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// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! IPv4 and IPv6 sockets.
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::convert::Infallible;
use core::num::NonZeroU8;
use net_types::ip::{Ip, Ipv4, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr};
use net_types::{SpecifiedAddr, UnicastAddr};
use packet::{Buf, BufferMut, SerializeError, Serializer};
use packet_formats::ip::{Ipv4Proto, Ipv6Proto};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{
context::{CounterContext, InstantContext},
device::state::{IpDeviceStateIpExt, Ipv6AddressEntry},
IpDeviceIdContext, IpExt, SendIpPacketMeta,
/// A socket identifying a connection between a local and remote IP host.
pub(crate) trait IpSocket<I: Ip> {
/// Get the local IP address.
fn local_ip(&self) -> &SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>;
/// Get the remote IP address.
fn remote_ip(&self) -> &SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>;
/// An execution context defining a type of IP socket.
pub trait IpSocketHandler<I: IpExt, C>: IpDeviceIdContext<I> {
/// A builder carrying optional parameters passed to [`new_ip_socket`].
/// [`new_ip_socket`]: crate::ip::socket::IpSocketHandler::new_ip_socket
type Builder: Default;
/// Constructs a new [`Self::IpSocket`].
/// `new_ip_socket` constructs a new `Self::IpSocket` to the given remote IP
/// address from the given local IP address with the given IP protocol. If
/// no local IP address is given, one will be chosen automatically. If
/// `device` is `Some`, the socket will be bound to the given device - only
/// routes which egress over the device will be used. If no route is
/// available which egresses over the device - even if routes are available
/// which egress over other devices - the socket will be considered
/// unroutable.
/// `new_ip_socket` returns an error if no route to the remote was found in
/// the forwarding table or if the given local IP address is not valid for
/// the found route.
/// The builder may be used to override certain default parameters. Passing
/// `None` for the `builder` parameter is equivalent to passing
/// `Some(Default::default())`.
fn new_ip_socket(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
device: Option<Self::DeviceId>,
local_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
proto: I::Proto,
builder: Option<Self::Builder>,
) -> Result<IpSock<I, Self::DeviceId>, IpSockCreationError>;
/// An error in sending a packet on an IP socket.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IpSockSendError {
/// An MTU was exceeded.
/// This could be caused by an MTU at any layer of the stack, including both
/// device MTUs and packet format body size limits.
#[error("a maximum transmission unit (MTU) was exceeded")]
/// The socket is currently unroutable.
#[error("the socket is currently unroutable: {}", _0)]
Unroutable(#[from] IpSockUnroutableError),
impl From<SerializeError<Infallible>> for IpSockSendError {
fn from(err: SerializeError<Infallible>) -> IpSockSendError {
match err {
SerializeError::Alloc(err) => match err {},
SerializeError::Mtu => IpSockSendError::Mtu,
/// An error in sending a packet on a temporary IP socket.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum IpSockCreateAndSendError {
/// An MTU was exceeded.
/// This could be caused by an MTU at any layer of the stack, including both
/// device MTUs and packet format body size limits.
#[error("a maximum transmission unit (MTU) was exceeded")]
/// The temporary socket could not be created.
#[error("the temporary socket could not be created: {}", _0)]
Create(#[from] IpSockCreationError),
/// An extension of [`IpSocketHandler`] adding the ability to send packets on an
/// IP socket.
pub trait BufferIpSocketHandler<I: IpExt, C, B: BufferMut>: IpSocketHandler<I, C> {
/// Sends an IP packet on a socket.
/// The generated packet has its metadata initialized from `socket`,
/// including the source and destination addresses, the Time To Live/Hop
/// Limit, and the Protocol/Next Header. The outbound device is also chosen
/// based on information stored in the socket.
/// `mtu` may be used to optionally impose an MTU on the outgoing packet.
/// Note that the device's MTU will still be imposed on the packet. That is,
/// the smaller of `mtu` and the device's MTU will be imposed on the packet.
/// If the socket is currently unroutable, an error is returned.
fn send_ip_packet<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
socket: &IpSock<I, Self::DeviceId>,
body: S,
mtu: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<(), (S, IpSockSendError)>;
/// Creates a temporary IP socket and sends a single packet on it.
/// `local_ip`, `remote_ip`, `proto`, and `builder` are passed directly to
/// [`IpSocketHandler::new_ip_socket`]. `get_body_from_src_ip` is given the
/// source IP address for the packet - which may have been chosen
/// automatically if `local_ip` is `None` - and returns the body to be
/// encapsulated. This is provided in case the body's contents depend on the
/// chosen source IP address.
/// If `device` is specified, the available routes are limited to those that
/// egress over the device.
/// `mtu` may be used to optionally impose an MTU on the outgoing packet.
/// Note that the device's MTU will still be imposed on the packet. That is,
/// the smaller of `mtu` and the device's MTU will be imposed on the packet.
