blob: 12f5bbbec1058b96af107470d860fc2707216bdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_function.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/constants.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/gain.h"
namespace media::audio {
struct Bookkeeping;
class Mixer {
static constexpr uint32_t FRAC_ONE = 1u << kPtsFractionalBits;
static constexpr uint32_t FRAC_MASK = FRAC_ONE - 1u;
virtual ~Mixer();
// Resampler enum
// This enum lists Fuchsia's available resamplers. Callers of Mixer::Select
// optionally use this enum to specify a resampler type. Default allows an
// algorithm to select a resampler based on the ratio of incoming and outgoing
// rates, using Linear for all except "Integer-to-One" resampling ratios.
enum class Resampler {
Default = 0,
// Select
// Select an appropriate mixer instance, based on an optionally-specified
// resampler type, or else by the properties of source/destination formats.
// When calling Mixer::Select, resampler_type is optional. If caller specifies
// a particular resampler, Mixer::Select will either instantiate exactly what
// was requested, or return nullptr -- even if otherwise it could successfully
// instantiate a different one. Setting this param to non-Default says "I know
// exactly what I need: I want you to fail rather than give me anything else."
// If resampler_type is absent or indicates Default, the resampler type is
// determined by algorithm (as has been the case before this CL).
// For optimum system performance across changing conditions, callers should
// take care when directly specifying a resampler type, if they do so at all.
// The default should be allowed whenever possible.
static std::unique_ptr<Mixer> Select(
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& src_format,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& dest_format,
Resampler resampler_type = Resampler::Default);
// Mix
// Perform a mixing operation from source buffer into destination buffer.
// @param dest
// The pointer to the destination buffer, into which frames will be mixed.
// @param dest_frames
// The total number of frames of audio which comprise the destination buffer.
// @param dest_offset
// The pointer to the offset (in output frames) from start of dest buffer, at
// which we should mix destination frames. Essentially this tells Mix how many
// 'dest' frames to skip over, when determining where to place the first mixed
// output frame. When Mix has finished, dest_offset is updated to indicate the
// destination buffer offset of the next frame to be mixed.
// @param src
// Pointer to source buffer, containing frames to be mixed to the dest buffer.
// @param frac_src_frames
// Total number (in 19.13 fixed) of incoming subframes in the source buffer.
// @param frac_src_offset
// A pointer to the offset (in fractional input frames) from start of src
// buffer, at which the first input frame should be sampled. When Mix has
// finished, frac_src_offset will be updated to indicate the offset of the
// sampling position of the next frame to be sampled.
// @param accumulate
// When true, Mix will accumulate into the destination buffer (sum the mix
// results with existing values in the dest buffer). When false, Mix will
// overwrite any existing destination buffer values with its mix output.
// @param info
// The Bookkeeping struct (documented above) contains initial and ongoing
// details about how this source relates to this destination, specifically in
// the areas of timing/clocking and gain scaling.
// @return True if the mixer is finished with this source data and will not
// need it in the future. False if the mixer has not consumed the entire
// source buffer and will need more of it in the future.
// TODO(mpuryear): Change parameter frac_src_frames to src_frames (change
// subframes to int frames), as this was never intended to be fractional.
virtual bool Mix(float* dest, uint32_t dest_frames, uint32_t* dest_offset,
const void* src, uint32_t frac_src_frames,
int32_t* frac_src_offset, bool accumulate,
Bookkeeping* info) = 0;
// Reset
// Reset the internal state of the mixer. Will be called every time there is
// a discontinuity in the source stream. Mixer implementations should reset
// anything related to their internal filter state. If/when we include the
// Bookkeeping struct into Mixer, this would include clearing src_pos_modulo.
virtual void Reset() {}
// Filter widths
// The positive and negative widths of the filter for this mixer, expressed in
// fractional (19.13 fixed) input subframe units. These widths convey which
// input frames will be referenced by the filter, when producing output for a
// specific instant in time. Positive filter width refers to how far forward
// (positively) the filter looks, from the PTS in question; negative filter
// width refers to how far backward (negatively) the filter looks, from that
// same PTS. Specifically...
// Let:
// P = pos_filter_width()
// N = neg_filter_width()
// S = An arbitrary point in time at which the input stream will be sampled.
// X = The PTS of an input frame.
// If (X >= (S - N)) && (X <= (S + P))
// Then input frame X is within the filter and contributes to mix operation.
// Conversely, input frame X contributes to the output samples S where
// (S >= X - P) and (S <= X + N)
inline uint32_t pos_filter_width() const { return pos_filter_width_; }
inline uint32_t neg_filter_width() const { return neg_filter_width_; }
Mixer(uint32_t pos_filter_width, uint32_t neg_filter_width);
uint32_t pos_filter_width_;
uint32_t neg_filter_width_;
// TODO(mpuryear): integrate Bookkeeping into the Mixer class: MTWN-129.
