blob: fd5fe67741957a30e36972ebd929d34cf8bd3f7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/fidl_codec/printer.h"
#include "src/lib/fidl_codec/display_handle.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace fidl_codec {
const Colors WithoutColors("", "", "", "", "", "");
const Colors WithColors(/*new_reset=*/"\u001b[0m", /*new_red=*/"\u001b[31m",
/*new_green=*/"\u001b[32m", /*new_blue=*/"\u001b[34m",
PrettyPrinter::PrettyPrinter(std::ostream& os, const Colors& colors, bool pretty_print,
std::string_view line_header, int max_line_size,
bool header_on_every_line, int tabulations)
: os_(os),
remaining_size_(max_line_size - tabulations * kTabSize) {
// Computes the displayed size of the header. The header can contain escape sequences (to add some
// colors) which don't count as displayed characters. Here we count the number of characters in
// the line header skiping everything between escape ('\u001b') and 'm'.
size_t i = 0;
while (i < line_header.size()) {
if (line_header[i] == '\u001b') {
i = line_header.find_first_of('m', i + 1);
if (i == std::string_view::npos) {
} else {
void PrettyPrinter::DisplayHandle(const zx_handle_info_t& handle) {
fidl_codec::DisplayHandle(handle, *this);
void PrettyPrinter::DisplayTime(zx_time_t time_ns) {
if (time_ns == ZX_TIME_INFINITE) {
(*this) << fidl_codec::Blue << "ZX_TIME_INFINITE" << fidl_codec::ResetColor;
} else if (time_ns == ZX_TIME_INFINITE_PAST) {
(*this) << fidl_codec::Blue << "ZX_TIME_INFINITE_PAST" << fidl_codec::ResetColor;
} else {
// Gets the time in seconds.
time_t value = time_ns / kOneBillion;
struct tm tm;
if (localtime_r(&value, &tm) == &tm) {
char buffer[100];
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%c", &tm);
// And now, displays the nano seconds.
(*this) << fidl_codec::Blue << buffer << " and ";
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%09" PRId64, time_ns % kOneBillion);
(*this) << buffer << " ns" << fidl_codec::ResetColor;
} else {
(*this) << fidl_codec::Red << "unknown time" << fidl_codec::ResetColor;
void PrettyPrinter::IncrementTabulations() {
if (need_to_print_header_) {
remaining_size_ -= kTabSize;
void PrettyPrinter::DecrementTabulations() {
if (need_to_print_header_) {
remaining_size_ += kTabSize;
void PrettyPrinter::NeedHeader() {
remaining_size_ = max_line_size_ - line_header_size_ - tabulations_ * kTabSize;
need_to_print_header_ = true;
void PrettyPrinter::PrintHeader(char first_character) {
need_to_print_header_ = false;
if (line_header_size_ > 0) {
os_ << line_header_;
if (!header_on_every_line_) {
line_header_size_ = 0;
if (first_character != '\n') {
for (int tab = tabulations_ * kTabSize; tab > 0; --tab) {
os_ << ' ';
PrettyPrinter& PrettyPrinter::operator<<(std::string_view data) {
if (data.empty()) {
return *this;
if (need_to_print_header_) {
size_t end_of_line = data.find('\n', 0);
if (end_of_line == std::string_view::npos) {
os_ << data;
remaining_size_ -= data.size();
return *this;
size_t current = 0;
for (;;) {
std::string_view tmp = data.substr(current, end_of_line - current + 1);
os_ << tmp;
current = end_of_line + 1;
if (current >= data.size()) {
return *this;
end_of_line = data.find('\n', current);
if (end_of_line == std::string_view::npos) {
os_ << data;
remaining_size_ -= data.size();
return *this;
} // namespace fidl_codec