blob: 535a6e98a63ba7928c38e0ee8dc2de6ecc078c34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_rate.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/constants.h"
namespace media::audio {
constexpr bool kVerboseGainDebug = false;
constexpr bool kVerboseMuteDebug = false;
constexpr bool kVerboseRampDebug = false;
// A class containing factors used for software scaling in the mixer pipeline.
class Gain {
// Audio gains for AudioRenderers/AudioCapturers and output devices are
// expressed as floating-point values, in decibels. For each signal path, two
// gain values are combined and then stored in the API-to-device link (usually
// AudioRenderer-to-output), as a 32-bit floating-point amplitude multiplier.
// Playback example: source (renderer) gain + dest (device) gain = total gain.
// Capture example: source (device) gain + dest (capturer) gain = total gain.
static constexpr float kMaxGainDb = fuchsia::media::audio::MAX_GAIN_DB;
static constexpr float kUnityGainDb = 0.0f;
static constexpr float kMinGainDb = fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB;
// constructor
: target_src_gain_db_(kUnityGainDb),
frames_ramped_(0) {}
// Amplitude scale factors are expressed as 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point.
using AScale = float;
// Note: multiply-by-.05 equals divide-by-20 -- and is faster on non-optimized
// builds. Note: 0.05 must be double (not float), for the precision we
// require.
static AScale DbToScale(float gain_db) { return pow(10.0f, gain_db * 0.05); }
static float ScaleToDb(AScale scale) { return std::log10(scale) * 20.0f; }
// Higher-precision (but slower) version currently used only by fidelity tests
static double DoubleToDb(double val) { return std::log10(val) * 20.0; }
// Helper constant values in the gain-scale domain.
// kMinScale is the value at which the amplitude scaler is guaranteed to drive
// all sample values to a value of 0 (meaning we waste compute cycles if we
// actually scale anything). We normalize all input formats to the same
// full-scale bounds, so this value is identical for all input types. The
// calculation of this value takes rounding into account.
// kUnityScale is the scale value at which mix inputs are passed bit-for-bit
// through the mixer into the accumulation buffer. This is used during the Mix
// process as an optimization, to avoid unnecessary multiplications.
// kMaxScale is the scale corresponding to the largest allowed gainDb value,
// currently +24.0 decibels. Scales above this value will be clamped to this.
static constexpr AScale kMuteScale = 0.0f;
static constexpr AScale kMinScale = 0.00000001f; // kMinGainDb is -160.0 dB
static constexpr AScale kUnityScale = 1.0f;
static constexpr AScale kMaxScale = 15.8489319f; // kMaxGainDb is +24.0 dB
// TODO(mpuryear): MTWN-70 Clarify/document/test audio::Gain's thread-safety
// The Gain object specifies the volume scaling to be performed for a given
// Mix operation, when mixing a single stream into some combined resultant
// audio stream. Restated, a Mix has one or more Sources, and it combines
// these Sources to get a single stream for that Mix's Destination.
// Correspondingly, Gain objects relate one-to-one with Source streams and
// share a Destination stream with all other Source streams in that mix.
// During playback, the renderer stream is the Source, and the output device
// is the Destination. During capture, the input device is the Source, and the
// capturer stream is the Destination (emitted via API to app clients).
// These SetGain calls set the source's or destination's contribution to a
// link's overall software gain control. For stream gain, we allow values in
// the range [-inf, 24.0]. Callers must guarantee single-threaded semantics
// for each Gain instance. This is guaranteed today because only API-side
// components (not mixer) call this from their execution domain (guaranteeing
// single-threadedness). This value is stored in atomic float -- the Mixer can
// consume it at any time without needing a lock for synchronization.
void SetSourceGain(float gain_db) {;
if constexpr (kVerboseGainDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): SetSourceGain(" << gain_db << ")";
void SetSourceMute(bool muted) {
src_mute_ = muted;
if constexpr (kVerboseMuteDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): SetSourceMute(" << muted << ")";
// Smoothly change the source gain over the specified period of playback time.
