blob: 9d2fcfca5c2a199482cb39424c050c37f9d3f0c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/protocol.h"
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#include "garnet/bin/debug_agent/arch_x64.h"
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#include "garnet/bin/debug_agent/arch_arm64.h"
namespace debug_agent {
class DebuggedThread;
namespace arch {
extern const BreakInstructionType kBreakInstruction;
// Class in charge of abstracting the low-level functionalities of the platform.
// This permits a virtual interface for your testing convenience.
class ArchProvider {
static ArchProvider& Get();
// Permits to mock the ArchProvider. Set to nullptr to restore.
static void Set(std::unique_ptr<ArchProvider>);
virtual ~ArchProvider();
::debug_ipc::Arch GetArch();
// Returns the address of the instruction pointer/stack pointer/base pointer
// in the given reg structure.
uint64_t* IPInRegs(zx_thread_state_general_regs* regs);
uint64_t* SPInRegs(zx_thread_state_general_regs* regs);
uint64_t* BPInRegs(zx_thread_state_general_regs* regs);
// Software Exceptions -------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the address of the breakpoint instruction given the address of
// a software breakpoint exception.
uint64_t BreakpointInstructionForSoftwareExceptionAddress(
uint64_t exception_addr);
// Returns the instruction following the one causing the given software
// exception.
uint64_t NextInstructionForSoftwareExceptionAddress(uint64_t exception_addr);
// Returns true if there is a breakpoint instruction at the given address.
// This doesn't just check equality of kBreakInstruction which is guaranteed
// to be used for our breakpoints, but also checks other encodings that may
// have been written into the program.
bool IsBreakpointInstruction(zx::process& process, uint64_t address);
virtual zx_status_t ReadRegisters(
const debug_ipc::RegisterCategory::Type& cat, const zx::thread&,
std::vector<debug_ipc::Register>* out);
// The RegisterCategory will have the corresponding register values, which
// the arch will make sure it writes correctly. Since each category is a
// different syscall anyway, there is no need to group many categories into
// one call.
virtual zx_status_t WriteRegisters(const debug_ipc::RegisterCategory&,
// Hardware Exceptions -------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the address of the instruction that hit the exception from the
// address reported by the exception.
uint64_t BreakpointInstructionForHardwareExceptionAddress(
uint64_t exception_addr);
// Returns the instruction address to be executed after continuing from the
// hardware debug exception.
uint64_t NextInstructionForHardwareExceptionAddress(uint64_t exception_addr);
// Currently HW notifications can mean both a single step or a hardware debug
// register exception. We need platform-specific queries to figure which one
// is it.
debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type DecodeExceptionType(const DebuggedThread&,
uint32_t exception_type);
// TODO: Support watchpoints.
virtual zx_status_t InstallHWBreakpoint(zx::thread*, uint64_t address);
virtual zx_status_t UninstallHWBreakpoint(zx::thread*, uint64_t address);
virtual zx_status_t InstallWatchpoint(zx::thread*,
const debug_ipc::AddressRange&);
virtual zx_status_t UninstallWatchpoint(zx::thread*,
const debug_ipc::AddressRange&);
} // namespace arch
} // namespace debug_agent