blob: e1e07536412cef53bda5d22d37812f0b232ecf9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/cpuperf_provider/importer.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <atomic>
#include "garnet/bin/cpuperf_provider/categories.h"
#include "garnet/lib/perfmon/reader.h"
#include "garnet/lib/perfmon/writer.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace cpuperf_provider {
// Mock process for cpus. The infrastructure only supports processes and
// threads.
constexpr zx_koid_t kCpuProcess = 1u;
Importer::Importer(trace_context_t* context, const TraceConfig* trace_config,
trace_ticks_t start_time, trace_ticks_t stop_time)
#define MAKE_STRING(literal) trace_context_make_registered_string_literal(context, literal)
: context_(context),
pc_name_ref_(MAKE_STRING("pc")) {
for (unsigned cpu = 0; cpu < countof(cpu_thread_refs_); ++cpu) {
// +1 because index thread refs start at 1
trace_thread_index_t index = cpu + 1;
cpu_thread_refs_[cpu] = trace_make_indexed_thread_ref(index);
// Note: Thread ids of zero are invalid. We use "thread 0" (aka cpu 0)
// for system-wide events.
trace_context_write_thread_record(context, index, kCpuProcess, cpu);
if (cpu == 0) {
cpu_name_refs_[0] = trace_context_make_registered_string_literal(context, "system");
} else {
std::string name = fxl::StringPrintf("cpu%u", cpu - 1);
cpu_name_refs_[cpu] =
trace_context_make_registered_string_copy(context, name.c_str(), name.size());
// TODO(dje): In time emit "cpuN" for thread names, but it won't do any
// good at the moment as we use "Count" records which ignore the thread.
Importer::~Importer() = default;
bool Importer::Import(perfmon::Reader& reader, const perfmon::Config& perfmon_config) {
trace_context_write_process_info_record(context_, kCpuProcess, &cpu_string_ref_);
auto start = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
uint32_t record_count = ImportRecords(reader, perfmon_config);
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Import of " << record_count << " cpu perf records took "
<< (zx::clock::get_monotonic() - start).to_usecs() << " us";
return true;
uint64_t Importer::ImportRecords(perfmon::Reader& reader, const perfmon::Config& perfmon_config) {
EventTracker event_data(start_time_);
uint32_t record_count = 0;
// Only print these warnings once, and then again at the end with
// the total count. We don't want a broken trace to flood the screen
// with messages.
uint32_t printed_zero_period_warning_count = 0;
uint32_t printed_old_time_warning_count = 0;
uint32_t printed_late_record_warning_count = 0;
uint32_t cpu;
perfmon::SampleRecord record;
uint64_t sample_rate = trace_config_->sample_rate();
bool is_tally_mode = sample_rate == 0;
trace_ticks_t current_time = reader.time();
while (reader.ReadNextRecord(&cpu, &record) == perfmon::ReaderStatus::kOk) {
FXL_DCHECK(cpu < kMaxNumCpus);
perfmon::EventId event_id = record.event();
uint64_t ticks_per_second = reader.ticks_per_second();
// There can be millions of records. This log message is useful for small
// test runs, but otherwise is too painful. The verbosity level is chosen
// to recognize that.
FXL_VLOG(10) << fxl::StringPrintf("Import: cpu=%u, event=0x%x, time=%" PRIu64, cpu, event_id,
if (record.type() == perfmon::kRecordTypeTime) {
current_time = reader.time();
if (event_id == perfmon::kEventIdNone) {
// This is just a time update, not a combined time+tick record.
// Get the time we last saw this event.
trace_ticks_t prev_time = event_data.GetTime(cpu, event_id);
if (current_time < prev_time) {
if (printed_old_time_warning_count == 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "cpu " << cpu << ": record time " << current_time << " < previous time "
<< prev_time << " (further such warnings are omitted)";
} else if (current_time == prev_time) {
if (printed_zero_period_warning_count == 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "cpu " << cpu << ": empty interval at time " << current_time
<< " (further such warnings are omitted)";
} else if (current_time > stop_time_) {
if (printed_late_record_warning_count == 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Record has time > stop_time: " << current_time
<< " (further such warnings are omitted)";
} else {
switch (record.type()) {
case perfmon::kRecordTypeTime:
FXL_DCHECK(event_id != perfmon::kEventIdNone);
// fall through
case perfmon::kRecordTypeTick:
if (is_tally_mode) {
event_data.AccumulateCount(cpu, event_id, sample_rate);
} else {
ImportSampleRecord(cpu, record, prev_time, current_time, ticks_per_second, sample_rate);
case perfmon::kRecordTypeCount:
if (is_tally_mode) {
event_data.AccumulateCount(cpu, event_id, record.count->count);
} else {
ImportSampleRecord(cpu, record, prev_time, current_time, ticks_per_second,
case perfmon::kRecordTypeValue:
if (is_tally_mode) {
event_data.UpdateValue(cpu, event_id, record.value->value);
} else {
ImportSampleRecord(cpu, record, prev_time, current_time, ticks_per_second,
case perfmon::kRecordTypePc:
if (!is_tally_mode) {
ImportSampleRecord(cpu, record, prev_time, current_time, ticks_per_second, sample_rate);
case perfmon::kRecordTypeLastBranch:
if (!is_tally_mode) {
EmitLastBranchRecordBlob(cpu, record, current_time);
// The reader shouldn't be returning unknown records.
