blob: a558be93a1701d6eb96772022cf3afbdf0513b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Manages Scan requests for the Client Policy API.
use {
config_management::{SavedNetworksManagerApi, ScanResultType},
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_location_sensor as fidl_location_sensor, fidl_fuchsia_wlan_policy as fidl_policy,
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme as fidl_sme,
fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, DurationExt},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{lock::Mutex, prelude::*},
log::{debug, error, info, warn},
std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc},
// TODO( Remove this.
// Size of FIDL message header and FIDL error-wrapped vector header
// Delay between scanning retries when the firmware returns "ShouldWait" error code
const SCAN_RETRY_DELAY_MS: i64 = 100;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
struct SmeNetworkIdentifier {
ssid: types::Ssid,
protection: types::SecurityTypeDetailed,
/// Allows for consumption of updated scan results.
pub trait ScanResultUpdate: Sync + Send {
async fn update_scan_results(&mut self, scan_results: &Vec<types::ScanResult>);
/// Requests a new SME scan and returns the results.
async fn sme_scan(
sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
scan_request: fidl_sme::ScanRequest,
) -> Result<Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>, types::ScanError> {
enum SmeScanError {
async fn sme_scan_internal(
sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
mut scan_request: fidl_sme::ScanRequest,
) -> Result<Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>, SmeScanError> {
let (local, remote) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to create FIDL proxy for scan: {:?}", e);
let txn = {
match sme_proxy.scan(&mut scan_request, remote) {
Ok(()) => local,
Err(error) => {
error!("Scan initiation error: {:?}", error);
return Err(SmeScanError::Other);
debug!("Sent scan request to SME successfully");
let mut stream = txn.take_event_stream();
let mut scanned_networks = vec![];
while let Some(Ok(event)) = {
match event {
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnResult { aps: new_aps } => {
debug!("Received scan results from SME");
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnFinished {} => {
debug!("Finished getting scan results from SME");
return Ok(scanned_networks);
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnError { error } => {
return match error.code {
| fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::CanceledByDriverOrFirmware => {
info!("Scan cancelled by SME, retry indicated: {:?}", error);
_ => {
error!("Scan error from SME: {:?}", error);
// This case can happen when an interface is removed mid-scan. Any other cases are
// unexpected.
warn!("SME closed scan result channel without sending OnFinished");
match sme_scan_internal(sme_proxy, scan_request.clone()).await {
Ok(results) => Ok(results),
Err(SmeScanError::ShouldRetryLater) => {
info!("Driver requested a delay before retrying scan");
match sme_scan_internal(sme_proxy, scan_request.clone()).await {
Ok(result) => Ok(result),
Err(SmeScanError::ShouldRetryLater) => Err(types::ScanError::Cancelled),
Err(_) => Err(types::ScanError::GeneralError),
Err(_) => Err(types::ScanError::GeneralError),
/// Handles incoming scan requests by creating a new SME scan request.
/// For the output_iterator, returns scan results and/or errors.
/// On successful scan, also provides scan results to:
/// - Emergency Location Provider
/// - Network Selection Module
pub(crate) async fn perform_scan<F>(
iface_manager: Arc<Mutex<dyn IfaceManagerApi + Send>>,
saved_networks_manager: Arc<dyn SavedNetworksManagerApi>,
mut output_iterator: Option<fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorMarker>>,
mut network_selector: impl ScanResultUpdate,
mut location_sensor_updater: impl ScanResultUpdate,
active_scan_decider: F,
) where
F: FnOnce(&Vec<types::Ssid>) -> Option<Vec<types::NetworkIdentifier>>,
let mut bss_by_network: HashMap<SmeNetworkIdentifier, Vec<types::Bss>> = HashMap::new();
let sme_proxy = match iface_manager.lock().await.get_sme_proxy_for_scan().await {
Ok(proxy) => proxy,
Err(e) => {
// The attempt to get an SME proxy failed. Send an error to the requester, return early.
warn!("Failed to get an SME proxy for scan: {:?}", e);
if let Some(output_iterator) = output_iterator {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Failed to send scan error: {}", e));
// Perform an initial passive scan
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let sme_result = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request).await;
match sme_result {
Ok(results) => {
insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(&mut bss_by_network, results, true);
Err(scan_err) => {
// The passive scan failed. Send an error to the requester and return early.
if let Some(output_iterator) = output_iterator {
send_scan_error_over_fidl(output_iterator, scan_err)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Failed to send scan error: {}", e));
// Determine which active scans to perform by asking the active_scan_decider()
let observed_ssid_list = bss_by_network.iter().map(|(id, _)| id.ssid.clone()).collect();
if let Some(requested_active_scan_ids) = active_scan_decider(&observed_ssid_list) {
let requested_active_scan_ssids =
requested_active_scan_ids.iter().map(|id| id.ssid.clone()).collect();
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: requested_active_scan_ssids,
channels: vec![],
let sme_result = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request).await;
match sme_result {
Ok(results) => {
insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(&mut bss_by_network, results, false);
Err(scan_err) => {
// There was an error in the active scan. For the FIDL interface, send an error. We
// `.take()` the output_iterator here, so it won't be used for sending results below.
