| ### General file patterns |
| *~ |
| .*.sw? |
| .build_lock |
| .clangd |
| .checkstyle |
| .classpath |
| .config |
| .fx-build-dir |
| .cproject |
| .DS_Store |
| .gdb_history |
| .gdbinit |
| .jiri_manifest |
| .landmines |
| .packages |
| .project |
| .pydevproject |
| .ssh |
| .vscode |
| *.iml |
| *.orig |
| *.pyc |
| *.sublime-project |
| *.sublime-workspace |
| Cargo.lock |
| !/third_party/rust_crates/**/Cargo.lock |
| Cargo.toml |
| !/third_party/rust_crates/**/Cargo.toml |
| CMakeLists.txt |
| compile_commands.json |
| cmake-build-debug/ |
| cscope.* |
| default.profraw |
| rls*.log |
| Session.vim |
| tags |
| Thumbs.db |
| tools/cipd.gni |
| topaz/ |
| vendor/ |
| !/third_party/rust_crates/vendor |
| tmp/ |
| |
| ### Specific files |
| /garnet/tools/cipd.gni |
| |
| ### Directories to be ignored across the tree |
| .cipd/ |
| .idea/ |
| |
| ### Top-level directories |
| /.jiri/ |
| /.jiri_root/ |
| /integration/ |
| # For storing local scripts and data files in a source tree. |
| /local/ |
| /out/ |
| /prebuilt/ |
| /test_data/ |
| /third_party/* |
| !/third_party/rust_crates |
| /tmp/ |
| /topaz/ |
| /vendor/ |
| /src/experiences |
| |
| # All files in vendor need to be delivered as is, as they use |
| # checksumming to ensure secure package delivery. |
| !/third_party/rust_crates/vendor/** |