blob: 524e8b196d863e0d7216a222f2f93a6a4a3fe0f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddk/platform-defs.h>
#include <hw/reg.h>
#include <soc/hi3660/hi3660-hw.h>
#include <soc/hi3660/hi3660-pinmux.h>
#include <soc/hi3660/hi3660-regs.h>
#include "hikey960.h"
#define I2C1_ENABLE_REG_OFFSET 0x10
#define I2C1_ENABLE_REG_BIT 0x4
#define MMIO_IOCFG_PMX9_OFFSET 0x800
zx_status_t hikey960_i2c1_init(hikey960_t* hikey) {
volatile void* iomcu = hikey->iomcu.vaddr + I2C1_ENABLE_REG_OFFSET;
uint32_t temp;
temp = readl(iomcu + CLKGATE_SEPARATED_ENABLE);
temp |= (1 << I2C1_ENABLE_REG_BIT);
writel(temp, iomcu + CLKGATE_SEPARATED_ENABLE);
readl(iomcu + CLKGATE_SEPARATED_STATUS); // need to read back status to ensure enable occurs
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t hikey960_i2c_pinmux(hikey960_t* hikey) {
// setup i2c0 and i2c1 pin control first
volatile void* iomg_pmx4 = hikey->iomg_pmx4.vaddr;
volatile void* iocfg_pmx9 = iomg_pmx4 + MMIO_IOCFG_PMX9_OFFSET;
writel(MUX_M1, iomg_pmx4 + I2C0_SCL_MUX_OFFSET); // I2C0_SCL
writel(MUX_M1, iomg_pmx4 + I2C0_SDA_MUX_OFFSET); // I2C0_SDA
writel(MUX_M1, iomg_pmx4 + I2C1_SCL_MUX_OFFSET); // I2C1_SCL
writel(MUX_M1, iomg_pmx4 + I2C1_SDA_MUX_OFFSET); // I2C1_SDA
// configure the pins (pu/pd, drive strength)
writel(DRIVE7_02MA | PULL_UP, iocfg_pmx9 + I2C0_SCL_CFG_OFFSET);
writel(DRIVE7_02MA | PULL_UP, iocfg_pmx9 + I2C0_SDA_CFG_OFFSET);
writel(DRIVE7_02MA | PULL_UP, iocfg_pmx9 + I2C1_SCL_CFG_OFFSET);
writel(DRIVE7_02MA | PULL_UP, iocfg_pmx9 + I2C1_SDA_CFG_OFFSET);
return ZX_OK;
static const pbus_mmio_t i2c_mmios[] = {
.base = MMIO_I2C0_BASE,
.length = MMIO_I2C0_LENGTH,
.base = MMIO_I2C1_BASE,
.length = MMIO_I2C1_LENGTH,
.base = MMIO_I2C2_BASE,
.length = MMIO_I2C2_LENGTH,
static const pbus_irq_t i2c_irqs[] = {
.irq = IRQ_IOMCU_I2C0,
.irq = IRQ_IOMCU_I2C1,
.irq = IRQ_IOMCU_I2C2,
static const pbus_dev_t i2c_dev = {
.name = "i2c",
.did = PDEV_DID_DW_I2C,
.mmio_list = i2c_mmios,
.mmio_count = countof(i2c_mmios),
.irq_list = i2c_irqs,
.irq_count = countof(i2c_irqs),
zx_status_t hikey960_i2c_init(hikey960_t* bus) {
zx_status_t status = pbus_device_add(&bus->pbus, &i2c_dev);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "hikey960_i2c_init: pbus_device_add failed: %d\n", status);
return status;
return ZX_OK;