blob: 468413cba3817a5d332f664fc4b71f3b63f28af2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iterator>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/reader.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/block.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/scanner.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/snapshot.h>
namespace inspect {
namespace internal {
// A ParsedNode contains parsed information for a node.
// It is built iteratively as children and values are discovered.
// A ParsedNode is valid only if it has been initialized with a name and
// parent index (which happens when its OBJECT_VALUE block is read).
// A ParsedNode is "complete" when the number of children in the parsed
// hierarchy matches an expected count. At this point the Hierarchy may be
// removed and the ParsedNode discarded.
struct ParsedNode {
// The node hierarchy being parsed out of the buffer.
// Propertys and properties are parsed into here as they are read.
Hierarchy hierarchy;
// The number of children expected for this node.
// The node is considered "complete" once the number of children in the
// hierarchy matches this count.
size_t children_count = 0;
// The index of the parent, only valid if this node is initialized.
BlockIndex parent;
// Initializes the stored node with the given name and parent.
void InitializeNode(std::string name, BlockIndex parent) {
hierarchy.node().name() = std::move(name);
this->parent = parent;
initialized_ = true;
explicit operator bool() { return initialized_; }
bool is_complete() { return hierarchy.children().size() == children_count; }
bool initialized_ = false;
// The |Reader| supports reading the contents of a |Snapshot|.
// This class constructs a hierarchy of nodes contained in the snapshot
// if the snapshot is valid.
class Reader {
Reader(Snapshot snapshot) : snapshot_(std::move(snapshot)) {}
// Read the contents of the snapshot and return the root node.
fit::result<Hierarchy> Read();
// Gets a pointer to the ParsedNode for the given index. A new ParsedObject
// is created if one did not exist previously for the index.
ParsedNode* GetOrCreate(BlockIndex index);
void InnerScanBlocks();
// Initialize an Object for the given BlockIndex.
void InnerCreateObject(BlockIndex index, const Block* block);
// Parse a numeric property block and attach it to the given parent.
void InnerParseNumericProperty(ParsedNode* parent, const Block* block);
// Parse a property block and attach it to the given parent.
void InnerParseProperty(ParsedNode* parent, const Block* block);
// Helper to interpret the given block as a NAME block and return a
// copy of the name contents.
std::string GetAndValidateName(BlockIndex index);
// Contents of the read VMO.
Snapshot snapshot_;
// Map of block index to the parsed node being constructed for that address.
std::unordered_map<BlockIndex, ParsedNode> parsed_nodes_;
std::string Reader::GetAndValidateName(BlockIndex index) {
const Block* block = snapshot_.GetBlock(index);
if (!block) {
return nullptr;
size_t size = OrderToSize(GetOrder(block));
auto len = NameBlockFields::Length::Get<size_t>(block->header);
if (len > size) {
return nullptr;
return std::string(block->, len);
void Reader::InnerScanBlocks() {
ScanBlocks(, snapshot_.size(), [this](BlockIndex index, const Block* block) {
BlockType type = GetType(block);
if (index == 0) {
if (type != BlockType::kHeader) {
} else if (type == BlockType::kNodeValue) {
// This block defines an Object, use the value to fill out the name of
// the ParsedNode.
InnerCreateObject(index, block);
} else if (type == BlockType::kIntValue || type == BlockType::kUintValue ||
type == BlockType::kDoubleValue || type == BlockType::kArrayValue) {
// This block defines a numeric property for an Object, parse the
// property into the properties field of the ParsedNode.
auto parent_index = ValueBlockFields::ParentIndex::Get<BlockIndex>(block->header);
InnerParseNumericProperty(GetOrCreate(parent_index), block);
} else if (type == BlockType::kPropertyValue) {
// This block defines a property for an Object, parse the property
// into the properties field of the ParsedNode.
auto parent_index = ValueBlockFields::ParentIndex::Get<BlockIndex>(block->header);
InnerParseProperty(GetOrCreate(parent_index), block);
fit::result<Hierarchy> Reader::Read() {
if (!snapshot_) {
// Snapshot is invalid, return an error.
return fit::error();
// Scan blocks into the parsed_node map. This creates ParsedNodes with
// properties and an accurate count of the number of expected
// children. ParsedNodes with a valid OBJECT_VALUE block are initialized
// with a name and parent index.
// Stack of completed nodes to process. Entries consist of the completed
// Hierarchy and the block index of their parent.
std::stack<std::pair<Hierarchy, BlockIndex>> complete_nodes;
// Iterate over the map of parsed nodes and find those nodes that are
// already "complete." These nodes are moved to the complete_nodes map for
// bottom-up processing.
auto it = parsed_nodes_.begin();
while (it != parsed_nodes_.end()) {
if (!it->second) {
// The node is not valid, ignore.
it = parsed_nodes_.erase(it);
if (it->second.is_complete()) {
// The node is valid and complete, push it onto the stack.
complete_nodes.push(std::make_pair(std::move(it->second.hierarchy), it->second.parent));
it = parsed_nodes_.erase(it);
// Construct a valid hierarchy from the bottom up by attaching completed
// nodes to their parent node. Once a parent becomes complete, add it to
// the stack to recursively bubble the completed children towards the root.
while (!complete_nodes.empty()) {
auto obj = std::move(;
if (obj.second == 0) {
// We stop once we find a complete node with parent 0. This is assumed
// to be the root, so we return it.
// TODO(crjohns): Deal with the case of multiple roots, if we decide to
// support it.
return fit::ok(std::move(obj.first));
// Get the parent node, which was created during block scanning.
auto it = parsed_nodes_.find(obj.second);
ZX_ASSERT(it != parsed_nodes_.end());
auto* parent = &it->second;
if (parent->is_complete()) {
// The parent node is now complete, push it onto the stack.
complete_nodes.push(std::make_pair(std::move(parent->hierarchy), parent->parent));
// We processed all completed nodes but could not find a complete root,
// return an error.
return fit::error();
ParsedNode* Reader::GetOrCreate(BlockIndex index) {
return &parsed_nodes_.emplace(index, ParsedNode()).first->second;
ArrayDisplayFormat ArrayBlockFormatToDisplay(ArrayBlockFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case ArrayBlockFormat::kLinearHistogram:
return ArrayDisplayFormat::LINEAR_HISTOGRAM;
case ArrayBlockFormat::kExponentialHistogram:
return ArrayDisplayFormat::EXPONENTIAL_HISTOGRAM;
return ArrayDisplayFormat::FLAT;
void Reader::InnerParseNumericProperty(ParsedNode* parent, const Block* block) {
auto name = GetAndValidateName(ValueBlockFields::NameIndex::Get<size_t>(block->header));
if (name.empty()) {
auto& parent_props = parent->hierarchy.node().properties();
BlockType type = GetType(block);
switch (type) {
case BlockType::kIntValue:
PropertyValue(std::move(name), IntPropertyValue(block->payload.i64)));
case BlockType::kUintValue:
PropertyValue(std::move(name), UintPropertyValue(block->payload.u64)));
case BlockType::kDoubleValue:
PropertyValue(std::move(name), DoublePropertyValue(block->payload.f64)));
case BlockType::kArrayValue: {
auto entry_type = ArrayBlockPayload::EntryType::Get<BlockType>(block->payload.u64);
auto count = ArrayBlockPayload::Count::Get<uint8_t>(block->payload.u64);
if (GetArraySlot<const int64_t>(block, count - 1) == nullptr) {
// Block does not store the entire array.
auto array_format = ArrayBlockFormatToDisplay(
if (entry_type == BlockType::kIntValue) {
std::vector<int64_t> values;
std::copy(GetArraySlot<const int64_t>(block, 0), GetArraySlot<const int64_t>(block, count),
PropertyValue(std::move(name), IntArrayValue(std::move(values), array_format)));
} else if (entry_type == BlockType::kUintValue) {
std::vector<uint64_t> values;
std::copy(GetArraySlot<const uint64_t>(block, 0),
GetArraySlot<const uint64_t>(block, count), std::back_inserter(values));
PropertyValue(std::move(name), UintArrayValue(std::move(values), array_format)));
} else if (entry_type == BlockType::kDoubleValue) {
std::vector<double> values;
std::copy(GetArraySlot<const double>(block, 0), GetArraySlot<const double>(block, count),
PropertyValue(std::move(name), DoubleArrayValue(std::move(values), array_format)));
void Reader::InnerParseProperty(ParsedNode* parent, const Block* block) {
auto name = GetAndValidateName(ValueBlockFields::NameIndex::Get<size_t>(block->header));
if (name.empty()) {
size_t remaining_length = PropertyBlockPayload::TotalLength::Get<size_t>(block->payload.u64);
const size_t total_length = remaining_length;
size_t current_offset = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(total_length);
BlockIndex cur_extent = PropertyBlockPayload::ExtentIndex::Get<BlockIndex>(block->payload.u64);
auto* extent = snapshot_.GetBlock(cur_extent);
while (remaining_length > 0) {
if (!extent || GetType(extent) != BlockType::kExtent) {
size_t len = std::min(remaining_length, PayloadCapacity(GetOrder(extent)));
memcpy(&buf[current_offset], extent->, len);
remaining_length -= len;
current_offset += len;
extent =
auto& parent_properties = parent->hierarchy.node().properties();
if (PropertyBlockPayload::Flags::Get<uint8_t>(block->payload.u64) &
static_cast<uint8_t>(inspect::PropertyBlockFormat::kBinary)) {
inspect::PropertyValue(std::move(name), inspect::ByteVectorPropertyValue(buf)));
} else {
std::move(name), inspect::StringPropertyValue(std::string(buf.begin(), buf.end()))));
void Reader::InnerCreateObject(BlockIndex index, const Block* block) {
auto name = GetAndValidateName(ValueBlockFields::NameIndex::Get<BlockIndex>(block->header));
if (name.empty()) {
auto* parsed_node = GetOrCreate(index);
auto parent_index = ValueBlockFields::ParentIndex::Get<BlockIndex>(block->header);
parsed_node->InitializeNode(std::move(name), parent_index);
if (parent_index && parent_index != index) {
// Only link to a parent if the parent can be valid (not index 0).
auto* parent = GetOrCreate(parent_index);
parent->children_count += 1;
} // namespace internal
fit::result<Hierarchy> ReadFromSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) {
internal::Reader reader(std::move(snapshot));
return reader.Read();
fit::result<Hierarchy> ReadFromVmo(const zx::vmo& vmo) {
inspect::Snapshot snapshot;
if (inspect::Snapshot::Create(std::move(vmo), &snapshot) != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error();
return ReadFromSnapshot(std::move(snapshot));
fit::result<Hierarchy> ReadFromBuffer(std::vector<uint8_t> buffer) {
inspect::Snapshot snapshot;
if (inspect::Snapshot::Create(std::move(buffer), &snapshot) != ZX_OK) {
// TODO(CF-865): Best-effort read of invalid snapshots.
return fit::error();
return ReadFromSnapshot(std::move(snapshot));
} // namespace inspect