blob: 97964a92b0d96a985e3db8a27f8efb2af3789ad2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/media/audio_dfx/cpp/audio_device_fx.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/fx_loader.h"
namespace media::audio {
// FxProcessor represents a chain of active effect instances, attached to a
// specific device instance. It manages creation and sequencing of instances and
// allows callers to make a single Process or Flush call at media runtime.
// Internally, FxProcessor maintains a vector of effect instances. They all
// originate from the same .SO library (hence share a single FxLoader) and run
// at the same frame rate. This class is designed to be used synchronously and
// is not explicitly multi-thread-safe.
class FxProcessor {
FxProcessor(FxLoader* loader, uint32_t frame_rate)
: fx_loader_(loader), frame_rate_(frame_rate) {}
// This maps to the corresponding Create ABI call, inserting it at [position].
fx_token_t CreateFx(uint32_t effect_id, uint16_t channels_in,
uint16_t channels_out, uint8_t position);
// Returns the number of active instances in the enclosed effect chain.
uint16_t GetNumFx();
// Returns the instance at the specified (zero-based) position in the chain.
fx_token_t GetFxAt(uint16_t position);
// Move this instance from its current location in the chain to new_position.
// If the instance moves "leftward", all effects between it and new_position
// (including the one currently at new_position) will move "rightward" by one.
// If instance moves "rightward", all effects between it and new_position
// (including the instance currently at new_position) move "leftward" by one.
// Either way, afterward this instance resides at [new_position] in the chain.
zx_status_t ReorderFx(fx_token_t token, uint8_t new_position);
// This removes instance from the chain and directly calls the DeleteFx ABI.
zx_status_t DeleteFx(fx_token_t fx_token);
// This maps directly to the corresponding ABI call, for each instance.
zx_status_t ProcessInPlace(uint32_t num_frames, float* audio_buff_in_out);
// This maps directly to the corresponding ABI call, for each instance.
zx_status_t Flush();
// Not yet implemented -- these five map directly to corresponding ABI calls.
// zx_status_t GetParameters(fx_token_t token,fuchsia_audio_dfx_parameters*
// params);
// zx_status_t Process(uint32_t num_frames,const float* audio_buff_in,float*
// audio_buff_out);
// zx_status_t GetControlValue(fx_token_t token, uint16_t ctrl_num, float*
// val_out);
// zx_status_t SetControlValue(fx_token_t token, uint16_t ctrl_num, float
// val);
// zx_status_t Reset(fx_token_t token);
// Used internally, this inserts an already-created instance into the chain.
zx_status_t InsertFx(fx_token_t fx_token, uint8_t position);
// Used internally, this removes an already-created instance from the chain.
zx_status_t RemoveFx(fx_token_t fx_token);
::media::audio::FxLoader* fx_loader_;
uint32_t frame_rate_;
std::vector<fx_token_t> fx_chain_;
} // namespace media::audio