event_data.UpdateTime(cpu, event_id, current_time);
if (is_tally_mode) {
EmitTallyCounts(reader, perfmon_config, event_data);
if (printed_old_time_warning_count > 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << printed_old_time_warning_count
<< " total occurrences of records going back in time";
if (printed_zero_period_warning_count > 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << printed_zero_period_warning_count
<< " total occurrences of records with an empty interval";
if (printed_late_record_warning_count > 0) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << printed_late_record_warning_count
<< " total occurrences of records with late times";
return record_count;
void Importer::ImportSampleRecord(trace_cpu_number_t cpu, const perfmon::SampleRecord& record,
trace_ticks_t previous_time, trace_ticks_t current_time,
uint64_t ticks_per_second, uint64_t event_value) {
perfmon::EventId event_id = record.event();
const perfmon::EventDetails* details;
// Note: Errors here are generally rare, so at present we don't get clever
// with minimizing the noise.
if (trace_config_->model_event_manager()->EventIdToEventDetails(event_id, &details)) {
EmitSampleRecord(cpu, details, record, previous_time, current_time, ticks_per_second,
} else {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid event id: " << event_id;
void Importer::EmitSampleRecord(trace_cpu_number_t cpu, const perfmon::EventDetails* details,
const perfmon::SampleRecord& record, trace_ticks_t start_time,
trace_ticks_t end_time, uint64_t ticks_per_second, uint64_t value) {
FXL_DCHECK(start_time < end_time);
trace_thread_ref_t thread_ref{GetCpuThreadRef(cpu, details->id)};
trace_string_ref_t name_ref{
trace_context_make_registered_string_literal(context_, details->name)};
#if 0
// Count records are "process wide" so we need some way to distinguish
// each cpu. Thus while it might be nice to use this for "id" we don't.
uint64_t id = record.event();
// Add one as zero doesn't get printed.
uint64_t id = cpu + 1;
// While the count of events is cumulative, it's more useful to report some
// measure that's useful within each time period. E.g., a rate.
uint64_t interval_ticks = end_time - start_time;
FXL_DCHECK(interval_ticks > 0);
double rate_per_second = 0;
// rate_per_second = value / (interval_ticks / ticks_per_second)
// ticks_per_second could be zero if there's bad data in the buffer.
// Don't crash because of it. If it's zero just punt and compute the rate
// per tick.
// TODO(dje): Perhaps the rate calculation should be done in the report
// generator, but it's done this way so that catapult reports in chrome
// are usable. Maybe add a new phase type to the catapult format?
rate_per_second = static_cast<double>(value) / interval_ticks;
if (ticks_per_second != 0) {
rate_per_second *= ticks_per_second;
trace_arg_t args[3];
size_t n_args;
switch (record.type()) {
case perfmon::kRecordTypeTick:
args[0] = {trace_make_arg(rate_name_ref_, trace_make_double_arg_value(rate_per_second))};
n_args = 1;
case perfmon::kRecordTypeCount:
args[0] = {trace_make_arg(rate_name_ref_, trace_make_double_arg_value(rate_per_second))};
n_args = 1;
case perfmon::kRecordTypeValue:
// We somehow need to mark the value as not being a count. This is
// important for some consumers to guide how to print the value.