if let Some(output_iterator) = output_iterator.take() {
send_scan_error_over_fidl(output_iterator, scan_err)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Failed to send scan error: {}", e));
info!("Proceeding with passive scan results for non-FIDL scan consumers");
let scan_results = network_bss_map_to_scan_result(bss_by_network);
// TODO(b/182569380): use actual wpa3 support in this conversion rather than hardcoding 'false'
let fidl_scan_results = scan_result_to_policy_scan_result(&scan_results, false);
let mut scan_result_consumers = FuturesUnordered::new();
// Send scan results to the location sensor
// Send scan results to the network selection module
// If the requester provided a channel, send the results to them
if let Some(output_iterator) = output_iterator {
let requester_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(output_iterator, &fidl_scan_results)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to send scan results to requester: {:?}", e);
while let Some(_) = {}
/// Perform a directed active scan for a given network on given channels.
pub(crate) async fn perform_directed_active_scan(
sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
ssid: &Vec<u8>,
channels: Option<Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<Vec<types::ScanResult>, types::ScanError> {
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: vec![ssid.clone()],
channels: channels.unwrap_or(vec![]),
let sme_result = sme_scan(sme_proxy, scan_request).await;|results| {
let mut bss_by_network: HashMap<SmeNetworkIdentifier, Vec<types::Bss>> = HashMap::new();
insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(&mut bss_by_network, results, false);
// The active scan targets a specific SSID, ensure only that SSID is present in results
bss_by_network.retain(|network_id, _| network_id.ssid == *ssid);
/// Figure out which saved networks we actively scanned for and did not get results for, and update
/// their configs to update the rate at which we would actively scan for these networks.
async fn record_directed_scan_results(
target_ids: Vec<types::NetworkIdentifier>,
scan_results: &Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>,
saved_networks_manager: Arc<dyn SavedNetworksManagerApi>,
) {
let ids = scan_results
.map(|result| types::NetworkIdentifierDetailed {
ssid: result.ssid.clone(),
// TODO( modify this result to use the detailed security type
saved_networks_manager.record_scan_result(ScanResultType::Directed(target_ids), ids).await;
/// The location sensor module uses scan results to help determine the
/// device's location, for use by the Emergency Location Provider.
pub struct LocationSensorUpdater {
pub wpa3_supported: bool,
impl ScanResultUpdate for LocationSensorUpdater {
async fn update_scan_results(&mut self, scan_results: &Vec<types::ScanResult>) {
async fn send_results(scan_results: &Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Get an output iterator
let (iter, server) =
.map_err(|err| format_err!("failed to create iterator: {:?}", err))?;
let location_watcher_proxy =
.map_err(|err| {
format_err!("failed to connect to location sensor service: {:?}", err)
.map_err(|err| format_err!("failed to call location sensor service: {:?}", err))?;
// Send results to the iterator
send_scan_results_over_fidl(server, &scan_results).await
let scan_results = scan_result_to_policy_scan_result(scan_results, self.wpa3_supported);
// Filter out any errors and just log a message.
// No error recovery, we'll just try again next time a scan result comes in.
if let Err(e) = send_results(&scan_results).await {
// TODO( Upgrade this to a "warn!" once the location sensor works.
debug!("Failed to send scan results to location sensor: {:?}", e)
} else {
debug!("Updated location sensor")
/// Converts sme::BssInfo to our internal BSS type, then adds it to the provided bss_by_network map.
/// Only keeps the first unique instance of a BSSID
fn insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(
bss_by_network: &mut HashMap<SmeNetworkIdentifier, Vec<types::Bss>>,
new_bss: Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>,
observed_in_passive_scan: bool,
) {
for bss in new_bss.into_iter() {
let entry = bss_by_network
.entry(SmeNetworkIdentifier { ssid: bss.ssid.to_vec(), protection: })
// Check if this BSSID is already in the hashmap
if !entry.iter().any(|existing_bss| existing_bss.bssid == bss.bssid) {
entry.push(types::Bss {
bssid: bss.bssid,
rssi: bss.rssi_dbm,
snr_db: bss.snr_db,
timestamp_nanos: 0, // TODO(mnck): find where this comes from
compatible: bss.compatible,
bss_desc: bss.bss_desc,
fn network_bss_map_to_scan_result(
mut bss_by_network: HashMap<SmeNetworkIdentifier, Vec<types::Bss>>,
) -> Vec<types::ScanResult> {
let mut scan_results: Vec<types::ScanResult> = bss_by_network
.map(|(SmeNetworkIdentifier { ssid, protection }, bss_infos)| {
let compatibility = if bss_infos.iter().any(|bss| bss.compatible) {
} else {
types::ScanResult {
ssid: ssid,
security_type_detailed: protection,
entries: bss_infos,
compatibility: compatibility,
scan_results.sort_by(|a, b| a.ssid.cmp(&b.ssid));
return scan_results;
/// Convert the protection type we receive from the SME in scan results to the Policy layer
/// security type. This function should only be used when converting to results for the public
/// FIDL API, and not for internal use within Policy, where we should prefer the detailed SME
/// security types.
fn fidl_security_from_sme_protection(
protection: fidl_sme::Protection,
wpa3_supported: bool,
) -> Option<fidl_policy::SecurityType> {
use fidl_policy::SecurityType;
use fidl_sme::Protection::*;
match protection {
Wpa3Enterprise | Wpa3Personal | Wpa2Wpa3Personal => {
Some(if wpa3_supported { SecurityType::Wpa3 } else { SecurityType::Wpa2 })
| Wpa2Personal
| Wpa1Wpa2Personal
| Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly
| Wpa1Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly => Some(SecurityType::Wpa2),
Wpa1 => Some(SecurityType::Wpa),
Wep => Some(SecurityType::Wep),
Open => Some(SecurityType::None),
Unknown => None,
fn scan_result_to_policy_scan_result(
internal_results: &Vec<types::ScanResult>,
wpa3_supported: bool,
) -> Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult> {
let scan_results: Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult> = internal_results
.filter_map(|internal| {
if let Some(security) =
fidl_security_from_sme_protection(internal.security_type_detailed, wpa3_supported)
Some(fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(types::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: internal.ssid.clone(),
type_: security,
entries: Some(
.map(|input| {
// Get the frequency. On error, default to Some(0) rather than None
// to protect against consumer code that expects this field to
// always be set.
