blob: 9df3b7f25d9cd88aacfdc34ab6dddc7ac6d1a63c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/gain.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media::audio {
constexpr Gain::AScale Gain::kMinScale;
constexpr Gain::AScale Gain::kUnityScale;
constexpr Gain::AScale Gain::kMaxScale;
constexpr float Gain::kMinGainDb;
constexpr float Gain::kUnityGainDb;
constexpr float Gain::kMaxGainDb;
// TODO(mpuryear): When we add ramping of another gain stage (dest, or a new
// stage), refactor to accept a stage index or a pointer to a ramp-struct.
void Gain::SetSourceGainWithRamp(
float source_gain_db, zx_duration_t duration_ns,
__UNUSED fuchsia::media::audio::RampType ramp_type) {
FXL_DCHECK(source_gain_db <= kMaxGainDb);
FXL_DCHECK(duration_ns >= 0) << "Ramp duration cannot be negative";
source_ramp_duration_ns_ = duration_ns;
float current_src_gain_db = target_src_gain_db_.load();
if (source_gain_db != current_src_gain_db) {
if (duration_ns > 0) {
start_src_gain_db_ = current_src_gain_db;
start_src_scale_ = DbToScale(current_src_gain_db);
end_src_gain_db_ = source_gain_db;
end_src_scale_ = DbToScale(source_gain_db);
} else {
} else {
// Already at the ramp destination: we are done.
if constexpr (kVerboseRampDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Gain(" << this << "): SetSourceGainWithRamp("
<< source_gain_db << " dB, " << duration_ns << " nsec)";
void Gain::Advance(uint32_t num_frames, const TimelineRate& local_to_output) {
if (!IsRamping() || num_frames == 0) {
// If the output device's clock is not running, then it isn't possible to
// convert from output frames to wallclock (local) time.
FXL_CHECK(local_to_output.invertible()) << "Output clock must be running!";
frames_ramped_ += num_frames;
zx_duration_t advance_ns = local_to_output.Inverse().Scale(frames_ramped_);
float src_gain_db;
if (source_ramp_duration_ns_ > advance_ns) {
AScale src_scale =
start_src_scale_ +
(static_cast<double>(end_src_scale_ - start_src_scale_) * advance_ns) /
src_gain_db = ScaleToDb(src_scale);
} else {
frames_ramped_ = 0;
src_gain_db = end_src_gain_db_;
if constexpr (kVerboseRampDebug) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Advanced " << advance_ns << " nsec for " << num_frames
<< " frames. Total frames ramped: " << frames_ramped_ << ".";
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Src_gain is now " << src_gain_db << " dB for this "
<< source_ramp_duration_ns_ << "-nsec ramp to "
<< end_src_gain_db_ << " dB.";
// Populate an array of gain scales. Currently we handle only SCALE_LINEAR ramps
void Gain::GetScaleArray(AScale* scale_arr, uint32_t num_frames,
const TimelineRate& local_to_output) {
if (num_frames == 0) {
FXL_CHECK(scale_arr != nullptr);
AScale scale;
if (src_mute_ || dest_mute_ || !IsRamping()) {
// Gain is flat for this mix job; retrieve gainscale once and set them all.
scale = GetGainScale();
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
scale_arr[idx] = scale;
} else {
// If the output device's clock is not running, then it isn't possible to
// convert from output frames to wallclock (local) time.
FXL_CHECK(local_to_output.invertible()) << "Output clock must be running!";
// Compose the ramp, in pieces
TimelineRate output_to_local = local_to_output.Inverse();
AScale dest_scale = DbToScale(target_dest_gain_db_.load());
AScale start_scale = start_src_scale_ * dest_scale;
AScale end_scale = end_src_scale_ * dest_scale;
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_frames; ++idx) {
zx_duration_t frame_time = output_to_local.Scale(frames_ramped_ + idx);
if (frame_time >= source_ramp_duration_ns_) {
scale_arr[idx] = end_scale;
} else {
scale_arr[idx] =
start_scale +
(static_cast<double>(end_scale - start_scale) * frame_time) /
// Calculate a stream's gain-scale multiplier from source and dest gains in
// dB. Optimize to avoid doing the full calculation unless we must.
Gain::AScale Gain::GetGainScale(float src_gain_db, float dest_gain_db) {
if (src_mute_ || dest_mute_) {
return kMuteScale;
// If nothing changed, return the previously-computed amplitude scale value.
if ((current_src_gain_db_ == src_gain_db) &&
(current_dest_gain_db_ == dest_gain_db)) {
return combined_gain_scale_;
// Update the internal gains, clamping in the process.
// We only clamp these to kMaxGainDb, despite the fact that master (or device)
// gain is limited to a max of 0 dB. This is because the roles played by
// src_gain and dest_gain during playback are reversed during capture (i.e.
// during capture the master/device gain is the src_gain).
current_src_gain_db_ = fbl::clamp(src_gain_db, kMinGainDb, kMaxGainDb);
current_dest_gain_db_ = fbl::clamp(dest_gain_db, kMinGainDb, kMaxGainDb);
// If source and dest gains cancel each other, the combined is kUnityScale.
if (current_dest_gain_db_ == -current_src_gain_db_) {
combined_gain_scale_ = kUnityScale;
} else if ((current_src_gain_db_ <= kMinGainDb) ||
(current_dest_gain_db_ <= kMinGainDb)) {
// If source or dest are at the mute point, then silence the stream.
combined_gain_scale_ = kMuteScale;
} else {
float effective_gain_db = current_src_gain_db_ + current_dest_gain_db_;
// Likewise, silence the stream if the combined gain is at the mute point.
if (effective_gain_db <= kMinGainDb) {
combined_gain_scale_ = kMuteScale;
} else if (effective_gain_db >= kMaxGainDb) {
combined_gain_scale_ = kMaxScale;
} else {
// Else, we do need to compute the combined gain-scale.
combined_gain_scale_ = DbToScale(effective_gain_db);
return combined_gain_scale_;
} // namespace media::audio