blob: 683500feccc2e1f88feadf97c9ebd974de5a365b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <id_allocator/id_allocator.h>
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/extent_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/allocator/node_reserver.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/common.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/format.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/node_finder.h"
namespace blobfs {
struct BlockRegion {
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t length;
// Base class for managing the blobfs block bitmap and node allocations. Allows for reserving blocks
// and nodes without updating the allocations so the reservations are not persisted prematurely.
class BaseAllocator : private ExtentReserver, private NodeReserverInterface, public NodeFinder {
using ExtentReserver::ReservedBlockCount;
BaseAllocator(RawBitmap block_bitmap, std::unique_ptr<id_allocator::IdAllocator> node_bitmap);
~BaseAllocator() override = default;
// Returns true if [start_block, end_block) is allocated.
// If any blocks are unallocated, will set the optional output parameter |out_first_unset| to
// the first unallocated block within this range.
bool CheckBlocksAllocated(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t end_block,
uint64_t* out_first_unallocated = nullptr) const;
// Returns true if the block is allocated. If the block_number is invalid, returns error.
zx::status<bool> IsBlockAllocated(uint64_t block_number) const;
// Reserves space for blocks in memory. Does not update disk.
// On success, appends the (possibly non-contiguous) region of allocated blocks to |out_extents|.
// On failure, |out_extents| is cleared.
zx_status_t ReserveBlocks(uint64_t num_blocks, std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents);
// Marks blocks as allocated which have previously been reserved.
void MarkBlocksAllocated(const ReservedExtent& reserved_extent);
// Frees blocks which have already been allocated (in-memory).
// |extent| must represent a portion of the block map which has already been allocated. Returns a
// ReservedExtent which keeps the blocks reserved until destroyed (which allows us to hold the
// blocks until the transaction commits).
ReservedExtent FreeBlocks(const Extent& extent);
// Reserves space for nodes in memory. Does not update disk.
// On success, appends the (possibly non-contiguous) nodes to |out_nodes|. On failure, |out_nodes|
// is cleared.
zx_status_t ReserveNodes(uint64_t num_nodes, std::vector<ReservedNode>* out_nodes);
// blobfs::NodeReserverInterface interface.
zx::status<ReservedNode> ReserveNode() override;
void UnreserveNode(ReservedNode node) override;
uint64_t ReservedNodeCount() const override;
// Marks a reserved node by updating the node map to indicate it is an allocated inode.
void MarkInodeAllocated(ReservedNode node);
// Marks a reserved node by updating the node map to indicate it is an allocated extent container.
// Makes |node| follow |previous_node_index| in the extent container list.
zx_status_t MarkContainerNodeAllocated(ReservedNode node, uint32_t previous_node_index);
// Mark a node allocated. The node may or may not be reserved.
void MarkNodeAllocated(uint32_t node_index);
// Frees a node which has already been committed. Returns an error if the node could not be freed.
zx_status_t FreeNode(uint32_t node_index);
// Record the location and size of all non-free block regions.
std::vector<BlockRegion> GetAllocatedRegions() const;
// Requests that blobfs increase the size of it's data section by |block_count| blocks.
virtual zx::status<> AddBlocks(uint64_t block_count) = 0;
// Requests that blobfs increase the size of it's node map.
virtual zx::status<> AddNodes() = 0;
RawBitmap& GetBlockBitmap() { return block_bitmap_; }
const RawBitmap& GetBlockBitmap() const { return block_bitmap_; }
id_allocator::IdAllocator& GetNodeBitmap() { return *node_bitmap_; }
const id_allocator::IdAllocator& GetNodeBitmap() const { return *node_bitmap_; }
// Returns true if [start_block, end_block) are unallocated.
bool CheckBlocksUnallocated(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t end_block) const;
// Avoids a collision with the committed block map, moving the starting location / block length to
// find a region with no collision.
// Returns true if we should restart searching to attempt to maximally munch from the allocation
// pool.
bool FindUnallocatedExtent(uint64_t start, uint64_t block_length, uint64_t* out_start,
uint64_t* out_block_length);
// Identifies the subset of blocks which don't collide with pending reservations. If any
// collisions exist, maximally munches the available free space into newly reserved extents.
// It is assumed that [start, start + block_length) is unallocated; this is internally asserted.
// |FindUnallocatedExtent| should be invoked first to provide this guarantee.
// Returns true if we should restart searching to attempt to maximally munch from the allocation
// pool. Otherwise, no collisions with pending reservations exist.
bool MunchUnreservedExtents(bitmap::RleBitmap::const_iterator reserved_iterator,
uint64_t remaining_blocks, uint64_t start, uint64_t block_length,
std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents,
bitmap::RleBitmap::const_iterator* out_reserved_iterator,
uint64_t* out_remaining_blocks, uint64_t* out_start,
uint64_t* out_block_length) __TA_REQUIRES(mutex());
// Searches for |num_blocks| free blocks between the block_map_ and reserved_blocks_ bitmaps.
// Appends the (possibly non-contiguous) region of allocated blocks to |out_extents|.
// May fail if not enough blocks can be found. In this case, an error will be returned, and the
// number of found blocks will be returned in |out_actual_blocks|. This result is guaranteed to be
// less than or equal to |num_blocks|.
zx_status_t FindBlocks(uint64_t start, uint64_t num_blocks,
std::vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents, uint64_t* out_actual_blocks);
// Finds an unallocated node.
zx::status<uint32_t> FindNode();
// The number of nodes currently reserved.
uint64_t reserved_node_count_ = 0;
RawBitmap block_bitmap_;
std::unique_ptr<id_allocator::IdAllocator> node_bitmap_;
} // namespace blobfs