blob: d4a5f7b9774d03b7984758b79c1f9016954d87ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/insntrace/control.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iostream>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/cpu/insntrace/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/device/cpu-trace/intel-pt.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fd.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/ktrace.h>
#include <lib/zx/handle.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include "src/lib/files/unique_fd.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/util.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/x86_cpuid.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/x86_pt.h"
#include "garnet/bin/insntrace/config.h"
#include "garnet/bin/insntrace/ktrace_controller.h"
#include "garnet/bin/insntrace/utils.h"
namespace insntrace {
using Allocation = ::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::Allocation;
using BufferConfig = ::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::BufferConfig;
using BufferState = ::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::BufferState;
using ControllerSyncPtr = ::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::ControllerSyncPtr;
// This isn't emitted by the fidl compiler.
using BufferDescriptor = uint32_t;
static constexpr char ipt_device_path[] = "/dev/sys/cpu-trace/insntrace";
static constexpr char buffer_output_path_suffix[] = "pt";
static constexpr char ktrace_output_path_suffix[] = "ktrace";
static constexpr char cpuid_output_path_suffix[] = "cpuid";
static constexpr char pt_list_output_path_suffix[] = "ptlist";
static constexpr uint32_t kKtraceGroupMask = KTRACE_GRP_ARCH | KTRACE_GRP_TASKS;
static ControllerSyncPtr OpenDevice() {
ControllerSyncPtr controller_ptr;
zx_status_t status =
fdio_service_connect(ipt_device_path, controller_ptr.NewRequest().TakeChannel().release());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Error connecting to " << ipt_device_path << ": " << status;
return ControllerSyncPtr();
return controller_ptr;
bool AllocTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "AllocTrace called";
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
return false;
Allocation allocation;
allocation.mode = config.mode;
allocation.num_traces = (config.mode == Mode::CPU ? config.num_cpus : config.max_threads);
FXL_VLOG(2) << fxl::StringPrintf("mode=%u, num_traces=0x%x",
static_cast<unsigned>(allocation.mode), allocation.num_traces);
::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::Controller_Initialize_Result result;
zx_status_t status = ipt->Initialize(allocation, &result);
if (status != ZX_OK || result.is_err()) {
LogFidlFailure("Initialize", status, result.err());
return false;
return true;
static void InitIptBufferConfig(BufferConfig* ipt_config, const IptConfig& config) {
memset(ipt_config, 0, sizeof(*ipt_config));
ipt_config->num_chunks = config.num_chunks;
ipt_config->chunk_order = config.chunk_order;
ipt_config->is_circular = config.is_circular;
ipt_config->ctl = config.CtlMsr();
ipt_config->address_space_match = config.cr3_match;
ipt_config->address_range_0.start = config.AddrBegin(0);
ipt_config->address_range_0.end = config.AddrEnd(0);
ipt_config->address_range_1.start = config.AddrBegin(1);
ipt_config->address_range_1.end = config.AddrEnd(1);
bool InitTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "InitTrace called";
FXL_DCHECK(config.mode == Mode::CPU);
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
return false;
for (uint32_t cpu = 0; cpu < config.num_cpus; ++cpu) {
BufferConfig ipt_config;
InitIptBufferConfig(&ipt_config, config);
::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::Controller_AllocateBuffer_Result result;
zx_status_t status = ipt->AllocateBuffer(ipt_config, &result);
if (status != ZX_OK || result.is_err()) {
LogFidlFailure("AllocateBuffer", status, result.err());
return false;
// Buffers are automagically assigned to cpus, descriptor == cpu#,
// so we can just ignore descriptor here.
return true;
// This must be called before a process is started so we emit a ktrace
// process start record for it.
bool InitProcessTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "InitProcessTrace called";
fuchsia::tracing::kernel::ControllerSyncPtr ktrace;
if (!OpenKtraceChannel(&ktrace)) {
return false;
// If tracing cpus we may want all the records for processes that were
// started during boot, so don't reset ktrace here. If tracing threads it
// doesn't much matter other than hopefully the necessary records don't get
// over run, which is handled below by only enabling the collection groups
// we need. So for now leave existing records alone.
// A better solution would be to collect the data we need at the time we
// need it.
