blob: c45b1affebb6884f4fe1bca9c13ea679af9183bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <arch/thread.h>
#include <kernel/deadline.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <kernel/thread_lock.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
// When blocking this enum indicates the kind of resource ownership that is being waited for
// that is causing the block.
enum class ResourceOwnership {
// Blocking is either not for any particular resource, or it is to wait for
// exclusive access to a resource.
// Blocking is happening whilst waiting for shared read access to a resource.
// When signaling to a wait queue that the priority of one of its blocked
// threads has changed, this enum is used as a signal indicating whether or not
// the priority change should be propagated down the PI chain (if any) or not.
enum class PropagatePI : bool { No = false, Yes };
// NOTE: must be inside critical section when using these
class WaitQueue {
// TODO(kulakowski) Currently, all of this is public, until Thread is completely migrated off
// list_nodes, which force it to be standard layout.
constexpr WaitQueue() : WaitQueue(kMagic) {}
WaitQueue(WaitQueue&) = delete;
WaitQueue(WaitQueue&&) = delete;
WaitQueue& operator=(WaitQueue&) = delete;
WaitQueue& operator=(WaitQueue&&) = delete;
// Remove a specific thread out of a wait queue it's blocked on.
static zx_status_t UnblockThread(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Block on a wait queue.
// The returned status is whatever the caller of WaitQueue::Wake_*() specifies.
// A deadline other than Deadline::infinite() will abort at the specified time
// and return ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT. A deadline in the past will immediately return.
zx_status_t Block(const Deadline& deadline) TA_REQ(thread_lock) {
return BlockEtc(deadline, 0, ResourceOwnership::Normal);
// Block on a wait queue with a zx_time_t-typed deadline.
zx_status_t Block(zx_time_t deadline) TA_REQ(thread_lock) {
return BlockEtc(Deadline::no_slack(deadline), 0, ResourceOwnership::Normal);
// Block on a wait queue, ignoring existing signals in |signal_mask|.
// The returned status is whatever the caller of WaitQueue::Wake_*() specifies, or
// ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT if the deadline has elapsed or is in the past.
// This will never timeout when called with a deadline of Deadline::infinite().
zx_status_t BlockEtc(const Deadline& deadline, uint signal_mask, ResourceOwnership reason)
zx_status_t BlockReadLock(const Deadline& deadline) TA_REQ(thread_lock) {
return BlockEtc(deadline, 0, ResourceOwnership::Reader);
// Returns the current highest priority blocked thread on this wait queue, or
// nullptr if no threads are blocked.
Thread* Peek() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Release one or more threads from the wait queue.
// reschedule = should the system reschedule if any is released.
// wait_queue_error = what WaitQueue::Block() should return for the blocking thread.
int WakeOne(bool reschedule, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
int WakeAll(bool reschedule, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Whether the wait queue is currently empty.
bool IsEmpty() const TA_REQ(thread_lock);
uint32_t Count() const TA_REQ(thread_lock) { return count_; }
// Dequeue the first waiting thread, and set its blocking status, then return a
// pointer to the thread which was dequeued. Do not actually schedule the
// thread to run.
Thread* DequeueOne(zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Dequeue the specified thread and set its blocked_status. Do not actually
// schedule the thread to run.
void DequeueThread(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
explicit constexpr WaitQueue(uint32_t magic)
: magic_(magic), count_(0), heads_(LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(this->heads_)) {}
// Move the specified thread from the source wait queue to the dest wait queue.
static void MoveThread(WaitQueue* source, WaitQueue* dest, Thread* t) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Returns the highest priority of all the blocked threads on this WaitQueue.
// Returns -1 if no threads are blocked.
int BlockedPriority() const TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// A thread's priority has changed. Update the wait queue bookkeeping to
// properly reflect this change.
// If |propagate| is PropagatePI::Yes, call into the wait queue code to
// propagate the priority change down the PI chain (if any). Then returns true
// if the change of priority has affected the priority of another thread due to
// priority inheritance, or false otherwise.
// If |propagate| is PropagatePI::No, do not attempt to propagate the PI change.
// This is the mode used by OwnedWaitQueue during a batch update of a PI chain.
static bool PriorityChanged(Thread* t, int old_prio, PropagatePI propagate) TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Validate that the queue of a given WaitQueue is valid.
void ValidateQueue() TA_REQ(thread_lock);
// Note: Wait queues come in 2 flavors (traditional and owned) which are
// distinguished using the magic number. The point here is that, unlike
// most other magic numbers in the system, the wait_queue_t serves a
// functional purpose beyond checking for corruption debug builds.
static constexpr uint32_t kMagic = fbl::magic("wait");
uint32_t magic_;
int count_;
struct list_node heads_;