let frequency = Channel::from_fidl(
fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some(input.bssid),
rssi: Some(input.rssi),
frequency: Some(frequency.into()), // u16.into() -> u32
timestamp_nanos: Some(input.timestamp_nanos),
compatibility: if internal.entries.iter().any(|bss| bss.compatible) {
} else {
} else {
"Unknown security type present in scan results: {:?}",
return scan_results;
/// Send batches of results to the output iterator when getNext() is called on it.
/// Send empty batch and close the channel when no results are remaining.
async fn send_scan_results_over_fidl(
output_iterator: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorMarker>,
scan_results: &Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Wait to get a request for a chunk of scan results
let (mut stream, ctrl) = output_iterator.into_stream_and_control_handle()?;
let max_batch_size = zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize;
let mut sent_some_results = false;
let mut remaining_results = scan_results.iter().peekable();
let mut batch_size: usize;
// Verify consumer is expecting results before each batch
loop {
if let Some(fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorRequest::GetNext { responder }) =
sent_some_results = true;
let mut batch = vec![];
// Peek if next element exists and will fit in current batch
while let Some(peeked_result) = remaining_results.peek() {
let result_size = measure(peeked_result).num_bytes;
if result_size + FIDL_HEADER_AND_ERR_WRAPPED_VEC_HEADER_SIZE > max_batch_size {
return Err(format_err!("Single scan result too large to send via FIDL"));
// Peeked result will not fit. Send batch and continue.
if result_size + batch_size > max_batch_size {
// Actually remove result and push to batch
if let Some(result) = {
batch_size += result_size;
let close_channel = batch.is_empty();
responder.send(&mut Ok(batch))?;
// Guarantees empty batch is sent before channel is closed.
if close_channel {
return Ok(());
} else {
// This will happen if the iterator request stream was closed and we expected to send
// another response.
if sent_some_results {
// Some consumers may not care about all scan results, e.g. if they find the
// particular network they were looking for. This is not an error.
debug!("Scan result consumer closed channel before consuming all scan results");
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(format_err!("Peer closed channel before receiving any scan results"));
/// On the next request for results, send an error to the output iterator and
/// shut it down.
async fn send_scan_error_over_fidl(
output_iterator: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorMarker>,
error_code: fidl_policy::ScanErrorCode,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
// Wait to get a request for a chunk of scan results
let (mut stream, ctrl) = output_iterator.into_stream_and_control_handle()?;
if let Some(req) = stream.try_next().await? {
let fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorRequest::GetNext { responder } = req;
let mut err: fidl_policy::ScanResultIteratorGetNextResult = Err(error_code);
responder.send(&mut err)?;
} else {
// This will happen if the iterator request stream was closed and we expected to send
// another response.
info!("Peer closed channel for getting scan results unexpectedly");
mod tests {
use {
access_point::state_machine as ap_fsm,
network_config::{Credential, PROB_HIDDEN_DEFAULT},
generate_random_bss_desc, generate_random_bss_info,
fidl::endpoints::{create_proxy, Proxy},
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common as fidl_common, fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{channel::oneshot, lock::Mutex, task::Poll},
const CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_1: u32 = 2412;
const CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_8: u32 = 2447;
const CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_11: u32 = 2462;
struct FakeIfaceManager {
pub sme_proxy: fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
pub wpa3_capable: bool,
impl FakeIfaceManager {
pub fn new(proxy: fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme::ClientSmeProxy) -> Self {
FakeIfaceManager { sme_proxy: proxy, wpa3_capable: true }
impl IfaceManagerApi for FakeIfaceManager {
async fn disconnect(
&mut self,
_network_id: fidl_fuchsia_wlan_policy::NetworkIdentifier,
_reason: types::DisconnectReason,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn connect(
&mut self,
_connect_req: types::ConnectRequest,
) -> Result<oneshot::Receiver<()>, Error> {
async fn record_idle_client(&mut self, _iface_id: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn has_idle_client(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
async fn handle_added_iface(&mut self, _iface_id: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn handle_removed_iface(&mut self, _iface_id: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn scan(
&mut self,
mut scan_request: fidl_sme::ScanRequest,
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme::ScanTransactionProxy, Error> {
let (local, remote) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let _ = self.sme_proxy.scan(&mut scan_request, remote);
async fn get_sme_proxy_for_scan(
&mut self,
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme::ClientSmeProxy, Error> {
async fn stop_client_connections(
&mut self,
_reason: types::DisconnectReason,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn start_client_connections(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn start_ap(
&mut self,
_config: ap_fsm::ApConfig,
) -> Result<oneshot::Receiver<()>, Error> {
async fn stop_ap(&mut self, _ssid: Vec<u8>, _password: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn stop_all_aps(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
async fn has_wpa3_capable_client(&mut self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
async fn set_country(
&mut self,
_country_code: Option<[u8; types::REGION_CODE_LEN]>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// Creates a Client wrapper.