#if 0 // TODO(dje)
if (config.mode == Mode::THREAD) {
// We definitely need ktrace turned on in order to get cr3->pid mappings,
// which we need to map trace cr3 values to mappings, which we need in
// order to be able to find the ELFs, which are required by the decoder.
// So this isn't a nice-to-have, we need it. It's possible ktrace is
// currently off, so ensure it's turned on.
// For now just include arch info in the ktrace - we need it, and we don't
// want to risk the ktrace buffer filling without it.
// Also include task info to get process exit records - we need to know when
// a cr3 value becomes invalid. Hopefully this won't cause the buffer to
// overrun. It it does we could consider having special ktrace records just
// for this, but that's a last resort kind of thing.
if (RequestKtraceStart(ktrace, kKtraceGroupMask)) {
return true;
// TODO(dje): Resume original ktracing? Need ability to get old value.
return false;
bool StartTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "StartTrace called";
FXL_DCHECK(config.mode == Mode::CPU);
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
return false;
zx_status_t status = ipt->Start();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogFidlFailure("Start", status);
return false;
return true;
void StopTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "StopTrace called";
FXL_DCHECK(config.mode == Mode::CPU);
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
[[maybe_unused]] zx_status_t status = ipt->Stop();
FXL_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
void StopSidebandDataCollection(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "StopSidebandDataCollection called";
fuchsia::tracing::kernel::ControllerSyncPtr ktrace;
if (!OpenKtraceChannel(&ktrace)) {
// Avoid having the records we need overrun by the time we collect them by
// stopping ktrace here. It will get turned back on by "reset".
static std::string GetCpuPtFileName(const std::string& output_path_prefix, uint64_t id) {
const char* name_prefix = "cpu";
return fxl::StringPrintf("%s.%s%" PRIu64 ".%s", output_path_prefix.c_str(), name_prefix, id,
static std::string GetThreadPtFileName(const std::string& output_path_prefix, uint64_t id) {
const char* name_prefix = "thr";
return fxl::StringPrintf("%s.%s%" PRIu64 ".%s", output_path_prefix.c_str(), name_prefix, id,
// Write the contents of buffer |descriptor| to a file.
// The file's name is $output_path_prefix.$name_prefix$
static zx_status_t WriteBufferData(const IptConfig& config, const ControllerSyncPtr& ipt,
uint32_t descriptor, uint64_t id) {
std::string output_path;
if (config.mode == Mode::CPU)
output_path = GetCpuPtFileName(config.output_path_prefix, id);
output_path = GetThreadPtFileName(config.output_path_prefix, id);
const char* c_path = output_path.c_str();
// Refetch the buffer config as we can be invoked in a separate process,
// after tracing has started, and shouldn't rely on what the user thinks
// the config is.
std::unique_ptr<BufferConfig> buffer_config;
zx_status_t status = ipt->GetBufferConfig(descriptor, &buffer_config);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogFidlFailure("GetBufferConfig", status);
return status;
if (!buffer_config) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting buffer config";
std::unique_ptr<BufferState> buffer_state;
status = ipt->GetBufferState(descriptor, &buffer_state);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogFidlFailure("GetBufferState", status);
return status;
if (!buffer_state) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting buffer state";
fxl::UniqueFD fd(open(c_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << fxl::StringPrintf("Failed writing file: %s", c_path) << ", "
<< debugger_utils::ErrnoString(errno);
// TODO(dje): Fetch from vmo?
size_t chunk_size = (1 << buffer_config->chunk_order) * PAGE_SIZE;
uint32_t num_chunks = buffer_config->num_chunks;
// If using a circular buffer there's (currently) no way to know if
// tracing wrapped, so for now we just punt and always dump the entire
// buffer. It's highly likely it wrapped anyway.
size_t bytes_left;
if (buffer_config->is_circular)
bytes_left = num_chunks * chunk_size;
bytes_left = buffer_state->capture_end;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << fxl::StringPrintf("Writing %zu bytes to %s", bytes_left, c_path);
char buf[4096];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_chunks && bytes_left > 0; ++i) {
zx::vmo vmo;
status = ipt->GetChunkHandle(descriptor, i, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LogFidlFailure("GetChunkHandle", status);
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Buffer " << descriptor << ", chunk " << i;
goto Fail;
size_t buffer_remaining = chunk_size;
size_t offset = 0;
while (buffer_remaining && bytes_left) {
size_t to_write = sizeof(buf);
if (to_write > buffer_remaining)
to_write = buffer_remaining;
if (to_write > bytes_left)
to_write = bytes_left;
// TODO(dje): Mapping into process and reading directly from that
// left for another day.
