blob: b1ae5cf97070fe9bff1a9feca24af21a8ba85ca6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains helper functions for processing traces
package main
import (
const OneSecInUsecs float64 = 1000000
const OneMsecInUsecs float64 = 1000
// ByStartTime sorting helpers
type ByStartTime []benchmarking.Event
func (a ByStartTime) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ByStartTime) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByStartTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Start < a[j].Start }
// Return all pids that start with |prefix|.
func getProcessesWithPrefix(model benchmarking.Model, prefix string) []benchmarking.Process {
result := make([]benchmarking.Process, 0)
for _, process := range model.Processes {
if strings.HasPrefix(process.Name, prefix) {
result = append(result, process)
return result
// Project |events| to just their durations, i.e. |events[i].Dur|.
func extractDurations(events []benchmarking.Event) []float64 {
result := make([]float64, len(events))
for i, e := range events {
result[i] = e.Dur
return result
// Convert an array of values in microseconds to milliseconds.
func convertMicrosToMillis(array []float64) []float64 {
result := make([]float64, len(array))
for i, item := range array {
result[i] = item / OneMsecInUsecs
return result
// Compute the average of an array of floats.
func computeAverage(array []float64) float64 {
result := 0.0
for _, item := range array {
result += item
return result / float64(len(array))
// Compute the minimum element of |array|.
func computeMin(array []float64) float64 {
result := math.MaxFloat64
for _, item := range array {
if item < result {
result = item
return result
// Compute the maximum element of |array|.
func computeMax(array []float64) float64 {
result := -math.MaxFloat64
for _, item := range array {
if item > result {
result = item
return result
// [x for x in array if x >= threshold]
func filterByThreshold(array []float64, threshold float64) []float64 {
result := make([]float64, 0)
for _, item := range array {
if item >= threshold {
result = append(result, item)
return result
// The Go JSON encoder will not work if any of the values are NaN, so use 0 in
// those cases instead.
func jsonFloat(num float64) float64 {
if math.IsNaN(num) || math.IsInf(num, 0) {
return 0
} else {
return num
func getThreadsWithSuffix(process benchmarking.Process, suffix string) []benchmarking.Thread {
threads := make([]benchmarking.Thread, 0)
for _, thread := range process.Threads {
if strings.HasSuffix(thread.Name, suffix) {
threads = append(threads, thread)
return threads
func getThreadsWithPrefix(process benchmarking.Process, prefix string) []benchmarking.Thread {
threads := make([]benchmarking.Thread, 0)
for _, thread := range process.Threads {
if strings.HasPrefix(thread.Name, prefix) {
threads = append(threads, thread)
return threads
func getThreadsWithPrefixAndSuffix(process benchmarking.Process, prefix string, suffix string) []benchmarking.Thread {
threads := make([]benchmarking.Thread, 0)
for _, thread := range process.Threads {
if strings.HasPrefix(thread.Name, prefix) && strings.HasSuffix(thread.Name, suffix) {
threads = append(threads, thread)
return threads
// Compute the |targetPercentile|th percentile of |array|.
func computePercentile(array []float64, targetPercentile int) float64 {
if len(array) == 0 {
panic("Cannot compute the percentile of an empty array")
if targetPercentile == 100 {
return array[len(array)-1]
indexAsFloat, fractional := math.Modf((float64(len(array)) - 1.0) * (0.01 * float64(targetPercentile)))
index := int(indexAsFloat)
if len(array) == index+1 {
return array[index]
return array[index]*(1-fractional) + array[index+1]*fractional
// Returns the overall fps and an array of fps per one second window for the
// given events.
func calculateFps(model benchmarking.Model, fpsEventCat string, fpsEventName string) (fps float64, fpsPerWindow []float64) {
fpsEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &fpsEventCat, Name: &fpsEventName})
if len(fpsEvents) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Found no events with Category: %s and Name: %s\n", fpsEventCat, fpsEventName)
return 0, []float64{}
return calculateFpsForEvents(fpsEvents)
func calculateFpsForEvents(fpsEvents []benchmarking.Event) (fps float64, fpsPerWindow []float64) {
events := make([]benchmarking.Event, len(fpsEvents))
copy(events, fpsEvents)
baseTime := events[0].Start
// window = one-second time window
const WindowLength float64 = OneSecInUsecs
fpsPerWindow = make([]float64, 0)
windowEndTime := baseTime + WindowLength
numFramesInWindow := 0.0
numFrames := 0.0
for _, event := range events {
if event.Start < windowEndTime {
} else {
for windowEndTime < event.Start {
fpsPerWindow = append(fpsPerWindow, numFramesInWindow)
windowEndTime += WindowLength
numFramesInWindow = 0
lastEventTime := events[len(events)-1].Start
for windowEndTime < lastEventTime {
fpsPerWindow = append(fpsPerWindow, numFramesInWindow)
windowEndTime += WindowLength
numFramesInWindow = 0
fps = float64(numFrames) / ((lastEventTime - baseTime) / OneSecInUsecs)
return fps, fpsPerWindow
func averageGap(events []benchmarking.Event, cat1 string, name1 string, cat2 string, name2 string) float64 {
gapStart := 0.0
totalTime := 0.0
numOfGaps := 0.0
for _, event := range events {
if event.Cat == cat1 && event.Name == name1 {
gapStart = event.Start + event.Dur
} else if event.Cat == cat2 && event.Name == name2 &&
gapStart != 0.0 {
if event.Start > gapStart {
totalTime += (event.Start - gapStart)
gapStart = 0.0
return totalTime / numOfGaps
func threadNameIsUnique(name string, threads []benchmarking.Thread) bool {
count := 0
for _, thread := range threads {
if thread.Name == name {
return count == 1
func listContainsElement(list []string, element string) bool {
for _, e := range list {
if e == element {
return true
return false