.successes += 1;
/// Run one specific test case against this runner.
/// If the test fails, finds the minimal failing test case. If the test
/// does not fail, returns whether it succeeded or was filtered out.
/// This does not honour the `fork` config, and will not be able to
/// terminate the run if it runs for longer than `timeout`. However, if the
/// test function returns but took longer than `timeout`, the test case
/// will fail.
pub fn run_one<V : ValueTree>
(&mut self, case: V,
test: impl Fn (V::Value) -> TestCaseResult)
-> Result<bool, TestError<V::Value>>
let mut result_cache = self.new_cache();
case, test,
&mut iter::empty::<TestCaseResult>().fuse(),
&mut *result_cache,
&mut ForkOutput::empty())
fn run_one_with_replay<V : ValueTree>
(&mut self, mut case: V,
test: impl Fn (V::Value) -> TestCaseResult,
replay: &mut impl Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
result_cache: &mut dyn ResultCache,
fork_output: &mut ForkOutput)
-> Result<bool, TestError<V::Value>>
let result = call_test(
self, case.current(), &test,
replay, result_cache, fork_output);
match result {
Ok(_) => Ok(true),
Err(TestCaseError::Fail(why)) => {
let why = self.shrink(&mut case, test, replay,
result_cache, fork_output)
Err(TestError::Fail(why, case.current()))
Err(TestCaseError::Reject(whence)) => {
fn shrink<V : ValueTree>
(&mut self, case: &mut V,
test: impl Fn (V::Value) -> TestCaseResult,
replay: &mut impl Iterator<Item = TestCaseResult>,
result_cache: &mut dyn ResultCache,
fork_output: &mut ForkOutput)
-> Option<Reason>
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::time;
let mut last_failure = None;
let mut iterations = 0;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let start_time = time::Instant::now();
if case.simplify() {
loop {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
let timed_out = if self.config.max_shrink_time > 0 {
let elapsed = start_time.elapsed();
let elapsed_ms = elapsed.as_secs().saturating_mul(1000)
if elapsed_ms > self.config.max_shrink_time as u64 {
} else {
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
let timed_out: Option<u64> = None;
let bail = if iterations >= self.config.max_shrink_iters {
self, ALWAYS,
"Aborting shrinking after {} iterations", iterations);
} else if let Some(ms) = timed_out {
self, ALWAYS,
"Aborting shrinking after taking too long: {}", ms);
} else {
if bail {
// Move back to the most recent failing case
while case.complicate() {
iterations += 1;
let result = call_test(
case.current(), &test,
result_cache, fork_output);
match result {
// Rejections are effectively a pass here,
// since they indicate that any behaviour of
// the function under test is acceptable.
Ok(_) | Err(TestCaseError::Reject(..)) => {
if !case.complicate() {
Err(TestCaseError::Fail(why)) => {
last_failure = Some(why);
if !case.simplify() {
/// Update the state to account for a local rejection from `whence`, and
/// return `Ok` if the caller should keep going or `Err` to abort.
pub fn reject_local(&mut self, whence: impl Into<Reason>)
-> Result<(), Reason> {
if self.local_rejects >= self.config.max_local_rejects {
Err("Too many local rejects".into())
} else {
self.local_rejects += 1;
Self::insert_or_increment(&mut self.local_reject_detail,
/// Update the state to account for a global rejection from `whence`, and
/// return `Ok` if the caller should keep going or `Err` to abort.
fn reject_global<T>(&mut self, whence: Reason) -> Result<(),TestError<T>> {
if self.global_rejects >= self.config.max_global_rejects {
Err(TestError::Abort("Too many global rejects".into()))
} else {
self.global_rejects += 1;
Self::insert_or_increment(&mut self.global_reject_detail, whence);
/// Insert 1 or increment the rejection detail at key for whence.
fn insert_or_increment(into: &mut RejectionDetail, whence: Reason) {
into.entry(whence).and_modify(|count| { *count += 1 }).or_insert(1);
/// Increment the counter of flat map regenerations and return whether it
/// is still under the configured limit.
pub fn flat_map_regen(&self) -> bool {
self.flat_map_regens.fetch_add(1, SeqCst) <
self.config.max_flat_map_regens as usize
fn new_cache(&self) -> Box<dyn ResultCache> {
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn init_replay(rng: &mut TestRng) -> (Vec<TestCaseResult>, ForkOutput) {
use crate::test_runner::replay::{open_file, Replay, ReplayFileStatus::*};
if let Some(path) = env::var_os(ENV_FORK_FILE) {
let mut file = open_file(&path).expect("Failed to open replay file");
let loaded = Replay::parse_from(&mut file)
.expect("Failed to read replay file");
match loaded {
InProgress(replay) => {
(replay.steps, ForkOutput { file: Some(file) })
Terminated(_) =>
panic!("Replay file for child process is terminated?"),
Corrupt =>
panic!("Replay file for child process is corrupt"),
} else {
(vec![], ForkOutput::empty())
#[cfg(not(feature = "fork"))]
fn init_replay(_rng: &mut TestRng) -> (iter::Empty<TestCaseResult>, ForkOutput) {
(iter::empty(), ForkOutput::empty())
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn await_child_without_timeout(child: &mut rusty_fork::ChildWrapper)
-> (Option<TestCaseError>, Option<u64>) {
let status = child.wait().expect("Failed to wait for child process");
if status.success() {
(None, None)
} else {
"Child process exited with {}", status))), None)
#[cfg(all(feature = "fork", not(feature = "timeout")))]
fn await_child(child: &mut rusty_fork::ChildWrapper,
_: &mut tempfile::NamedTempFile,
_timeout: u32)
-> (Option<TestCaseError>, Option<u64>) {
#[cfg(all(feature = "fork", feature = "timeout"))]
fn await_child(child: &mut rusty_fork::ChildWrapper,
forkfile: &mut tempfile::NamedTempFile,
timeout: u32)
-> (Option<TestCaseError>, Option<u64>) {
use std::time::Duration;
if 0 == timeout {
return await_child_without_timeout(child);
// The child can run for longer than the timeout since it may run
// multiple tests. Each time the timeout expires, we check whether the
// file has grown larger. If it has, we allow the child to keep running
// until the next timeout.
let mut last_forkfile_len = forkfile.as_file().metadata()
.map(|md| md.len()).unwrap_or(0);
loop {
if let Some(status) =
.expect("Failed to wait for child process")
if status.success() {
return (None, None);
} else {
return (Some(TestCaseError::fail(format!(
"Child process exited with {}", status))), None);
let current_len = forkfile.as_file().metadata()
.map(|md| md.len()).unwrap_or(0);
// If we've gone a full timeout period without the file growing,
// fail the test and kill the child.
if current_len <= last_forkfile_len {
return (Some(TestCaseError::fail(format!(
"Timed out waiting for child process"))), Some(current_len));
} else {
last_forkfile_len = current_len;
mod test {
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::fs;
use super::*;
use crate::test_runner::FileFailurePersistence;
use crate::strategy::Strategy;
fn gives_up_after_too_many_rejections() {
let config = Config::default();
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(config.clone());
let runs = Cell::new(0);
let result =, |_| {
runs.set(runs.get() + 1);
match result {
Err(TestError::Abort(_)) => (),
e => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", e),
assert_eq!(config.max_global_rejects + 1, runs.get());
fn test_pass() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::default();
let result =, |v| { assert!(v > 0); Ok(()) });
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
fn test_fail_via_result() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
failure_persistence: None,
.. Config::default()
let result =
&(0u32..10u32), |v| {
if v < 5 {
} else {
Err(TestCaseError::fail("not less than 5"))
assert_eq!(Err(TestError::Fail("not less than 5".into(), 5)), result);
fn test_fail_via_panic() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
failure_persistence: None,
.. Config::default()
let result =, |v| {
assert!(v < 5, "not less than 5");
assert_eq!(Err(TestError::Fail("not less than 5".into(), 5)), result);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct PoorlyBehavedDebug(i32);
impl fmt::Debug for PoorlyBehavedDebug {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\r\n{:?}\r\n", self.0)
fn failing_cases_persisted_and_reloaded() {
const FILE: &'static str = "persistence-test.txt";
let _ = fs::remove_file(FILE);
let max = 10_000_000i32;
let input = (0i32..max).prop_map(PoorlyBehavedDebug);
let config = Config {
failure_persistence: Some(Box::new(
.. Config::default()
// First test with cases that fail above half max, and then below half
// max, to ensure we can correctly parse both lines of the persistence
// file.
let first_sub_failure = {
TestRunner::new(config.clone()).run(&input, |v| {
if v.0 < max/2 {
} else {
Err(TestCaseError::Fail("too big".into()))
}).expect_err("didn't fail?")
let first_super_failure = {
TestRunner::new(config.clone()).run(&input, |v| {
if v.0 >= max/2 {
} else {
Err(TestCaseError::Fail("too small".into()))
}).expect_err("didn't fail?")
let second_sub_failure = {
TestRunner::new(config.clone()).run(&input, |v| {
if v.0 < max/2 {
} else {
Err(TestCaseError::Fail("too big".into()))
}).expect_err("didn't fail?")
let second_super_failure = {
TestRunner::new(config.clone()).run(&input, |v| {
if v.0 >= max/2 {
} else {
Err(TestCaseError::Fail("too small".into()))
}).expect_err("didn't fail?")
assert_eq!(first_sub_failure, second_sub_failure);
assert_eq!(first_super_failure, second_super_failure);
fn new_rng_makes_separate_rng() {
use rand::Rng;
let mut runner = TestRunner::default();
let from_1 = runner.new_rng().gen::<[u8;16]>();
let from_2 = runner.rng().gen::<[u8;16]>();
assert_ne!(from_1, from_2);
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn run_successful_test_in_fork() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::run_successful_test_in_fork")),
.. Config::default()
assert!(, |_| Ok(())).is_ok());
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn normal_failure_in_fork_results_in_correct_failure() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::normal_failure_in_fork_results_in_correct_failure")),
.. Config::default()
let failure =, |v| {
prop_assert!(v < 500);
match failure {
TestError::Fail(_, value) => assert_eq!(500, value),
failure => panic!("Unexpected failure: {:?}", failure),
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn nonsuccessful_exit_finds_correct_failure() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::nonsuccessful_exit_finds_correct_failure")),
.. Config::default()
let failure =, |v| {
if v >= 500 {
match failure {
TestError::Fail(_, value) => assert_eq!(500, value),
failure => panic!("Unexpected failure: {:?}", failure),
#[cfg(feature = "fork")]
fn spurious_exit_finds_correct_failure() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::spurious_exit_finds_correct_failure")),
.. Config::default()
let failure =, |v| {
if v >= 500 {
match failure {
TestError::Fail(_, value) => assert_eq!(500, value),
failure => panic!("Unexpected failure: {:?}", failure),
#[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
fn long_sleep_timeout_finds_correct_failure() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
timeout: 500,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::long_sleep_timeout_finds_correct_failure")),
.. Config::default()
let failure =, |v| {
if v >= 500 {
match failure {
TestError::Fail(_, value) => assert_eq!(500, value),
failure => panic!("Unexpected failure: {:?}", failure),
#[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
fn mid_sleep_timeout_finds_correct_failure() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
fork: true,
timeout: 500,
test_name: Some(concat!(
module_path!(), "::mid_sleep_timeout_finds_correct_failure")),
.. Config::default()
let failure =, |v| {
if v >= 500 {
// Sleep a little longer than the timeout. This means that
// sometimes the test case itself will return before the parent
// process has noticed the child is timing out, so it's up to
// the child to mark it as a failure.
} else {
// Sleep a bit so that the parent and child timing don't stay
// in sync.
match failure {
TestError::Fail(_, value) => assert_eq!(500, value),
failure => panic!("Unexpected failure: {:?}", failure),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn duplicate_tests_not_run_with_basic_result_cache() {
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::rc::Rc;
for _ in 0..256 {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
failure_persistence: None,
result_cache: crate::test_runner::result_cache::basic_result_cache,
.. Config::default()
let pass = Rc::new(Cell::new(true));
let seen = Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashSet::new()));
let result =
&(0u32..65536u32).prop_map(|v| v % 10),
|val| {
if !seen.borrow_mut().insert(val) {
println!("Value {} seen more than once", val);
prop_assert!(val <= 5);
if let Err(TestError::Fail(_, val)) = result {
assert_eq!(6, val);
} else {
panic!("Incorrect result: {:?}", result);
#[cfg(all(feature = "fork", feature = "timeout", test))]
mod timeout_tests {
use core::u32;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use super::*;
rusty_fork_test! {
#![rusty_fork(timeout_ms = 4_000)]
fn max_shrink_iters_works() {
test_shrink_bail(Config {
max_shrink_iters: 5,
.. Config::default()
fn max_shrink_time_works() {
test_shrink_bail(Config {
max_shrink_time: 1000,
.. Config::default()
fn max_shrink_iters_works_with_forking() {
test_shrink_bail(Config {
fork: true,
test_name: Some(
max_shrink_time: 1000,
.. Config::default()
fn detects_child_failure_to_start() {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(Config {
timeout: 100,
test_name: Some(
.. Config::default()
let result =|()| {
}), Ok);
if let Err(TestError::Abort(_)) = result {
// OK
} else {
panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result);
fn test_shrink_bail(config: Config) {
let mut runner = TestRunner::new(config);
let result =, |v| {
prop_assert!(v <= u32::MAX as u64);
if let Err(TestError::Fail(_, value)) = result {
// Ensure the final value was in fact a failing case.
assert!(value > u32::MAX as u64);
} else {
panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", result);