blob: 9e4203046d7439c8179b68917d8e22e9a07d4a29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::{
AgUpdate, InformationRequest, Procedure, ProcedureError, ProcedureMarker, ProcedureRequest,
use crate::peer::{calls::Call, service_level_connection::SlcState};
use {at_commands as at, fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_hfp::CallState};
/// Represents the current state of the Hf request to query the list of current calls as defined
/// in HFP v1.8, Section 4.32.1.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
enum State {
/// Initial state of the Procedure.
/// A request has been received from the HF to query the list of current calls.
/// Terminal state of the procedure.
impl State {
/// Transition to the next state in the QueryCurrentCalls procedure.
fn transition(&mut self) {
match *self {
Self::Start => *self = Self::SetRequest,
Self::SetRequest => *self = Self::Terminated,
Self::Terminated => *self = Self::Terminated,
/// The HF query the list of current calls via this procedure. See HFP v1.8, Section 4.32.1
/// This procedure is implemented from the perspective of the AG. Namely, outgoing `requests`
/// typically request information about the current state of the AG, to be sent to the remote
/// peer acting as the HF.
pub struct QueryCurrentCallsProcedure {
/// The current state of the procedure
state: State,
impl Default for QueryCurrentCallsProcedure {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { state: State::Start }
impl QueryCurrentCallsProcedure {
/// Create a new QueryCurrentCalls procedure in the Start state.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { state: State::Start }
impl Procedure for QueryCurrentCallsProcedure {
fn marker(&self) -> ProcedureMarker {
fn hf_update(&mut self, update: at::Command, _state: &mut SlcState) -> ProcedureRequest {
match (self.state, update) {
(State::Start, at::Command::Clcc { .. }) => {
let response = Box::new(AgUpdate::CurrentCalls);
InformationRequest::QueryCurrentCalls { response }.into()
(_, update) => ProcedureRequest::Error(ProcedureError::UnexpectedHf(update)),
fn ag_update(&mut self, update: AgUpdate, _state: &mut SlcState) -> ProcedureRequest {
match (self.state, update) {
(State::SetRequest, update @ AgUpdate::CurrentCalls(..)) => {
(_, update) => ProcedureRequest::Error(ProcedureError::UnexpectedAg(update)),
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
self.state == State::Terminated
/// Convert a CallState value to a status integer as defined in HFP v1.8, Section 4.34.2.
/// Returns `None` if state does not have a valid status representation.
fn call_state_to_status(state: CallState) -> Option<i64> {
use CallState::*;
let status = match state {
OngoingActive => 0,
OngoingHeld => 1,
OutgoingDialing => 2,
OutgoingAlerting => 3,
IncomingRinging => 4,
IncomingWaiting => 5,
_ => return None,
/// Build an AT CLCC response from a number. See HFP v1.8, Section 4.34.2 for information on the
/// +CLCC fields.
/// Returns None if the call is not ongoing (i.e. Terminated or TransferredToAg).
/// The CLCC response can not represent calls that are not ongoing.
pub fn build_clcc_response(call: Call) -> Option<at::Response> {
let status = if let Some(status) = call_state_to_status(call.state) {
} else {
return None;
Some(at::success(at::Success::Clcc {
index: call.index as i64,
dir: call.direction.into(),
mode: 0,
mpty: 0,
ty: call.number.type_(),
number: call.number.into(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::peer::calls::{Direction, Number};
use matches::assert_matches;
fn correct_marker() {
let marker = QueryCurrentCallsProcedure::new().marker();
assert_eq!(marker, ProcedureMarker::QueryCurrentCalls);
fn procedure_handles_invalid_messages() {
let mut proc = QueryCurrentCallsProcedure::new();
let req = proc.hf_update(at::Command::CindRead {}, &mut SlcState::default());
assert_matches!(req, ProcedureRequest::Error(ProcedureError::UnexpectedHf(_)));
let req = proc.ag_update(AgUpdate::ThreeWaySupport, &mut SlcState::default());
assert_matches!(req, ProcedureRequest::Error(ProcedureError::UnexpectedAg(_)));
fn procedure_with_ok_response() {
let mut proc = QueryCurrentCallsProcedure::new();
let req = proc.hf_update(at::Command::Clcc {}, &mut SlcState::default());
let update = match req {
ProcedureRequest::Info(InformationRequest::QueryCurrentCalls { response }) => {
x => panic!("Unexpected message: {:?}", x),
let req = proc.ag_update(update, &mut SlcState::default());
ProcedureRequest::SendMessages(msgs) if msgs == vec![at::Response::Ok]
fn procedure_with_calls_response() {
// A terminated call will not be sent to the HF
let terminated =
Call::new(1, Number::from("1"), CallState::Terminated, Direction::MobileTerminated);
// An ongoing call will be sent to the HF.
let ongoing = Call::new(
let mut proc = QueryCurrentCallsProcedure::new();
let req = proc.hf_update(at::Command::Clcc {}, &mut SlcState::default());
let update = match req {
ProcedureRequest::Info(InformationRequest::QueryCurrentCalls { response }) => {
response(vec![terminated, ongoing.clone()])
x => panic!("Unexpected message: {:?}", x),
let req = proc.ag_update(update, &mut SlcState::default());
let expected_clcc = build_clcc_response(ongoing).expect("clcc should be built");
ProcedureRequest::SendMessages(msgs) if msgs == vec![expected_clcc, at::Response::Ok]