blob: b6315fbc9571ee3fcb457cef2e6535f3b20ae3ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
fuchsia_fs::{directory::*, file::*, node::OpenError},
fuchsia_zircon::{Event, Status},
// A convenience wrapper over a FIDL DirectoryProxy.
// Functions of this struct do not tolerate FIDL errors and will panic when they encounter them.
pub struct Directory {
proxy: fio::DirectoryProxy,
impl Directory {
// Opens a path in the namespace as a Directory.
pub fn from_namespace(
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Directory, Status> {
let path = path.as_ref().to_str().unwrap();
match fuchsia_fs::directory::open_in_namespace(path, flags) {
Ok(proxy) => Ok(Directory { proxy }),
Err(OpenError::OpenError(s)) => {
debug!("from_namespace {} failed: {}", path, s);
Err(OpenError::SendOpenRequest(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during open: {}", e);
Err(OpenError::OnOpenEventStreamClosed) => Err(Status::PEER_CLOSED),
Err(OpenError::Namespace(s)) => Err(s),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during open: {}", e),
// Open a directory in the parent dir with the given |filename|.
pub async fn open_directory(
filename: &str,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Directory, Status> {
match fuchsia_fs::directory::open_directory(&self.proxy, filename, flags).await {
Ok(proxy) => Ok(Directory { proxy }),
Err(OpenError::OpenError(s)) => {
debug!("open_directory({},{:?}) failed: {}", filename, flags, s);
Err(OpenError::SendOpenRequest(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during open: {}", e);
Err(OpenError::OnOpenEventStreamClosed) => Err(Status::PEER_CLOSED),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during open: {}", e),
// Open a file in the parent dir with the given |filename|.
pub async fn open_file(&self, filename: &str, flags: fio::OpenFlags) -> Result<File, Status> {
match fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(&self.proxy, filename, flags).await {
Ok(proxy) => Ok(File { proxy }),
Err(OpenError::OpenError(s)) => {
debug!("open_file({},{:?}) failed: {}", filename, flags, s);
Err(OpenError::SendOpenRequest(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during open: {}", e);
Err(OpenError::OnOpenEventStreamClosed) => Err(Status::PEER_CLOSED),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during open: {}", e),
// Creates a directory named |filename| within this directory.
pub async fn create_directory(
filename: &str,
flags: fio::OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Directory, Status> {
match fuchsia_fs::directory::create_directory(&self.proxy, filename, flags).await {
Ok(proxy) => Ok(Directory { proxy }),
Err(OpenError::OpenError(s)) => {
debug!("create_directory({},{:?}) failed: {}", filename, flags, s);
Err(OpenError::SendOpenRequest(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during create: {}", e);
Err(OpenError::OnOpenEventStreamClosed) => Err(Status::PEER_CLOSED),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during create: {}", e),
// Delete a file from the directory
pub async fn remove(&self, filename: &str) -> Result<(), Status> {
match self.proxy.unlink(filename, fio::UnlinkOptions::EMPTY).await {
Ok(result) => Status::ok(match result {
Ok(()) => 0,
Err(status) => status,
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during remove: {}", e);
// Renames |src_name| inside the directory to be |dst_name| within |dst_parent|.
// Neither |src_name| nor |dst_name| may contain '/' except at the end of either string.
pub async fn rename(
src_name: &str,
dst_parent: &Directory,
dst_name: &str,
) -> Result<(), Status> {
let dst_token = match dst_parent.proxy.get_token().await {
Ok((_raw_status_code, Some(handle))) => Ok(handle),
Ok((_raw_status_code, None)) => {
panic!("No handle");
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during rename: {}", e);
match self.proxy.rename(src_name, Event::from(dst_token), dst_name).await {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during rename: {}", e);
// Return a list of filenames in the directory
pub async fn entries(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, Status> {
match fuchsia_fs::directory::readdir(&self.proxy).await {
Ok(entries) => Ok(entries.iter().map(|entry|,
Err(fuchsia_fs::directory::Error::Fidl(_, e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error reading dirents: {}", e);
Err(fuchsia_fs::directory::Error::ReadDirents(s)) => Err(s),
Err(e) => {
panic!("Unexpected error reading dirents: {}", e);
// A convenience wrapper over a FIDL FileProxy.
// Functions of this struct do not tolerate FIDL errors and will panic when they encounter them.
pub struct File {
proxy: fio::FileProxy,
impl File {
// Set the length of the file
pub async fn truncate(&self, length: u64) -> Result<(), Status> {
match self.proxy.resize(length).await {
Ok(result) => result.map_err(Status::from_raw),
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during truncate: {}", e);
// Write the contents of `data` to the file.
pub async fn write(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Status> {
match write(&self.proxy, data).await {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(WriteError::Fidl(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during write: {}", e);
Err(WriteError::WriteError(s)) => Err(s),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during write: {:?}", e),
// Get the size of this file as it exists on disk
pub async fn size_on_disk(&self) -> Result<u64, Status> {
match self.proxy.get_attr().await {
Ok((raw_status_code, attr)) => {
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during size_on_disk: {}", e)
// Get the uncompressed size of this file (as it would exist in memory)
pub async fn uncompressed_size(&self) -> Result<u64, Status> {
match self.proxy.get_attr().await {
Ok((raw_status_code, attr)) => {
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during size_on_disk: {}", e)
// Read `num_bytes` of the file from the current offset.
// This function may return less bytes than expected.
pub async fn read_num_bytes(&self, num_bytes: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Status> {
match read_num_bytes(&self.proxy, num_bytes).await {
Ok(data) => Ok(data),
Err(ReadError::Fidl(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during read_exact_num_bytes: {}", e);
Err(ReadError::ReadError(s)) => Err(s),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during read: {:?}", e),
// Read from the current offset until EOF
pub async fn read_until_eof(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Status> {
match read(&self.proxy).await {
Ok(data) => Ok(data),
Err(ReadError::Fidl(e)) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during read_until_eof: {}", e);
Err(ReadError::ReadError(s)) => Err(s),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error during read_until_eof: {:?}", e),
// Set the offset of the file
pub async fn seek(&self, origin: fio::SeekOrigin, offset: u64) -> Result<(), Status> {
match, offset as i64).await {
Ok(result) => result.map_err(Status::from_raw).map(|_: u64| ()),
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during seek: {}", e);
// Gracefully close the file by informing the filesystem
pub async fn close(self) -> Result<(), Status> {
match self.proxy.close().await {
Ok(result) => result.map_err(Status::from_raw),
Err(e) => {
if e.is_closed() {
} else {
panic!("Unexpected FIDL error during close: {}", e);
impl Clone for Directory {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let new_proxy =
clone_no_describe(&self.proxy, Some(fio::OpenFlags::CLONE_SAME_RIGHTS)).unwrap();
Self { proxy: new_proxy }