/// # Errors
/// If an error is encountered while sending the packet, the body returned
/// from `get_body_from_src_ip` will be returned along with the error. If an
/// error is encountered while constructing the temporary IP socket,
/// `get_body_from_src_ip` will be called on an arbitrary IP address in
/// order to obtain a body to return. In the case where a buffer was passed
/// by ownership to `get_body_from_src_ip`, this allows the caller to
/// recover that buffer.
fn send_oneshot_ip_packet<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>, F: FnOnce(SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>) -> S>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
device: Option<Self::DeviceId>,
local_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
proto: I::Proto,
builder: Option<Self::Builder>,
get_body_from_src_ip: F,
mtu: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<(), (S, IpSockCreateAndSendError)> {
// We use a `match` instead of `map_err` because `map_err` would require passing a closure
// which takes ownership of `get_body_from_src_ip`, which we also use in the success case.
match self.new_ip_socket(ctx, device, local_ip, remote_ip, proto, builder) {
Err(err) => Err((get_body_from_src_ip(I::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS), err.into())),
Ok(tmp) => self
.send_ip_packet(ctx, &tmp, get_body_from_src_ip(*tmp.local_ip()), mtu)
.map_err(|(body, err)| match err {
IpSockSendError::Mtu => (body, IpSockCreateAndSendError::Mtu),
IpSockSendError::Unroutable(_) => {
unreachable!("socket which was just created should still be routable")
/// An error encountered when creating an IP socket.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IpSockCreationError {
/// The specified local IP address is not a unicast address in its subnet.
/// For IPv4, this means that the address is a member of a subnet to which
/// we are attached, but in that subnet, it is not a unicast address. For
/// IPv6, whether or not an address is unicast is a property of the address
/// and does not depend on what subnets we're attached to.
#[error("the specified local IP address is not a unicast address in its subnet")]
/// An error occurred while looking up a route.
#[error("a route cannot be determined: {}", _0)]
Route(#[from] IpSockRouteError),
/// An error encountered when looking up a route for an IP socket.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IpSockRouteError {
/// No local IP address was specified, and one could not be automatically
/// selected.
#[error("a local IP address could not be automatically selected")]
/// The socket is unroutable.
#[error("the socket is unroutable: {}", _0)]
Unroutable(#[from] IpSockUnroutableError),
/// An error encountered when attempting to compute the routing information on
/// an IP socket.
/// An `IpSockUnroutableError` can occur when creating a socket or when updating
/// an existing socket in response to changes to the forwarding table or to the
/// set of IP addresses assigned to devices.
#[derive(Error, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IpSockUnroutableError {
/// The specified local IP address is not one of our assigned addresses.
/// For IPv6, this error will also be returned if the specified local IP
/// address exists on one of our devices, but it is in the "temporary"
/// state.
#[error("the specified local IP address is not one of our assigned addresses")]
/// No route exists to the specified remote IP address.
#[error("no route exists to the remote IP address")]
/// A builder for IPv4 sockets.
/// [`IpSocketContext::new_ip_socket`] accepts optional configuration in the
/// form of a `SocketBuilder`. All configurations have default values that are
/// used if a custom value is not provided.
pub struct Ipv4SocketBuilder {
// NOTE(joshlf): These fields are `Option`s rather than being set to a
// default value in `Default::default` because global defaults may be set
// per-stack at runtime, meaning that default values cannot be known at
// compile time.
ttl: Option<NonZeroU8>,
impl Ipv4SocketBuilder {
/// Set the Time to Live (TTL) field that will be set on outbound IPv4
/// packets.
/// The TTL must be non-zero. Per [RFC 1122 Section] and [RFC 1812
/// Section], hosts and routers (respectively) must not originate
/// IPv4 packets with a TTL of zero.
/// [RFC 1122 Section]:
/// [RFC 1812 Section]:
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(joshlf): Remove once this is used
pub(crate) fn ttl(&mut self, ttl: NonZeroU8) -> &mut Ipv4SocketBuilder {
self.ttl = Some(ttl);
/// A builder for IPv6 sockets.
/// [`IpSocketContext::new_ip_socket`] accepts optional configuration in the
/// form of a `SocketBuilder`. All configurations have default values that are
/// used if a custom value is not provided.
pub struct Ipv6SocketBuilder {
// NOTE(joshlf): These fields are `Option`s rather than being set to a
// default value in `Default::default` because global defaults may be set
// per-stack at runtime, meaning that default values cannot be known at
// compile time.
hop_limit: Option<NonZeroU8>,
impl Ipv6SocketBuilder {
/// Sets the Hop Limit field that will be set on outbound IPv6 packets.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(joshlf): Remove once this is used
pub(crate) fn hop_limit(&mut self, hop_limit: NonZeroU8) -> &mut Ipv6SocketBuilder {
self.hop_limit = Some(hop_limit);
/// The production implementation of the [`IpSocket`] trait.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq))]
pub struct IpSock<I: IpExt, D> {
defn: IpSockDefinition<I, D>,
/// The definition of an IP socket.
/// These values are part of the socket's definition, and never change.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq))]
struct IpSockDefinition<I: IpExt, D> {
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
// Guaranteed to be unicast in its subnet since it's always equal to an
// address assigned to the local device. We can't use the `UnicastAddr`
// witness type since `Ipv4Addr` doesn't implement `UnicastAddress`.
// TODO(joshlf): Support unnumbered interfaces. Once we do that, a few
// issues arise: A) Does the unicast restriction still apply, and is that
// even well-defined for IPv4 in the absence of a subnet? B) Presumably we
// have to always bind to a particular interface?
local_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
#[cfg_attr(not(test), allow(unused))]
device: Option<D>,
hop_limit: Option<NonZeroU8>,
proto: I::Proto,
impl<I: IpExt, D> IpSocket<I> for IpSock<I, D> {
fn local_ip(&self) -> &SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr> {
fn remote_ip(&self) -> &SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr> {
// TODO(joshlf): Once we support configuring transport-layer protocols using
// type parameters, use that to ensure that `proto` is the right protocol for
// the caller. We will still need to have a separate enforcement mechanism for
// raw IP sockets once we support those.
