tree: e395547b8d844564817f2bfd6fd8b2593b06e1d1 [path history] [tgz]
  2. playback_capabilities.fidl
  3. playback_status.fidl
  5. service.fidl
  6. session.fidl

Media Session Service

Fuchsia's Media Session Service mediates access between media players which choose to publish “media sessions” (from here on referred to as “sessions”) and other components of the system which want to observe or control those sessions, such as a “Now Playing” UI, a remote control, or a system media policy enforcer.

Rendered Docs

  • FIDL
  • Dart // TODO(turnage): Add link when Fuchsia dart docs come up.
  • Rust


The Media Session Service is a system FIDL service.

This document assumes familiarity with FIDL. If you are not familiar with FIDL please see the guide.

It begins with the fuchsia.mediasession.Session protocol, which is a player-agnostic protocol for controlling media players. Media players implement this protocol, and through it they push information about their status and capabilities to clients (such as metadata and playback rate). They can also receive control commands such as Play() and Pause() through the protocol.

The system service is a registrar for all the fuchsia.mediasession.Sessions on the system. The service mediates access to them for priviledged clients.

Overview of Introducing Clients to Players

          |      Media Session Service    |

Players ----> | Publisher | | | | | | Registry | <---- “Now Playing” UI, etc |===============================|

Players publish their fuchsia.mediasession.Session implementation to the service. In return the service provides them an id. Session ids are a zircon handle for an event. An id's significance is only its kernel object id, an unforgeable unique identifier the service associates with the fuchsia.mediasession.Session.

Clients of fuchsia.mediasession.Registry can connect to a controller using the ConnectToSessionById() method. The service mediates the requests, but the client can pretend as if they have a direct connection to the media player‘s fuchsia.mediasession.Session service and their expectations won’t be violated.

Most of the time clients will care about whatever player is relevant to the user instead of any one player in particular. The service indicates which player is relevant to the user by labeling that player's session as active. When a player pushes a playback status over their fuchsia.mediasession.Session in which it is “Playing”, the session becomes active.

Clients who connect to fuchsia.mediasession.Registry will receive an event any time a session becomes active (or on connection if a session is already active): the OnActiveSession(ActiveSession? session) event. This will give clients the id of the active session in case they want to connect to that one.

At any given time, the active session is the session of the player which most recently broadcasted a “Playing” status and is still alive.

More sophisticated solutions to determining the relevant session exist at a higher level than this service, but this hint is sufficient when a given user's session is used for only one active media session at a time.

Life of a Status Event

In a scenario where Fictional Fuchsia Music Player has published a session to the service, and both a “Now Playing” UI and a remote control are connected to the session, this is what hapens when the player sends a playback status event:

  1. The player sends a playback status event to the client of its fuchsia.mediasession.Session.
  2. The service receives the event.
  3. The service sends the event to all the clients of that player, simulating a direct connection to the player.

The same thing in inverse occurs for playback controls.


From the Perspective of a Media Player

Media players must first implement fuchsia.mediasession.Session. Then through a process they make their implementation available to interested parties on the system through the service:

  1. It hands a client end to its fuchsia.mediasession.Session implementation to the service through its Publisher protocol via PublishSession(Session controller).
  2. The service assigns the session an id and holds on to the channel client end.

From the Perspective of a Client

Clients, such as a “Now Playing” ui, connect to fuchsia.mediasession.Registry. On connection and when any session becomes active, they will receive the OnActiveSession(ActiveSession? active_session) event, containing the id of the active session if one exists.

  1. It hands the server end of a channel for the fuchsia.mediasession.Session protocol to the service with ConnectToSessionById(id session_id, request<Session> controller_request).
  2. If the service holds a session associated with the given id, it will hold on to the server end and simulate a direct connection to the media player for the client.