blob: 38893ed46f9344b5a214fe561639c9e42a1a3b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
include: [ "//src/sys/test_runners/inspect/default.shard.cml" ],
program: {
accessor: "ALL",
timeout_seconds: "60",
cases: [
// Paged and unpaged reads have a non-zero number of total bytes.
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/*paged_read_stats/*:read_bytes WHERE [a] Fold(Fn([cur, prev], cur + prev), a, 0) > 0",
// Paged and unpaged reads have a non-zero number of total ticks.
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/*paged_read_stats/*:read_ticks WHERE [a] Fold(Fn([cur, prev], cur + prev), a, 0) > 0",
// Allocation stats are reported and non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/allocation_stats:blobs_created WHERE [a] a >= 0",
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/allocation_stats:total_allocation_time_ticks WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Cache size is reported and non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/data/cache:size WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Data directory size is reported and non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/data:size WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Volume size is non-zero, and amount used is non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/stats:total_bytes WHERE [a] a > 0",
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/stats:allocated_bytes WHERE [a] a > 0",
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/stats:used_bytes WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Inode allocation is non-zero and usage is non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/stats:allocated_inodes WHERE [a] a > 0",
"bootstrap/fshost:root/data_stats/stats:used_inodes WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Lookup stats for blob opening are reported and non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/lookup_stats:blobs_opened WHERE [a] a >= 0",
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/lookup_stats:blobs_opened_total_size WHERE [a] a >= 0",
// Writeback stats are reported and non-negative.
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/writeback_stats:data_bytes_written WHERE [a] a >= 0",
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/writeback_stats:merkle_bytes_written WHERE [a] a >= 0",
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/writeback_stats:total_merkle_generation_time_ticks WHERE [a] a >= 0",
"bootstrap/fshost/blobfs:root/writeback_stats:total_write_enqueue_time_ticks WHERE [a] a >= 0",