/// The route for a socket.
pub(super) struct IpSockRoute<I: Ip, D> {
/// The local IP to use for the socket.
pub(super) local_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
/// The destination for packets originating from the socket.
pub(super) destination: Destination<I::Addr, D>,
/// The non-synchronized execution context for IP sockets.
pub(super) trait IpSocketNonSyncContext: InstantContext {}
impl<C: InstantContext> IpSocketNonSyncContext for C {}
/// The context required in order to implement [`IpSocketHandler`].
/// Blanket impls of `IpSocketHandler` are provided in terms of
/// `IpSocketContext`.
pub(super) trait IpSocketContext<I, C: IpSocketNonSyncContext>:
IpDeviceIdContext<I> + CounterContext
I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<C::Instant>,
/// Returns a route for a socket.
/// If `device` is specified, the available routes are limited to those that
/// egress over the device.
fn lookup_route(
ctx: &mut C,
device: Option<Self::DeviceId>,
src_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
dst_ip: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
) -> Result<IpSockRoute<I, Self::DeviceId>, IpSockRouteError>;
/// The context required in order to implement [`BufferIpSocketHandler`].
/// Blanket impls of `BufferIpSocketHandler` are provided in terms of
/// `BufferIpSocketContext`.
pub(super) trait BufferIpSocketContext<I, C: IpSocketNonSyncContext, B: BufferMut>:
IpSocketContext<I, C>
I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<C::Instant> + packet_formats::ip::IpExt,
/// Send an IP packet to the next-hop node.
fn send_ip_packet<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
meta: SendIpPacketMeta<I, Self::DeviceId, SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), S>;
impl<C: IpSocketNonSyncContext, SC: IpSocketContext<Ipv4, C>> IpSocketHandler<Ipv4, C> for SC {
type Builder = Ipv4SocketBuilder;
fn new_ip_socket(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
device: Option<SC::DeviceId>,
local_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>>,
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>,
proto: Ipv4Proto,
builder: Option<Ipv4SocketBuilder>,
) -> Result<IpSock<Ipv4, SC::DeviceId>, IpSockCreationError> {
// Make sure the remote is routable with a local address before creating
// the socket. We do not care about the actual destination here because
// we will recalculate it when we send a packet so that the best route
// available at the time is used for each outgoing packet.
let IpSockRoute { local_ip, destination: _ } =
self.lookup_route(ctx, device, local_ip, remote_ip)?;
let Ipv4SocketBuilder { ttl } = builder.unwrap_or_default();
let defn = IpSockDefinition { local_ip, remote_ip, device, proto, hop_limit: ttl };
Ok(IpSock { defn })
impl<C: IpSocketNonSyncContext, SC: IpSocketContext<Ipv6, C>> IpSocketHandler<Ipv6, C> for SC {
type Builder = Ipv6SocketBuilder;
fn new_ip_socket(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
device: Option<SC::DeviceId>,
local_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
proto: Ipv6Proto,
builder: Option<Ipv6SocketBuilder>,
) -> Result<IpSock<Ipv6, SC::DeviceId>, IpSockCreationError> {
// Make sure the remote is routable with a local address before creating
// the socket. We do not care about the actual destination here because
// we will recalculate it when we send a packet so that the best route
// available at the time is used for each outgoing packet.
let IpSockRoute { local_ip, destination: _ } =
self.lookup_route(ctx, device, local_ip, remote_ip)?;
let Ipv6SocketBuilder { hop_limit } = builder.unwrap_or_default();
let defn = IpSockDefinition { local_ip, remote_ip, device, proto, hop_limit };
Ok(IpSock { defn })
fn send_ip_packet<
I: IpExt + IpDeviceStateIpExt<C::Instant> + packet_formats::ip::IpExt,
B: BufferMut,
S: Serializer<Buffer = B>,
C: IpSocketNonSyncContext,
SC: BufferIpSocketContext<I, C, B>
+ BufferIpSocketContext<I, C, Buf<Vec<u8>>>
+ IpSocketContext<I, C>,
sync_ctx: &mut SC,
ctx: &mut C,
IpSock { defn: IpSockDefinition { remote_ip, local_ip, device, hop_limit, proto } }: &IpSock<
body: S,
mtu: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<(), (S, IpSockSendError)> {
let IpSockRoute { local_ip: got_local_ip, destination: Destination { device, next_hop } } =
match sync_ctx.lookup_route(ctx, *device, Some(*local_ip), *remote_ip) {
Ok(o) => o,
Err(IpSockRouteError::NoLocalAddrAvailable) => {
unreachable!("local IP {} was specified", local_ip)
Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(e)) => {
return Err((body, IpSockSendError::Unroutable(e)))
assert_eq!(*local_ip, got_local_ip);
SendIpPacketMeta {
src_ip: *local_ip,
dst_ip: *remote_ip,
ttl: *hop_limit,
proto: *proto,
.map_err(|s| (s, IpSockSendError::Mtu))
B: BufferMut,
C: IpSocketNonSyncContext,
SC: BufferIpSocketContext<Ipv4, C, B>
+ BufferIpSocketContext<Ipv4, C, Buf<Vec<u8>>>
+ IpSocketContext<Ipv4, C>,
> BufferIpSocketHandler<Ipv4, C, B> for SC
fn send_ip_packet<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
ip_sock: &IpSock<Ipv4, SC::DeviceId>,
body: S,
mtu: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<(), (S, IpSockSendError)> {
// TODO(joshlf): Call `trace!` with relevant fields from the socket.
send_ip_packet(self, ctx, ip_sock, body, mtu)
B: BufferMut,
C: IpSocketNonSyncContext,
SC: BufferIpSocketContext<Ipv6, C, B> + BufferIpSocketContext<Ipv6, C, Buf<Vec<u8>>>,
> BufferIpSocketHandler<Ipv6, C, B> for SC
fn send_ip_packet<S: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut C,
ip_sock: &IpSock<Ipv6, SC::DeviceId>,
body: S,
mtu: Option<u32>,
) -> Result<(), (S, IpSockSendError)> {
// TODO(joshlf): Call `trace!` with relevant fields from the socket.
send_ip_packet(self, ctx, ip_sock, body, mtu)
/// IPv6 source address selection as defined in [RFC 6724 Section 5].
pub(super) mod ipv6_source_address_selection {
use net_types::ip::IpAddress as _;
use super::*;
/// Selects the source address for an IPv6 socket using the algorithm
/// defined in [RFC 6724 Section 5].