// TODO(mpuryear): Rationalize naming/usage of Bookkeeping and MixJob structs.
// Bookkeeping
// Maintained by an AudioLink object that connects a source stream to a
// destination mix stream, this struct represents the state of that mix
// operation from the source point-of-view. In a Mix, the relationship between
// sources and destinations is many-to-one, so this struct largely includes
// details about its source stream, and how it relates to the destination.
// When calling Mix(), we communicate resampling details with three parameters
// found in the Bookkeeping. To augment step_size, rate_modulo and denominator
// arguments capture any remaining aspects that are not expressed by the 19.13
// fixed-point step_size. Because frac_src_offset and step_size both use
// the 19.13 format, they exhibit the same precision limitations. These rate
// and position limitations are reiterated upon the start of each mix job.
// Just as we address *rate* with rate_modulo and denominator, likewise for
// *position* Bookkeeping uses src_pos_modulo to track initial and ongoing
// modulo of src subframes. This work is only partially complete; the
// remaining work (e.g., setting src_pos_modulo's initial value to anything
// other than 0) is tracked with MTWN-128.
// With *rate*, the effect of inaccuracy accumulates over time, causing
// measurable distortion that cripples larger mix jobs. For *position*, a
// change in mix job size affects distortion frequency but not distortion
// amplitude. Having added this to Bookkeeping, any residual effect seems to
// be below audible thresholds; for now we are deferring the remaining work.
// Bookkeeping struct members:
// mixer
// This is a pointer to the Mixer object that resamples the input. Currently the
// resampler types include SampleAndHold and LinearInterpolation.
// gain
// This object maintains gain values contained in the mix path. This includes
// source gain and a snapshot of destination gain (Gain objects correspond with
// source streams, so the definitive value for destination gain is naturally
// owned elsewhere). In the future, this object may include explicit Mute
// states for source and dest stages, a separately controlled Category gain
// stage, and/or the ability to ramp one or more of these gains over time.
// Gain accepts level in dB, and provides gainscale as float multiplier.
// step_size
// This 19.13 fixed-point value represents how much to increment our sampling
// position in the input (src) stream, for each output (dest) frame produced.
// rate_modulo
// If step_size cannot perfectly express the mix's resampling ratio, this
// parameter (along with subsequent denominator) expresses leftover precision.
// When non-zero, rate_modulo and denominator express a fractional value of
// step_size unit that src position should advance, for each dest frame.
// denominator
// If step_size cannot perfectly express the mix's resampling ratio, this
// parameter (along with precedent rate_modulo) expresses leftover precision.
// When non-zero, rate_modulo and denominator express a fractional value of
// step_size unit that src position should advance, for each dest frame.
// SnapshotDenominatorFromDestTrans
// This inline function returns a snapshot of the denominator as determined by
// the 'dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames' timeline transform.
// src_pos_modulo
// If src_offset cannot perfectly express the source's position, this
// parameter (along with denominator) expresses any leftover precision. When
// present, src_pos_modulo and denominator express a fractional value of
// src_offset unit that should be used when advancing src position.
// dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames
// This translates a destination frame value into a source subframe value.
// dest_trans_gen_id
// dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames may change over time; this value represents
// the current generation (which version), so any change can be detected.
// clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames
// This translates a CLOCK_MONOTONIC value into a source subframe value.
// source_trans_gen_id
// clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames may change over time; this value represents
// the current generation (which version), so any change can be detected.
struct Bookkeeping {
Bookkeeping() = default;
~Bookkeeping() = default;
std::unique_ptr<Mixer> mixer;
Gain gain;
uint32_t step_size = Mixer::FRAC_ONE;
uint32_t rate_modulo = 0;
uint32_t denominator = 0;
uint32_t SnapshotDenominatorFromDestTrans() const {
return dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate().reference_delta();
uint32_t src_pos_modulo = 0;
// The output values of these functions are in 19.13 input subframes.
// TODO(mpuryear): should TLFunctions also produce a modulo?
TimelineFunction dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames;
uint32_t dest_trans_gen_id = kInvalidGenerationId;
TimelineFunction clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames;
uint32_t source_trans_gen_id = kInvalidGenerationId;
void Reset() {
src_pos_modulo = 0;
// TODO(mpuryear): move this into the Mixer or Gain class, along with the
// other Bookkeeping parameters.
static constexpr uint32_t kScaleArrLen = 960;
std::unique_ptr<Gain::AScale[]> scale_arr =
} // namespace media::audio