blob: 5a9389d37fcdb0010af894cdcdf47c3e8898edd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utilities for loading ELF files into an existing address space.
use {
crate::elf_parse as elf,
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef},
std::ffi::{CStr, CString},
/// Possible errors that can occur during ELF loading.
#[allow(missing_docs)] // No docs on individual error variants.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ElfLoadError {
#[error("ELF load segments were empty")]
#[error("Failed to allocate VMAR for ELF: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to map VMAR: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to create CoW VMO clone: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to create VMO: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to read from VMO: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to write to VMO: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to get VMO name: {}", _0)]
#[error("Failed to set VMO name: {}", _0)]
impl ElfLoadError {
/// Returns an appropriate zx::Status code for the given error.
pub fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
ElfLoadError::NothingToLoad => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
| ElfLoadError::VmarMap(s)
| ElfLoadError::VmoCowClone(s)
| ElfLoadError::VmoCreate(s)
| ElfLoadError::VmoRead(s)
| ElfLoadError::VmoWrite(s)
| ElfLoadError::GetVmoName(s)
| ElfLoadError::SetVmoName(s) => *s,
/// Information on what an ELF requires of its address space.
pub struct LoadedElfInfo {
/// The lowest address of the loaded ELF.
pub low: usize,
/// The highest address of the loaded ELF.
pub high: usize,
/// Union of all address space permissions required to load the ELF.
pub max_perm: elf::SegmentFlags,
/// Returns the address space requirements to load this ELF. Attempting to load it into a VMAR with
/// permissions less than max_perm, or at a base such that the range [base+low, base+high] is not
/// entirely valid, will fail.
pub fn loaded_elf_info(headers: &elf::Elf64Headers) -> LoadedElfInfo {
let (mut first, mut low, mut high) = (true, 0, 0);
let mut max_perm = elf::SegmentFlags::empty();
for hdr in headers.program_headers_with_type(elf::SegmentType::Load) {
// elf_parse already checked that segments are ordered by vaddr and do not overlap.
if first {
low = util::page_start(hdr.vaddr);
first = false;
high = util::page_end(hdr.vaddr + hdr.memsz as usize);
max_perm |= hdr.flags();
LoadedElfInfo { low, high, max_perm }
/// Return value of load_elf.
pub struct LoadedElf {
/// The VMAR that the ELF file was loaded into.
pub vmar: zx::Vmar,
/// The virtual address of the VMAR.
pub vmar_base: usize,
/// The ELF entry point, adjusted for the base address of the VMAR.
pub entry: usize,
/// A trait so that callers of map_elf_segments can hook the map operation.
pub trait Mapper {
/// Map memory from the given VMO at the specified location.
/// See zx::Vmar::map for more details.
fn map(
vmar_offset: usize,
vmo: &zx::Vmo,
vmo_offset: u64,
length: usize,
flags: zx::VmarFlags,
) -> Result<usize, zx::Status>;
impl Mapper for zx::Vmar {
fn map(
vmar_offset: usize,
vmo: &zx::Vmo,
vmo_offset: u64,
length: usize,
flags: zx::VmarFlags,
) -> Result<usize, zx::Status> {
Self::map(self, vmar_offset, vmo, vmo_offset, length, flags)
/// Load an ELF into a new sub-VMAR of the specified root.
pub fn load_elf(
vmo: &zx::Vmo,
headers: &elf::Elf64Headers,
root_vmar: &zx::Vmar,
) -> Result<LoadedElf, ElfLoadError> {
let info = loaded_elf_info(headers);
let size = info.high - info.low;
if size == 0 {
return Err(ElfLoadError::NothingToLoad);
// Individual mappings with be restricted based on segment permissions, but we also limit the
// overall VMAR to the maximum permissions required across all load segments.
let flags = zx::VmarFlags::CAN_MAP_SPECIFIC | elf_to_vmar_can_map_flags(&info.max_perm);
let (vmar, vmar_base) =
root_vmar.allocate(0, size, flags).map_err(|s| ElfLoadError::VmarAllocate(s))?;
// Get the relative bias between p_vaddr addresses in the headers and the allocated VMAR,
// rather than for the root VMAR. Should be equal to the first segment's starting vaddr
// negated, so that the first mapping starts at 0 within the allocated VMAR.
let vaddr_bias = vmar_base.wrapping_sub(info.low);
map_elf_segments(vmo, headers, &vmar, vmar_base, vaddr_bias)?;
Ok(LoadedElf { vmar, vmar_base, entry: headers.file_header().entry.wrapping_add(vaddr_bias) })
/// Map the segments of an ELF into an existing VMAR.
pub fn map_elf_segments(
vmo: &zx::Vmo,
headers: &elf::Elf64Headers,
mapper: &dyn Mapper,
mapper_base: usize,
vaddr_bias: usize,
) -> Result<(), ElfLoadError> {
let page_size = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
// We intentionally use wrapping subtraction here, in case the ELF file happens to use vaddr's
// that are higher than the VMAR base chosen by the kernel. Wrapping addition will be used when
// adding this bias to vaddr values.
let mapper_relative_bias = vaddr_bias.wrapping_sub(mapper_base);
let vmo_name = vmo.get_name().map_err(|s| ElfLoadError::GetVmoName(s))?;
for hdr in headers.program_headers_with_type(elf::SegmentType::Load) {
// Shift the start of the mapping down to the nearest page.
let adjust = util::page_offset(hdr.offset);
let mut file_offset = hdr.offset - adjust;
let file_size = hdr.filesz + adjust as u64;
let virt_offset = hdr.vaddr - adjust;
let virt_size = hdr.memsz + adjust as u64;
// Calculate the virtual address range that this mapping needs to cover. These addresses
// are relative to the allocated VMAR, not the root VMAR.
let virt_addr = virt_offset.wrapping_add(mapper_relative_bias);
// If the segment is specified as larger than the data in the file, and the data in the file
// does not end at a page boundary, we will need to zero out the remaining memory in the
// page.
let must_write = virt_size > file_size && util::page_offset(file_size as usize) != 0;
// If this segment is writeable (and we're mapping in some VMO content, i.e. it's not
// all zero initialized) or the segment has a BSS section that needs to be zeroed, create
// a writeable clone of the VMO. Otherwise use the potentially read-only VMO passed in.
let vmo_to_map: &zx::Vmo;
let writeable_vmo: zx::Vmo;
if must_write || (file_size > 0 && hdr.flags().contains(elf::SegmentFlags::WRITE)) {
writeable_vmo = vmo
file_offset as u64,
util::page_end(file_size as usize) as u64,
.set_name(&vmo_name_with_prefix(&vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_DATA))
// Update addresses into the VMO that will be mapped.
file_offset = 0;
// Zero-out the memory between the end of the filesize and the end of the page.
if virt_size > file_size {
// If the space to be zero-filled overlaps with the VMO, we need to memset it.
let memset_size = util::page_end(file_size as usize) - file_size as usize;
if memset_size > 0 {
.write(&vec![0u8; memset_size], file_size)
.map_err(|s| ElfLoadError::VmoWrite(s))?;
vmo_to_map = &writeable_vmo;
} else {
vmo_to_map = vmo;
// Create the VMO part of the mapping.
let flags = zx::VmarFlags::SPECIFIC | elf_to_vmar_perm_flags(&hdr.flags());
if file_size != 0 {
file_offset as u64,
util::page_end(file_size as usize),
// If the mapping is specified as larger than the data in the file (i.e. virt_size is
// larger than file_size), the remainder of the space (from virt_addr + file_size to
// virt_addr + virt_size) is the BSS and must be filled with zeros.
if virt_size > file_size {
// The rest of the BSS is created as an anonymous vmo.
let bss_vmo_start = util::page_end(file_size as usize);
let bss_vmo_size = util::page_end(virt_size as usize) - bss_vmo_start;
if bss_vmo_size > 0 {
let anon_vmo =
zx::Vmo::create(bss_vmo_size as u64).map_err(|s| ElfLoadError::VmoCreate(s))?;
.set_name(&vmo_name_with_prefix(&vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_BSS))
let mut page_buf = Vec::with_capacity(page_size);
page_buf.resize(page_size, 0u8);
.map(virt_addr + bss_vmo_start, &anon_vmo, 0, bss_vmo_size, flags)
// These must not be longer than zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN.
const VMO_NAME_UNKNOWN: &[u8] = b"<unknown ELF>";
const VMO_NAME_PREFIX_BSS: &[u8] = b"bss:";
const VMO_NAME_PREFIX_DATA: &[u8] = b"data:";
// prefix length must be less than zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN-1 and not contain any nul bytes.
fn vmo_name_with_prefix(name: &CStr, prefix: &[u8]) -> CString {
const MAX_LEN: usize = zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1;
assert!(prefix.len() <= MAX_LEN);
let mut name_bytes = name.to_bytes();
if name_bytes.len() == 0 {
name_bytes = VMO_NAME_UNKNOWN;
let name_len = std::cmp::min(MAX_LEN, prefix.len() + name_bytes.len());
let suffix_len = name_len - prefix.len();
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(name_len);
assert!(buf.len() <= MAX_LEN);
// The input name is already a CStr, so it doesn't contain nul, so this should only fail if the
// prefix contains a nul, and since the prefixes are constants, panic if this fails.
CString::new(buf).expect("Unexpected nul byte in prefix")
fn elf_to_vmar_can_map_flags(elf_flags: &elf::SegmentFlags) -> zx::VmarFlags {
let mut flags = zx::VmarFlags::empty();
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::READ) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::CAN_MAP_READ;
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::WRITE) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::CAN_MAP_WRITE;
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::EXECUTE) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::CAN_MAP_EXECUTE;
fn elf_to_vmar_perm_flags(elf_flags: &elf::SegmentFlags) -> zx::VmarFlags {
let mut flags = zx::VmarFlags::empty();
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::READ) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::PERM_READ;
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::WRITE) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::PERM_WRITE;
if elf_flags.contains(elf::SegmentFlags::EXECUTE) {
flags |= zx::VmarFlags::PERM_EXECUTE;
mod tests {
use {
super::*, crate::elf_parse, anyhow::Error, assert_matches::assert_matches,
fidl::HandleBased, lazy_static::lazy_static, std::cell::RefCell, std::mem::size_of,
fn test_vmo_name_with_prefix() -> Result<(), Error> {
let empty_vmo_name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"\0")?;
let short_vmo_name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"short_vmo_name\0")?;
let max_vmo_name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"a_great_maximum_length_vmo_name\0")?;
vmo_name_with_prefix(&empty_vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_BSS).as_bytes(),
b"bss:<unknown ELF>"
vmo_name_with_prefix(&short_vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_BSS).as_bytes(),
vmo_name_with_prefix(&max_vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_BSS).as_bytes(),
vmo_name_with_prefix(&max_vmo_name, VMO_NAME_PREFIX_DATA).as_bytes(),
vmo_name_with_prefix(&empty_vmo_name, b"a_long_vmo_name_prefix:").as_bytes(),
vmo_name_with_prefix(&empty_vmo_name, max_vmo_name.to_bytes()).as_bytes(),
vmo_name_with_prefix(&max_vmo_name, max_vmo_name.to_bytes()).as_bytes(),
struct RecordedMapping {
vmo: zx::Vmo,
vmo_offset: u64,
length: usize,
/// Records which VMOs and the offset within them are to be mapped.
struct TrackingMapper(RefCell<Vec<RecordedMapping>>);
impl TrackingMapper {
fn new() -> Self {
impl IntoIterator for TrackingMapper {
type Item = RecordedMapping;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Mapper for TrackingMapper {
fn map(
vmar_offset: usize,
vmo: &zx::Vmo,
vmo_offset: u64,
length: usize,
_flags: zx::VmarFlags,
) -> Result<usize, zx::Status> {
self.0.borrow_mut().push(RecordedMapping {
vmo: vmo.as_handle_ref().duplicate(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS).unwrap().into(),
/// A basic ELF64 File header with one program header.
const ELF_FILE_HEADER: &elf_parse::Elf64FileHeader = &elf_parse::Elf64FileHeader {
ident: elf_parse::ElfIdent {
magic: elf_parse::ELF_MAGIC,
class: elf_parse::ElfClass::Elf64 as u8,
data: elf_parse::NATIVE_ENCODING as u8,
version: elf_parse::ElfVersion::Current as u8,
osabi: 0x00,
abiversion: 0x00,
pad: [0; 7],
elf_type: elf_parse::ElfType::SharedObject as u16,
machine: elf_parse::CURRENT_ARCH as u16,
version: elf_parse::ElfVersion::Current as u32,
entry: 0x10000,
phoff: size_of::<elf_parse::Elf64FileHeader>(),
shoff: 0,
flags: 0,
ehsize: size_of::<elf_parse::Elf64FileHeader>() as u16,
phentsize: size_of::<elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader>() as u16,
phnum: 1,
shentsize: 0,
shnum: 0,
shstrndx: 0,
// The bitwise `|` operator for `bitflags` is implemented through the `std::ops::BitOr` trait,
// which cannot be used in a const context. The workaround is to bitwise OR the raw bits.
const VMO_DEFAULT_RIGHTS: zx::Rights = zx::Rights::from_bits_truncate(
| zx::Rights::TRANSFER.bits()
| zx::Rights::READ.bits()
| zx::Rights::WRITE.bits()
| zx::Rights::MAP.bits()
| zx::Rights::GET_PROPERTY.bits()
| zx::Rights::SET_PROPERTY.bits(),
fn map_read_only_with_page_unaligned_bss() {
const ELF_DATA: &[u8; 8] = b"FUCHSIA!";
// Contains a PT_LOAD segment where the filesz is less than memsz (BSS).
lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_SIZE: usize = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
static ref ELF_PROGRAM_HEADER: elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader =
elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: elf_parse::SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: elf_parse::SegmentFlags::from_bits_truncate(
| elf_parse::SegmentFlags::EXECUTE.bits(),
offset: *PAGE_SIZE,
vaddr: 0x10000,
paddr: 0x10000,
filesz: ELF_DATA.len() as u64,
memsz: 0x100,
align: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
let headers = elf_parse::Elf64Headers::new_for_test(
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(*PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2).expect("create VMO");
// Fill the VMO with 0xff, so that we can verify that the BSS section is correctly zeroed.
let data = vec![0xff; *PAGE_SIZE * 2];
vmo.write(&data, 0).expect("fill VMO with 0xff");
// Write the PT_LOAD segment's data at the defined offset.
vmo.write(ELF_DATA, *PAGE_SIZE as u64).expect("write data to VMO");
// Remove the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right. Page zeroing should happen in a COW VMO.
let vmo =
vmo.replace_handle(VMO_DEFAULT_RIGHTS - zx::Rights::WRITE).expect("remove WRITE right");
let mapper = TrackingMapper::new();
map_elf_segments(&vmo, &headers, &mapper, 0, 0).expect("map ELF segments");
let mut mapping_iter = mapper.into_iter();
// Extract the VMO and offset that was supposed to be mapped.
let mapping ="mapping from ELF VMO");
// Read a page of data that was "mapped".
let mut data = vec![0; *PAGE_SIZE]; data, mapping.vmo_offset).expect("read VMO");
// Construct the expected memory, which is ASCII "FUCHSIA!" followed by 0s for the rest of
// the page.
let expected = ELF_DATA
.chain(std::iter::repeat(0).take(*PAGE_SIZE - ELF_DATA.len()))
assert_eq!(&expected, &data);
// No more mappings expected.
assert_matches!(, None);
fn map_read_only_vmo_with_page_aligned_bss() {
// Contains a PT_LOAD segment where the BSS starts at a page boundary.
lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_SIZE: usize = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
static ref ELF_PROGRAM_HEADER: elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader =
elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: elf_parse::SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: elf_parse::SegmentFlags::from_bits_truncate(
| elf_parse::SegmentFlags::EXECUTE.bits(),
offset: *PAGE_SIZE as usize,
vaddr: 0x10000,
paddr: 0x10000,
filesz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
memsz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2,
align: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
let headers = elf_parse::Elf64Headers::new_for_test(
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(*PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2).expect("create VMO");
// Fill the VMO with 0xff, so we can verify the BSS section is correctly allocated.
let pattern = vec![0xff; *PAGE_SIZE * 2];
vmo.write(&pattern, 0).expect("fill VMO with 0xff");
// Remove the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right. Since the BSS ends at a page boundary, we shouldn't
// need to zero out any of the pages in this VMO.
let vmo =
vmo.replace_handle(VMO_DEFAULT_RIGHTS - zx::Rights::WRITE).expect("remove WRITE right");
let mapper = TrackingMapper::new();
map_elf_segments(&vmo, &headers, &mapper, 0, 0).expect("map ELF segments");
let mut mapping_iter = mapper.into_iter();
// Verify that a COW VMO was not created, since we didn't need to write to the original VMO.