async fn create_iface_manager(
) -> (Arc<Mutex<FakeIfaceManager>>, fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequestStream) {
let (client_sme, remote) =
create_proxy::<fidl_sme::ClientSmeMarker>().expect("error creating proxy");
let iface_manager = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FakeIfaceManager::new(client_sme)));
(iface_manager, remote.into_stream().expect("failed to create stream"))
/// Creates an SME proxy for tests.
async fn create_sme_proxy() -> (fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy, fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequestStream) {
let (client_sme, remote) =
create_proxy::<fidl_sme::ClientSmeMarker>().expect("error creating proxy");
(client_sme, remote.into_stream().expect("failed to create stream"))
struct MockScanResultConsumer {
scan_results: Arc<Mutex<Option<Vec<types::ScanResult>>>>,
impl MockScanResultConsumer {
fn new() -> (Self, Arc<Mutex<Option<Vec<types::ScanResult>>>>) {
let scan_results = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
(Self { scan_results: Arc::clone(&scan_results) }, scan_results)
impl ScanResultUpdate for MockScanResultConsumer {
async fn update_scan_results(&mut self, scan_results: &Vec<types::ScanResult>) {
let mut guard = self.scan_results.lock().await;
*guard = Some(scan_results.clone());
// Creates test data for the scan functions.
struct MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>,
passive_internal_aps: Vec<types::ScanResult>,
passive_fidl_aps: Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult>,
active_input_aps: Vec<fidl_sme::BssInfo>,
combined_internal_aps: Vec<types::ScanResult>,
combined_fidl_aps: Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult>,
fn create_scan_ap_data() -> MockScanData {
let bss_desc1 = generate_random_bss_desc();
let bss_desc2 = generate_random_bss_desc();
let bss_desc3 = generate_random_bss_desc();
let passive_input_aps = vec![
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc1.clone(),
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
ssid: "unique ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 7,
snr_db: 2,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Personal,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc2.clone(),
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 13,
snr_db: 3,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 11,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: false,
bss_desc: bss_desc3.clone(),
// input_aps contains some duplicate SSIDs, which should be
// grouped in the output.
let passive_internal_aps = vec![
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa3Enterprise,
entries: vec![
types::Bss {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
rssi: 0,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc1.clone(),
types::Bss {
bssid: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
rssi: 13,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 3,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 11,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: false,
bss_desc: bss_desc3.clone(),
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "unique ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa2Personal,
entries: vec![types::Bss {
bssid: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
rssi: 7,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 2,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc2.clone(),
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
let passive_fidl_aps = vec![
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![
fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: Some(0),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_1),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
rssi: Some(13),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_11),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "unique ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
rssi: Some(7),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_8),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
let bss_desc4 = generate_random_bss_desc();
let bss_desc5 = generate_random_bss_desc();
let active_input_aps = vec![
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9],
ssid: "foo active ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 0,
snr_db: 8,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc4.clone(),
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
ssid: "misc ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 7,
snr_db: 9,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Personal,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc5.clone(),
let combined_internal_aps = vec![
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa3Enterprise,
entries: vec![
types::Bss {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
rssi: 0,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc1.clone(),
types::Bss {
bssid: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
rssi: 13,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 3,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 11,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: false,
bss_desc: bss_desc3.clone(),
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "foo active ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa3Enterprise,
entries: vec![types::Bss {
bssid: [9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9],
rssi: 0,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 8,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: false,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc4,
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "misc ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa2Personal,
entries: vec![types::Bss {
bssid: [8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
rssi: 7,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 9,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: false,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc5,
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
types::ScanResult {
ssid: "unique ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa2Personal,
entries: vec![types::Bss {
bssid: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
rssi: 7,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 2,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: bss_desc2,
compatibility: types::Compatibility::Supported,
let combined_fidl_aps = vec![
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![
fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
rssi: Some(0),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_1),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]),
rssi: Some(13),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_11),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "foo active ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]),
rssi: Some(0),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_1),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "misc ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]),
rssi: Some(7),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_8),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "unique ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
rssi: Some(7),
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_8),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported),
MockScanData {
/// Generate a vector of FIDL scan results, each sized based on the input
/// vector parameter. Size, in bytes, must be greater than the baseline scan
/// result's size, measure below, and divisible into octets (by 8).
fn create_fidl_scan_results_from_size(
result_sizes: Vec<usize>,
) -> Vec<fidl_policy::ScanResult> {
// Create a baseline result
let minimal_scan_result = fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "".as_bytes().to_vec(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::None,
entries: Some(vec![]),
let minimal_result_size: usize = measure(&minimal_scan_result).num_bytes;
// Create result with single entry
let mut scan_result_with_one_bss = minimal_scan_result.clone();
scan_result_with_one_bss.entries = Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss::EMPTY]);
// Size of each additional BSS entry to FIDL ScanResult
let empty_bss_entry_size: usize =
measure(&scan_result_with_one_bss).num_bytes - minimal_result_size;
// Validate size is possible
if result_sizes.iter().any(|size| size < &minimal_result_size || size % 8 != 0) {
panic!("Invalid size. Requested size must be larger than {} minimum bytes and divisible into octets (by 8)", minimal_result_size);
let mut fidl_scan_results = vec![];
for size in result_sizes {
let mut scan_result = minimal_scan_result.clone();
let num_bss_for_ap = (size - minimal_result_size) / empty_bss_entry_size;
// Every 8 characters for SSID adds 8 bytes (1 octet).
let ssid_length =
(size - minimal_result_size) - (num_bss_for_ap * empty_bss_entry_size); = Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: (0..ssid_length).map(|_| rand::random::<u8>()).collect(),
type_: fidl_policy::SecurityType::None,
scan_result.entries = Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss::EMPTY; num_bss_for_ap]);
// Validate result measures to expected size.
assert_eq!(measure(&scan_result).num_bytes, size);
fn sme_scan_with_passive_request() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let scan_fut = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request.clone());
// Request scan data from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: input_aps,
passive_internal_aps: _,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Validate the SME received the scan_request and send back mock data
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("failed to get scan results");
assert_eq!(results, input_aps);
// No further requests to the sme
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
fn sme_scan_with_active_request() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: vec!["foo_ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(), "bar_ssid".as_bytes().to_vec()],
channels: vec![1, 20],
let scan_fut = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request.clone());
// Request scan data from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: input_aps,
passive_internal_aps: _,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Validate the SME received the scan_request and send back mock data
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("failed to get scan results");
assert_eq!(results, input_aps);
// No further requests to the sme
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
#[test_case(fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::InternalError; "SME scan error InternalError")]
#[test_case(fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::NotSupported; "SME scan error NotSupported")]
#[fuchsia::test(add_test_attr = false)]
fn sme_scan_error(error_code: fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode) {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let scan_fut = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request.clone());
// Request scan data from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send failed scan response.
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
ctrl.send_on_error(&mut fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: error_code,
message: "Failed to scan".to_string()
.expect("failed to send scan error");
// No retry expected, check for results on the scan request
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let error = result.expect_err("did not expect to recieve scan results");
assert_eq!(error, types::ScanError::GeneralError);
// No further requests to the sme
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
#[test_case(fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::ShouldWait, false; "SME scan error ShouldWait with failed retry")]
#[test_case(fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::ShouldWait, true; "SME scan error ShouldWait with successful retry")]
#[test_case(fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::CanceledByDriverOrFirmware, true; "SME scan error CanceledByDriverOrFirmware with successful retry")]
#[fuchsia::test(add_test_attr = false)]
fn sme_scan_error_with_retry(error_code: fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode, retry_succeeds: bool) {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let scan_fut = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request.clone());
// Request scan data from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send failed scan response.
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
ctrl.send_on_error(&mut fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: error_code,
message: "Failed to scan".to_string()
.expect("failed to send scan error");
// Advance the scanning future
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// There shouldn't yet be a request in the SME stream, since there should be
// some delay before the scan is retried
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
// Wake up the timer and advance the scanning future
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Expect a retry: we should now see a new request in the SME stream
if retry_succeeds {
// Validate the SME received the scan_request and send back mock data
let aps = vec![];
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
assert_eq!(result, Ok(vec![]));
} else {
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send failed scan response.
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
ctrl.send_on_error(&mut fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: error_code,
message: "Failed to scan".to_string()
.expect("failed to send scan error");
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let error = result.expect_err("did not expect scan results");
assert_eq!(error, types::ScanError::Cancelled);
// No further requests to the sme
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
fn sme_scan_channel_closed() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let scan_fut = sme_scan(&sme_proxy, scan_request);
// Request scan data from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send failed scan response.
txn.close_with_epitaph(zx::Status::OK).expect("Failed to close channel");
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let error = result.expect_err("did not expect scan results");
assert_eq!(error, types::ScanError::GeneralError);
// No further requests to the sme
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut, Poll::Pending);
fn basic_scan() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Request a chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data and send it via the SME
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: input_aps,
passive_internal_aps: internal_aps,
passive_fidl_aps: fidl_aps,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, fidl_aps);
// Request the next chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
// Process scan handler
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready because the scan handler will exit after sending the final
// scan results.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, vec![]);
// Check both successful scan consumers got results
fn scan_with_active_scan_decider() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Create the passive and active scan info
let MockScanData {
passive_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Save the network that isn't seen in the scan so we can check its hidden probability.
let unseen_ssid = b"unseen_id".to_vec();
let unseen_active_id =
types::NetworkIdentifier { ssid: unseen_ssid.clone(), type_: types::SecurityType::Wpa };
let credential = Credential::Password(b"some-cred".to_vec());
.run_singlethreaded(, credential),
.expect("failed to store network")
let config = exec
.expect("failed to lookup");
assert_eq!(config.hidden_probability, PROB_HIDDEN_DEFAULT);
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let expected_passive_results: Vec<types::Ssid> =
passive_internal_aps.iter().map(|result| result.ssid.clone()).collect();
let active_ssid = b"foo active ssid".to_vec();
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|passive_results| {
assert_eq!(passive_results.clone().sort(), expected_passive_results.clone().sort());
types::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: active_ssid.clone(),
type_: types::SecurityType::Wpa2,
// Request a chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Respond to the first (passive) scan request
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Respond to the second (active) scan request
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: vec![active_ssid.clone(), unseen_ssid.clone()],
channels: vec![],
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, combined_fidl_aps);
// Request the next chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
// Process scan handler
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready because the scan handler will exit after sending the final
// scan results.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, vec![]);
// Check both successful scan consumers got results
// Verify that the network we actively scanned for but didn't see had its hidden
// probability updated.