// Do this by using a different name for the value.
args[0] = {trace_make_arg(value_name_ref_, trace_make_uint64_arg_value(value))};
n_args = 1;
case perfmon::kRecordTypePc:
args[1] = {trace_make_arg(aspace_name_ref_, trace_make_uint64_arg_value(record.pc->aspace))};
args[2] = {trace_make_arg(pc_name_ref_, trace_make_uint64_arg_value(record.pc->pc))};
n_args = 3;
#if 0
// TODO(dje): This is a failed experiment to use something other than
// counters. It is kept, for now, to allow easy further experimentation.
context_, start_time,
&thread_ref, &cpuperf_category_ref_, &name_ref,
id, nullptr, 0);
context_, end_time,
&thread_ref, &cpuperf_category_ref_, &name_ref,
id, &args[0], n_args);
// Chrome interprets the timestamp we give it as the start of the
// interval, which for a count makes sense: this is the value of the count
// from this point on until the next count record. We're abusing this record
// type to display a rate.
trace_context_write_counter_event_record(context_, start_time, &thread_ref,
&cpuperf_category_ref_, &name_ref, id, &args[0], n_args);
void Importer::EmitLastBranchRecordBlob(trace_cpu_number_t cpu, const perfmon::SampleRecord& record,
trace_ticks_t time) {
// Use the cpu's name as the blob's name.
auto cpu_name_ref{GetCpuNameRef(cpu)};
uint16_t num_branches = record.last_branch->num_branches;
size_t size = perfmon::LastBranchRecordBlobSize(num_branches);
void* ptr = trace_context_begin_write_blob_record(context_, TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_LAST_BRANCH,
&cpu_name_ref, size);
if (ptr) {
auto rec = reinterpret_cast<perfmon::LastBranchRecordBlob*>(ptr);
rec->cpu = cpu;
rec->num_branches = record.last_branch->num_branches;
rec->reserved = 0;
rec->event_time = time;
rec->aspace = record.last_branch->aspace;
static_assert(sizeof(rec->branches[0]) == sizeof(record.last_branch->branches[0]), "");
memcpy(&rec->branches[0], &record.last_branch->branches[0],
num_branches * sizeof(record.last_branch->branches[0]));
// Chrome interprets the timestamp we give Count records as the start
// of the interval with that count, which for a count makes sense: this is
// the value of the count from this point on until the next count record.
// But if we emit a value of zero at the start (or don't emit any initial
// value at all) Chrome shows the entire trace of having the value zero and
// the count record at the end of the interval is very hard to see.
// OTOH the data is correct, it's just the display that's hard to read.
// Text display of the results is unaffected.
// One important reason for providing a value at the start is because there's
// currently no other way to communicate the start time of the trace in a
// json output file, and thus there would otherwise be no way for the
// report printer to know the duration over which the count was collected.
void Importer::EmitTallyCounts(perfmon::Reader& reader, const perfmon::Config& perfmon_config,
const EventTracker& event_data) {
unsigned num_cpus = zx_system_get_num_cpus();
for (unsigned cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; ++cpu) {
[this, &event_data, &cpu](const perfmon::Config::EventConfig& event) {
perfmon::EventId event_id = event.event;
if (event_data.HaveValue(cpu, event_id)) {
uint64_t value = event_data.GetCountOrValue(cpu, event_id);
if (event_data.IsValue(cpu, event_id)) {
EmitTallyRecord(cpu, event_id, stop_time_, true, value);
} else {
EmitTallyRecord(cpu, event_id, start_time_, false, 0);
EmitTallyRecord(cpu, event_id, stop_time_, false, value);
void Importer::EmitTallyRecord(trace_cpu_number_t cpu, perfmon::EventId event_id,
trace_ticks_t time, bool is_value, uint64_t value) {
trace_thread_ref_t thread_ref{GetCpuThreadRef(cpu, event_id)};
trace_arg_t args[1] = {
{trace_make_arg(is_value ? value_name_ref_ : count_name_ref_,
const perfmon::EventDetails* details;
if (trace_config_->model_event_manager()->EventIdToEventDetails(event_id, &details)) {
trace_string_ref_t name_ref{
trace_context_make_registered_string_literal(context_, details->name)};
trace_context_write_counter_event_record(context_, time, &thread_ref, &cpuperf_category_ref_,
&name_ref, event_id, &args[0], countof(args));
} else {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid event id: " << event_id;
trace_string_ref_t Importer::GetCpuNameRef(trace_cpu_number_t cpu) {
FXL_DCHECK(cpu < countof(cpu_name_refs_));
return cpu_name_refs_[cpu + 1];
trace_thread_ref_t Importer::GetCpuThreadRef(trace_cpu_number_t cpu, perfmon::EventId id) {
FXL_DCHECK(cpu < countof(cpu_thread_refs_));
// TODO(dje): Misc events are currently all system-wide, not attached
// to any specific cpu. That won't always be the case.
if (perfmon::GetEventIdGroup(id) == perfmon::kGroupMisc)
cpu = 0;
return cpu_thread_refs_[cpu];
} // namespace cpuperf_provider