// We must check that KOIDs are the same, since we duplicate the handle when recording it
// in TrackingMapper.
let mapping ="mapping from ELF VMO");
assert_eq!(mapping.vmo.get_koid().unwrap(), vmo.get_koid().unwrap());
let mut data = vec![0; *PAGE_SIZE];
// Ensure the first page is from the ELF. data, mapping.vmo_offset).expect("read ELF VMO");
assert_eq!(&data, &pattern[0..*PAGE_SIZE]);
let mapping ="mapping from BSS VMO");
// Ensure the second page is BSS. data, mapping.vmo_offset).expect("read BSS VMO");
let zero = vec![0; *PAGE_SIZE];
assert_eq!(&data, &zero);
// No more mappings expected.
assert_matches!(, None);
fn map_read_only_vmo_with_no_bss() {
// Contains a PT_LOAD segment where there is no BSS.
lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_SIZE: usize = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
static ref ELF_PROGRAM_HEADER: elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader =
elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: elf_parse::SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: elf_parse::SegmentFlags::from_bits_truncate(
| elf_parse::SegmentFlags::EXECUTE.bits(),
offset: *PAGE_SIZE as usize,
vaddr: 0x10000,
paddr: 0x10000,
filesz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
memsz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
align: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
let headers = elf_parse::Elf64Headers::new_for_test(
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(*PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2).expect("create VMO");
// Fill the VMO with 0xff, so we can verify the BSS section is correctly allocated.
let pattern = vec![0xff; *PAGE_SIZE * 2];
vmo.write(&pattern, 0).expect("fill VMO with 0xff");
// Remove the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right. Since the BSS ends at a page boundary, we shouldn't
// need to zero out any of the pages in this VMO.
let vmo =
vmo.replace_handle(VMO_DEFAULT_RIGHTS - zx::Rights::WRITE).expect("remove WRITE right");
let mapper = TrackingMapper::new();
map_elf_segments(&vmo, &headers, &mapper, 0, 0).expect("map ELF segments");
let mut mapping_iter = mapper.into_iter();
// Verify that a COW VMO was not created, since we didn't need to write to the original VMO.
// We must check that KOIDs are the same, since we duplicate the handle when recording it
// in TrackingMapper.
let mapping ="mapping from ELF VMO");
assert_eq!(mapping.vmo.get_koid().unwrap(), vmo.get_koid().unwrap());
let mut data = vec![0; *PAGE_SIZE];
// Ensure the first page is from the ELF. data, mapping.vmo_offset).expect("read ELF VMO");
assert_eq!(&data, &pattern[0..*PAGE_SIZE]);
// No more mappings expected.
assert_matches!(, None);
fn map_read_only_vmo_with_write_flag() {
// Contains a PT_LOAD segment where there is no BSS.
lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_SIZE: usize = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
static ref ELF_PROGRAM_HEADER: elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader =
elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: elf_parse::SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: elf_parse::SegmentFlags::from_bits_truncate(
| elf_parse::SegmentFlags::WRITE.bits(),
offset: *PAGE_SIZE as usize,
vaddr: 0x10000,
paddr: 0x10000,
filesz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
memsz: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
align: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
let headers = elf_parse::Elf64Headers::new_for_test(
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(*PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2).expect("create VMO");
// Remove the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right. Since the segment has a WRITE flag, a COW child VMO
// will be created.
let vmo =
vmo.replace_handle(VMO_DEFAULT_RIGHTS - zx::Rights::WRITE).expect("remove WRITE right");
let mapper = TrackingMapper::new();
map_elf_segments(&vmo, &headers, &mapper, 0, 0).expect("map ELF segments");
let mut mapping_iter = mapper.into_iter();
// Verify that a COW VMO was created, since the segment had a WRITE flag.
// We must check that KOIDs are different, since we duplicate the handle when recording it
// in TrackingMapper.
let mapping ="mapping from ELF VMO");
assert_ne!(mapping.vmo.get_koid().unwrap(), vmo.get_koid().unwrap());
// Attempt to write to the VMO to ensure it has the ZX_RIGHT_WRITE right.
mapping.vmo.write(b"FUCHSIA!", mapping.vmo_offset).expect("write to COW VMO");
// No more mappings expected.
assert_matches!(, None);
fn segment_with_zero_file_size() {
// Contains a PT_LOAD segment whose filesz is 0.
lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_SIZE: usize = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
static ref ELF_PROGRAM_HEADER: elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader =
elf_parse::Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: elf_parse::SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: elf_parse::SegmentFlags::from_bits_truncate(
| elf_parse::SegmentFlags::WRITE.bits(),
offset: *PAGE_SIZE as usize,
vaddr: 0x10000,
paddr: 0x10000,
filesz: 0,
memsz: 1,
align: *PAGE_SIZE as u64,
let headers = elf_parse::Elf64Headers::new_for_test(
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(*PAGE_SIZE as u64 * 2).expect("create VMO");
let mapper = TrackingMapper::new();
map_elf_segments(&vmo, &headers, &mapper, 0, 0).expect("map ELF segments");
for mapping in mapper.into_iter() {
assert!(mapping.length != 0);