blob: 6e96be648cd72329471f8f363ab7a7dd51269542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/virtualization/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/zx/guest.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <array>
#include <forward_list>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/device/phys_mem.h"
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/io.h"
#include "src/virtualization/bin/vmm/vcpu.h"
enum class TrapType {
class Guest {
#if __aarch64__
// hypervisor::IdAllocator<uint16_t, 8>
static constexpr size_t kMaxVcpus = 8u;
#elif __x86_64__
// hypervisor::IdAllocator<uint16_t, 64>
static constexpr size_t kMaxVcpus = 64u;
#error Unknown architecture.
using VcpuArray = std::array<std::optional<Vcpu>, kMaxVcpus>;
using IoMappingList = std::forward_list<IoMapping>;
zx_status_t Init(uint64_t guest_memory);
const PhysMem& phys_mem() const { return phys_mem_; }
const zx::guest& object() { return guest_; }
// Setup a trap to delegate accesses to an IO region to |handler|.
zx_status_t CreateMapping(TrapType type, uint64_t addr, size_t size, uint64_t offset,
IoHandler* handler, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Creates a VMAR for a specific region of guest memory.
zx_status_t CreateSubVmar(uint64_t addr, size_t size, zx::vmar* vmar);
// Starts a VCPU. The first VCPU must have an |id| of 0.
zx_status_t StartVcpu(uint64_t id, zx_gpaddr_t entry, zx_gpaddr_t boot_ptr, async::Loop* loop);
// Signals an interrupt to the VCPUs indicated by |mask|.
zx_status_t Interrupt(uint64_t mask, uint32_t vector);
// Returns zx_system_get_page_size aligned guest memory.
static uint64_t GetPageAlignedGuestMemory(uint64_t guest_memory);
// Attempts to page align the start and end of a guest memory region. Returns false if the
// resulting region is zero (or less) pages long.
static bool PageAlignGuestMemoryRegion(GuestMemoryRegion& region);
// Returns a non-overlapping list of restricted memory regions, ordered by base address.
static cpp20::span<const GuestMemoryRegion> GetDefaultRestrictionsForArchitecture();
// Generates guest memory regions with total size |guest_memory|, avoiding any device memory.
static bool GenerateGuestMemoryRegions(uint64_t guest_memory,
cpp20::span<const GuestMemoryRegion> restrictions,
std::vector<GuestMemoryRegion>* regions);
const IoMappingList& mappings() const { return mappings_; }
const VcpuArray& vcpus() const { return vcpus_; }
const std::vector<GuestMemoryRegion>& memory_regions() const { return memory_regions_; }
zx::guest guest_;
zx::vmar vmar_;
PhysMem phys_mem_;
IoMappingList mappings_;
std::vector<GuestMemoryRegion> memory_regions_;
std::shared_mutex mutex_;
VcpuArray vcpus_;