let config = exec
.expect("Failed to get network config");
assert!(config.hidden_probability < PROB_HIDDEN_DEFAULT);
fn insert_bss_to_network_bss_map_duplicated_bss() {
let mut bss_by_network = HashMap::new();
// Create some input data with duplicated BSSID and Network Identifiers
let passive_bss_desc = generate_random_bss_desc();
let passive_input_aps = vec![
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: passive_bss_desc.clone(),
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 13,
snr_db: 3,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 14,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: generate_random_bss_desc(),
let expected_id = SmeNetworkIdentifier {
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
// We should only see one entry for the duplicated BSSs in the passive scan results
let expected_bss = vec![types::Bss {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
rssi: 0,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: passive_bss_desc.clone(),
insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(&mut bss_by_network, passive_input_aps, true);
assert_eq!(bss_by_network.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(bss_by_network[&expected_id], expected_bss);
// Create some input data with one duplicate BSSID and one new BSSID
let active_bss_desc = generate_random_bss_desc();
let active_input_aps = vec![
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 100,
snr_db: 100,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 100,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw40,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: generate_random_bss_desc(),
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
bssid: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
ssid: "duplicated ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
rssi_dbm: 101,
snr_db: 101,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 101,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw40,
secondary80: 0,
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: active_bss_desc.clone(),
// After the active scan, there should be a second bss included in the results
let expected_bss = vec![
types::Bss {
bssid: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
rssi: 0,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 1,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: passive_bss_desc.clone(),
types::Bss {
bssid: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
rssi: 101,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
snr_db: 101,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 101,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw40,
secondary80: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: false,
compatible: true,
bss_desc: active_bss_desc.clone(),
insert_bss_to_network_bss_map(&mut bss_by_network, active_input_aps, false);
assert_eq!(bss_by_network.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(bss_by_network[&expected_id], expected_bss);
fn scan_with_active_scan_decider_and_active_scan_failure() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Create the passive and active scan info
let MockScanData {
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let expected_passive_results: Vec<types::Ssid> =
passive_internal_aps.iter().map(|result| result.ssid.clone()).collect();
let active_ssid = b"foo active ssid".to_vec();
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|passive_results| {
assert_eq!(passive_results.clone().sort(), expected_passive_results.clone().sort());
Some(vec![types::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: active_ssid.clone(),
type_: types::SecurityType::Wpa,
// Request a chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Respond to the first (passive) scan request
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: vec![active_ssid.clone()],
channels: vec![],
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, req, ..
}))) => {
assert_eq!(req, expected_scan_request);
// Send failed scan response.
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
ctrl.send_on_error(&mut fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::InternalError,
message: "Failed to scan".to_string()
.expect("failed to send scan error");
// Process scan handler
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready because the scan handler will exit after sending the final
// scan results.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// Check the FIDL result -- this should be an error, since the active scan failed
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let result = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(result, fidl_policy::ScanErrorCode::GeneralError);
// Check both scan consumers got just the passive scan results, since the active scan failed
fn scan_iterator_never_polled() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector1, network_selector_results1) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor1, location_sensor_results1) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (network_selector2, network_selector_results2) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor2, location_sensor_results2) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Issue request to scan.
let (_iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Progress scan side forward without ever calling getNext() on the scan result iterator
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data and send it via the SME
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: input_aps,
passive_internal_aps: internal_aps,
passive_fidl_aps: fidl_aps,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Progress scan side forward without progressing the scan result iterator
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Issue a second request to scan, to make sure that everything is still
// moving along even though the first scan result iterator was never progressed.
let (iter2, iter_server2) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut2 = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Progress scan side forward
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut2), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data and send it via the SME
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Request the results on the second iterator
let mut output_iter_fut2 = iter2.get_next();
// Progress scan side forward
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut2), Poll::Pending);
// Ensure results are present on the iterator
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut2), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, fidl_aps);
// Check all successful scan consumers got results
fn scan_iterator_shut_down() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Create mock scan data and send it via the SME
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: input_aps,
passive_internal_aps: internal_aps,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Close the channel
// Process scan handler
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready because the scan handler will exit since all the consumers are done
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// Check both successful scan consumers got results
fn scan_error() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Request a chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back an error
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send failed scan response.
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
ctrl.send_on_error(&mut fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::InternalError,
message: "Failed to scan".to_string()
.expect("failed to send scan error");
// Process SME result.
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready, since the scan handler will quit after sending the error
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// the iterator should have an error on it
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results");
assert_eq!(results, Err(fidl_policy::ScanErrorCode::GeneralError));
// Check both successful scan consumers have no results
assert_eq!(*exec.run_singlethreaded(network_selector_results.lock()), None);
assert_eq!(*exec.run_singlethreaded(location_sensor_results.lock()), None);
fn overlapping_scans() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_iface_manager());
let (network_selector1, network_selector_results1) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor1, location_sensor_results1) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (network_selector2, network_selector_results2) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor2, location_sensor_results2) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
let MockScanData {
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Create two sets of endpoints
let (iter0, iter_server0) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let (iter1, iter_server1) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
// Issue request to scan on both iterator.
let scan_fut0 = perform_scan(
|_| None,
let active_ssid = b"foo active ssid".to_vec();
let expected_passive_results: Vec<types::Ssid> =
passive_internal_aps.iter().map(|result| result.ssid.clone()).collect();
let scan_fut1 = perform_scan(
|passive_results| {
assert_eq!(passive_results.clone().sort(), expected_passive_results.clone().sort());
Some(vec![types::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: active_ssid.clone(),
type_: types::SecurityType::Wpa3,
// Request a chunk of scan results on both iterators. Progress until waiting on
// response from server side of the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut0 = iter0.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut0), Poll::Pending);
let mut output_iter_fut1 = iter1.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut1), Poll::Pending);
// Progress first scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut0), Poll::Pending);
// Check that a scan request was sent to the sme and send back results
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan {
txn, ..
}))) => {
// Send the first AP
let (_stream, ctrl) = txn
.into_stream_and_control_handle().expect("error accessing control handle");
let mut aps = [passive_input_aps[0].clone()];
ctrl.send_on_result(&mut aps.iter_mut())
.expect("failed to send scan data");
// Process SME result.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut0), Poll::Pending);
// The iterator should not have any data yet, until the sme is done
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut0), Poll::Pending);
// Progress second scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut1), Poll::Pending);
// Check that the second scan request was sent to the sme and send back results
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
validate_sme_scan_request_and_send_results(&mut exec, &mut sme_stream, &expected_scan_request, passive_input_aps.clone()); // for output_iter_fut1
// Process SME result.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut1), Poll::Pending);
// The second request should now result in an active scan
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
channels: vec![],
ssids: vec![active_ssid.clone()],
validate_sme_scan_request_and_send_results(&mut exec, &mut sme_stream, &expected_scan_request, active_input_aps.clone()); // for output_iter_fut1
// Process SME result.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut1), Poll::Pending);// The second iterator should have all its data
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut1), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.len(), combined_fidl_aps.len());
assert_eq!(results, combined_fidl_aps);
// Send the remaining APs for the first iterator
let mut aps = passive_input_aps[1..].iter().map(|a| a.clone()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
ctrl.send_on_result(&mut aps.iter_mut())
.expect("failed to send scan data");
// Process SME result.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut0), Poll::Pending);
// Send the end of data
.expect("failed to send scan data");
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut0), Poll::Pending);
// The first iterator should have all its data
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut0), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.len(), passive_fidl_aps.len());
assert_eq!(results, passive_fidl_aps);
// Check both successful scan consumers got results
#[fuchsia::test(add_test_attr = false)]
fn perform_scan_wpa3_supported(wpa3_capable: bool) {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (network_selector, network_selector_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let (location_sensor, location_sensor_results) = MockScanResultConsumer::new();
let saved_networks_manager = create_saved_networks_manager(&mut exec);
// Create a FakeIfaceManager that returns has_wpa3_iface() based on test value
let (sme_proxy, remote) =
create_proxy::<fidl_sme::ClientSmeMarker>().expect("error creating proxy");
let mut sme_stream = remote.into_stream().expect("failed to create stream");
let client = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FakeIfaceManager { sme_proxy, wpa3_capable }));
// Issue request to scan.
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let scan_fut = perform_scan(
|_| None,
// Request a chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Generate scan results
let ssid = b"some_ssid".to_vec();
let bss_info = fidl_sme::BssInfo {
ssid: ssid.clone(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal,
compatible: true,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 8,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
let scan_result_aps = vec![bss_info.clone()];
let _type_ =
if wpa3_capable { types::SecurityType::Wpa3 } else { types::SecurityType::Wpa2 };
let expected_scan_results = vec![fidl_policy::ScanResult {
id: Some(fidl_policy::NetworkIdentifier {
ssid: ssid.clone(),
// Note: for now, we must always present WPA2/3 networks as WPA2 over our external
// interfaces (i.e. to FIDL consumers of scan results). See b/182209070 for more
// information.
// TODO(b/182569380): change this back to a variable `type_` based on WPA3 support.
type_: types::SecurityType::Wpa2,
entries: Some(vec![fidl_policy::Bss {
bssid: Some(bss_info.bssid),
rssi: Some(bss_info.rssi_dbm),
// For now frequency and timestamp are set to 0 when converting types.
frequency: Some(CENTER_FREQ_CHAN_8),
timestamp_nanos: Some(0),
compatibility: Some(types::Compatibility::Supported),
let expected_internal_scans = vec![types::ScanResult {
ssid: ssid.clone(),
security_type_detailed: types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa2Wpa3Personal,
compatibility: fidl_policy::Compatibility::Supported,
entries: vec![types::Bss {
bssid: bss_info.bssid.clone(),
rssi: bss_info.rssi_dbm,
snr_db: bss_info.snr_db,
timestamp_nanos: 0,
observed_in_passive_scan: true,
compatible: bss_info.compatible,
bss_desc: bss_info.bss_desc,
// Create mock scan data and send it via the SME
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Process response from SME
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, expected_scan_results);
// Request the next chunk of scan results. Progress until waiting on response from server side of
// the iterator.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
// Process scan handler
// Note: this will be Poll::Ready because the scan handler will exit after sending the final
// scan results.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(()));
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, vec![]);
// Check both successful scan consumers got results
// TODO( Separate test case for "empty final vector not consumed" vs "partial ap list"
// consumed.
fn partial_scan_result_consumption_has_no_error() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: _,
passive_internal_aps: _,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Create an iterator and send scan results
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &combined_fidl_aps);
// Request a chunk of scan results.
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
// Send first chunk of scan results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Make sure the first chunk of results were delivered
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, combined_fidl_aps);
// Close the channel without getting remaining results
// Note: as of the writing of this test, the "remaining results" are just the final message
// with an empty vector of networks that signify the end of results. That final empty vector
// is still considered part of the results, so this test successfully exercises the
// "partial results read" path.