status =, offset, to_write);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << fxl::StringPrintf("zx_vmo_read: buffer %u, buffer %u, offset %zu: ",
descriptor, i, offset)
<< debugger_utils::ZxErrorString(status);
goto Fail;
if (write(fd.get(), buf, to_write) != (ssize_t)to_write) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << fxl::StringPrintf("Short write, file: %s\n", c_path);
status = ZX_ERR_IO;
goto Fail;
offset += to_write;
buffer_remaining -= to_write;
bytes_left -= to_write;
assert(bytes_left == 0);
status = ZX_OK;
// fallthrough
// We don't delete the file on failure on purpose, it is kept for
// debugging purposes.
return status;
// Write all output files.
// This assumes tracing has already been stopped.
void DumpTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "DumpTrace called";
FXL_DCHECK(config.mode == Mode::CPU);
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
for (uint32_t cpu = 0; cpu < config.num_cpus; ++cpu) {
// Buffer descriptors for cpus is the cpu number.
auto status = WriteBufferData(config, ipt, cpu, cpu);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << fxl::StringPrintf("Dump perf of cpu %u: ", cpu)
<< debugger_utils::ZxErrorString(status);
// Keep trying to dump other cpu's data.
void DumpSidebandData(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "DumpSidebandData called";
DumpKtraceBuffer(config.output_path_prefix.c_str(), ktrace_output_path_suffix);
// TODO(dje): UniqueFILE?
std::string cpuid_output_path =
fxl::StringPrintf("%s.%s", config.output_path_prefix.c_str(), cpuid_output_path_suffix);
const char* cpuid_c_path = cpuid_output_path.c_str();
FILE* f = fopen(cpuid_c_path, "w");
if (f != nullptr) {
// Also put the mtc_freq value in the cpuid file, it's as good a place
// for it as any. See intel-pt.h:pt_config.
// Alternatively this could be added to the ktrace record.
// TODO(dje): Put constants in zircon/device/intel-pt.h.
unsigned mtc_freq = config.mtc_freq;
fprintf(f, "mtc_freq: %u\n", mtc_freq);
// TODO(dje): verify writes succeed
} else {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "unable to write PT config to " << cpuid_c_path;
// TODO(dje): UniqueFILE?
// TODO(dje): Handle Mode::THREAD
if (config.mode == Mode::CPU) {
std::string pt_list_output_path =
fxl::StringPrintf("%s.%s", config.output_path_prefix.c_str(), pt_list_output_path_suffix);
const char* pt_list_c_path = pt_list_output_path.c_str();
FILE* f = fopen(pt_list_c_path, "w");
if (f != nullptr) {
for (uint32_t cpu = 0; cpu < config.num_cpus; ++cpu) {
std::string pt_file = GetCpuPtFileName(config.output_path_prefix, cpu);
fprintf(f, "%u %s\n", cpu, pt_file.c_str());
// TODO(dje): verify writes succeed
} else {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "unable to write PT list to " << pt_list_c_path;
void ResetTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "ResetTrace called";
FXL_DCHECK(config.mode == Mode::CPU);
// TODO(dje): Nothing to do currently. There use to be. So keep this
// function around for a bit.
// Free all resources associated with the true.
// This means restoring ktrace to its original state.
// This assumes tracing has already been stopped.
void FreeTrace(const IptConfig& config) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "FreeTrace called";
ControllerSyncPtr ipt{OpenDevice()};
if (!ipt) {
::fuchsia::hardware::cpu::insntrace::Controller_Terminate_Result result;
zx_status_t status = ipt->Terminate(&result);
if (status != ZX_OK || result.is_err()) {
LogFidlFailure("Terminate", status, result.err());
// TODO(dje): Resume original ktracing? Need ability to get old value.
// For now set the values to what we need: A later run might still need
// the boot time records.
fuchsia::tracing::kernel::ControllerSyncPtr ktrace;
if (!OpenKtraceChannel(&ktrace)) {
#if 0 // TODO(dje): See rewind comments in InitProcessTrace.
RequestKtraceStart(ktrace, kKtraceGroupMask);
} // namespace insntrace