blob: 9bdef63be1631ce56d58bf75f85f40e29a07aa3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.display;
using fuchsia.hardware.display;
/// Unique identifier for a display.
/// Also serves as a capability, enabling the owner to perform certain
/// operations on displays in the DisplayManager protocol and other protocols
/// (like Scenic).
struct DisplayRef {
handle<event> reference;
// === Mode flags ===
const int32 MODES_MAX_LEN = 256;
// Flag for interlaced display modes.
const int32 MODE_INTERLACED = 0x1;
const uint32 IDENTIFIER_MAX_LEN = 128;
using DisplayIdentifier = string:IDENTIFIER_MAX_LEN;
table Info {
// Unique identifier for the display.
1: DisplayRef display_ref;
// Modes supported by the attached display. The first entry is the
// preferred mode.
2: vector<fuchsia.hardware.display.Mode>:MODES_MAX_LEN modes;
3: DisplayIdentifier manufacturer_name;
4: DisplayIdentifier monitor_name;
const int32 DISPLAYS_MAX_LEN = 1024;
/// Display Listener protocol implemented by clients.
protocol DisplayListener {
/// Called when displays are added. This method will also be called when
/// the listener is registered for any connected displays.
OnDisplayAdded(Info display);
/// Called when displays are removed.
OnDisplayRemoved(DisplayRef display);
/// Called when the client gains or loses ownership of the displays.
/// New clients should assume they do not have ownership of the display
/// until informed otherwise by this method. Ownership can be lost and
/// gained more than once.
OnDisplayOwnershipChanged(vector<DisplayRef>:DISPLAYS_MAX_LEN displays,
bool owned_by_display_controller);
/// `DisplayManager` is a service that informs the client of new or removed
/// displays and allows changing of display configuration. Every display is
/// associated with a DisplayRef which can also be used as a parameter to other
/// apis (e.g. Scenic).
protocol DisplayManager {
AddDisplayListener(DisplayListener listener);