blob: 73dfb18a8b44d9e13aef3139b80a8cfa52612456 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/lib/measure/argument_value.h"
#include "garnet/lib/measure/duration.h"
#include "garnet/lib/measure/measurements.h"
#include "garnet/lib/measure/time_between.h"
namespace tracing {
constexpr uint32_t kMinBufferSizeMegabytes = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxBufferSizeMegabytes = 64;
// Individual providers can be tuned with these parameters.
struct ProviderSpec {
std::string name;
size_t buffer_size_in_mb;
enum class BufferingMode {
// Tracing stops when the buffer is full.
// A circular buffer.
// Double buffering.
struct BufferingModeSpec {
const char* name;
BufferingMode mode;
enum class Action {
// Stop the session and write results.
// Tracing specification.
// Every member is a unique_ptr so that we can tell if the object was
// present in the spec file.
struct Spec {
// Test name (for diagnostic purposes, can be elided).
std::unique_ptr<std::string> test_name;
// Url of the application to be run.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> app;
// Startup arguments passed to the application.
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> args;
// Whether to treat "app" as a tool to be spawned or a component.
std::unique_ptr<bool> spawn;
// If provided, the application is launched in a nested environment with the
// given name.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> environment_name;
// Tracing categories enabled when tracing the application.
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> categories;
// The buffering mode to use.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> buffering_mode;
// The size of the trace buffer to use, in MB.
std::unique_ptr<size_t> buffer_size_in_mb;
// Parameters for individual providers.
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ProviderSpec>> provider_specs;
// Duration of the benchmark.
std::unique_ptr<zx::duration> duration;
// Measurements to be performed on the captured traces.
std::unique_ptr<measure::Measurements> measurements;
// Test suite name to be used for dashboard upload.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> test_suite_name;
// Triggers.
std::unique_ptr<std::unordered_map<std::string, Action>> trigger_specs;
const BufferingModeSpec* LookupBufferingMode(const std::string& name);
bool DecodeSpec(const std::string& json, Spec* spec);
} // namespace tracing