blob: cbbb6e840a84b7348a603b4e371a141ac7781e4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/duration_predictor.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
struct PredictedTimes {
// The point at which a client should begin an update and render a frame,
// so that it is done by the |presentation_time|.
zx::time latch_point_time;
// The predicted presentation time. This corresponds to a future VSYNC.
zx::time presentation_time;
struct PredictionRequest {
zx::time now;
// The minimum presentation time a client would like to hit.
zx::time requested_presentation_time;
zx::time last_vsync_time;
zx::duration vsync_interval;
// Predicts viable presentation times and corresponding latch-points for a
// frame, based on previously reported update and render durations.
class FramePredictor {
FramePredictor(zx::duration initial_render_duration_prediction,
zx::duration initial_update_duration_prediction);
~FramePredictor() = default;
// Computes the target presentation time for
// |request.requested_presentation_time|, and a latch-point that is early
// enough to apply one update and render a frame, in order to hit the
// predicted presentation time.
// Both |PredictedTimes.latch_point_time| and |PredictedTimes.presentation_time|
// are guaranteed to be after ||.
// |PredictedTimes.presentation_time| is guaranteed to be later than or equal
// to |request.requested_presentation_time|.
PredictedTimes GetPrediction(PredictionRequest request) const;
// Used by the client to report a measured render duration. The render
// duration is the CPU + GPU time it takes to build and render a frame. This
// will be considered in subsequent calls to |GetPrediction|.
void ReportRenderDuration(zx::duration time_to_render);
// Used by the client to report a measured update duration. The update
// duration is the time it takes to apply a batch of updates. This will be
// considered in subsequent calls to |GetPrediction|.
void ReportUpdateDuration(zx::duration time_to_update);
// Returns the next time to synchronize to.
// |last_sync_time| The last known good sync time.
// |sync_interval| The expected time between syncs.
// |min_sync_time| The minimum time allowed to return.
static zx::time ComputeNextSyncTime(zx::time last_sync_time,
zx::duration sync_interval,
zx::time min_sync_time);
// Returns a prediction for how long in total the next frame will take to
// update and render.
zx::duration PredictTotalRequiredDuration() const;
// Safety margin added to prediction time to reduce impact of noise and
// misprediction. Unfortunately means minimum possible latency is increased
// by the same amount.
const zx::duration kHardcodedMargin = zx::usec(500); // 0.5ms
// Render time prediction.
const size_t kRenderPredictionWindowSize = 3;
DurationPredictor render_duration_predictor_;
// Update time prediction.
const size_t kUpdatePredictionWindowSize = 1;
DurationPredictor update_duration_predictor_;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl