blob: 3f2db102642e9d2fe4fe2b68a7a697d5a1f50139 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE
#include <dev/pci/designware/dw-pcie.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include "dw-pcie-hw.h"
namespace {
const uint64_t kMask32 = 0xffffffff;
inline uint32_t lo32(const uint64_t v) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(v & kMask32); }
inline uint32_t hi32(const uint64_t v) { return static_cast<uint32_t>((v >> 32)); }
} // namespace
namespace pcie {
namespace designware {
bool DwPcie::IsLinkUp() {
auto phyDebugR1 = PortLogic::DebugR1::Get().ReadFrom(&dbi_);
const bool isLinkUp = phyDebugR1.link_up();
const bool isLinkTraining = phyDebugR1.link_in_training();
return isLinkUp && !isLinkTraining;
uint32_t DwPcie::ReadRC(const uint32_t offset) { return dbi_.Read32(offset); }
void DwPcie::WriteRC(const uint32_t offset, const uint32_t val) {
return dbi_.Write32(val, offset);
* Program a region into the outbound ATU
* The ATU supports 16 regions that can be programmed independently.
* pcie, PCIe Device Struct
* index, Which iATU region are we programming?
* type, Type of PCIe txn being generated on the PCIe bus
* cpu_addr, Physical source address to translate in the CPU's address space
* pci_addr, Destination Address in the PCIe address space
* size Size of the aperature that we're translating.
zx_status_t DwPcie::ProgramOutboundAtu(const uint32_t index, const uint32_t type,
const zx_paddr_t cpu_addr, const uintptr_t pci_addr,
const size_t size) {
// The ATU supports a limited number of regions.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(index < kAtuRegionCount);
// Each ATU region has its own bank of registers at this offset from the
// DBI base
const size_t bank_offset = (0x3 << 20) | (index << 9);
volatile uint8_t* atu_base = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t*>(dbi_.get()) + bank_offset;
volatile atu_ctrl_regs_t* regs = reinterpret_cast<volatile atu_ctrl_regs_t*>(atu_base);
// Memory transactions that are in the following range will get translated
// to PCI bus transactions:
// [cpu_addr, cpu_addr + size - 1]
regs->unroll_lower_base = lo32(cpu_addr);
regs->unroll_upper_base = hi32(cpu_addr);
regs->unroll_limit = lo32(cpu_addr + size - 1);
// Target of the transactions above.
regs->unroll_lower_target = lo32(pci_addr);
regs->unroll_upper_target = hi32(pci_addr);
// Region Ctrl 1 contains a number of fields. The Low 5 bits of the field
// indicate the type of transaction to dispatch onto the PCIe bus.
regs->region_ctrl1 = type;
// Each region can individually be marked as Enabled or Disabled.
regs->region_ctrl2 |= kAtuRegionCtrlEnable;
regs->region_ctrl2 |= kAtuCfgShiftMode;
// Wait for the enable to take effect.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kAtuProgramRetries; ++i) {
if (regs->region_ctrl2 & kAtuRegionCtrlEnable) {
return ZX_OK;
// Wait a little bit before trying again.
void DwPcie::LinkSpeedChange() { dbi_.SetBits32(G2_CTRL_DIRECT_SPEED_CHANGE, GEN2_CTRL_OFF); }
zx_status_t DwPcie::SetupRootComplex(const iatu_translation_entry_t* cfg,
const iatu_translation_entry_t* io,
const iatu_translation_entry_t* mem) {
uint32_t portLinkMode = 0;
const uint32_t g2ctrlNoOfLanes = G2_CTRL_NO_OF_LANES(nLanes_);
switch (nLanes_) {
case 1:
portLinkMode = PLC_LINK_CAPABLE_X1;
case 2:
portLinkMode = PLC_LINK_CAPABLE_X2;
case 4:
portLinkMode = PLC_LINK_CAPABLE_X4;
case 8:
portLinkMode = PLC_LINK_CAPABLE_X8;
uint32_t val;
val |= portLinkMode;
val = ReadRC(GEN2_CTRL_OFF);
val |= g2ctrlNoOfLanes;
WriteRC(GEN2_CTRL_OFF, g2ctrlNoOfLanes);
WriteRC(PCI_TYPE1_BAR0, 0x4);
WriteRC(PCI_TYPE1_BAR1, 0x0);
uint32_t idx = 0;
if (cfg) {
ProgramOutboundAtu(idx, PCIE_TLP_TYPE_CFG0, cfg->cpu_addr, cfg->pci_addr, cfg->length);
if (io) {
ProgramOutboundAtu(idx, PCIE_TLP_TYPE_IO_RW, cfg->cpu_addr, cfg->pci_addr, cfg->length);
if (mem) {
ProgramOutboundAtu(idx, PCIE_TLP_TYPE_MEM_RW, cfg->cpu_addr, cfg->pci_addr, cfg->length);
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace designware
} // namespace pcie