blob: 8e0a6bb0f7c940c07e9bbffc0bdd62b062f1db02 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Helper template to create manifests for including items in bootfs.
# Parameters
# binaries (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines binaries in the ZBI. A binary is typically
# produced by the build system and is always placed in the `bin/` directory
# of the ZBI.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the binary.
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not
# at `$root_out_dir/$name`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `bin/`.
# drivers (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines drivers in the ZBI. A driver is typically
# produced by the build system and is always placed in the `driver/`
# directory of the ZBI.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the driver.
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the driver in the build directory if it is not
# at `$root_out_dir/$name`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the driver will be placed within `driver/`.
# meta (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines metadata entries in the ZBI. A metadata entry is
# typically a source file and is always placed in the `meta/` directory of
# the assembled package. Only CML files may be listed here.
# Entries in a scope in the meta list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of entry in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `bootfs_manifest()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `meta/`.
# deps (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("bootfs_manifest") {
if (!defined(binaries)) {
binaries = []
if (!defined(drivers)) {
drivers = []
if (!defined(meta)) {
meta = []
manifest_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
manifest_deps = invoker.deps
manifest_args = []
foreach(binary, binaries) {
if (defined(binary.dest)) {
dest = binary.dest
} else {
dest =
dest = "bin/" + dest
if (defined(binary.source)) {
source = binary.source
} else {
source =
source = rebase_path(source, "", root_out_dir)
manifest_args += [ "--entry=" + dest + "=" + source ]
foreach(driver, drivers) {
if (defined(driver.dest)) {
dest = driver.dest
} else {
dest =
dest = "driver/" + dest
if (defined(driver.source)) {
source = driver.source
} else {
source =
source = rebase_path(source, "", root_out_dir)
manifest_args += [ "--entry=" + dest + "=" + source ]
foreach(m, meta) {
assert(defined(m.path), "path is required")
assert(get_path_info(m.path, "extension") == "cml",
"only component manifests are supported in /boot/meta")
if (defined(m.dest)) {
assert(get_path_info(m.dest, "extension") == "cm",
"only component manifests are supported in /boot/meta")
dest = m.dest
} else {
filename = get_path_info(m.path, "file")
dest = string_replace(filename, ".cml", ".cm")
compile_label = "compile_boot_" + get_path_info(dest, "file")
cm(compile_label) {
data = m.path
manifest_deps += [ ":$compile_label" ]
dest = "meta/" + dest
cm_out = []
cm_out = get_target_outputs(":$compile_label")
source = rebase_path(cm_out[0])
manifest_args += [ "--entry=" + dest + "=" + source ]
generate_manifest(target_name) {
deps = manifest_deps
args = manifest_args