// This should not result in error, since some results were consumed
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Ready(Ok(())));
fn no_scan_result_consumption_has_error() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: _,
passive_internal_aps: _,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
// Create an iterator and send scan results
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &combined_fidl_aps);
// Close the channel without getting results
// This should result in error, since no results were consumed
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Ready(Err(_)));
fn directed_active_scan_filters_desired_network() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (sme_proxy, mut sme_stream) = exec.run_singlethreaded(create_sme_proxy());
// Issue request to scan.
let desired_ssid = "test_ssid".as_bytes().to_vec();
let desired_channels = vec![1, 36];
let scan_fut =
perform_directed_active_scan(&sme_proxy, &desired_ssid, Some(desired_channels.clone()));
// Generate scan results
let scan_result_aps = vec![
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
ssid: desired_ssid.clone(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa3Enterprise,
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
ssid: desired_ssid.clone(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal,
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
ssid: desired_ssid.clone(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal,
fidl_sme::BssInfo {
ssid: "other ssid".as_bytes().to_vec(),
protection: fidl_sme::Protection::Wpa2Personal,
// Progress scan handler forward so that it will respond to the iterator get next request.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Pending);
// Respond to the scan request
let expected_scan_request = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Active(fidl_sme::ActiveScanRequest {
ssids: vec![desired_ssid.clone()],
channels: desired_channels,
&mut exec,
&mut sme_stream,
// Check for results
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut scan_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let mut result = result.unwrap();
// Two networks with the desired SSID are present
assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
result.sort_by_key(|r| r.security_type_detailed.clone());
// One network is WPA2WPA3
assert_eq!(result[0].ssid, desired_ssid.clone());
assert_eq!(result[0].security_type_detailed, types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa2Wpa3Personal);
// Two BSSs for this network
assert_eq!(result[0].entries.len(), 2);
// Other network is WPA3
assert_eq!(result[1].ssid, desired_ssid.clone());
assert_eq!(result[1].security_type_detailed, types::SecurityTypeDetailed::Wpa3Enterprise);
// One BSS for this network
assert_eq!(result[1].entries.len(), 1);
// TODO( Ignore this test until the location sensor module exists.
fn scan_observer_sends_to_location_sensor() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let mut location_sensor_updater = LocationSensorUpdater { wpa3_supported: true };
let MockScanData {
passive_input_aps: _,
passive_internal_aps: internal_aps,
passive_fidl_aps: _,
active_input_aps: _,
combined_internal_aps: _,
combined_fidl_aps: _,
} = create_scan_ap_data();
let fut = location_sensor_updater.update_scan_results(&internal_aps);
panic!("Need to reach into location sensor and check it got data")
fn create_saved_networks_manager(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
) -> Arc<dyn SavedNetworksManagerApi> {
let saved_networks_manager = exec
.expect("failed to create saved networks manager");
fn sme_protection_converts_to_policy_security() {
use {super::fidl_sme::Protection, super::types::SecurityType};
let wpa3_supported = true;
let wpa3_not_supported = false;
let test_pairs = vec![
// Below are pairs when WPA3 is supported.
(Protection::Wpa3Enterprise, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa3)),
(Protection::Wpa3Personal, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa3)),
(Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa3)),
(Protection::Wpa2Enterprise, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2Personal, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1Wpa2Personal, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa)),
(Protection::Wep, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wep)),
(Protection::Open, wpa3_supported, Some(SecurityType::None)),
(Protection::Unknown, wpa3_supported, None),
// Below are pairs when WPA3 is not supported.
(Protection::Wpa3Enterprise, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa3Personal, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2Enterprise, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2Personal, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1Wpa2Personal, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa2)),
(Protection::Wpa1, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wpa)),
(Protection::Wep, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::Wep)),
(Protection::Open, wpa3_not_supported, Some(SecurityType::None)),
(Protection::Unknown, wpa3_not_supported, None),
for (input, wpa3_capable, output) in test_pairs {
assert_eq!(fidl_security_from_sme_protection(input, wpa3_capable), output);
fn scan_result_generate_from_size() {
let scan_results = create_fidl_scan_results_from_size(vec![112; 4]);
assert_eq!(scan_results.len(), 4);
assert!(scan_results.iter().all(|scan_result| measure(scan_result).num_bytes == 112));
fn scan_result_sends_max_message_size() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create and executor");
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
// Create a single scan result at the max allowed size to send in single
// FIDL message.
let fidl_scan_results = create_fidl_scan_results_from_size(vec![
zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &fidl_scan_results);
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Pending);
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, fidl_scan_results);
fn scan_result_exceeding_max_size_throws_error() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create and executor");
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
// Create a single scan result exceeding the max allowed size to send in single
// FIDL message.
let fidl_scan_results = create_fidl_scan_results_from_size(vec![
(zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize
+ 8,
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &fidl_scan_results);
let _ = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Ready(Err(_)));
fn scan_result_sends_single_batch() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create and executor");
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
// Create a set of scan results that does not exceed the the max message
// size, so it should be sent in a single batch.
let fidl_scan_results =
zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize / 4;
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &fidl_scan_results);
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Pending);
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, fidl_scan_results);
fn scan_result_sends_multiple_batches() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create and executor");
let (iter, iter_server) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("failed to create iterator");
// Create a set of scan results that exceed the max FIDL message size, so
// they should be split into batches.
let fidl_scan_results =
zx::sys::ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES as usize / 8;
let send_fut = send_scan_results_over_fidl(iter_server, &fidl_scan_results);
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Pending);
let mut aggregate_results = vec![];
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.len(), 7);
let mut output_iter_fut = iter.get_next();
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut), Poll::Pending);
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut output_iter_fut), Poll::Ready(result) => {
let results = result.expect("Failed to get next scan results").unwrap();
assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(aggregate_results, fidl_scan_results);