void SetSourceGainWithRamp(float gain_db, zx_duration_t duration_ns,
fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type =
void ClearSourceRamp() { source_ramp_duration_ns_ = 0; }
// The atomics for target_src_gain_db and target_dest_gain_db are meant to
// defend a Mix thread's gain READs, against gain WRITEs by another thread in
// response to SetGain calls. For playback, this generally always means writes
// of the SOURCE gain (for capture, generally this means DEST gain changes --
// either way we are talking about changes to the Stream's gain). DEST gain is
// provided to Gain objects, but those objects don't own this setting. Gain
// objects correspond to stream mixes, so they are 1-1 with source gains;
// however, there are many stream mixes for a single destination -- thus many
// gain objects share the same destination (share the same dest gain). So,
// gain objects don't contain the definitive value of any dest gain.
// The DEST gain "written" to a Gain object is just a snapshot of the dest
// gain held by the audio_capturer_impl or output device. We use this snapshot
// when performing the current Mix operation for that particular source.
void SetDestGain(float gain_db) {;
if constexpr (kVerboseGainDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): SetDestGain(" << gain_db << ")";
void SetDestMute(bool muted) {
dest_mute_ = muted;
if constexpr (kVerboseMuteDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): SetDestMute(" << muted << ")";
// Calculate the stream's gain-scale, from cached source and dest values.
AScale GetGainScale() {
return GetGainScale(target_src_gain_db_.load(),
// Retrieve combined amplitude scale for a mix stream, given gain for a mix's
// "destination" (output device, or capturer in API). Only called by a link's
// mixer. For performance, values are cached and recomputed only as needed.
AScale GetGainScale(float dest_gain_db) {
return GetGainScale(target_src_gain_db_.load(), dest_gain_db);
void GetScaleArray(AScale* scale_arr, uint32_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& rate);
// Advance the state of any gain ramp by the specified number of frames.
void Advance(uint32_t num_frames, const TimelineRate& rate);
// Convenience functions to aid in performance optimization.
// NOTE: These methods expect the caller to use SetDestGain, NOT the
// GetGainScale(dest_gain_db) variant -- it doesn't cache dest_gain_db.
bool IsUnity() {
return (target_src_gain_db_.load() == -(target_dest_gain_db_.load())) &&
!src_mute_ && !dest_mute_ && !IsRamping();
bool IsSilent() {
return src_mute_ || dest_mute_ ||
(IsSilentNow() &&
(!IsRamping() || start_src_gain_db_ >= end_src_gain_db_ ||
end_src_gain_db_ <= kMinGainDb));
// Note: a Gain object can be considered "ramping" even if it is Muted.
bool IsRamping() { return (source_ramp_duration_ns_ > 0); }
// Called by the above GetGainScale variants. For performance reasons, this
// implementation caches values and recomputes the result only as needed.
AScale GetGainScale(float src_gain_db, float dest_gain_db);
// Used internally only -- the instananeous gain state
bool IsSilentNow() {
return (target_src_gain_db_.load() <= kMinGainDb) ||
(target_dest_gain_db_.load() <= kMinGainDb) ||
(target_src_gain_db_.load() + target_dest_gain_db_.load() <=
// TODO(mpuryear): at some point, examine whether using a lock provides better
// performance and scalability than using these two atomics.
std::atomic<float> target_src_gain_db_;
std::atomic<float> target_dest_gain_db_;
float current_src_gain_db_ = kUnityGainDb;
bool src_mute_ = false;
float current_dest_gain_db_ = kUnityGainDb;
bool dest_mute_ = false;
AScale combined_gain_scale_ = kUnityScale;
float start_src_scale_ = kUnityScale;
float start_src_gain_db_ = kUnityGainDb;
float end_src_scale_ = kUnityScale;
float end_src_gain_db_ = kUnityGainDb;
zx_duration_t source_ramp_duration_ns_;
uint32_t frames_ramped_;
} // namespace media::audio