/// This algorithm is only applicable when the user has not explicitly
/// specified a source address.
/// `remote_ip` is the remote IP address of the socket, `outbound_device` is
/// the device over which outbound traffic to `remote_ip` is sent (according
/// to the forwarding table), and `addresses` is an iterator of all
/// addresses on all devices. The algorithm works by iterating over
/// `addresses` and selecting the address which is most preferred according
/// to a set of selection criteria.
pub(crate) fn select_ipv6_source_address<
D: Copy + PartialEq,
Instant: 'a,
I: Iterator<Item = (&'a Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>, D)>,
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
outbound_device: D,
addresses: I,
) -> Option<UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>> {
// Source address selection as defined in RFC 6724 Section 5.
// The algorithm operates by defining a partial ordering on available
// source addresses, and choosing one of the best address as defined by
// that ordering (given multiple best addresses, the choice from among
// those is implementation-defined). The partial order is defined in
// terms of a sequence of rules. If a given rule defines an order
// between two addresses, then that is their order. Otherwise, the next
// rule must be consulted, and so on until all of the rules are
// exhausted.
// Tentative addresses are not considered available to the source
// selection algorithm.
.filter(|(a, _)| !a.state.is_tentative())
.max_by(|(a, a_device), (b, b_device)| {
.map(|(addr, _device)| addr.addr_sub().addr())
/// Comparison operator used by `select_ipv6_source_address`.
fn select_ipv6_source_address_cmp<Instant, D: Copy + PartialEq>(
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
outbound_device: D,
a: &Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>,
a_device: D,
b: &Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>,
b_device: D,
) -> Ordering {
// TODO( Implement rules 2, 4, 5.5, 6, and 7.
let a_addr = a.addr_sub().addr().into_specified();
let b_addr = b.addr_sub().addr().into_specified();
// Assertions required in order for this implementation to be valid.
// Required by the implementation of Rule 1.
debug_assert!(!(a_addr == remote_ip && b_addr == remote_ip));
// Tentative addresses are not valid source addresses since they are
// not considered assigned.
rule_1(remote_ip, a_addr, b_addr)
.then_with(|| rule_3(a.deprecated, b.deprecated))
.then_with(|| rule_5(outbound_device, a_device, b_device))
.then_with(|| rule_8(remote_ip, a, b))
// Assumes that `a` and `b` are not both equal to `remote_ip`.
fn rule_1(
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
a: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
b: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) -> Ordering {
if (a == remote_ip) != (b == remote_ip) {
// Rule 1: Prefer same address.
// Note that both `a` and `b` cannot be equal to `remote_ip` since
// that would imply that we had added the same address twice to the
// same device.
// If `(a == remote_ip) != (b == remote_ip)`, then exactly one of
// them is equal. If this inequality does not hold, then they must
// both be unequal to `remote_ip`. In the first case, we have a tie,
// and in the second case, the rule doesn't apply. In either case,
// we move onto the next rule.
if a == remote_ip {
} else {
} else {
fn rule_3(a_deprecated: bool, b_deprecated: bool) -> Ordering {
match (a_deprecated, b_deprecated) {
(true, false) => Ordering::Less,
(true, true) | (false, false) => Ordering::Equal,
(false, true) => Ordering::Greater,
fn rule_5<D: PartialEq>(outbound_device: D, a_device: D, b_device: D) -> Ordering {
if (a_device == outbound_device) != (b_device == outbound_device) {
// Rule 5: Prefer outgoing interface.
if a_device == outbound_device {
} else {
} else {
fn rule_8<Instant>(
remote_ip: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
a: &Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>,
b: &Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>,
) -> Ordering {
// Per RFC 6724 Section 2.2:
// We define the common prefix length CommonPrefixLen(S, D) of a
// source address S and a destination address D as the length of the
// longest prefix (looking at the most significant, or leftmost, bits)
// that the two addresses have in common, up to the length of S's
// prefix (i.e., the portion of the address not including the
// interface ID). For example, CommonPrefixLen(fe80::1, fe80::2) is
// 64.
fn common_prefix_len<Instant>(
src: &Ipv6AddressEntry<Instant>,
dst: SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>,
) -> u8 {
// Rule 8: Use longest matching prefix.
// Note that, per RFC 6724 Section 5:
// Rule 8 MAY be superseded if the implementation has other means of
// choosing among source addresses. For example, if the
// implementation somehow knows which source address will result in
// the "best" communications performance.
// We don't currently make use of this option, but it's an option for
// the future.
common_prefix_len(a, remote_ip).cmp(&common_prefix_len(b, remote_ip))
mod tests {
use net_types::ip::AddrSubnet;
use super::*;
use crate::{
ip::device::state::{AddrConfig, AddressState},
fn test_select_ipv6_source_address() {
// Test the comparison operator used by `select_ipv6_source_address`
// by separately testing each comparison condition.
let remote = SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::from_bytes([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 1,
let local0 = SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::from_bytes([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 2,
let local1 = SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::from_bytes([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 168, 0, 3,
let dev0 = DeviceId::new_ethernet(0);
let dev1 = DeviceId::new_ethernet(1);
let dev2 = DeviceId::new_ethernet(2);
// Rule 1: Prefer same address
assert_eq!(rule_1(remote, remote, local0), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(rule_1(remote, local0, remote), Ordering::Less);
assert_eq!(rule_1(remote, local0, local1), Ordering::Equal);
// Rule 3: Avoid deprecated states
assert_eq!(rule_3(false, true), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(rule_3(true, false), Ordering::Less);
assert_eq!(rule_3(true, true), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_3(false, false), Ordering::Equal);
// Rule 5: Prefer outgoing interface
assert_eq!(rule_5(dev0, dev0, dev2), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(rule_5(dev0, dev2, dev0), Ordering::Less);
assert_eq!(rule_5(dev0, dev0, dev0), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_5(dev0, dev2, dev2), Ordering::Equal);
// Rule 8: Use longest matching prefix.
let new_addr_entry = |bytes, prefix_len| {
AddrSubnet::new(Ipv6Addr::from_bytes(bytes), prefix_len).unwrap(),
// First, test that the longest prefix match is preferred when
// using addresses whose common prefix length is shorter than
// the subnet prefix length.
// 4 leading 0x01 bytes.
let remote = SpecifiedAddr::new(Ipv6Addr::from_bytes([
1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 3 leading 0x01 bytes.
let local0 = new_addr_entry([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 64);
// 2 leading 0x01 bytes.
let local1 = new_addr_entry([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 64);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local0, &local1), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local1, &local0), Ordering::Less);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local0, &local0), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local1, &local1), Ordering::Equal);
// Second, test that the common prefix length is capped at the
// subnet prefix length.
// 3 leading 0x01 bytes, but a subnet prefix length of 8 (1 byte).
let local0 = new_addr_entry([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 8);
// 2 leading 0x01 bytes, but a subnet prefix length of 8 (1 byte).
let local1 = new_addr_entry([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 8);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local0, &local1), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local1, &local0), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local0, &local0), Ordering::Equal);
assert_eq!(rule_8(remote, &local1, &local1), Ordering::Equal);
let new_addr_entry = |addr| {
AddrSubnet::new(addr, 128).unwrap(),
// If no rules apply, then the two address entries are equal.
/// Test mock implementations of the traits defined in the `socket` module.
pub(crate) mod testutil {
use alloc::{collections::HashMap, vec::Vec};
use core::fmt::Debug;
use net_types::{
ip::{AddrSubnet, IpAddress, Subnet},
use super::*;
use crate::{
testutil::{DummyInstant, DummyNonSyncCtx, DummySyncCtx},
device::state::{AddrConfig, AddressState, AssignedAddress as _, IpDeviceState},
DummyDeviceId, IpDeviceId, SendIpPacketMeta,
/// A dummy implementation of [`IpSocketContext`].
/// `IpSocketContext` is implemented for any `DummyCtx<S>` where `S`
/// implements `AsRef` and `AsMut` for `DummyIpSocketCtx`.
pub(crate) struct DummyIpSocketCtx<I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<DummyInstant>, D> {
pub(crate) table: ForwardingTable<I, D>,
device_state: HashMap<D, IpDeviceState<DummyInstant, I>>,
I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<DummyInstant>,
S: AsRef<DummyIpSocketCtx<I, DeviceId>> + AsMut<DummyIpSocketCtx<I, DeviceId>>,
Event: Debug,
DeviceId: IpDeviceId + 'static,
> IpSocketContext<I, DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>>
for DummySyncCtx<S, Meta, DeviceId>
fn lookup_route(
_ctx: &mut DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>,
device: Option<Self::DeviceId>,
local_ip: Option<SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
addr: SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>,
) -> Result<IpSockRoute<I, Self::DeviceId>, IpSockRouteError> {
let destination = self
.lookup(device, addr)
let Destination { device, next_hop: _ } = &destination;
|| {
.map(|e| e.addr())
|local_ip| {
.any(|e| e.addr() == local_ip)
.then(|| local_ip)
.map(|local_ip| IpSockRoute { local_ip, destination })
I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<DummyInstant> + packet_formats::ip::IpExt,
B: BufferMut,
S: AsRef<DummyIpSocketCtx<I, DeviceId>> + AsMut<DummyIpSocketCtx<I, DeviceId>>,
Event: Debug,
> BufferIpSocketContext<I, DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>, B>
for DummySyncCtx<S, Meta, DeviceId>
DummySyncCtx<S, Meta, DeviceId>: FrameContext<
DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>,
SendIpPacketMeta<I, Self::DeviceId, SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
> + IpSocketContext<I, DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>>,
fn send_ip_packet<SS: Serializer<Buffer = B>>(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut DummyNonSyncCtx<Id, Event, NonSyncCtxState>,
meta: SendIpPacketMeta<I, Self::DeviceId, SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>,
body: SS,
) -> Result<(), SS> {
self.send_frame(ctx, meta, body)
impl<I: IpDeviceStateIpExt<DummyInstant>, D: IpDeviceId> DummyIpSocketCtx<I, D> {
pub(crate) fn with_devices_state(
devices: impl IntoIterator<
Item = (D, IpDeviceState<DummyInstant, I>, Vec<SpecifiedAddr<I::Addr>>),
) -> Self {
let mut table = ForwardingTable::default();
let mut device_state = HashMap::default();
for (device, state, addrs) in devices {
for ip in addrs {
Subnet::new(ip.get(), <I::Addr as IpAddress>::BYTES * 8).unwrap(),
device_state.insert(device, state).is_none(),
"duplicate entries for {}",
DummyIpSocketCtx { table, device_state }
pub(crate) struct DummyDeviceConfig<D, A: IpAddress> {
pub(crate) device: D,
pub(crate) local_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<A>>,
pub(crate) remote_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<A>>,
impl<D: IpDeviceId> DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv4, D> {
/// Creates a new `DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv4>` with the given device
/// configs.
pub(crate) fn new_ipv4(
devices: impl IntoIterator<Item = DummyDeviceConfig<D, Ipv4Addr>>,
) -> Self {
|DummyDeviceConfig { device, local_ips, remote_ips }| {
let mut device_state = IpDeviceState::default();
for ip in local_ips {
// Users of this utility don't care about subnet prefix length,
// so just pick a reasonable one.
.add_addr(AddrSubnet::new(ip.get(), 32).unwrap())
.expect("add address");
(device, device_state, remote_ips)
impl DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv4, DummyDeviceId> {
/// Creates a new `DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv4>`.
pub(crate) fn new_dummy_ipv4(
local_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>>,
remote_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv4Addr>>,
) -> Self {
Self::new_ipv4([DummyDeviceConfig { device: DummyDeviceId, local_ips, remote_ips }])
impl<D: IpDeviceId> DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv6, D> {
/// Creates a new `DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv6>` with the given device
/// configs.
pub(crate) fn new_ipv6(
devices: impl IntoIterator<Item = DummyDeviceConfig<D, Ipv6Addr>>,
) -> Self {
|DummyDeviceConfig { device, local_ips, remote_ips }| {
let mut device_state = IpDeviceState::default();
for ip in local_ips {
// Users of this utility don't care about subnet prefix length,
// so just pick a reasonable one.
// Users of this utility don't care about subnet prefix
// length, so just pick a reasonable one.
AddrSubnet::new(ip.get(), 128).unwrap(),
.expect("add address");
(device, device_state, remote_ips)
impl DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv6, DummyDeviceId> {
/// Creates a new `DummyIpSocketCtx<Ipv6>`.
pub(crate) fn new_dummy_ipv6(
local_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
remote_ips: Vec<SpecifiedAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
) -> Self {
Self::new_ipv6([DummyDeviceConfig { device: DummyDeviceId, local_ips, remote_ips }])
mod tests {
use net_types::{
ip::{AddrSubnet, SubnetEither},
use packet::{Buf, InnerPacketBuilder, ParseBuffer};
use packet_formats::{
ipv4::{Ipv4OnlyMeta, Ipv4Packet, Ipv4PacketBuilder},
testutil::{parse_ethernet_frame, parse_ip_packet_in_ethernet_frame},
use specialize_ip_macro::{ip_test, specialize_ip};
use super::*;
use crate::{device::DeviceId, testutil::*, Ctx};
enum AddressType {
Unspecified {
// Indicates whether or not it should be possible for the stack to
// select an address when the client fails to specify one.
can_select: bool,
enum DeviceType {
struct NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType,
remote_ip_type: AddressType,
device_type: DeviceType,
expected_result: Result<(), IpSockCreationError>,
fn test_new<I: Ip>(test_case: NewSocketTestCase) {
let (cfg, proto) = (DUMMY_CONFIG_V4, Ipv4Proto::Icmp);
let (cfg, proto) = (DUMMY_CONFIG_V6, Ipv6Proto::Icmpv6);
let DummyEventDispatcherConfig { local_ip, remote_ip, subnet, local_mac: _, remote_mac: _ } =
let Ctx { mut sync_ctx, mut non_sync_ctx } =
let loopback_device_id = crate::add_loopback_device(&mut sync_ctx, u16::MAX.into())
.expect("create the loopback interface");
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let NewSocketTestCase { local_ip_type, remote_ip_type, expected_result, device_type } =
let remove_all_local_addrs =
|sync_ctx: &mut crate::testutil::DummySyncCtx,
ctx: &mut crate::testutil::DummyNonSyncCtx| {
let devices = crate::ip::device::iter_ipv4_devices(sync_ctx)
.map(|(device, _state)| device)
for device in devices {
let subnets =
crate::ip::device::get_assigned_ipv4_addr_subnets(sync_ctx, device)
for subnet in subnets {
crate::device::del_ip_addr(sync_ctx, ctx, device, &subnet.addr())
.expect("failed to remove addr from device");
let remove_all_local_addrs =
|sync_ctx: &mut crate::testutil::DummySyncCtx,
ctx: &mut crate::testutil::DummyNonSyncCtx| {
let devices = crate::ip::device::iter_ipv6_devices(sync_ctx)
.map(|(device, _state)| device)
for device in devices {
let subnets =
crate::ip::device::get_assigned_ipv6_addr_subnets(sync_ctx, device)
for subnet in subnets {
crate::device::del_ip_addr(sync_ctx, ctx, device, &subnet.addr())
.expect("failed to remove addr from device");
const LOCAL_DEVICE: DeviceId = DeviceId::new_ethernet(0);
const OTHER_DEVICE: DeviceId = DeviceId::new_ethernet(1);
let local_device = match device_type {
DeviceType::Unspecified => None,
DeviceType::LocalDevice => Some(LOCAL_DEVICE),
DeviceType::OtherDevice => Some(OTHER_DEVICE),
let (expected_from_ip, from_ip) = match local_ip_type {
AddressType::LocallyOwned => (local_ip, Some(local_ip)),
AddressType::Remote => (remote_ip, Some(remote_ip)),
AddressType::Unspecified { can_select } => {
if !can_select {
remove_all_local_addrs(&mut sync_ctx, &mut non_sync_ctx);
(local_ip, None)
AddressType::Unroutable => {
remove_all_local_addrs(&mut sync_ctx, &mut non_sync_ctx);
(local_ip, Some(local_ip))
let (to_ip, device) = match remote_ip_type {
AddressType::LocallyOwned => (
.expect("local test should have loopback device"),
AddressType::Remote => (remote_ip, LOCAL_DEVICE),
AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: _ } => {
panic!("remote_ip_type cannot be unspecified")
AddressType::Unroutable => {
match subnet.into() {
SubnetEither::V4(subnet) => {
crate::ip::del_route::<Ipv4, _, _>(&mut sync_ctx, &mut non_sync_ctx, subnet)
.expect("failed to delete IPv4 device route")
SubnetEither::V6(subnet) => {
crate::ip::del_route::<Ipv6, _, _>(&mut sync_ctx, &mut non_sync_ctx, subnet)
.expect("failed to delete IPv6 device route")
(remote_ip, LOCAL_DEVICE)
let builder = Ipv4PacketBuilder::new(
let builder = Ipv6PacketBuilder::new(
let get_expected_result = |template||()| template);
let template = IpSock {
defn: IpSockDefinition {
remote_ip: to_ip,
local_ip: expected_from_ip,
device: local_device,
hop_limit: None,
let res = IpSocketHandler::<I, _>::new_ip_socket(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
assert_eq!(res, get_expected_result(template.clone()));
// TTL is specified.
let mut builder = Ipv4SocketBuilder::default();
let _: &mut Ipv4SocketBuilder = builder.ttl(NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap());
IpSocketHandler::<Ipv4, _>::new_ip_socket(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
// The template socket, but with the TTL set to 1.
let mut x = template.clone();
let IpSock::<Ipv4, DeviceId> { defn } = &mut x;
defn.hop_limit = NonZeroU8::new(1);
// Hop Limit is specified.
const SPECIFIED_HOP_LIMIT: u8 = 1;
let mut builder = Ipv6SocketBuilder::default();
let _: &mut Ipv6SocketBuilder =
IpSocketHandler::<Ipv6, _>::new_ip_socket(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let mut template_with_hop_limit = template.clone();
let IpSock::<Ipv6, DeviceId> { defn } = &mut template_with_hop_limit;
defn.hop_limit = NonZeroU8::new(SPECIFIED_HOP_LIMIT);
let builder =
Ipv6PacketBuilder::new(expected_from_ip, to_ip, SPECIFIED_HOP_LIMIT, proto);
fn test_new_unroutable_local_to_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unroutable,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(
fn test_new_local_to_unroutable_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Unroutable,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(
fn test_new_local_to_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Ok(()),
fn test_new_unspecified_to_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: true },
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Ok(()),
fn test_new_unspecified_to_remote_through_local_device<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: true },
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::LocalDevice,
expected_result: Ok(()),
fn test_new_unspecified_to_remote_through_other_device<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: true },
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::OtherDevice,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(
fn test_new_unspecified_to_remote_cant_select<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: false },
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::NoLocalAddrAvailable.into()),
fn test_new_remote_to_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(
fn test_new_local_to_local<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Ok(()),
fn test_new_unspecified_to_local<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: true },
remote_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Ok(()),
fn test_new_remote_to_local<I: Ip>() {
test_new::<I>(NewSocketTestCase {
local_ip_type: AddressType::Remote,
remote_ip_type: AddressType::LocallyOwned,
device_type: DeviceType::Unspecified,
expected_result: Err(IpSockRouteError::Unroutable(
fn test_send_local<I: Ip>(from_addr_type: AddressType, to_addr_type: AddressType) {
use packet_formats::icmp::{IcmpEchoRequest, IcmpPacketBuilder, IcmpUnusedCode};
let (subnet, local_ip, remote_ip, local_mac, proto, socket_builder) = {
let DummyEventDispatcherConfig::<Ipv4Addr> {
remote_mac: _,
(subnet, local_ip, remote_ip, local_mac, Ipv4Proto::Icmp, Ipv4SocketBuilder::default())
let (subnet, local_ip, remote_ip, local_mac, proto, socket_builder) = {
let DummyEventDispatcherConfig::<Ipv6Addr> {
remote_mac: _,
let mut builder = DummyEventDispatcherBuilder::default();
let device_id = DeviceId::new_ethernet(builder.add_device(local_mac));
let Ctx { mut sync_ctx, mut non_sync_ctx } =;
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(local_ip.get(), 16).unwrap(),
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
AddrSubnet::new(remote_ip.get(), 16).unwrap(),
match subnet.into() {
SubnetEither::V4(subnet) => crate::ip::add_device_route::<Ipv4, _, _>(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
.expect("install IPv4 device route on a fresh stack without routes"),
SubnetEither::V6(subnet) => crate::ip::add_device_route::<Ipv6, _, _>(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
.expect("install IPv6 device route on a fresh stack without routes"),
let loopback_device_id = crate::add_loopback_device(&mut sync_ctx, u16::MAX.into())
.expect("create the loopback interface");
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let (expected_from_ip, from_ip) = match from_addr_type {
AddressType::LocallyOwned => (local_ip, Some(local_ip)),
AddressType::Remote => panic!("from_addr_type cannot be remote"),
AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: _ } => (local_ip, None),
AddressType::Unroutable => panic!("from_addr_type cannot be unroutable"),
let to_ip = match to_addr_type {
AddressType::LocallyOwned => local_ip,
AddressType::Remote => remote_ip,
AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: _ } => {
panic!("to_addr_type cannot be unspecified")
AddressType::Unroutable => panic!("to_addr_type cannot be unroutable"),
let sock = IpSocketHandler::<I, _>::new_ip_socket(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let reply = IcmpEchoRequest::new(0, 0).reply();
let body = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
let buffer = Buf::new(body.to_vec(), ..)
