blob: e2199493c0967fb2c20856e60af872643d3f17fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Context, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_hfp::{CallManagerProxy, HfpRequest, HfpRequestStream},
fuchsia_component::server::{ServiceFs, ServiceObj},
futures::{channel::mpsc::Sender, SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
/// The maximum number of fidl service client connections that will be serviced concurrently.
/// All FIDL services that are exposed by this component's ServiceFs.
pub enum Services {
/// Handle a new incoming Hfp protocol client connection. This async function completes when
/// a client connection is closed.
async fn handle_hfp_client_connection(
stream: HfpRequestStream,
call_manager: Sender<CallManagerProxy>,
) {
log::info!("new hfp connection");
if let Err(e) = handle_hfp_client_connection_result(stream, call_manager).await {
// An error processing client provided parameters is not a fatal error.
// Log and return.
info!("hfp FIDL client error: {}", e);
/// Handle all requests made over `stream`.
/// Returns an Err if the stream closes with an error or the client sends an invalid request.
async fn handle_hfp_client_connection_result(
mut stream: HfpRequestStream,
mut call_manager: Sender<CallManagerProxy>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.context("hfp FIDL client error")? {
let HfpRequest::Register { manager, .. } = request;
info!("registering call manager");
let proxy = manager.into_proxy().context("hfp FIDL client error")?;
call_manager.send(proxy).await.context("component main loop halted")?;
pub async fn run_services(
mut fs: ServiceFs<ServiceObj<'_, Services>>,
call_manager: Sender<CallManagerProxy>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fs.take_and_serve_directory_handle().context("Failed to serve ServiceFs directory")?;
fs.for_each_concurrent(MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS, move |Services::Hfp(stream)| {
handle_hfp_client_connection(stream, call_manager.clone())
mod tests {
use {
fidl::endpoints::{ClientEnd, RequestStream},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr as bredr,
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
async fn successful_no_op_hfp_connection() {
let (sender, _receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
let (proxy, stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<HfpMarker>().unwrap();
// close the stream by dropping the proxy
let result = handle_hfp_client_connection_result(stream, sender).await;
async fn error_on_hfp_connection() {
let (sender, _receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
// Create a stream of an unexpected protocol type.
let (proxy, stream) =
// Pretend that stream is the expected protocol type.
let stream = stream.cast_stream::<HfpRequestStream>();
// Send a request using the wrong protocol to the server end.
let _ = proxy
&mut fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId { value: 1 },
&mut bredr::ConnectParameters::L2cap(bredr::L2capParameters::EMPTY),
.expect("request to be sent");
let result = handle_hfp_client_connection_result(stream, sender).await;
assert_matches!(result, Err(_));
async fn successful_call_manager_registration() {
let (sender, _receiver) = mpsc::channel(1);
let (proxy, stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<HfpMarker>().unwrap();
let (call_manager_client_end, _call_manager_server_end) =
// Register a call manager.
proxy.register(call_manager_client_end).expect("request to be sent");
// Close the stream by dropping the proxy.
let result = handle_hfp_client_connection_result(stream, sender).await;
async fn error_on_bad_registration_parameter() {
let (sender, _receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
let (proxy, stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<HfpMarker>().unwrap();
// Create an Event that we will cast to a Channel and send to the hfp server.
// This invalid handle type is expected to cause the hfp server to return an error.
let event = zx::Event::create().unwrap();
let invalid_channel: zx::Channel = zx::Channel::from(zx::Handle::from(event));
let invalid_client_end = ClientEnd::new(invalid_channel);
proxy.register(invalid_client_end).expect("request to be sent");
let result = handle_hfp_client_connection_result(stream, sender).await;
assert_matches!(result, Err(_));