blob: 1f7798b2bba26f4916a558f1ae3efc9269f17cfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/virtualization/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <deque>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <virtio/virtio_ids.h>
#include <virtio/vsock.h>
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/virtio_device.h"
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/virtio_queue_waiter.h"
static constexpr uint16_t kVirtioVsockNumQueues = 3;
// VsockChain is a thin wrapper around a VirtioDescriptor and associated index.
// TODO( Replace with VirtioChain when possible.
class VsockChain {
// Read a VsockChain from the given queue.
// The function discards any invalid descriptors, returning either a
// descriptor or std::nullopt if the no descriptors are available on the queue.
// Return std::nullopt if no descriptors were available on the queue.
static std::optional<VsockChain> FromQueue(VirtioQueue* queue, bool writable);
// Get the head descriptor of this chain.
const VirtioDescriptor& desc() const { return desc_; }
// Get the parent queue of this chain.
VirtioQueue* queue() const { return queue_; }
// Return a pointer to the virtio_vsock_hdr_t header associated with this chain.
// This points to the first sizeof(virtio_vsock_hdr_t) bytes of the chain's payload.
virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header() const;
// Return this chain back to the origin queue.
// Must be called prior to destruction.
void Return(uint32_t used);
// Move only.
VsockChain(VsockChain&&) noexcept;
VsockChain& operator=(VsockChain&&) noexcept;
VsockChain(VirtioQueue* queue, uint16_t index, const VirtioDescriptor& desc)
: queue_(queue), index_(index), desc_(desc) {}
// Release ownership of the chain.
void Release();
VirtioQueue* queue_ = nullptr; // Source VirtioQueue.
uint16_t index_ = 0; // Index of the head descriptor.
VirtioDescriptor desc_{}; // Head descriptor.
// ConnectionKey stores the source/destination cid/ports of a connection.
struct ConnectionKey {
// The host-side of the connection is represented by local_cid and
// local_port.
uint32_t local_cid;
uint32_t local_port;
// The guest-side of the connection is represented by remote_cid and
// remote_port.
uint32_t remote_cid;
uint32_t remote_port;
bool operator==(const ConnectionKey& key) const {
return local_cid == key.local_cid && local_port == key.local_port &&
remote_cid == key.remote_cid && remote_port == key.remote_port;
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const ConnectionKey& key) const;
// Allows direct sends to a VirtIO queue, buffering if required.
// Buffered packets will not automatically be sent, but will be retried
// next time StartWrite(), Write() or Drain() are called.
class VsockSendQueue {
explicit VsockSendQueue(VirtioQueue* queue);
// Return a VsockChain to the virtio queue if available.
// Drains buffered packets first to ensure FIFO ordering is maintained.
std::optional<VsockChain> StartWrite();
// Write a header-only packet to the queue, buffering it if no descriptors
// are available.
void Write(const virtio_vsock_hdr_t& header);
// Write out buffered packets.
// Return true if all buffered packets packets have been successfully
// sent.
bool Drain();
// Get the number of buffered packets waiting to be sent.
size_t buffered_packets() const { return send_buffer_.size(); }
// Attempt to write the header-only packet to the queue.
// Returns true on success.
bool TryWritePacket(const virtio_vsock_hdr_t& packet);
VirtioQueue* queue_;
std::deque<virtio_vsock_hdr_t> send_buffer_; // Buffered metadata packets for sending.
class VirtioVsock
: public VirtioInprocessDevice<VIRTIO_ID_VSOCK, kVirtioVsockNumQueues, virtio_vsock_config_t>,
public fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockEndpoint,
public fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor {
VirtioVsock(sys::ComponentContext* context, const PhysMem&, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// Bind to the given GuestVsockEndpoint interface request.
void Bind(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockEndpoint> request);
uint32_t guest_cid() const;
// Check whether a connection exists. The connection is identified by a local
// tuple, local_cid/local_port, and a remote tuple, guest_cid/remote_port. The
// local tuple identifies the host-side of the connection, and the remote
// tuple identifies the guest-side of the connection.
bool HasConnection(uint32_t local_cid, uint32_t local_port, uint32_t remote_port) const;
VirtioQueue* rx_queue() { return queue(0); }
VirtioQueue* tx_queue() { return queue(1); }
class Connection;
using ConnectionMap =
std::unordered_map<ConnectionKey, std::unique_ptr<Connection>, ConnectionKey::Hash>;
using ConnectionSet = std::unordered_set<ConnectionKey, ConnectionKey::Hash>;
// |fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockEndpoint|
void SetContextId(
uint32_t cid, fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::virtualization::HostVsockConnector> connector,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor> acceptor) override;
// |fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor|
void Accept(uint32_t src_cid, uint32_t src_port, uint32_t port, zx::socket socket,
fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor::AcceptCallback callback) override;
void ConnectCallback(ConnectionKey key, zx_status_t status, zx::socket socket, uint32_t buf_alloc,
uint32_t fwd_cnt);
zx_status_t AddConnectionLocked(ConnectionKey key, std::unique_ptr<Connection> conn)
Connection* GetConnectionLocked(ConnectionKey key) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Release resources associated with the given connection, and notify all bound
// GuestVsockEndpoint's of the termination.
void RemoveConnectionLocked(ConnectionKey key) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex_);
void WaitOnQueueLocked(ConnectionKey key) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Process an incoming packet from the guest.
void ProcessIncomingPacket(const VsockChain& chain) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Process a ready-to-send connection, writing any pending data to the
// guest's RX queue.
// Returns true if the connection was processed (and more connections can be
// processed), or false if now descriptors were available in the guest's RX
// queue.
bool ProcessReadyConnection(ConnectionKey key) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex_);
void Mux(async_dispatcher_t*, async::WaitBase*, zx_status_t, const zx_packet_signal_t*);
void Demux(async_dispatcher_t*, async::WaitBase*, zx_status_t, const zx_packet_signal_t*);
// Return true if the number of buffered messages exceeds a maximum threshold.
bool is_send_queue_full() const;
async_dispatcher_t* const dispatcher_;
// Waiter objects notifying us when the TX/RX virtio queues are ready.
async::WaitMethod<VirtioVsock, &VirtioVsock::Mux> rx_queue_wait_;
async::WaitMethod<VirtioVsock, &VirtioVsock::Demux> tx_queue_wait_;
// TODO( Evaluate granularity of locking.
mutable std::mutex mutex_;
ConnectionMap connections_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
ConnectionSet readable_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
// NOTE(abdulla): We ignore the event queue, as we don't support VM migration.
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockEndpoint> endpoint_bindings_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor> acceptor_bindings_;
fuchsia::virtualization::HostVsockConnectorPtr connector_;
VsockSendQueue send_queue_;
class VirtioVsock::Connection {
// Create a new Connection object.
static std::unique_ptr<VirtioVsock::Connection> Create(
const ConnectionKey& key, zx::socket socket, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor::AcceptCallback accept_callback,
fit::closure queue_callback);
zx_status_t Init();
uint16_t op() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(op_update_mutex_);
return op_;
// Process an incoming packet, updating internal state as required.
// Returns ZX_OK on success. On error, the connection be terminated.
zx_status_t Receive(VirtioQueue* queue, virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header, const VirtioDescriptor& desc);
// Send an outgoing packet to the given descriptor.
// Returns ZX_OK on success. On error, the connection should be shut down.
zx_status_t Transmit(VirtioQueue* queue, virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header, const VirtioDescriptor& desc,
uint32_t* used);
void UpdateOp(uint16_t op);
void SetCredit(uint32_t buf_alloc, uint32_t fwd_cnt);
zx_status_t WaitOnTransmit();
zx_status_t WaitOnReceive();
Connection(const ConnectionKey& key, zx::socket socket, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor::AcceptCallback accept_callback,
fit::closure queue_callback);
zx_status_t Accept();
uint32_t PeerFree() const;
// Read credit from the header.
void ReadCredit(virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header);
// Write credit to the header. If this function returns:
// - ZX_OK, it indicates to the device that it was successful.
// - ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE, it indicates to the device that there is no buffer
// available, and should wait for the connection to transmit data.
// - Anything else, it indicates to the device the connection should be reset.
zx_status_t WriteCredit(virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header);
zx_status_t Shutdown(uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t Read(VirtioQueue* queue, virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header, const VirtioDescriptor& desc,
uint32_t* used);
zx_status_t Write(VirtioQueue* queue, virtio_vsock_hdr_t* header, const VirtioDescriptor& desc);
void OnReady(zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
mutable std::mutex op_update_mutex_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
uint32_t flags_ = 0;
uint32_t rx_cnt_ = 0;
uint32_t tx_cnt_ = 0;
uint32_t peer_buf_alloc_ = 0;
uint32_t peer_fwd_cnt_ = 0;
uint16_t op_ __TA_GUARDED(op_update_mutex_) = VIRTIO_VSOCK_OP_REQUEST;
// The number of bytes the guest expects us to have in our socket buffer.
// This is the last credit_update sent minus any bytes we've received since
// that update was sent.
// When this is 0 we'll need to send a CREDIT_UPDATE once buffer space has
// been free'd so that the guest knows it can resume transmitting.
size_t reported_buf_avail_ = 0;
fuchsia::virtualization::GuestVsockAcceptor::AcceptCallback accept_callback_;
// Callback triggered when data is available on the socket.
fit::closure queue_callback_;
// Source/dest port/cids associated with this connection.
const ConnectionKey key_;
// Notification objects for when the Zircon socket has data ready on it
// and when it has space available for writing to.
async::Wait rx_wait_;
async::Wait tx_wait_;
// The Zircon socket we are marshalling data to/from.
zx::socket socket_;