.encapsulate(IcmpPacketBuilder::<I, &[u8], _>::new(
// Send an echo packet on the socket and validate that the packet is
// delivered locally.
BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
assert_eq!(non_sync_ctx.frames_sent().len(), 0);
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut sync_ctx, "dispatch_receive_ipv4_packet"), 1);
assert_eq!(get_counter_val(&mut sync_ctx, "dispatch_receive_ipv6_packet"), 1);
fn test_send_local_to_local<I: Ip>() {
test_send_local::<I>(AddressType::LocallyOwned, AddressType::LocallyOwned);
fn test_send_unspecified_to_local<I: Ip>() {
AddressType::Unspecified { can_select: true },
fn test_send_local_to_remote<I: Ip>() {
test_send_local::<I>(AddressType::LocallyOwned, AddressType::Remote);
fn test_send<I: Ip>() {
// Test various edge cases of the
// `BufferIpSocketContext::send_ip_packet` method.
let (cfg, socket_builder, proto) = {
let mut builder = Ipv4SocketBuilder::default();
let _: &mut Ipv4SocketBuilder = builder.ttl(NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap());
(DUMMY_CONFIG_V4, builder, Ipv4Proto::Icmp)
let (cfg, socket_builder, proto) = {
let mut builder = Ipv6SocketBuilder::default();
let _: &mut Ipv6SocketBuilder = builder.hop_limit(NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap());
(DUMMY_CONFIG_V6, builder, Ipv6Proto::Icmpv6)
let DummyEventDispatcherConfig::<_> { local_mac, remote_mac, local_ip, remote_ip, subnet } =
let Ctx { mut sync_ctx, mut non_sync_ctx } =
// Create a normal, routable socket.
let sock = IpSocketHandler::<I, _>::new_ip_socket(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let curr_id = crate::ip::gen_ipv4_packet_id(&mut sync_ctx);
let check_frame = move |frame: &[u8], packet_count| {
let (mut body, src_mac, dst_mac, _ethertype) = parse_ethernet_frame(frame).unwrap();
let packet = (&mut body).parse::<Ipv4Packet<&[u8]>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(src_mac, local_mac.get());
assert_eq!(dst_mac, remote_mac.get());
assert_eq!(packet.src_ip(), local_ip.get());
assert_eq!(packet.dst_ip(), remote_ip.get());
assert_eq!(packet.proto(), proto);
assert_eq!(packet.ttl(), 1);
let Ipv4OnlyMeta { id } = packet.version_specific_meta();
assert_eq!(usize::from(id), usize::from(curr_id) + packet_count);
assert_eq!(body, [0]);
let check_frame = move |frame: &[u8], _packet_count| {
let (body, src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, ip_proto, ttl) =
assert_eq!(body, [0]);
assert_eq!(src_mac, local_mac.get());
assert_eq!(dst_mac, remote_mac.get());
assert_eq!(src_ip, local_ip.get());
assert_eq!(dst_ip, remote_ip.get());
assert_eq!(ip_proto, proto);
assert_eq!(ttl, 1);
let mut packet_count = 0;
assert_eq!(non_sync_ctx.frames_sent().len(), packet_count);
// Send a packet on the socket and make sure that the right contents
// are sent.
BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
let mut check_sent_frame = |non_sync_ctx: &crate::testutil::DummyNonSyncCtx| {
packet_count += 1;
assert_eq!(non_sync_ctx.frames_sent().len(), packet_count);
let (dev, frame) = &non_sync_ctx.frames_sent()[packet_count - 1];
assert_eq!(dev, &DeviceId::new_ethernet(0));
check_frame(&frame, packet_count);
// Send a packet while imposing an MTU that is large enough to fit the
// packet.
let small_body = [0; 1];
let small_body_serializer = (&small_body).into_serializer();
let res = BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
assert_matches::assert_matches!(res, Ok(()));
// Send a packet on the socket while imposing an MTU which will not
// allow a packet to be sent.
let res = BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
Some(1), // mtu
assert_matches::assert_matches!(res, Err((_, IpSockSendError::Mtu)));
assert_eq!(non_sync_ctx.frames_sent().len(), packet_count);
// Try sending a packet which will be larger than the device's MTU,
// and make sure it fails.
let res = BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
(&[0; crate::ip::Ipv6::MINIMUM_LINK_MTU as usize][..]).into_serializer(),
assert_matches::assert_matches!(res, Err((_, IpSockSendError::Mtu)));
// Make sure that sending on an unroutable socket fails.
crate::ip::del_route::<I, _, _>(&mut sync_ctx, &mut non_sync_ctx, subnet).unwrap();
let res = BufferIpSocketHandler::<I, _, _>::send_ip_packet(
&mut sync_ctx,
&mut non_sync_ctx,
Err((_, IpSockSendError::Unroutable(IpSockUnroutableError::NoRouteToRemoteAddr)))