blob: 448c28fc8bd4df85f8d352579b0cab49ae9b5dd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "codec_factory_impl.h"
#include "lib/svc/cpp/services.h"
namespace {
// TODO(dustingreen): Other types of isolates can exist. For some codecs we may
// not use an isolate and instead delegate to the client end of a CodecFactory
// instance that we got via other means (not by starting an isolate, but via a
// factory registration initiated by a driver process, or by discovering a
// device, or similar).
const std::string kIsolateUrlOmx =
const std::string kIsolateUrlFfmpeg =
// TODO(turnage): Devise a better routing system between ffmpeg and omx codec
// factories. Using this should be fine for now because omx does not service
// this mime type and it is the first one we will roll out with ffmpeg.
const std::string kFfmpegMimeType = "video/h264";
} // namespace
namespace codec_factory {
// TODO(dustingreen): Currently we assume, potentially incorrectly, that clients
// of CodecFactory won't spam CodecFactory channel creation. Rather than trying
// to mitigate that problem locally in this class, it seems better to intergrate
// with a more general-purpose request spam mitigation mechanism.
void CodecFactoryImpl::CreateSelfOwned(
CodecFactoryApp* app, component::StartupContext* startup_context,
zx::channel request) {
// I considered just doing "new CodecFactoryImpl(...)" here and declaring that
// it always inherently owns itself (and implementing it that way), but that
// seems less flexible for testing purposes and also not necessarily as safe
// if we were to add any error cases before the Binding has taken over
// ownership.
// As usual, can't use std::make_unique<> here since making it a friend would
// break the point of making the constructor private.
std::unique_ptr<CodecFactoryImpl> self(
new CodecFactoryImpl(app, startup_context, std::move(request)));
auto* self_ptr = self.get();
CodecFactoryImpl::CodecFactoryImpl(CodecFactoryApp* app,
component::StartupContext* startup_context,
zx::channel channel)
: app_(app),
channel_temp_(std::move(channel)) {}
// TODO(dustingreen): Seems simpler to avoid channel_temp_ and OwnSelf() and
// just have CreateSelfOwned() directly create the binding.
void CodecFactoryImpl::OwnSelf(std::unique_ptr<CodecFactoryImpl> self) {
binding_ = std::make_unique<BindingType>(
std::move(self), std::move(channel_temp_), app_->loop()->dispatcher());
void CodecFactoryImpl::CreateDecoder(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CreateDecoder_Params params,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::StreamProcessor> decoder) {
if (!params.has_input_details()) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "missing input_details";
if (!params.input_details().has_mime_type()) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "input details missing mime type";
// Without mime_type we cannot search for a decoder.
// We don't have any need to bind the codec_request locally to this process.
// Instead, we find where to delegate the request to.
// First, try to find a hw-accelerated codec to satisfy the request.
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr* factory =
app_->FindHwDecoder([&params](const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription&
hw_codec_description) -> bool {
// TODO(dustingreen): pay attention to the bool constraints of the
// params vs. the hw_codec_description bools. For the moment we just
// match the codec_type, mime_type.
constexpr fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecType codec_type =
return (codec_type == hw_codec_description.codec_type) &&
(params.input_details().mime_type() ==
if (factory) {
// prefer HW-accelerated
(*factory)->CreateDecoder(std::move(params), std::move(decoder));
if (params.has_require_hw() && params.require_hw()) {
<< "require_hw, but no matching HW decoder factory found; closing";
// TODO(dustingreen): Send epitaph when possible.
// ~decoder
fuchsia::sys::ComponentControllerPtr component_controller;
component::Services services;
fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info{};
std::string url;
if (params.input_details().mime_type() == kFfmpegMimeType) {
url = kIsolateUrlFfmpeg;
} else {
url = kIsolateUrlOmx;
launch_info.url = url;
launch_info.directory_request = services.NewRequest();
std::move(launch_info), component_controller.NewRequest());
component_controller.set_error_handler([url](zx_status_t status) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "app_controller_ error connecting to CodecFactoryImpl of "
<< url;
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr factory_delegate;
// TODO(dustingreen): Might be helpful (for debugging maybe) to change
// this name to distinguish these delegate CodecFactory(s) from the main
// CodecFactory service.
// Forward the request to the factory_delegate_ as-is. This avoids conversion
// to command-line parameters and back, and avoids creating a separate
// interface definition for the delegated call. The downside is potential
// confusion re. why we have several implementations of CodecFactory, but we
// can comment why. The presently-running implementation is the main
// implementation that clients use directly.
factory_delegate->CreateDecoder(std::move(params), std::move(decoder));
// We don't want to be forced to keep component_controller around. When using
// an isolate, we trust that the ComponentController will kill the app if we
// crash before this point, as this process crashing will kill the server side
// of the component_controller. If we crash after this point, we trust that
// the isolate will receive the CreateDecoder() message sent just above, and
// will either exit on failure to create the Codec server-side, or will exit
// later when the client side of the Codec channel closes, or will exit later
// when the Codec fails asynchronously in whatever way. Essentially the Codec
// channel owns the isolate at this point, and we trust the isolate to exit
// when the Codec channel closes.
// TODO(dustingreen): Double-check the above description with someone who is
// likely to be more sure that this is plausible and reasonable for now.
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine if ~factory_delegate occurring immediately at
// the end of this method is completely ok - that the CreateAudioDecoder()
// message will be sent and delivered strictly in-order with respect to the
// ~factory_delegate channel closure. Seems like it plausibly _should_ be
// fine, but make sure.
void CodecFactoryImpl::CreateEncoder(
fuchsia::mediacodec::CreateEncoder_Params encoder_params,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::StreamProcessor> encoder_request) {
// We have no encoders to provide.
// ~encoder_request
} // namespace codec_factory