blob: 687e0fb680853aa3904bb69f5c2bac45d9de5393 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/images/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/id.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
class FrameTimings;
using FrameTimingsPtr = fxl::RefPtr<FrameTimings>;
using PresentationTime = zx_time_t;
// Interface for performing session updates.
class SessionUpdater {
struct SessionUpdate {
SessionId session_id;
PresentationTime requested_presentation_time;
bool operator>(const SessionUpdate& rhs) const {
return requested_presentation_time > rhs.requested_presentation_time;
struct UpdateResults {
bool needs_render = false;
std::unordered_set<SessionId> sessions_to_reschedule;
virtual ~SessionUpdater() = default;
// Applies all updates scheduled before or at |presentation_time|, for each
// session in |sessions_to_update|. Returns true if any updates were applied,
// false otherwise.
virtual UpdateResults UpdateSessions(
std::unordered_set<SessionId> sessions_to_update,
zx_time_t presentation_time, uint64_t trace_id) = 0;
// Creates a ratchet point for the updater. All present calls that were
// updated before this point will be signaled with the next call to
// SignalSuccessfulPresentCallbacks().
virtual void RatchetPresentCallbacks() = 0;
// Signal that all updates before the last ratchet point have been presented.
// The signaled callbacks are every successful present between the last time
// SignalSuccessfulPresentCallbacks was called and the most recent call to
// RatchetPresentCallbacks().
virtual void SignalSuccessfulPresentCallbacks(
fuchsia::images::PresentationInfo) = 0;
// Interface for rendering frames.
class FrameRenderer {
virtual ~FrameRenderer() = default;
// Called when it's time to render a new frame. The FrameTimings object is
// used to accumulate timing for all swapchains that are used as render
// targets in that frame.
// If RenderFrame() returns true, the delegate is responsible for calling
// FrameTimings::OnFrameRendered/Presented/Dropped(). Otherwise, rendering
// did not occur for some reason, and the FrameScheduler should not expect to
// receive any timing information for that frame.
// TODO(SCN-1089): these return value semantics are not ideal. See comments
// in Engine::RenderFrame() regarding this same issue.
virtual bool RenderFrame(const FrameTimingsPtr& frame_timings,
zx_time_t presentation_time) = 0;
struct FrameSchedulerDelegate {
fxl::WeakPtr<FrameRenderer> frame_renderer;
fxl::WeakPtr<SessionUpdater> session_updater;
// The FrameScheduler is responsible for scheduling frames to be drawn in
// response to requests from clients. When a frame is requested, the
// FrameScheduler will decide at which Vsync the frame should be displayed at.
// This time will be no earlier than the requested time, and will be as close
// as possible to the requested time, subject to various constraints. For
// example, if the requested time is earlier than the time that rendering would
// finish, were it started immediately, then the frame will be scheduled for a
// later Vsync.
class FrameScheduler {
virtual ~FrameScheduler() = default;
virtual void SetDelegate(FrameSchedulerDelegate delegate) = 0;
// If |render_continuously|, we keep scheduling new frames immediately after
// each presented frame, regardless of whether they're explicitly requested
// using RequestFrame().
virtual void SetRenderContinuously(bool render_continuously) = 0;
// Tell the FrameScheduler to schedule a frame. This is also used for
// updates triggered by something other than a Session update i.e. an
// ImagePipe with a new Image to present.
virtual void ScheduleUpdateForSession(zx_time_t presentation_time,
scenic_impl::SessionId session) = 0;
friend class FrameTimings;
// Called when the frame drawn by RenderFrame() has been
// presented to the display.
virtual void OnFramePresented(const FrameTimings& timings) = 0;
// Called when the frame drawn by RenderFrame() has finished rendering.
virtual void OnFrameRendered(const FrameTimings& timings) = 0;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl